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Coming along on my journey to Finding Myself. In my twenties, I focused on education and career. In my thirties, I devoted much time, effort, and tears to my infertility journey. Now in my forties, I‘m trying to figure out who I am and to build the life that I want to live. Through this podcast, I have access to thought provoking resources, incredible people, and strategies that make a difference.
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show series
Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself® by Kimberly Lordelo Gehlen. Es ist so schön, dass du da bist! In der heutigen Folge nehme ich dich mit in eine magische Reise zu deinem inneren Krafttier, dass dir jederzeit in Gedanken zur Verfügung steht, um dir Fragen zu beantworten, dir Trost zu schenken oder einf…
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Have you ever felt like you were going to scream at the next person who says anything to you or have you ever felt like your just going through the motions because you can’t handle what’s coming at you? Learn about your Window of Tolerance and techniques to use to check in with that window and how you may be able to expand it. IG @FindingMyselfPodc…
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Herzlich Willkommen bei deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself® - es ist so schön, dass du da bist! Diese Folge ist etwas ganz besonderes, denn sie ist inspiriert von der Zahl 15, welche numerologisch für Selbstakzeptanz, Ausstrahlung, Wirkung und Selbstachtung steht - was für Schlagwörter! Passend zu dieser Energie findest du in dieser Fo…
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself ® by Kimberly Lordelo Gehlen. In der heutigen Podcast-Folge erwartet dich ein Talk meinen drei erfolgreichsten Strategien, die mir zu meinem persönlichen Glück verhelfen. In dieser Folge erfährst du... ... wie du dich stark machst und hälst. … wie du deine Ziele erreic…
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Herzlich Willkommen bei deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself® - es ist so schön, dass du da bist! In dieser Folge findest du eine Meditation, die dich in die Verbindung zu deinem höchsten Selbst führt. Mit dieser Meditation... ... erfährst du die Farbe deiner Herzensenergie. ... findest du Antworten auf all deine Fragen. ... begegnest du…
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu deinem Selbstfindungspodacst How to find myself ® by Kimberly Lordelo Gehlen. In der heutigen Podcast-Folge erwartet dich ein Talk zum Gipfel der Selbstfindung: Wie du dein Selbstvertrauen und deine innere Stäke in Selbstbewusstsein aufbaust. In dieser Folge erfährst du... ... wie du in die Verbindung mit deiner höc…
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu deinem Selbstfindungspodacst How to find myself ® by Kimberly Lordelo Gehlen. In der heutigen Podcast-Folge erwartet dich eine Coaching Übung, die sich der Werte-Kompass nennt. Erfahre durch die Übung... ... was deine 4 wichtigsten und stärksten Werte sind. ... was dich ausmacht. ... was dir wichtig ist. ... was dic…
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Herzlich Willkommen bei deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself® - es ist so schön, dass du da bist! In dieser Folge findest du eine Meditation, die dir dabei dient, bei Stress runterzufahren. Ich selbst hatte es noch am selben Tag erlebt, wie ich diese Podcast-Folge aufgenommen habe: Mein Körper schafft die Kurve von Stress zur Entspannung…
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Herzlich Willkommen bei deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself® - es ist so schön, dass du da bist! In dieser Folge habe ich dir einen Powertalk gesprochen, der deinen Schmerz im Herzen transformiert in Liebe und Freiheit. Lausche meiner Stimme, fühle in dein Herz hinein und lasse Altes los, um wieder an deinen Ursprung zu kommen: Die Lieb…
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Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu deinem Podcast der Selbstfindung "How to find myself® - Dein Selbstfindungs-Podcast". In dieser Folge erfährst du... ... was deine Glaubenssätze zu Konflikten sind. ... welcher Schmerz hinter dem Thema "Streit und Konflikt" bei dir steht. ... wie du dein inneres Kind in die Heilung einladen kannst. ... wie du dein S…
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen in einer neuen Podcast Folge von How to find myself® - Deinem Selbstfindungs-Podcast. In dieser Folge geht es um... ... Learnings aus 2023 ... Veränderungsprozesse: Wie werde ich, wer ich sein will? ... Visualisierung deines besten Selbst ... das Spüren deiner inneren Stärke ... dem Entgegenblicken deiner bestmöglichen…
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Herzlich Willkommen bei deinem Selbstfindungspodcast How to find myself by Kimberly Lordelo Gehlen. In dieser Podcast Folge kannst du Live eine Coaching Übung mitmachen - alles, was du brauchst, ist lediglich ein Blatt Papier und ein Stift oder deine Notizen auf dem Handy. Diese Folge hilft dir... ... deine 10 Lebensbereiche zu betrachten und zu be…
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In dieser Podcastfolge hörst du eine geführte Meditation, die dich zu deinem inneren Palast führt. Von 10 bekannten Lebensbereichen werden folgende 5 in der Mediation gespiegelt: Die Beziehung zu dir selbst (Charakter, Selbstliebe) Die Beziehung zu anderen (Familie, Freunde, romantische Beziehung) Deine Gesundheit Deine Finanzen (Geld, Beruf) Öffne…
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In diesem Podcast-Talk erwarten dich Tools zur Selbstermächtigung in den dunkelsten Momenten. Nach der Podcast Folge weißt du... welche Sätze dein führendes Licht erschaffen. wie du anfangen kannst an ein Wunder zu glauben. wie du Licht und Fülle in dein Leben manifestierst. wie du in Verbindung mit spirituellen Führern gehst und von ihnen Antworte…
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Kennst du das, dass dich ein negatives Gefühl einnimmt oder deine Angst dich lähmt, dich flüchten wollen lässt oder dich total aufbraust? In dieser Folge findest du eine Meditation, die dir die Chance gibt in diese Angst rein zu spüren und ihr den Raum zu geben, dir Antworten für deinen Lebensweg zu geben. Nach der Meditation fühlst du dich bestärk…
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In dieser Podcast-Folge hörst du einen Talk über Entscheidungsfindung. Ich erzähle von dem Problem der Entscheidungsfindung, wenn nicht klar ist, welche Entscheidung die richtige ist. Anhand eines Beispiels stelle ich Tools vor, wie du für dich herausfinden kannst, welche Entscheidung für dich richtig ist. Du lernst in dieser Folge... welche Organe…
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In dieser Podcast Folge hörst du eine Mediation, in der du deinen eigenen Herzraum erkundest. Staune und phantasiere über deinen eigenen inneren Garten, indem du deiner Intuition folgst. Viel Spaß beim zuhören und mitmachen! Website: Coaching-Angebot: Instagram: @kimber…
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These show notes are the hardest for me to write. In this episode, you will hear a potpourri of... - expressing gratitude - getting a peek behind the curtain of podcasting - departing of wisdom I have learned from my journey. Thank you to all of my listeners, episode guests, and supporters. Best wishes to all of you! - Meredith Siget…
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Lorena Seidel is a Mother of 3, Author, Speaker, Former Educator and Mindset Coach. “Stop surviving parenting and start thriving” is her motto. In this episode, Lorena shared her experiencing in parenting and education little ones. She explains how our mindset influences the young ones in our life and how we can be intentional with our actions. Lis…
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How many times have you fretted to only find out it was for not? As we have learned in previous episodes, our brain is wired to see the negative for survival purposes. But that doesn’t have to be the only story in our head. Through being intentional with our thoughts, we can protect our peace and enjoy the experiences that we have. Kendra from the …
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This is a live, impromptu recording inspired by a visit to my Chiropractor Dr. Brent Binder. He has a way of challenging my thinking with a supportive approach. He nourishes my mind so that my mind can help my body heal itself. It is time to check back in with your thinking and be intentional with how you are feeding your mind. Listen in to get som…
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Bridget Covill is a Mother of 4, Registered Nurse, Podcaster, Coach and Motivational Speaker. Bridget empowers moms and busy women to break free of insecurities so they can have relationships and friendships they desire. In this episode, Bridget shares her expertise as a Women’s Coach to highlight the importance of awareness and communication. List…
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Gintare “Gin” Balseviciute is a Nutritionist and Wellness Coach for Busy Women. Her friendly personality and down to earth perspective makes her a gem in the coaching world! Her passion to work with women is dear to her heart through her own journey. In this episode, Gin shares her expertise as a Wellness Coach inspiring us to focus on small concep…
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Help me welcome Tricia Sitemere back on the mic! Tricia previously joined us on Episode 37: You have no business writing a book. In this episode, Tricia shares her expertise as a Career Coach on how we can advocate for ourselves to make changes in our careers. She highlights that clarity is key to understand the ultimate goal and creating the path …
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I know! You agree with me! Mike Cole is the best! Not only does he have the calmest voice to listen to, he has amazing insight on how our challenges make use unique and stronger. This episode speaks to individuals in the corporate world, individuals looking to advance in their career, parents and those who just want to be more positive. Mike is tho…
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Mike Cole has dyslexia but has never allowed it to define him. He has allowed it to set him apart from the rest. Mike has turned what others call a disability or a weakness into his super power which helped him succeed in the corporate world. He uses his experience to help others find their quirk and harness it as a superpower. This episode speaks …
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Have you ever thought of who decides you did something perfect? Or who made the criteria of perfection? This episode breaks down those question as well as more. You learned in Episode 61: Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist that I have done a lot of work to change my ways. This episode is me figuring out more and pushing my understanding of p…
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Part 2 “We have these thoughts but we don’t have to give into them.” - Kendra Seoane Listen in to part of my conversation with Kendra Seoane to gain insight on why we have certain habits, how mindfulness can help us make better decisions, and how managing a positive mindset makes all the difference. References To contact Kendra: Website: https://ww…
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Kendra Seoane calls herself an ex-overeater, ex-body hater on a mission to teach the tools for freedom from struggle with food and body image. I call her a modern day badass with an infectious spirit When she talks, you want to listen. Listen in to both parts of our conversation to gain insight on why we have certain habits, how mindfulness can hel…
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Part 2 of the Summer Edition Episode with Courtney Parkhill, my former co/host from 25 Meets 40. Courtney and I had so much fun I had to break our time up into 2 episodes. This episode is an update on how my medical journey is going and hear how I’ve been helping myself. Maybe you can catch a drop of inspiration and positivity. You can check Courtn…
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Courtney Parkhill is back on the mic for this fun Summer Edition episode. Courtney and I had so much fun I had to break our time up into 2 episodes. This first part is all the frequently asked questions that always come up about me and the podcast. What do you think is the number one question I get asked??? Bonus tips can be heard regarding being a…
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Jen Sincero… need I say more?!?! In this episode, I not only give you the rundown of Jen Sincero’s book Badass Habits but I provide you with motivation and a kick in “badass “ using a point that Jen raises in the book. Jen inspires me to do a little coaching with you! Badass Habits is a practical and inspiring guide for anyone who wants to create a…
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Are you familiar with the concept that all of us having an invisible bucket? This bucket represents our mental and emotional self. Our buckets gets filled and drained on a regular basis based on what we do. We also interact with individuals who are either bucket fillers or bucket dippers. If this concept seems familiar, you might be aware of anti -…
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“There are two paths in life, you can fall victim to circumstance or taking those circumstances and do better!” Danielle Cobo is a career coach, podcaster, trainer, keynote speaker, and author. Danielle’s up-bring was quite complex including being kidnapped by her mother at age 2 and finally reconnected with her father at age 15. Through grit and d…
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It’s spring cleaning time! Don’t forget to not only take care of your physical space but also yourself. Listen in for 3 tips to on how you can do a little spring cleaning in your mind and soul. Bonus: It’s about time to check back in with your personal mission statement that we talked about in Episode 2: Life Audit. It’s been 3 years. I know… crazy…
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I never thought I’d say the word “merge” so many times! LOL Have you taken stock of the thoughts and beliefs you have? Have you ever wondered where they come from or why you have them? It’s helpful for you to take this to investigate this. While I did this, I came up with 2 specific limiting beliefs that challenge me- perfectionism and playing by t…
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Reality Check!How are your goals/intentions/resolutions going?How’s your mood? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you filling your cup?We have all come down from the holiday highs and the initial jolt of New Year motivation. This is the time when excuses creep in and we forget why we are working for something or trying to make a change. 👉 Revisit…
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Are you looking for inspiration?!? Would you considering at 50 years old to re-learn to ride a motorcycle and take a trip across the country? C. Jane Taylor tells us an amazing and inspirational story of her life and adventures. “Creativity comes from discomfort.” - C. Jane Taylor She has created her own path, pushed through fear to live the life t…
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Let’s be honest change is uncomfortable. Trying something new can be scary. With knowledge, clear expectations, and strategies, you can give yourself a head start in living the life you want to live. Check out the Finding Myself Podcast Fb group for more information, more resources, and supportive discussion. You can also find podcast updates of IG…
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This was my first attempt at doing a LIVE episode. Today’s episode is about starting the new year will a new mindset to heal from burnout and to work smarter not harder. The two books that I mentioned in this episode are: 1. On Purpose by Tanya Dalton 2. Choosing Joy by Sarah Gregg Check out the Finding Myself Podcast Fb group for more information,…
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it’s that time of year again to hyper-focus on our resolutions, create loft goals, and stress ourself out about all that we want to accomplish next year. I’m talking from experience here! This year I’m trying a different approach. For a couple years, I’ve heard about the concept of choosing a word to frame the year. I looked into this and put my ow…
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Continuing a season of Gratitude! This is a perfect time of year to check in with our gratitude. If we’ve listen to the News in the last 2 years, you’re bound to be disheartened by the state of the world. To combat these negative messages, we need to take a pause and notice the good around us! Listen in to this episode to learn about the benefits o…
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Dr. Kelly Waltman shares how she has pivoted through her career path while using her talents, passions, and interests. We learn about 25 year old Kelly and how the measure of success has evolved over the years. Kelly’s recent passion project is her book - Elevate Connection: Cultivate an Engaged, Inspired, Productive, and Profitable Team Culture. L…
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Listen in to this amazing conversation with Amber Roadcap about the Mom Squad, how divorce impacts us as a person and a parent, helping our kids through the change, and being vulnerable. Amber is courageous for sharing with us her journey through divorce and finding some silver linings. She is real and so relatable in this conversation. In this epi…
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The pandemic has taught me a lot about myself and also made me face things that needed to change. For years, I took pride in calling myself a perfectionist. I mean who could make an argument against being perfect. This episode is about me coming to terms with my perfectism and strategies I use to help me stay on the straight and narrow. Check out t…
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Have you been asked that question… where do you see yourself in 1 yr or 5 yrs? Or are you trying to create your vision? I invited Michael, my hubby, back on the mic to talk about this question because he and I are on different pages about it. Michael thinks it’s a dreaded question while I find it exciting. I see it as creating a VISION! In this epi…
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“If we want that victory, we have to keep trying.” - Dr. Wendi Seger Check out Part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Wendi Seger about Failing Forward. Dr. Wendi Seger is an experienced therapist, business owner, and business coach. Her doctorate is in business. You can find Dr. Wendi Seger at FB: Wendi’s Good Things Market IG @We…
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This past year and a half has brought so many feelings that we are unfamiliar with and uncomfortable this. One of these feelings is the feeling of failure. Dr. Wendi Seger discusses with us how the pandemic impacted her and her restaurant business. Through all of her experience, she is hoping to show others how you can Fail Forward! This is part 1 …
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"Another flower caught his eye." - Amber Nadine in her song Rooftop What does your happy ever after look like? Singer/songwriter Amber Nadine asked herself that question and created a beautiful and meaning song from her answer. In this episode, you will hear Amber tell us about her journey as an artist and as a person to come to have the confidence…
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