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Priatelia, kamaráti, kolegovia a zaujímaví ľudia z bezprostredného okolia Yaela a sveta mladých ľudí. Talkshow Friendzone vysiela Dobré rádio v premiére každý pracovný piatok po sedemnástej hodine, v repríze v nedeľu po 11.00 hod. a dostupná je aj ako podcast na všetkých obľúbených platformách.
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Rated "M" for Mature. Experience the humor of their "Love/Hate" friendship in this heart warming podcast based on the original misadventures of "ViBE" & "Holls" from their youtube web-series' "JUGGz & BALLz" & "SNAPCHATTER" Join them as they provide their comically inappropriate social commentary on random current events, entertainment, social media, trending topics and news. This is the "Friendz With Issuez" podcast where no topic is too inappropriate! Strap in and don't be a b*tch! Want to ...
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Mindful Kids, Omi and Friendz® meditation for kids.

Mindful Kids, Meditations with Omi the Elephant

Mindful Kids is the official podcast of Omi and Friendz: dedicated to providing kids and families a place to come and reset. Our short meditations are hosted by Omi the Elephant®, who shares how to take a moment to STOP, BREATHE and RESET. Learn to set intentions and begin to feel happier, calm, and refocused. Perfect for kids to listen to on their way to school, before bed, or anytime they need just a moment to connect with themselves. Understanding how to pause will help children regulate ...
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show series
In this episode, Omi presents a fun challenge: sitting still! He guides you through a meditation to help you find peace and focus. Picture yourself in a serene garden, breathing deeply and feeling grateful for the moment. Omi encourages you to notice any tension and gently release it as you practice being still. This episode is a great way to culti…
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Panelák, Ordinácia v ružovej záhrade, mnohé divadelné aj filmové diela. Karin Haydu patrí medzi obľúbené a talentované slovenské herečky, no vyznačuje sa aj niekoľkými superschopnosťami. Doštudovať vysokú školu ako čerstvá matka, to nedokáže každá žena. Najmä v tom prípade, ak sa venuje materstvu, herectvu a štúdiu naraz. Spríjemni si leto ďalším r…
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Jeho meno je vo svete šoubiznisu veľmi dobre známe. Spolupracoval s mnohými hviezdami pop music a v súčasnosti jednu budúcu hviezdu formuje priamo na Slovensku. Producent Manny Mijares v lete pricestoval z USA na Slovensko, aby nám prezradil tie najzaujímavejšie tajomstvá z kuchyne speváckych ikon. Našu krajinu si nevybral náhodne, medzi jeho zvere…
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Talentovaná, úspešná a skromná. Mama dvoch nádherných detí, partnerka, skvelá herečka aj speváčka. V rámci svojej doterajšej kariéry stihla dosiahnuť mnohé veľké úspechy. Slovensko reprezentovala na Eurovízii, vyhrala tanečnú súťaž Let´s Dance, hviezdi v televíznych seriáloch a najnovšie sa opäť vrátila k milovanej hudbe. Ako sama vraví, hip hop je…
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Kým sa jeho rovesníci venovali zábave a randeniu, Tomáš začal pracovať v rodinnom biznise. Je štvrtou generáciou v pohrebnej službe. Odprevádzanie zosnulých na druhý svet sa stalo neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho života a zároveň našiel spôsob, ako stratu milovanej osoby pozostalým uľahčiť. Vyrába jedinečné šperky, ktoré im budú blízkeho navždy pripomí…
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Reality show TV Markíza, v ktorej sa krásne ženy uchádzajú o priazeň lepšie situovaného podnikateľa, sa na Slovensku stala fenoménom. Čísla sledovanosti lámali rekordy a televízia ohlásila už ďalšiu sériu. Ako svoje účinkovanie v šou vníma po vypadnutí Aneta? Prečo nebola spokojná s rande na plantáži a ako by volala Radka, ak by medzi nimi preskoči…
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Patril medzi najkontroverznejšie postavy reality show Love Island. Už počas nej sa však zároveň javil ako skromný chalan, ktorého vášňou je hudba. Vie, že sláva je dočasná, a tak sa po návrate do reality zamestnal v kreatívnom štúdiu.Por Dobré rádio
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Pôvodne chcel byť hercom, no absolvoval štúdium žurnalistiky a už roky sa spolupodieľa na bezchybnom vysielaní Telerána. V poslednom období však v sebe náhodou objavil vášeň pre koncertnú fotografiu a jeho kariéra má raketový štart. Už dnes spolupracuje s viacerými zvučnými menami slovenskej hudby aj instagramovej scény. Spoznajte ďalšieho zaujímav…
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Najúprimnejšia spoveď v slovenskom éteri! Po návrate z liečenia odhodil Yael všetky obavy, predsudky a ochotne svojim priateľom zodpovedal zvedavé otázky týkajúce sa jeho liečby a boja so závislosťou. Svoju trinástu komnatu otvoril počas rozhovoru s Reném Rendym, ktorý sa neplánovane zhostil úlohy moderátora. Pozor! Súčasťou epizódy je i jedno nádh…
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This podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about practicing happiness together sounds absolutely wonderful! I love the idea of imagining a warm, glowing light in our chests that represents happiness. And how cool is it to think about all the things that make us happy and then share that happiness with others? It's like creating a chain reaction of jo…
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That podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about waking up with a meditation sounds amazing! I love the idea of starting the day feeling happy and refreshed. Taking deep breaths, stretching, setting intentions, and expressing gratitude are such great ways to wake up your body and mind. I'll definitely give this meditation a try tomorrow morning. 🌞🧘‍♀…
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Hey there! That podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about finding calm while driving to school sounds awesome! I totally get you, sometimes the car ride can be stressful with all those thoughts and worries. But doing a meditation can really help make it more relaxing and peaceful. Just taking some deep breaths and imagining positive energy filling …
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Hey there, my little dragon friend! That podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about the Dragon Breath technique sounds so cool! Just imagine yourself as a powerful dragon, taking a big breath in through your nose and blowing out all those icky feelings. It's a great way to calm down and feel better when you're feeling upset or mad. You've got the po…
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This podcast episode by Omi the Elephant about positive affirmations sounds super cool! Did you know that when we repeat positive things to ourselves, it can make us feel happier and more confident? I love the affirmations they shared, like "I am strong and brave" and "I am loved by my family and friends." It's a great way to start the day feeling …
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this podcast episode by Omi the Elephant sounds amazing! It's all about doing a body scan to start your day off right. You just find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on each part of your body from your toes to your head. It helps you feel relaxed and focused, and you can even set a goal for the day. I'm definitely going to try this tomorrow…
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this podcast episode by Omi the Elephant is so cool! It's all about how meditation can make us feel like superheroes using our breath as a superpower. Just by taking deep breaths and imagining ourselves as superheroes, we can conquer stress and negativity. It's like having a secret weapon right inside us! 🌬️💪😄…
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In this fun meditation called "Stop, Breathe and Reset," we find a cozy spot to sit down and take a big breath in and out. Then, we imagine being in a busy city and create a magical bubble of peace and quiet around us. We let go of our worries and fill the bubble with happy thoughts. It's a great way to find calm and reset our minds. Give it a try!…
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Je to už pár dní, čo sa bulvárne médiá priživujú na odvážnom kroku Matúša Yaela Kolárovského. Obľúbený slovenský spevák, herec, model a hlas Dobrého rádia sa v polovici novembra na sociálnych sieťach zveril svojim fanúšikom s tajomstvom, ktoré ho ťažilo. V minulosti mal skúsenosť s užívaním liekov, no dnes so závislosťou úspešne bojuje a svoje osob…
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Tired of the same old, same old? It's time to change the status quo! Melissa & Jenn talk with Allison Hare, an entrepreneur and Host of the podcast, Culture Changers. She talks about her conversations with trailblazers who are flipping convention, as well as her own vulnerable journey to motherhood. See for privacy informati…
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Are you part of a large family or friend gathering for Thanksgiving, or trying to find a new tradition for the holiday? Melissa is a single mom of one, and looking for ideas on how she can make her son's Thanksgiving meaningful when a big feast is not appropriate for just two. See for privacy information.…
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There is a Great Resignation going on in our workforce, largely due to employee burnout and lack of flexibility. We asked leadership consultant Karen J. Hardwick to join us to talk about this phenomenon and how leaders can better understand, connect with and retain their employees. See for privacy information.…
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We're sure the debate is beginning in your home, how many Christmas gifts do we get for our family members, especially the little ones? Jenn and her husband are at odds with that question and she and Melissa discuss both sides of the argument. Plus, each reminisces about family members who are no longer with us this holiday. See…
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When you think of construction sites, rarely do you think of a woman leading the pack of guys in hard hats. But Nancy Keenan is different. She talks with Melissa & Jenn about her experience as an OBIE Award winning builder and licensed real estate agent, and how she balances that with caring for a child through a rare eating disorder. See omnystudi…
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It's never fun to receive a bill for something you didn't buy! That happened to Melissa, as someone in Austin, Texas hacked into one of her accounts and enjoyed the city on her dime. Plus, we'll give our advice about a sibling's responsibility with aging parents. See for privacy information.…
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If you had your children later in life, you were likely warned about postpartum depression. But what about postpartum fitness? Our guest is Desiree Nathanson, who specializes in helping women get back in shape and avoid pelvic floor dysfunction following pregnancy. See for privacy information.…
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Melissa & Jenn's kids are now old enough to participate in sleepovers at the homes of friends....or are they? We discuss the pros and cons of sleepovers, and why they should be banned all together! Plus, what is moxibustion? Jenn explains how she tried it with her first pregnancy and what the results were. See for privacy in…
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Exactly what defines a Crazy Cat Lady? We dive into that discussion to see if Melissa qualifies, as Jenn asks her some questions about being a cat owner. Plus, our advice about long-distance friendships in our new Dear Friendzy segment. See for privacy information.Por Melissa Carter & Jenn Hobby
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It was fun to talk or sing about it in our youth but why are we reluctant now to address any issues surrounding sex? Dr. Holly Richmond is one of North America’s leading sex therapists, serving women, men, couples and gender-diverse individuals for relationship and sexuality issues. She helps us open up the conversation about sex and women over 40,…
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Both Melissa & Jenn are both room mothers this year for their elementary school kids! Get a peek into what that is like and the different responsibilities with COVID. Plus, they get nostalgic about dessert and ... what is on Melissa's face? See for privacy information.Por Melissa Carter & Jenn Hobby
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We stole the title of Ericka Sóuter's new book for the title of this podcast, and what a joy she is! A renowned journalist seen by millions on Good Morning America, Erika shares her research and personal experience that answers the question, How can I be a good mother and still thrive in my own identity? See for privacy info…
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You've heard of "aging gracefully," but we want you to be intentional about how your life looks over 40! We are joined by India Leigh who is a Spirit intuitive, reader, clairvoyant, and coach. India guides us through a discussion about conscious aging and how to fully embrace your own divine inner guidance on a daily basis. See…
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What is functional medicine and why is it important to aging well? Dr. Kristin Oja founded STAT Wellness, which stands for Strength To Achieve Total Wellness, to help transform medicine by uncovering the root cause of chronic illness and disease. Plus, Melissa & Jenn share what's on their fridges that makes them smile and might do the same for you.…
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Holls RETURNS and she wants to discuss the strange circumstances surrounding the Gabby Petito & Brian Laundrie case! This is the Curious Case of Gabby Petito!Want to see our pretty little faces?! Then watch the video recap us on Instagram: @Friendz_With_IssuezFollow us on Twitter: @FIssuezE-mail us FriendzW…
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It's a topic that you've seen in headlines or at the center of social-media debates, but how much do we really understand? What do the terms transgender, non-binary, cisgender or gender expression actually mean? You'll meet Gabrielle Claiborne, who is an author, keynote and TedX Speaker, and co-founder of Transformation Journeys Worldwide which is …
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We learn about the uniqueness of multi-race families with our friend, Colleen Oakley. Not only a best selling author, she's raising four (yes, FOUR) children at the same time. We will talk about motherhood and work/life balance, as well as which of her books has been optioned for a movie! See for privacy information.…
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ViBE's original "syndrome" joins him to discuss the issue that stresses her out: Facebook stalking or a pushy Mommy or crappy co-workers or all of the above a.k.a dealing with an overbearing mother, obnoxious co-workers & toxic personal Relationships on part 10 the finale of A FRIEND With ISSUEz the limited podcast series!Instrumental - "OKAY" - 13…
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