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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 150 atha prayāge gatvā tān mad-apekṣā-vilambitān munīn kṛtārthayānīti samanujñāpya mādhavam TRANSLATION Nārada then took leave of Mādhava, Lord Kṛṣṇa, and went to Prayāga, thinking, “Let me bestow perfection on the sages who have waited so long for me to return.”…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 145 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca tataḥ śrī-hasta-kamalaṁ prasārya paramādarāt evam astv iti sānandaṁ gopī-nāthena bhāṣitam TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Lord Gopīnātha then extended His divine lotus hand and with great respect for Nārada blissfully said, “So be it.”
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 139 tathāpi teṣām eko ’pi na tṛpyati kathañcana tad gṛhāṇa varān anyān matto ’bhīṣṭa-tarān varān TRANSLATION Yet none of these devotees is ever satiated. Please, therefore, ask from Me some other, more satisfying benedictions.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 131 ity evam upakāro ’dya bhavatākāri me mahān tat te ’smi parama-prīto nijābhīṣṭān varān vṛṇu TRANSLATION So today you have favored Me greatly, and therefore I am delighted with you. Please choose whatever benedictions you would like.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 130 na sambhaved asmaraṇaṁ kadāpi sva-jīvanānāṁ yad api priyāṇām tathāpi kenāpi viśeṣaṇena smṛtiḥ praharṣāya yathā su-jīvitam TRANSLATION Those dear as life one can never forget, but when reminded of them in a special way one feels happy, like one who has lived a life of good fortune.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 124 śrī-bhagavān uvāca mat-prīty-utpādana-vyagra śrī-nārada suhṛt-tama hitam evākṛtātyantaṁ bhavān me rasikottama TRANSLATION The Supreme Lord said: Nārada, My dearest friend, you are always eager to please Me, and you are the best of those who relish transcendental emotions. You have now done Me a great fa…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 124 śrī-bhagavān uvāca mat-prīty-utpādana-vyagra śrī-nārada suhṛt-tama hitam evākṛtātyantaṁ bhavān me rasikottama TRANSLATION The Supreme Lord said: Nārada, My dearest friend, you are always eager to please Me, and you are the best of those who relish transcendental emotions. You have now done Me a great fa…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 118 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca etādṛśaṁ tad-vraja-bhāgya-vaibhavaṁ saṁrambhataḥ kīrtayato mahā-prabhoḥ puna tathā-bhāva-niveśa-śaṅkayā tāḥ preritā mantri-vareṇa saṁjñayā TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: As the Supreme Lord continued ardently praising the splendor of the good fortune of Vraja, the expert counselor Udd…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 110 rūpeṇa veṣeṇa ravāmṛtena vaṁśyāś ca pūrvānuditena viśvam sammohitaṁ prema-bhareṇa kṛtsnaṁ tiṣṭhantu dūre vraja-vāsinas te TRANSLATION My beautiful form, My dress, and the nectarean sound of My flute, never heard before, enchanted the whole universe with overwhelming love of God. So what to speak of how …
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 106 aho bhāmini jānīhi tat tan mama mahā-sukham mahimāpi sa māṁ hitvā tasthau tatrocitāspade TRANSLATION Ah, willful woman, please understand. All that I relished in Vraja gave Me the highest pleasure. And though the glory of those times has now abandoned Me, it still resides in that most worthy place.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 106 aho bhāmini jānīhi tat tan mama mahā-sukham mahimāpi sa māṁ hitvā tasthau tatrocitāspade TRANSLATION Ah, willful woman, please understand. All that I relished in Vraja gave Me the highest pleasure. And though the glory of those times has now abandoned Me, it still resides in that most worthy place.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 99 ata eva mayā svasya sthitim apy asthiteḥ samām dṛṣṭvā na gamyate tatra śṛṇv arthaṁ yuṣmad-udvahe TRANSLATION Therefore My staying with them would be equal to My absence. Realizing this, I have not returned there. Now hear the real reason I married you.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 97 adṛśyamāne ca mayi pradīpta- viyoga-vahner vikalāḥ kadācit mṛtā ivonmāda-hatāḥ kadācid vicitra-bhāvaṁ madhuraṁ bhajante TRANSLATION And when they cannot see Me they become so torn that the fire of separation leaves them sometimes as though dead and sometimes as though insane. Thus they partake of the nec…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 94 yadi ca prītaye teṣāṁ tatra yāmi vasāmi ca tathāpi kim api svāsthyaṁ bhāvyaṁ nālocayāmy aham TRANSLATION But even if for their pleasure I were to return to live with them, I don’t see how that would help.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 85 tato ’nyābhiś ca devībhir etad evānumoditam sātrājitī paraṁ māna- gehaṁ tad-asahāviśat TRANSLATION [Uddhava said:] The other queens all agreed. Only Satya­bhāmā, Sātrājitī, unable to tolerate those words, entered her chamber of anger.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 85 tato ’nyābhiś ca devībhir etad evānumoditam sātrājitī paraṁ māna- gehaṁ tad-asahāviśat TRANSLATION [Uddhava said:] The other queens all agreed. Only Satya­bhāmā, Sātrājitī, unable to tolerate those words, entered her chamber of anger.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 71 stambhādy-antaritāḥ satyo devyo ’tiṣṭhan prabhu-priyāḥ satyabhāmā na tatrāgāt tāṁ kṛṣṇo ’pṛcchad uddhavam TRANSLATION The beloved queens of the Lord stayed hidden behind objects such as columns, not approaching Him. But Satya­bhāmā had not come there with the others, so Kṛṣṇa asked about her from Uddhava…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 64 prāsādābhyantare suptaṁ sasmārātha kare sthitām vaṁśīṁ svasyāgrajasyāpi vanya-veśaṁ ca dṛṣṭavān TRANSLATION He remembered He had been sleeping inside the palace. Then He saw the flute in His hand, and Himself and His older brother dressed like forest dwellers.…
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In today’s sanga, we join Srila Dhanurdhara Swami at a home program in Russia and then he continues with the Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta. Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 67 tato hrīṇa iva jyeṣṭha- mukhaṁ paśyan smitaṁ śritaḥ rāmeṇodvartya tatrābdhau snāpito dhūli-dhūsaraḥ TRANSLATION Kṛṣṇa then looked at His brother’s face and smiled as if embarr…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 45 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca itthaṁ sa-puṣpa-vikṣepaṁ vadan dṛṣṭvā diśo ’khilāḥ tāṁ sa-cumbanam āliṅgya go-gopaiḥ saṅgato ’grataḥ TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit continued: Having said this, Kṛṣṇa threw a handful of flowers at Śrī Rādhā, looked all around, and then embraced and kissed Her. He then went ahead to meet the …
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 40 rundhāno veṇu-nādair gā vartamānāṁ sahālibhiḥ rādhikām agrato labdhvā sa-narma-smitam abravīt TRANSLATION As He continued walking, playing His flute to keep the cows from wandering off, He then came upon Śrī Rādhikā with Her girlfriends and spoke to Her with witty comments and charming smiles.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 22 śrī-baladeva uvāca śrī-kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bho bhrātar uttiṣṭhottiṣṭha jāgṛhi paśyādya velātikrāntā viśanti paśavo vanam TRANSLATION Śrī Baladeva said: Śrī Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa, My dear brother! Get up, get up! Wake up from Your sleep! Just see, it is now getting late. The cows are already entering the forest.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Texts 15-16 nāradas tu kṛtāgaskam ivātmānam amanyata devānāṁ yādavānāṁ ca saṅge ’gān na kutūhalāt viyaty antarhito bhūtvā baddhvaikaṁ yoga-paṭṭakam niviṣṭo bhagavac-ceṣṭā- mādhuryānubhavāya saḥ TRANSLATION Nārada, however, thinking he had committed an offense, did not accompany the demigods and the Yādavas. Inst…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 11 sva-sthānaṁ bhejire sarve catur-vaktreṇa bodhitāḥ saṁjñām ivāpto rāmas tu nīyamāno garutmatā TRANSLATION Advised by Brahmā, everyone else went back home. Meanwhile, as Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma were being carried by Garuḍa, Balarāma more or less regained consciousness.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Texts 3-4 tam apūrva-daśā-bhājaṁ preṣṭha-praṇaya-kātaram nigūḍha-nija-māhātmya- bhara-prakaṭanoddhatam mahā-nārāyaṇaṁ brahmā pitaraṁ gurum ātmanaḥ sa-camatkāram ālokya dhvasta-dhairyo ’rudat kṣaṇam TRANSLATION Brahmā found his own father and spiritual master, the original Nārāyaṇa, in an unprecedented state, dis…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 1 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca itthaṁ sa-parivārasya mātas tasyārti-rodanaiḥ brahmāṇḍaṁ vyāpya sañjāto mahotpāta-cayaḥ kṣaṇāt TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Dear mother, as the sound of Kṛṣṇa lamenting with His family members filled the universe, a series of terrible omens quickly ensued.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 113 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca śrīmad-gopāla-devas tac chrutvā sambhrānti-yantritaḥ jātāntas-tāpataḥ śuṣyan- mukhābjaḥ śaṅkayākulaḥ TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Having heard all this, the blessed Lord Gopāla felt overwrought with worry for His devotees. Scorching anxiety dried up His lotus face. He was filled wit…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 113 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca śrīmad-gopāla-devas tac chrutvā sambhrānti-yantritaḥ jātāntas-tāpataḥ śuṣyan- mukhābjaḥ śaṅkayākulaḥ TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Having heard all this, the blessed Lord Gopāla felt overwrought with worry for His devotees. Scorching anxiety dried up His lotus face. He was filled wit…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 104 vṛkṣādibhis tv antarite kadācid asmin sati syāt saha-cāriṇāṁ bhṛśam śrī-kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇeti mahā-pluta-svarair āhvāna-bhaṅgyākulatā sa-rodanā TRANSLATION O virtuous lady, if trees or other obstacles block Kṛṣṇa from sight even briefly, His companions at once shed tears and call in anxious, drawn-out voices, “…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 90 bhavān svayam agatvā tu yaṁ sandeśaṁ samarpya mām prāhiṇot tena te sarve babhūvur nihatā iva TRANSLATION But You never came. You sent me instead. And when they heard the message You had sent with me, they almost died from disappointment.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 87 śrī-nanda uvāca dravyāṇy ādau prema-cihnāni putra etāny atra prāhiṇot satya-vākyaḥ śīghraṁ paścād āgamiṣyaty avaśyaṁ tatratyaṁ sva-prastutārthaṁ samāpya TRANSLATION Śrī Nanda said: Our son is an honest person who always speaks the truth. He has first sent us these things, as tokens of His love. He is sur…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 79 śrīmad-uddhava uvāca na rāja-rājeśvaratā-vibhūtīr na divya-vastūni ca te bhavattaḥ na kāmayante ’nyad apīha kiñcid amutra ca prāpyam ṛte bhavantam TRANSLATION Śrīmān Uddhava said: The people of Vraja don’t want from You the power and wealth of emperors, nor the enjoyments found in heaven, nor anything el…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Texts 70-72 tataḥ padmāvatī rājya- dāna-bhītā vimūḍha-dhīḥ mahiṣī yadu-rājasya vṛddhā mātāmahī prabhoḥ apy uktāśravaṇāt pūrvaṁ rāma-mātrāvahelitā sva-bhartū rakṣituṁ rājyaṁ cāturyāt parihāsa-vat vyāhāra-paripāṭyānya- cittatāpādanena tam yadu-vaṁśyaika-śaraṇaṁ vidhātuṁ svastham abravīt TRANSLATION Then, fearing t…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 63 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca idam ākarṇya bhagavān utthāya śayanād drutam priya-prema-parādhīno rudann uccair bahir gataḥ TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Hearing this, the Personality of Godhead, who is ruled by the love of those dear to Him, suddenly got up from His bed and came outside, loudly weeping.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 58 śrī-baladeva uvāca vadhvaḥ sahaja-tatratya- dainya-vārtā-kathā-parān asmān vañcayato bhrātur idaṁ kapaṭa-pāṭavam TRANSLATION Śrī Baladeva said: Dear ladies, all this is nothing but My brother’s clever deception. We are intent upon speaking about the misery of the residents of Vraja — misery all too real …
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 50 śrī-rukmiṇy uvāca bho mātar nava-nītāti- mṛdu-svāntasya tasya hi avijñāyāntaraṁ kiñcit katham evaṁ tvayocyate yūyaṁ śṛṇuta vṛttāni tarhi tarhi śrutāni me TRANSLATION Śrī Rukmiṇī said: My dear mother, you don’t understand the inner feelings of Kṛṣṇa at all. His heart is softer than newly churned butter. W…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 42 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca tac chrutvā duṣṭa-kaṁsasya jananī dhṛṣṭa-ceṣṭitā jarā-hata-vicārā sā sa-śiraḥ-kampam abravīt TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Upon hearing this, the mother of the wicked Kaṁsa spoke out, her head shaking, her manner bold, her judgment spoiled by old age.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Texts 36-38 mama pratyakṣam evedaṁ yadā kṛṣṇo vraje ’vrajat tato hi pūtanādibhyaḥ keśy-antebhyo muhur muhuḥ daityebhyo varuṇendrādi- devebhyo ’jagarāditaḥ tathā cirantana-svīya- śakaṭārjuna-bhaṅgataḥ ko vā nopadravas tatra jāto vraja-vināśakaḥ tatratyās tu janāḥ kiñcit te ’nusandadhate na tat TRANSLATION My own …
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 33 athāgataṁ guru-gṛhāt tvat-prabhuṁ prati kiñcana saṅkṣepeṇaiva tad-vṛttaṁ duḥkhād akathayaṁ ku-dhīḥ TRANSLATION But I am not very intelligent. After your Lord returned from the house of His spiritual master, my sadness drove me to tell Him briefly how the Vraja-vāsīs were faring.…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Texts 31-32 ahaṁ śrī-vasudevena samānītā tato yadā yaśodāyā mahārtāyās tadānīntana-rodanaiḥ grāvo ’pi rodity aśaner apy antar dalati dhruvam jīvan-mṛtānām anyāsāṁ vārtāṁ ko ’pi mukhaṁ nayet TRANSLATION When Śrī Vasudeva brought me back from Gokula, the cries of the greatly distraught Yaśodā made even stones shed…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 28 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca tad-vākya-tattvaṁ vijñāya rohiṇī sāsram abravīt cira-gokula-vāsena tatratya-jana-sammatā TRANSLATION Śrī Parīkṣit said: Because Rohiṇī had long lived in Gokula, its residents held her in high regard. She knew the inner meaning of Uddhava’s words. So with tears in her eyes, she decided …
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 25 tata eva hi kṛṣṇasya tat-prasādasya cādbhutā tat-premṇo ’pi mayā jñātā mādhurī tadvatāṁ tathā TRANSLATION Since then I have understood the amazing sweetness of Kṛṣṇa’s mercy, of love for Him, and of those who possess that love.
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Texts 19-21 śrī-parīkṣid uvāca uddhavo ’tyanta-sambhrānto drutam utthāya tat-padau nidhāyāṅke samāliṅgya tasyābhipretya hṛd-gatam hṛt-prāpta-bhagavat-tat-tat- prasāda-bhara-bhāg-janaḥ tadīya-prema-sampatti- vibhava-smṛti-yantritaḥ rodanair vivaśo dīno yatnād dhairyaṁ śrito munim avadhāpyāha mātsaryāt sāttvikāt p…
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Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 10 utthāya yatnād ānīya svāsthyaṁ nītvā kṣaṇena tam premāśru-klinna-vadanaṁ prakṣālyāhuḥ śanair laghu TRANSLATION Standing up, they brought him carefully to where they had been sitting. They took a moment to restore him to a condition closer to normal and wiped dry his face, wet with tears of love. Then the…
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