El concepto de los cambios cerebrales relacionados con la edad y los cambios patológicos como los que se producen en la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
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La enfermedad de Alzheimer es un trastorno cerebral que progresa lentamente. En personas con la condición, los depósitos anormales de una proteína llamada amiloide-beta forman placas pegajosas en el cerebro
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Sistemas de salud sostenibles, innovación y salud digital, acceso a cuidados de calidad y una cobertura universal de salud. Estos son algunos de los temas que abordaremos en este espacio de Roche América Latina junto a referentes globales de la salud, la tecnología y las políticas públicas. El desafío es cómo llevar la promesa de la innovación y el acceso universal a una mejor calidad de vida a todos los ciudadanos del mundo. Es algo que nos concierne a todos. Únete al diálogo para estar al ...
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One Stop Recruiting knows what it takes to fill your open position for a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, or Registered Nurse.
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Hospitals face the crucial challenge of maintaining optimal staffing levels to provide quality care during high patient surges. That’s where the advantages of per diem staffing come into play, offering a flexible and efficient solution. But why are they so necessary during high patient surges? That’s what we’re ready to answer in this podcast. Don’…
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If you’ve ever wondered how to elevate the quality of care in your hospital’s cardiology wing, you’re not alone. Cardiology demands precision, expertise, and a team of highly skilled professionals. That’s where specialized staffing comes into play. In this episode, we’ll explore the importance of specialized staffing in the cardiology wing and how …
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If your facility has a pathology lab, you naturally want it to be successful and to become an asset to your providers, your health facility, and your community as a whole. Your California medical staffing agency is ready to help you hire the best people for the job so you can add excellent candidates to your pathology team. But what should you look…
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Hiring a certified nursing assistant, or CNA, is a big decision. There are many things to consider before finding the right one, from the available schedule, to the type of assistance. Our Arizona medical staffing agency will explain the most important aspects to consider when hiring a CNA and why they are so important. By listening to this informa…
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Outsourced recruiting can provide you with a pool of qualified candidates at a lower cost than hiring new staff. Additionally, it can save on advertising costs and time spent interviewing candidates. These are only a few of the advantages you can get from this type of recruiting. If you’re wondering what other benefits you can get, keep listening. …
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With the many challenges facing healthcare practices today, a growing number of healthcare administrators are turning to medical staffing agencies for assistance with recruitment and personnel retention. But not all medical staffing agencies are the same. With a great agency, you’ll receive outstanding results; working with an under qualified agenc…
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Are you wondering whether medical staffing services are the right choice for your healthcare facility? As the demand for nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals continues to grow, medical facility administrators are often left unsure how to best staff their facilities with the right people who will stay for the long term while providing…
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As the number of elderly people continues to grow, so does the need for assisted living facilities. Many business owners don’t realize that recruiting and screening staff with an Arizona medical recruiting agency is just as essential for an assisted living facility as it is for any other business. Assisted living facilities are essential in the hea…
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Employing an Arizona locum tenens staffing agency can help business owners cut costs and take on temporary employees while they’re still training. It can also help independent workers find their best temporary position. But what other advantages do locum tenens staffing agencies offer? Do they only save time, or is there anything else? In this podc…
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Servicios de Contratación de Enfermeras en Los Angeles | One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing
Para servicios de contratación de enfermeras rápidos y eficientes en Los Ángeles, ¡comuníquese con nuestros reclutadores hoy! Como la primera línea en la industria de la salud, las enfermeras son posiblemente el activo más valioso y confiable para los pacientes, gerentes y organizaciones de todos los tamaños en Los Ángeles. One Stop Recruiting & Me…
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El propósito de One Stop Recruiting es servir a las organizaciones de atención médica con la máxima profesionalidad y proveer candidatos médicos de la más alta calidad; no sólo para satisfacer, sino superar sus expectativas. Manteniendo estándares éticos de práctica, excelencia en las relaciones con los clientes y un servicio superior en todo momen…
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A First Lady, a doctor, a healthcare and cancer care advocate… There is no shortage of words to describe Dr. Zainab Shinkafi A. Bagudu. Our latest guest, Dr. Zainab as we discuss her work, her drive and her determination to overcome the cultural, societal and systemic barriers preventing Nigerian women from accessing cancer care.…
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The covid pandemic highlighted the value of diagnostics in fighting pandemics and strengthening health systems. Countries with strong diagnostics systems were better equipped to respond to the pandemic. In this episode, we are going to talk about it with Doreen Shempela and Cynthia Banda, from The Church's Health Association of Zambia Laboratory…
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It’s no secret, women’s health has been traditionally underfunded. But the past few years have seen an upsurge in funding for women-led companies, thanks in part to efforts of companies like Springboard Enterprises, who’ve made it their mission to help drive innovation, research and investment in women’s health. In this new episode of Voices for Wo…
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En este episodio contamos con la Dra. Judith Zilberman para conversar acerca de las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) y las diferencias entre cómo afectan a los hombres y las mujeres. Las ECV son la primera causa de muerte en el mundo, inclusive entre las mujeres; sin embargo, la creencia de que las condiciones ginecológicas son la primera amenaz…
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Virginia Abello, presidente de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología (ACHO), nos habla sobre cómo podemos hacer frente a las barreras del acceso a una atención oncológica de calidad y reforzar la capacidad de recuperación de los sistemas sanitarios ante futuras emergencias, partiendo del análisis de los aprendiza…
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As the front-line in the healthcare industry, physicians are possibly the most valuable and reliable asset for patients, managers and organizations of all sizes in LA. One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing takes pride in its vast, optimized candidate database and experienced in-house recruiters to help you find the right candidate for your open pos…
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Oncologist Dr Matteo Lambertini believes it’s important to empower female patients, as well as improve the networks between oncologists and fertility experts. Listen now as he talks to Maura Dickler about what it takes to remove the barriers - and why it all begins with clinical trials. “Now, as physicians, as medical oncologists, we have more resp…
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Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, 1 Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing steadily supports medical businesses and organizations across the country. If you're looking for the right candidate for your open position, contact our experienced recruiters today for immediate assistance: https://www.1stoprecruiting.com/lets-get-started/ One Stop Recruiting …
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En el marco del Día Mundial de Hemofilia, conversamos sobre el potencial del trabajo en red en la comunidad de Hemofilia para alcanzar el acceso a una atención integral, con Isabel Sorondo, Presidente de la Asociación de Hemofilia de Uruguay, y Alex Muñoz, Médico experto en políticas públicas y gestión de riesgo en Hemofilia.…
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Receiving the news that you have cancer is beyond compare. But in addition to the shock of the news comes the challenge of navigating the journey ahead. Imagine not knowing whom to go to for which information or only realising, when its too late that there are steps you should have taken before you started chemotherapy. For Indyra Oropeza Aguilar, …
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In this episode we talk to Mah-Sere Keita, Director of Programs, African Society for Laboratory Medicine. With over 15 years experience in managing global health programs, Man-Sere particularly focuses on the fields of public health workforce development and improving the diagnosis of infectious diseases in low-resource settings. Man-Sere shares he…
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Uma gestão sustentável da saúde, orientada pelos benefícios gerados aos pacientes e capaz de reduzir o desperdício de recursos no setor. Este é o propósito de value-based healthcare (VBHC) - ou, em português, medicina baseada em valor. Quer saber mais sobre o tema? Neste episódio do Vozes pela Saúde, o Dr Cesar Abicalaffe, presidente do Instituto B…
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Dra. Lucía Rodich, Ginecóloga Oncóloga. Cédula Colegio Médico 63393. Registro Nacional de Especialistas RNE23318 (Ginecología Oncológica). Lo comentado en este episodio es sustentado y responsabilidad de los médicos. Consulta a tu médico para mayor información.Por Roche America Latina
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Interview with Dr. Daniel Kraft Will the Covid crisis lead to a paradigm shift in healthcare?
In this episode, you will meet Dr. Daniel Kraft, a Stanford and Harvard-trained physician and innovator, who serves as faculty chair for medicine at Singularity University. Daniel has over 25 years of experience in clinical practice and healthcare innovation. We spoke to him about how crises force new ways of thinking, how the pandemic has accelera…
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Embora algumas doenças individualmente possam ser consideradas raras, coletivamente elas são tudo, menos isso. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, 13 milhões de brasileiros convivem com essa condição. Para saber mais sobre este universo e os cuidados fundamentais à primeira infância, escute o novo episódio do Vozes pela Saúde com Stephanie Amaral, Ofici…
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In this episode, you will meet Dr. Robert Winn, Director, VCU Massey Cancer Center, who is at the forefront of addressing health disparities, promoting health equity, and advocating for diversity and inclusion in healthcare. We spoke to him about how the zip code is a better predictor of a person's life expectancy than genetics, how did the pandemi…
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Muita gente não sabe, mas é possível contribuir para as discussões sobre quais medicamentos, procedimentos e tecnologias devem ou não serem incorporados aos sistemas de saúde. Neste episódio do Vozes pela Saúde, Aline Silveira Silva, PHD em Ciências e Tecnologias em Saúde e pesquisadora da Universidade de Brasília, explica a importância das ferrame…
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Con el avance en la comprensión del cáncer de mama, así como la evolución en el diagnóstico y tratamiento, nos encontramos en un momento trascendental para vencer a esta enfermedad. El abordaje integral y el trabajo articulado entre los distintos actores de los sistemas sanitarios juegan un papel fundamental. Para profundizar sobre el estado y desa…
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Hello and welcome to Voices for Health, a channel from Roche where we will reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing women around the world. My name is Teresa Graham, and I’m the Head of Global Product Strategy at Roche. Our healthcare systems are failing women and that's a fact that is becoming even clearer after COVID-19. We fundamentall…
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Hello and welcome to Voices for Health, a channel from Roche where we will reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing health systems around the world. My name is Teresa Graham, and I’m the Head of Global Product Strategy at Roche. And today we have the pleasure of talking with Dr Lydia Dsane-Selby who has done so much to support women with …
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En el marco del Día Mundial de la Hemofilia, conversamos sobre el estado y acceso de la atención integral de esta condición en América Latina con César Garrido, presidente de la Federación Mundial de Hemofilia, y Andrea Lisman, madre portadora y líder de un grupo de apoyo en Colombia. La hemofilia es un trastorno de la sangre que puede tratarse de …
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¿Y si la forma en que se limpia los dientes hoy en día pudiera afectar sus probabilidades de contraer la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los años venideros?Por Zekel Healthcare
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En busca de la inmunidad. Diálogo con los doctores Pablo Bonvehi y Carlos Arturo Alvarez Moreno
¿Cómo puede América Latina acelerar su búsqueda de inmunidad para el COVID-19? Dialogamos con los doctores Pablo Bonvehí y Carlos Arturo Alvarez Moreno sobre los desafíos de trabajar colaborativamente entre gobierno, academia, sector privado y sociedad civil; y la importancia de tomar decisiones basadas en la evidencia.…
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O câncer não entende fronteiras de tempo, geográficas e nem de pandemias. Durante 2020, milhões de pacientes ao redor do mundo interromperam os seus tratamentos ou não receberam a atenção médica necessária. Neste Dia Mudial do Câncer conversamos com Gilberto Lopes, médico oncologista e membro da União Internacional Contra o Câncer, sobre a necessid…
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As the world battles against the worst pandemic in a hundred years, cancer didn’t just go away. In 2020, over 19 million people worldwide were affected by cancer, and almost ten million people died. Cancer doesn’t wait for anyone. Not even a pandemic. Where early detection had to be delayed... where medical care was affected or simply overwhelmed i…
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El cáncer no entiende de fronteras temporales, geográficas, ni de pandemias. Durante el 2020 millones de pacientes con cáncer alrededor del mundo quedaron "en pausa" sin recibir atención médica o interrumpiendo sus tratamientos. En este Día Mundial del Cáncer conversamos con Gilberto Lopes, médico oncólogo y miembro de la Unión Internacional contra…
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Interview with Alberto Alemanno: "The role of citizens in the transformation of health systems" - Voices for Health, a podcast by Roche
The actions and behaviors of citizens can have a significant impact on individual and collective well-being. We talked with Alberto Alemanno, expert in public policy and author of the book "Lobbying for change: Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society", about the role of citizens in transforming health systems. Alberto is a lawyer, professor, aut…
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Entrevista com Frederico Guanais: "Sistemas de saúde centrados nos pacientes" - Vozes pela saúde, um podcast de Roche
Hoje, vamos falar com Frederico Guanais, diretor adjunto da Divisão de Saúde da OCDE, a Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômico. Frederico Guanais é formado em engenheira civil pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, tem um máster da mesma instituição e doutorado em Administração Pública, Política de Saúde e Gerenciamento pela Unive…
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"Ciudades contra el cáncer" - Entrevista con María Fernanda Navarro - Voces por la salud, un podcast de Roche
El COVID-19 ha tenido un gran impacto en los pacientes que padecen enfermedades crónicas en todo el mundo. Desde que comenzó la pandemia, muchas personas con necesidad de tratamiento para múltiples patologías, -incluido el cáncer- no han recibido a tiempo ni los controles ni los cuidados que precisan. Esto es porque los servicios de atención médica…
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Interview with Dr. Rifat Atun: "Health systems in emerging countries" - Voices for Health, a podcast by Roche
The COVID-19 pandemic has tremendous implications for the health, economy and social cohesion of countries. Governments across the world will have to face these challenges for years to come. From weakened economies and fractured health systems to high unemployment levels, crumbling social programs and increased social unrest. This pandemic has show…
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Interview with Frederico Guanais: "people-centered health systems" - Voices for Health, a podcast by Roche.
Today, we will talk with Frederico Guanais, Deputy Head of the Health Division at the OECD, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, about people-centered Health Systems. Frederico graduated with a degree in civil engineering from the Universidade Federal da Bahia and earned a master’s degree from the same institution. He also ea…
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Interview with Alan Lovell: "Universalizing the promise of innovation"- Voices for Health, a podcast by Roche
In this episode of Voices for Health, a podcast by Roche, we focus on Personalized Healthcare or Precision Medicine. Personal health care is not a single intervention, it is a paradigm shift. Alan Lovell, from The Economist Intelligence Unit, says: "it's not possible to say that yet every intervention under the personalized medicine umbrella will p…
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Entrevista con Alberto Alemanno: "Ciudadanos protagonistas en la transformación de la salud" - Voces por la salud, un podcast de Roche
Alberto Alemanno es graduado de la Escuela de Derecho de Harvard y el Colegio de Europa y tiene un doctorado en Derecho y Economía de la Universidad Bocconi. Su investigación se centra en cómo la ley puede mejorar la vida de las personas, mediante reformas que propicien los cambios de poder. Es profesor de la Facultad de Políticas Públicas de la Un…
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Entrevista con Felicia Knaul: "El cáncer no entiende de fases" - Voces por la salud, un podcast de Roche
En el episodio de hoy hablaremos con Felicia Knaul, Directora del Instituto para Estudio Avanzado de las Américas y profesora de la Miller School de Medicina en la Universidad de Miami. Doctora en Economía por la universidad de Harvard, Felicia investiga el acceso a la salud en países de ingresos bajos y medianos, en especial para la mujer y el niñ…
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Entrevista con Frederico Guanais: "Sistemas de salud centrados en las personas" - Voces por la salud, un podcast de Roche
Hoy vamos a hablar con Frederico Guanais, director adjunto de la División de Salud de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) desde el año pasado. Frederico se graduó como ingeniero civil en la Universidad Federal de Bahia, tiene un master de esa misma institución y un doctorado en Administración Pública, Políticas de S…
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Entrevista con Emmanuel Ferrario: "¿Cómo superar los sesgos del comportamiento a la hora de cooperar?" - Voces por la salud, un podcast de Roche
En este episodio de Voces por la salud, un podcast de Roche vamos a ver cómo la economía del comportamiento, una rama de la economía que busca explicar el componente no racional de las conductas económicas, puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor la salud pública. El COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de una mayor articulación entre las polít…
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¿Estamos preparados para la transformación digital de la salud? Entrevista a Marcelo D'Agostino
Si bien la pandemia ha puesto de manifiesto profundas limitaciones en la capacidad de los países para recopilar, analizar y compartir datos de calidad, también nos ha mostrado el potencial de las soluciones digitales para superar las barreras de acceso a la atención médica. A medida que los gobiernos se preparan para hacer frente a las consecuencia…
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A gente imagina um 2030 com o ser humano pisando Marte, com veículos autônomos, alcançando níveis jamais pensados de evolução em inteligência artificial... mas, a gente terá saúde para todos? Vivemos um presente incerto, complexo e ao mesmo tempo fascinante. Com inovações que uns anos atrás no teríamos imaginado, e que têm o potencial de transforma…
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Imaginamos un 2030 con el ser humano pisando Marte, con vehículos autónomos, alcanzando niveles impensados de evolución en inteligencia artificial...pero tendremos ¿salud para todos? Vivimos un presente incierto, complejo y a su vez fascinante. Con innovaciones que años atrás no hubiéramos imaginado, y que tienen el potencial de transformar la vida…
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