Javier Regueiro (Lugano, 1965) is a plant medicine Maestro and author of Spanish descent born and raised in Switzerland. Since 2005 Javier has been a student of Don Francisco Montes Shuña. With his teacher’s blessing, he became a full-time ayahuasquero in 2006. Since then he has been leading plant medicine ceremonies, retreats, and plant dietas for groups and individuals, at his own Ayaruna Center in Pisac, Peru. His commitment is to make Ayahuasca, San Pedro, and other plant medicines avail ...
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Mentoría Banregio es un programa de Responsabilidad Social que apoya a empresarias y empresarios mediante: acompañamiento, educación práctica y generación de conexiones
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Sofi Mak, fotógrafa y artista, nos comparte las realidades de emprender en el mundo creativo. A lo largo del video, nos muestra que lo más importante en este camino es saber escuchar, estar conectado con nuestras emociones y ser conscientes de ellas para triunfar en el mundo creativo. Sofi Mak https://www.instagram.com/sofimak Mentoria Banregio Enc…
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En esta ocasión, conversamos con Eugenio Licea de Licea Print. Siendo la tercera generación al frente de la empresa, Eugenio nos comparte sus experiencias y aprendizajes desde su infancia, resaltando cómo la disciplina ha sido un pilar fundamental en su trayectoria. Eugenio Licea https://www.liceaprint.com https://www.instagram.com/liceaprint Mento…
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En este episoido platicamos con los creadores de Regular Coffee and Books; Fernando y Luis. Nos comparten su historia en el mundo del café y los desafíos que han enfrentado para mantener este espacio tan único, desde los retos diarios hasta la creación de un ambiente tranquilo y acogedor, descubrirás lo que realmente sucede detrás de para mantener …
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Conociendo a tu Mentor (con Alberto Salinas) | Ep. 08 | Hablemos de Negocios Alberto Salinas, con más de 20 años de trayectoria en Banregio, nos comparte los principales problemas que enfrenta con las empresas a las que les da servicio y cómo es el acompañamiento que brinda mentoría. Además, nos cuenta diversas experiencias que ha vivido a lo largo…
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Lourdes Arias, emprendedora y fundadora de English Experts, nos relata cómo nació su negocio, combinando sus pasiones con los objetivos que visualizaba para su vida. A lo largo del camino, superó diversos obstáculos con una actitud optimista y decidida. Además, comparte sobre su libro motivacional, fruto de su pasión por el aprendizaje continuo, qu…
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Gabriela Mitri, fundadora de Speakhers, nos platica sobre como el dolor puede ser un trampolín hacía emprender, además de como combatir la comparación y no solo verlos como un enemigo si no como un aliado. Además Gaby se abre con nosotros y nos platica como ella luchó contra el síndrome de impostor y cómo logró crear Speakhers gracias a este fracas…
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Ana Lucía Cepeda, fundadora de Bolsa Rosa, nos platica sobre los diferentes retos que ha enfrentado, desde inversiones fallidas hasta los desafíos del mercado laboral y la necesidad de flexibilidad laboral. A partir de su propia experiencia en la vida laboral, crea Bolsa Rosa, una plataforma de trabajo diseñada para conectar el talento femenino con…
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Diego Gómez, dueño de la tienda de tenis Run 24, nos cuenta su travesía desde sus 20 años. A pesar de tiempos confusos, Diego muestra una gran pasión por su negocio y comparte cómo ha superado los desafíos. Diego ha sido parte del programa de Mentoría Banregio, enfocándose principalmente en la problemática financiera, pero aprovechando mentorías en…
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Maru Cárdenas, creadora de Moca Event Planner, comparte su experiencia como organizadora de eventos y wedding planner. En este podcast, Maru nos muestra cómo mantener la fortaleza y creatividad en tu negocio, incluso en tiempos difíciles. Maru ha sido parte del programa de Mentoría Banregio desde sus inicios y ha participado varias veces. Además, f…
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Alejandra Rivero, directora de sustentabilidad de Banregio durante más de 8 años, nos comparte su experiencia liderando proyectos de responsabilidad social como Mentoría Banregio y Clara. En esta entrevista, Alejandra nos explica en qué consiste el programa de mentoría, con total transparencia, y cómo tanto ella como su equipo están comprometidos c…
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Sofía Velez, dueña de Lulo Gelato, nos cuenta sobre su amor por el gelato, su emprendimiento y sus sueños. Desde 2017, Sofía se unió al programa de mentoría Banregio. Sofía ha trabajado para crear sabores perfectos e innovadores, conectando emocionalmente con sus clientes. Sofía Velez https://www.instagram.com/lulogelato https://www.lulogelato.com …
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In this podcast, Javier speaks about what he humorously calls "The Holy Trinity:" judgment, shame, and guilt. He also touches on the present culture of blaming and denouncing as a way of avoiding personal responsibility and speaks about projecting guilt and punishment into the world. Javier is now welcoming people's suggestions for future podcasts:…
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In this podcast, Javier speaks about healing the wounded masculine and addressing an expanded viewpoint about the struggles (also) experienced by men in present times. He also recommends some easy and beneficial ways to engage in that healing process.Javier is now welcoming people's suggestions for future podcasts: if you feel so inclined, please w…
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In this podcast, Javier speaks about receiving all the blessings being offered to us by the Earth and the Heavens, and also speaks about the importance of also engaging actively in our lives and the beauty and power of bringing Heaven right here on Earth.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast, Javier offers a guided meditation to open us up to receiving the universal support that is always available to us. And it seems that at this time we can all benefit from any support available to us. The meditation is very simple and also very effective.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast Javier presents his newest book, "A Greater Gift of Love", just released this week and available through Amazon in paper, eBook, and Audible formats. This is a collection of mystical poems and humorous, irreverent, and insightful tales about the challenges and rewards of a spiritual life that is not intended as an escape from the wo…
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In this podcast Javier speaks about shamanic practices as a way to reconnect with the world and beyond in order to let go of the sense of separation and benefit from all the support the universe always blesses us with in generous ways.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast Javier speaks about shamanism in general and some of his personal shamanic practices, which are very simple to follow, in particular the practice of gratitude.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast Javier describes the unique state of consciousness catalyzed by the Toé medicine, which is actually more properly a deep trance state with its possible dangers and purposes.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast, which is actually an interview he gave in June of 2019, Javier speaks to Kit Maloney and Rachel Sizemore about women's anger. The interview turns into a Master Class on embracing our emotions rather than further suppress them and offers very simple tools to honor our emotions in safe, simple, and meaningful ways. This interview was…
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In this podcast Javier shares more about his experiences dieting with the Toé plant in 2019 and in particular he shares his experience of healing his own feminine side. This is a highly recommended episode for all people interested in continuing their own healing and the healing of the Feminine.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast Javier Regueiro starts talking about his newest book, "The Toe'/Datura Diaries: A Shamanic Apprenticeship n the Heart of the Amazon Jungle," which has been recently released for now in Kindle format. He talks about this powerful Plant Teacher and about the dangers, both physical and psychological, of engaging with it without the pro…
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In this podcast we further explore the dieta process and talk about the importance of seclusion in order to better focus and listen to our inner voice: the dieta process is about being rather than doing. The less we do, the more challenging but also rewarding this process becomes because ultimately it is our loving attention to ourselves that is th…
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In this podcast we start exploring the theme of Amazonian-style Shamanic Plant Dietas by illustrating the differences between a preparatory diet before and after a plant medicine ceremony or retreat and the shamanic dietas proper.Por Javier Regueiro
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In this podcast Javier Regueiro shares and illustrates the viewpoint that there are no accidents and no mistakes: our unique individual paths are always perfect and perfectly timed.Por Javier Regueiro
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A talk about the uniqueness of our personal journey of healing and awakeningPor Javier Regueiro
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#36 - PLANT MEDICINE LESSONS IN PANDEMIC TIMES V by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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A talk about the dangers of excessive seriousness and shifting from "survival" to "thriving" by living our life more fully by following our inner voice.Por Javier Regueiro
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A talk about embracing the totality, including the physicality, of our earthly experience as part of our spiritual growth.Por Javier Regueiro
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Part 2 of a talk about deeper surrender and our reluctance to let go of control.Por Javier Regueiro
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This is Part 1 of a talk about deep surrender and trust in our everyday life. A description of current times and situations according to cosmic laws and the cosmic cycle known by Indians as "the Kali Yuga."Por Javier Regueiro
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A PANDEMIC OF BEAUTY: MIX I / APRIL 2020 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Healing the wounded feminine
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This is a special talk by plant medicine Maestro and author Javier Regueiro, during which he shares from his own experience of healing his own wounded feminine side after a shamanic dieta in the jungle in May of 2019.Por Javier Regueiro
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Valentine pt1
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Valentine pt1 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Valentine pt2
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Valentine pt2 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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#31 - Plant Medicines and food by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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#30 - Sex and plant medicines by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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#29 – Sexual healing by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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#28 - Sexual abuse Pt. 3 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 27 – Sexual abuse Pt. 2 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 26 - Sexual abuse Pt.1 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 25 - About abuse by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 24 – Letting go Pt.4 - Learning by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 23 – Letting go Pt.3 - Purging by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 22 – Letting go Pt. 2 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 21 – Letting go by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 20 - Many paths, one destination by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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Episode 19 – Preparations Pt. 4 by Javier RegueiroPor Javier Regueiro
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