Join Rabbi Amichai & Miriam for meaningful conversations with special guests who share their insights on how we can live from a more authentic self. Delve into recordings of the weekly Inner Vibe classes. Join our Live Kabbalah Community! Live Kabbalah is a loving, supportive global community of spiritually evolving beautiful souls. Join us weekly for Exploring Oneness & Meditation with Rabbi Amichai and Own Your Light Group Coaching with Miriam. Looking forward to learning & growing togethe ...
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Integrating Our Shadow: What Is A Breakthrough? With Doron Gibor
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1:11:58Join us on the Live Kabbalah Podcast as we explore the power of shadow integration and what it truly means to experience a breakthrough. In this deep and insightful conversation with Doron Gibor, we uncover the hidden aspects of the self, the role of Kabbalistic wisdom, and how the Ana B’Koach prayer can elevate our consciousness.…
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As we step into the month of December, the energy of Sagittarius invites us to embrace a time of transformation and exploration. Sagittarius, known for its inquisitive nature, encourages us to remain open to learning and growth. This period is not just about accumulating knowledge for its sake but also about applying what we learn in meaningful way…
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The universe is not an empty void but a vibrant symphony of creation, a masterpiece orchestrated by G-d. This grand composition is often called the Song of Creation or Perek Shira. This harmony surrounds us at every moment, inviting us to tune into our inherent connection to all existence.
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The world is experiencing a powerful awakening of feminine energies, reflecting the expansion of global consciousness. Gevurah, one of the ten sefirot and a soul power within us, channels energy inward, fostering a deeper connection to our authentic selves. When our energy becomes scattered or overly tied to others’ needs, we risk losing our sense …
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How Sharing Our Differences Can Lead to Love, Connection, and Redemption. As technology evolves—from radio to social media—it opens new doors for sharing our beliefs, connecting us, though it can sometimes create division. In this class, we explore how our differences can become a powerful path to unity, love, and redemption. Guided by the spiritua…
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Did you know? Every part of the universe, from plants to planets, sings a wondrous song to Hashem! 🌌 King Solomon, known for his wisdom, could understand these songs, and together with King David, composed what's known as Perek Shira. Reciting Perek Shira daily is said to bring incredible blessings, including a long life and protection from hardshi…
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Dive into the spiritual significance of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, often referred to as "bitter Cheshvan," and discover how this unique time can be a powerful period for building faith and hope. Explore the connection between the tribe of Menashe, the concept of the soul (Neshama), and the transformative power of prayer and introspection. Learn …
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Cultivating healthy boundaries and redirecting our energies back to ourselves is at the core of a loving relationship with ourselves and others. Without it, there is no authentic connection to ourselves; there is no me, you, or love in between. Many of us had a breach of our mental, emotional, and physical boundaries as children. As a result, our e…
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As we begin the new year, we find inspiration in Jacob's journey: "And Jacob went upon his way." Was it his path—or the Divine path set before him? This class dives into the thrill of discovering Hashem’s presence in our own journey forward. Join us for a powerful exploration and meditation on aligning with the higher path intended for us this year…
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Rav Kook On Teshuva
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1:13:28Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook was a master of Torah and spiritual master of the heart. He was ahead of his time in understanding what our generation needs. In his work "Orot haTeshuva," Rav Kook breaks down what Teshuva—return—is really all about. In this class, we delve into the Teshuvan that our generation and world are really ready for.…
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Combating Corona through love. We are in intense times and need the right perspective and set of mind and get through this- together. Listen to this beautiful heart ❤️ felt meditation by Baruch Steinberg of
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This year is the year תשפ'ה, symbolizing the power that we have in our communication. פה also means “here” or presence. It is a year to be mindful and present to what is in our hearts and to communicate, share, sing, and express praise and gratitude from an authentic place of connection to ourselves and others ❤️…
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More than a regular "New Year" celebration, Rosh Hashana is a complete cosmic restart. Kabbalah explains that Rosh Hashana is celebrated on the sixth day of creation and not on the 25th day of Elul because the purpose of all of creation is that Adam—man and woman—should actualize their God-given potential.…
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We carry many old fear-based beliefs and perspectives that affect our relationship with G-d and the High Holidays. Beliefs and narratives that G-d is all about judgment, reward, and punishment prevent us from accessing the unconditional love and compassion available to us. Only by challenging and releasing the old narratives, beliefs, and perspecti…
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We are often the greatest self-critics. A Chassidic saying states, "More than the negativity of sin/mistake is the sadness and self-loathing that follows." In this class, we will explore the auspicious month of Elul, which helps us mend the perception of duality by recognizing that the Creator is found within all aspects of ourselves. In the Song o…
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In this episode of the Live Kabbalah podcast, Rabbi Amichai is joined by special guest Jessie Shapiro, an Ontological Coach. Together, they explore the significance of inner reflection and discuss how grounding ourselves in the earth helps us connect more deeply with our emotions and bodies.
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Elul is a time of reflection and introspection when we examine who we are and who we are becoming. The Alter Rebbe famously said that during the month of Elul, "the King is in the field." This is a reference to the potential of the month of Elul. During this month, the King—Hashem—is in the field and is more accessible than ever. In Shulchan, it sa…
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In this teaching we explore the profound Torah of the B'Nai Ysaschar, Rav Tzadok Ha'Cohen of Lublin and the Lubavitcher Rebbe for a deep understanding of the transaction of the months of Tammuz and Av to the auspicious month of Elul. Elul is a doorway and a portal in time that allows us to see that every situation we are placed in is exact. Once we…
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The 15th day of the month of Av stands out as one of the year's most potent days. According to the Talmud, Israel has seen no greater days than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur. This date, marked by the full moon in Av, symbolizes the peak of descent following its ascent. From a Kabbalistic perspective, the moon embodies the Shechina—the feminine aspe…
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The Life of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the Arizal
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1:12:07In this captivating class, we explored the biography of the esoteric master of Kabbalah, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi, the Arizal, the greatest Kabbalist of the past thousand years. Recorded on the 5th of Av, 8/8/2024, the Hilula (day of passing) of the Arizal, we delved into his extraordinary biography, including his transformative years in Tzfa…
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Episode #10: AnaRina Kreisman | Jerusalem: From Dust to Destiny
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1:15:29AnaRina Kreisman on the Rich History and Spiritual Essence of JerusalemIn this episode of Live Kabbalah's podcast, we heard from AnaRina Kreisman, the director of Align with Zion and a tour guide for the City of David Archaeological site. We delved into Jerusalem's 5,000-year history, from its ancient roots to Charles Warren's discovery of the City…
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What is the difference between Destiny and Fate?
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1:04:18What is the difference between Destiny and Fate? Many of us think we know what these words mean. What is the actual definition and difference between the two? In this week's Torah portion- Pinchas, we learn about the division of the land of Israel to the tribes. This division was done by the casting of lots and via the Divine spirit. The casting of…
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How Do We Contend With Darkness? The Power of Compassion
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1:09:26This powerful class discusses how to contend with our inner and outer darkness. The darkness we see in the world mirrors our inner darkness, yet we have the key to transmuting it into light, and it's called Rachamim- compassion. We know that the week's energy is encoded in the week's Torah portion. In the Torah portion of the week (July 19th), Bala…
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The Secret of Purity
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1:19:36One of the main pillars of life is the recognition that we can always start again. The great Chassidic masters said that even if someone commits the worst sins, they can and need to start again. What prevents us from starting again is the lack of belief in ourselves and in the Creator's infinite love and compassion. While we are so harsh, shameful,…
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Understanding the Mistake of The Spies: Knowing G-d In The Now
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1:12:21The story of the spies, found in this week's Torah portion Shelach (Numbers 13-14), involves twelve leaders, one from each tribe of Israel, who were sent by Moses to scout the Promised Land of Canaan. Upon returning from their mission, ten of the spies reported that, while the land was indeed bountiful ("a land flowing with milk and honey"), its in…
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What is the secret of the Jewish spirit? Despite persecution throughout world history, the Jews survived the mightiest empires. The secret of the Menorah, which Kabbalah and Chassidut elaborate upon, captures the unity and essence of Divine connection or self-sacrifice, which is our essence. The Menorah is a symbol of the Jewish people. Beyond its …
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Episode #9: Adam Kellerman | Persistence Through Adversity
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1:13:06At the young age of 13, Adam contended with cancer in his right hip which was eventually amputated. In his journey as a paraplegic Olympian tennis player ranked 8th in the world, Adam had to quit his Olympic aspirations after sustaining another injury. This led him through a long trek in Africa, to South America, Australia, Israel, and ultimately t…
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Gemini Sivan -Insight Into June 2024
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1:11:41What is the Kabbalistic essence of the month of Sivan? It is about instilling presence within contradictions. The Torah says, regarding the month of Sivan, "They (the Israelites) encamped around the mountain." Our sages say that this was the first time true prevailing peace was achieved from an interpersonal point of view. After all the days of cou…
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How Do Integrating Holiness Into Our Life?
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1:10:25What is holiness? The Ramban (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman of Barcelona, Spain) says it means "removed from the mundane." In this week's Parsha Emor, we learn about the innate holiness found within the Kohen, which translates into a different level of responsibility they have towards the collective. In truth, all of us are called Kohanim. As the Torah s…
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As we transition from the month of Nissan—Aries into Iyar Taurus, we transition into a different phase of consciousness, which is unique to Iyar and the month of May. The Arizal teaches about three phases of consciousness. These three archetypes are experienced on a superconscious level on the Seder night, and then we strive to internalize this exp…
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Episode #8: Charoset: The Sweetness of Liberation - With Botanical Expert Avraham Dahan
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1:04:13Charoset: The Sweetness of Liberation - The Symbolism on the Passover Table We are happy to welcome botanical expert and historian Avraham Dahan, the author of the Talmudic Encyclopedia of Plants & Herbs, as a guest teacher. The presence of Charoset on the Seder table is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition and symbolism, particularly during the Passo…
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The Leper, The Kohen & Healing of Souls
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1:26:19In our Parsha, Tzaria, we learn about the leper and the healing from leprosy. Leprosy is a skin condition with a spiritual root. The Torah says that if a person suspects that they have leprosy, they must "come to the Kohen" and show him the white patches. The Kohen determines whether the person is an actual leper and quarantines him for seven days.…
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Miracles Normalized- The Month of Nissan
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1:10:18The month of Nissan represents the above nature dimension. The name Nissan means miracles, and during this month, we assume the above natural reality of love, joy, and compassion as our true selves.
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A profound class on the roots of shame and how we may heal it. Shame is something we all have. In fact, it is part of our human DNA and is stamped deeply into our psyche. After the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, Adam, the first man, was asked by G-d in the Garden of Eden, "Where are you?
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Redemption Within Challenge
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1:02:16A deep dive into understanding life's journeys. As much as we do not yearn for or anticipate expansiveness/redemption, it is found within the challenge itself, and one of life's great lessons is this recognition. The Torah portion of Pekudai culminates the book of Shemot-Exodus. The book begins by recounting the children of Jacob's descent into Egy…
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Harmony in Duality- The Mystery of the Half-Shekel
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1:08:24The Zohar teaches that we are comprised of the spiritual higher self, which is called our "other half." We are also comprised of our lower ego-centric self. We are interested in uplifting the ego self by utilizing the power of choice and observation. This Shabbat is the first of four special Torah readings that spiritually prepare us for the holida…
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Unlocking Divine Compassion: Journey of the Thirteen-Petaled Rose
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1:07:07In the Torah portion, Ki -Tissa, we learn about the sin of the golden calf in which Moshe rises in prayer to the Creator to atone for this grave sin. It says Hashem (G-d) teaches Moshe THE prayer to annul the negative decree and atone for the sin. It is the 13 Attributes of mercy. The holy Zohar says that the 13 Attributes of mercy are compared to …
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Constant joy: the essence of Purim Katan 🥳
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1:26:13What is the essence of joy? The holiday of Purim teaches us that there is a constant joy of self beyond our knowing and doing. This joy is interconnected with our inner child, whose birthright is joy. Purim Katan offers us to connect to the constant and subtle joy of being in the moment and harnassing the opportunity to live with an open mind and o…
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Adar-Pisces: Miracles Normalized 🎉 🐟
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1:23:24The month of Adar is one of the most joyous and auspicious months on the calendar. This year, we are in a leap year and are celebrating two Adars or 60 days of Adar. When this happens (every 2-3 years), there is a special inherent potential that we can tap into. In a sense, we become nullified within these 60 days and its potential.The month of Ada…
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The Great Spiritual Awakening - Come to Your Pharaoh
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1:17:42In this week's Parsha-Bo, Moshe is asked to approach Pharoah on his home turf. Moshe is frightened, and the Zohar says that Hashem tells him, "Come with me to Pharoah." Hashem walks Moshe into the fearsome face-to-face with the dark side. The Zohar gives a secondary interpretation that the Pharoah represents the source from which all lights stem, t…
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What is flow? It is the state of being where we are perfectly aligned with our purpose. Behavioral Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says that flow is the balance of when our challenges and capacities are conjoined to connect with our ecstatic state of being. Csikszentmihalyi says that the best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive…
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Hineini- Awareness Within Uncertainty
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1:21:24Throughout the book of Beriesheit - Genesis, we hear the word Hineini from all of our greats. Starting with Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph, they refer to their divine awareness within the darkness of uncertainty as Hineini. Lenord Cohen has a famous song Hineni, in which he refers to his surrender to G-d as Hineni. In this week's Parsha and new book of…
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Transcending Life & Surmounting Challenges ✨The Spiritual Legacy of Jacob
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1:23:22Inarguably, Jacob stands out as one of the greatest spiritual heroes who engaged in the most courageous battles ✨ His struggles encompassed inner and outer conflicts stemming from a perceived lack of paternal love, sibling strife, discord among his children, a celestial encounter with an angel, and confrontations with his father-in-law. According t…
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The Rise of The Feminine: An Evolution of Consciousness
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1:07:38Learn about the Ari's three stages of our spiritual evolution and the rise of the feminine consciousness called Malchut, which the world is evolving into.
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Welcoming Greater Light Through the Veil of Darkness: Chanukah's Eighth Day
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1:12:55The eighth day of Chanukah is also called "Zot Chanukah" or "this is Chanukah" because it captures the essence of the holiday. In this class, we explore the two opinions of Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai about seeing the actual now vs accessing potential. How do we surrender to a great place of oneness and release our limiting beliefs? Why do we menti…
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Antisemitism: Exploring the Origins and Understanding the Hatred
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1:07:49Join us in our discussion as we unravel the roots of antisemitism, tracing back to the narratives of Isaac and Yishmael, Jacob and Eisav, and the pivotal moment of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Explore the spiritual dimensions that contribute to the enduring question: Why does Eisav harbor hatred towards Jacob, and how can we transcend th…
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Kislev- Women's Circle | Shine Your Light ✨
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1:10:42Tap into and learn more about the New Moon in Kislev-Sagittarius, the month of light and miracles 🌟 As the war of light and darkness is playing out in the world, we are all being asked to access our inner light in such a deep, raw, and real way. In this Women's Circle, Miriam shares tools and guidance to access our light through the energy of this …
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Episode #6: Discovering Unity Within: The Chassidic Perspective with Rabbi Shalom Pasternak
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1:03:26Join us for a captivating exploration as Rabbi Shalom Pasternak helps us delve into the essence of Chassidut, guiding us on a journey to find unity within ourselves. In this episode, we unravel the profound teachings that illuminate our inner light. Get ready for a candid conversation and a soulful fabrengen, preparing us for the meaningful celebra…
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Staying In The Eye of The Storm | Letting Go of The Old and Embracing The New ✨
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1:38:28Join Rabbi Amichai & Shifra Hendrie in this fascinating and vital conversation on how to stay centered in the eye of the storm and let go of the old and embrace the new reality that is unfolding within ourselves and the world. Listen to the powerful centering and heart-opening meditation. Here is our gift to you during these turbulent times.https:/…
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The Last Exile: The War of Yishmael Vs.The World
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1:17:49The Prophet Daniel sees in his vision the statue of Nebuchadnezzar as a physical representation of the four exiles the Jewish people will be in. He sees Babalyon, Persia/Media, Greece, and Rome as parts of the statue's body.Our Sages teach us that he saw a fifth exile, the most fierce one which will occur at the end of days, the exile of Yishmael.I…
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