Mature Preneurs Talk Podcasts connects near or over 50’s, 60's, 70's guests, who’ve created a new enterprise with an audience who are keen to do the same. The guests are a dynamic group of inspirational people with extremely diverse ventures. During the 22 minute interview, host Diana Todd-Banks shines the spotlight on this cavalcade of entrepreneurs who chat how they changed their life by starting a new venture, much needed community group or business; they also discuss how they did it, the ...
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CAROL GRAHAM Says NEVER GIVE UP HOPE No Matter What You Experience! Gang-Raped, Left For Dead, Loss of a Child, Husband Falsely Imprisoned, & Cancer Diagnosis Would Drive Anyone Into Victim Mode.
Not Carol, instead she became a victor with a determination to succeed. In her early sixties, Carol had the opportunity to recoup serious financial losses. Life gave her a second chance. Carol wrote her memoir, Battered Hope, as a message of hope and never ever giving up. This pole-vaulted her career, despite the tough life experiences of being gan…
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JUDYTHE BARRET-CROXFORD Brings To Light The generation of Invisible Women Who Are Now Ready To Be Seen. She says since we’ve been given time to stop, pause, and breathe now is an amazing time for everyone ...
Both host Diana Todd-Banks and guest Judythe cover some fascinating provocative topics about the current world climate and the Invisible Woman. Invisible women can best be described as those women who have always been really self-sufficient, the person that nobody needs to worry about, so they don’t. But now you’ve turned 60 and have watched everyo…
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Sara noticed many of her 50- and 60-something year old contemporaries were spending a large amount of time and money ensuring that their 80- and 90-something year old parents were cared for and having a good life. Then after a long phone call from a friend Sara turned to her husband and asked “who is going to do that for us? We don’t have kids! Tha…
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Foxxy Karen-Eleoyze understood from a young age, movement is a quick and effective way to tap into your body’s wisdom and stay young.
As the Relationship & Sensuality Sage, mother of 3, Foxxy worked as a professional exotic dancer for 17 years, gamely sticking with it until the age of 51, before quitting to pursue her new venture. She saw many women who were curious about their sensuality and have greater confidence in themselves, have a desire to have a voice. From this, she fel…
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SELINA MAITREYA says on a global scale, given the current chaos we are all being asked to take one action. As with any chaos, there is goodness to be found should we choose to shine a light on it.
That one action we all need to take is to ... PAUSE! THIS PODCAST TOPIC IS POWERFUL & IMPORTANT with profound information from which we can all benefit, given the current world chaos. We are being asked to stop and pause and while that action will look different to each of us, as with any piece of chaos, we have an opportunity as to how we to respo…
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Books Books Books. Diana Todd-Banks host of Mature Preneurs Talk Podcast discusses the book by the podcast name with the sub-title “How To Have A Productive, Energised, Creative Life After 50.” in the book are 21 guests from this program – all over 50 60 70 plus, who have created new income producing ventures, some of which have not existed before.…
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CATHY PAYNE Agrees Her 3 Decade Teaching Career is Vastly Different From Preserving Heritage Livestock Breeds Including Guinea Hogs in the South Eastern United States
Cathy said after retiring and somewhat spontaneously the couple showed a brilliant example of taking the bull by the horns purchasing some land with a house on it in rural northeast Georgia in the southeastern United States with the intention to grow their own food. But there was a catch! Neither had any farming experience, which meant there was a …
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SELINA MAITREYA Says In 2013 Her Entire Life Suddenly Stopped On A Dime. How Her Life of Unexpected Brain Trauma, Became A Gift Which She Later Created For Others Experiencing Daily Irritations & Difficulties ...
Selina Maitreya’s recovery was miraculous but her earlier life of deep spiritual connection enabled that to occur. A powerful true-life story, it is longer than the usual MPT podcasts but is worth every second of your attention. Selina recounts her life at 58 prior to July 2013 and says after selling her home she was looking forward to the next pha…
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JOHN FAISANDIER Talks About Managing Emotions In A Time Of Change & Suggests People Resist Being Changed, But Don’t Resist Change & Part Of That Are Four Important Words, Feeling and Revealing Leads To ...
John has had a fascinating career, as a volunteer teaching in Tonga, 19 years training and working as a Catholic priest, psychodrama training and work in a drug and alcohol treatment hospital all of which lay the foundation for him to become a compassionate emotional intelligence expert once he hit 50. Getting married when nearly 40 added the icing…
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SANDI ROSE MILLER Says Helping Women Navigate the Mid-Life Maze Can Be a Journey of Discovery & Fun For The Woman Who Also Wants to Discover Her Own Unique Way To Thrive Throughout Her Best Years Yet To ...
For Sandi reinvention has become a way of life as it has for many people in their 50’s and above! By then we’ve triumphed and overcome numerous traumas – all just a part of life. Sandi said she is a former Miss America finalist, Breck Girl spokeswoman and television/film actress turned author/consultant/speaker: "The Art of Living - Feng Shui YOUR …
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MICHAEL PRIV Says His Life Is Like The School of Funny Stories - From Arriving in the US from USSR, Graduating University, Then To A Lot of Drama & Now Joy! Parts of This Podcast Are Hilarious!
Michael said he arrived in USA in 1979 at 19 from USSR, graduated the University of Pittsburgh as a construction engineer, found a job in San Francisco then that’s where the mundane part of his life ended. Having always been fascinated by the spiritual after brief stints with Judaism, several brands of Christianity and Buddhism, he started in Scien…
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WENDY SHUGAR Said Being Grossly Overweight & Building A Barrier To Hide Behind Things Is A Tragedy, Yet She Turned That Around And Triumphed
WENDY said in her late 40s she remembers the exact defining moment she knew she needed to change from being at her heaviest 315 lbs. so she decided to go on a hike but became so tired after a mile, a stranger had to get down and tie her shoe. Then came the constant reprimands, self-put downs, which she mentions on this podcast ... ultimately asking…
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LINDA CLAY Says at 60 It’s A Difficult Place To Be, Unemployed, Running Out of Savings; You Need To Take Dramatic Action, Then You Can Triumph & Even Help Others
Linda has been through several different life transitions and triumphed, which is why this podcast is full of practical tips. Losing her husband, becoming a single parent to her granddaughter, suffering depression and PTSD took several years to heal. One of the biggest challenges was realizing how little you could control in life. Through daily med…
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SANDRA BISKIND ASKS Imagine If We Could Eradicate The War Between The Ego Mind’s Unconscious Priorities & The Soul’s Desire To Be Whole – To Be The Best Version Of Who We Are?
Sandra had many pivot points at the age of 18 and often in turmoil some true wonders occur out of that turmoil. For Sandra she had an awakening experience when she almost died she discovered all things spiritual, which changed her life forever profoundly so … realizing she had a mission and purpose to help empower people to set themselves free via …
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KAY NEWTON Helps You Understand About The Simplicity Of Life, The True Meaning of Wealth & How To Make Your Next 50 Years The Best. Simplicity She Says Helps Reduce Stress & Creates More Time.
KAYS asks all her clients to address this question: ‘What will you do if you lose all your assets tomorrow?’ Clearly the question must be asked what caused Kay to come to these conclusions and her answer is fascinating and a wonderful story of adventure. Originally from Leeds, Yorkshire, the UK in her early 20’s she jumped on board a private yacht …
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GABRIELA MASALA Says Feeling Regenerated, Creatively Fulfilled, Connected, & Empowered, ‘Unlimited’ Should Not Be The Exception In A life, It Can Be The Norm By Doing So We Can Begin Creating a Magnificent ...
Gabriela Masala found by integrating multiple modalities into her facilitation practice to help people “heal”, she soon realized the greatest service she could give was to point people back to their own innate genius, intuition, wholeness and sovereignty. Serving individuals and communities world wide through intuitive, energy medicine and expressi…
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NANCY GUBERTI: From golden handcuffs to golden lifestyle, starting her Functional Medicine Practice was scary given the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur, learning your craft & building a practice.
Nancy said she needed to heal her son with a liver disorder since no-one else seemed to be able to but then she ended up starting her own practice in functional medicine. How did she do that? Studying Food Chemistry, Holistic Nutrition, and Functional Medicine a far cry from her corporate life. Nancy said you do not have to wear all the hats in a c…
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ANI ANDERSON For Years Was Known As “the person you came to when the professionals didn’t know what was wrong with you”, Yet As A Holistic Occupational Therapist When Her Life Fell Apart No Other Professionals ...
Ani, said the solution was and is in the same place. Today she is the author of ‘Find Your Soul’s Agenda,’ and says her book is almost a story about her journey, one that others also experience. After a very public divorce, she felt completely lost and none of her therapist friends seemed to be able to help her. Her identity as a wife, mother and b…
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BILL DOERR Says “Be The Bee Among The Flowers” was advice Bill’s mum, a very successful entrepreneur, told him when, as a young child, he asked her, “Mom, how do you get your clients?”.
BILL said her sage wisdom was that if you’re creating value for others, they will add value to you. This lead Bill to adopt a life philosophy and build a business based on this principle and which he has ultimately proven many times. Of course there is more to this little story. And you can hear it all on this fun podcast I had with Bill. After wor…
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NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN Helps People Find A Better Way To Build Their Business, As Too Many Entrepreneurs Work Too Hard, With Little Income & Don’t Have a Life
Neville says the question: ‘What can I do for the rest of my life,’ is a question he toyed with long ago, and knows that the dilemma is a common feeling for many midlifers. Having helped hundreds of businesses he knows if a person is good at something they can build a business and have a life too. The big starting tip is to list your skills, what y…
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BRIAN WINCH Says If You’re 45Plus, Ambitious & Motivated You Can Change Your Future Even By Starting a Small Side Hustle, Just As He Did & That Quickly Turned Into An Amazing & Growing Business Anyone ...
Brian said he was uninspired and lacked motivation within his full-time job at a sporting goods store, and recalled a side business that his father worked years ago cleaning parking lots and decided to turn that idea into his side-hustle. After two months Brian was bringing in enough income with Cleanlots to leave his full-time job behind. Brian te…
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[Part II] SUZIE GRUBER Asks Over 50s, What Is It You Most Want For Yourself Then Suggests Don’t Let Your Old Wiring Prevent You From Stepping Out On Your Own To Create A Fulfilling New Future
Suzie says Often when we reach the later stages of our lives, we hear the clock of our own mortality ticking and we wonder if it’s too late to create something new and better for ourselves. The question is why wait. Ask yourself if the old, familiar excuse, “it’s too late” is a way you keep yourself from pursuing your dreams rather than an actual l…
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CHRIS & SUSAN BEESLEY: Retiring The New Way – What Do Those Four Words Mean To You? The Word Retirement Conjures Up Many Thoughts Even For Those Near 50, Some Took A Walk, Others A Leap Of Faith While ...
Chris and Susan’s plans for their 50’s and beyond, took advantage of the property boom which ultimately became a millstone around their necks rather than the generous pension it was meant to be. As self employed Accountants and Management Consultants in their fifties they worked 6 - 7 days a week, 10 - 12 hours a day, had a good income but no time …
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ELIZABETH DUCIE: After 25 Years In The Corporate Industry Then Giving It All Up To Transition Into Her Second Life Chapter To Write, Is A Big Leap of Faith & Confidence in Yourself, But This Is The Step ...
Elizabeth had spent over twenty-five years in the international pharmaceutical industry helping companies make their drugs safely and built up a ‘store’ of anecdotes she intended to publish “one of these days.” Then a major health scare reminded her if she left it too late, she may never reach, “one of these days,” and so began writing creative non…
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DAN McCRORY - If You’re Dying To Write A Book, Make Sure You Have An Audience And Know What It Looks Like. DO NOT Take Your Better Half For Granted. Keep Them In The Loop. Ask For Their Advice. And Be ...
Dan McCrory said for decades, he worked at a phone company as a telecommunications technician but he always had writing jobs on the side, but as he found out writing a book is different and has its own set of pitfalls. Some advice? Know your target audience. He never stopped to ask will millennials, (his audience) read this? While receptive, they w…
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SUZIE GRUBER Overcoming Limitations of Life’s Traumas Is Not Easy If You Want To Follow Your Heart; Truth Is Most People Are Not Interested In What Needs To Be Done, They Want Results & Is Why Many Miss ...
Listen how Suzie Gruber’s life took a circuitous route to be where she is today, helping you to improve your life and really come alive. She says many have an innate drive towards connection, aliveness, and success, an urge that gives you the courage to change, regardless of what you face along the way. But those desires may be submerged until Suzi…
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MARK LYONS Offers Profound Advice Starting With “if your wondering what to do with your next life chapter don’t lie to yourself, your inner self won’t accept it.” Start Be Truthful With Yourself, You’ll ...
Listen how Mark Lyons creatively combined his earlier two careers in different fields, animal agriculture and strategic management consulting, with his long time passion to become a Garden Troubadour and Green Thumb At Your Service Coach. Searching ardently for his next career yet nothing happened, Mark said two years later it dawned on him why he …
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KATHLEEN HANAGAN Found Her Gift Was Translating Esoteric Knowledge Into Practical Tools That Help You Navigate The Stormy Waters Of The Human Journey! Have You Identified Your Gifts Yet?
Kathleen said she found herself completely lost and heartbroken, after a family breakdown, her business fell apart, her sense of identity unraveled, and health challenges set in. She faced fears she had never faced before, having always been so successful in her thriving psychotherapy practice. Despite always helping others Kathleen now needed help…
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NOREEN BRAMAN: Life’s Unexpected Knocks Despite Being Traumatic, Can Send You In New Directions Opening Up Doors You Never Thought About – A Wonderful Lesson All Is Not Lost Rather Much Can Be Gained With ...
In 2010, Noreen Braman, who had already reinvented herself in 1997 after a contentious divorce, was reeling from a corporate downsizing, dealing with economic recession of historic proportions and facing her own midlife issues. Soon her skills as a strategic communications professional, humourist and performer sent her in a new direction. By the en…
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PAT PORREY – Never Give Up On Your Dreams – It’s Never Too Late To Create Something You Love & Can Make A Positive Difference In The Lives Of Others Even If It Means Jumping Into The World of Babies
Pat Porrey and her sister Pam did that and have made a huge difference in the lives of new Mums and their newborn babies coming home from hospital. On reflection it was a huge difference after spending 30 years at a great job with a major corporation, but Pat decided she needed to try something new. Despite having great job, a safe pension and a gr…
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KELLY FITZGERALD FOWLER Suggests ‘Do Something You Love Even If You Don’t Get Paid For It’ - Wise Advice To Those Looking To Do More In Their Next Life Chapter, She Did That You Can Too!
Kelly said writing a book had been on her bucket list since she was 22, but she says it’s a ton of work! And it wasn’t surprising she spent the next 8-10 years finding excuses as family and business excuses kept her from writing her ‘special and unique’ book. Years later her excuses dissipated and the opportunity to finish her book came to be. Kell…
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LANA NELSON Says She Was Able To Handle the Trauma’s & Dramas That Came Her Way, Even With Her 6 Young Children, Losing Her Home & Car, Because Of Her Strong Fortitude, Tenacity & Focus. Strong Qualities ...
Lana Nelson’s life traumas ultimately became gifts even despite being injured in a nasty car accident causing years of chronic pain. She knew she would be the sole financial supporter of her young children. Having previous experience in the field she started her own dental lab business and 4 years later bought a home, a new van and able took her ch…
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DOM CAMPBELL Says His Cup of Life Was Empty, Totally ... & This Became The Catalyst to Analyze Then Change His Life To Do What He Felt Passionate About – Advice He Now Wisely Offers Others So They Too ...
He’s a midlife divorced dad raising 2 kids but that hasn’t stopped Dom from becoming a health empowerment coach. Unlike most health coaches, Dom chose not to not focus on what people eat, or their exercise, rather, he focuses on helping to discover and transform the underlying root causes of old, destructive loops that prevent his clients from succ…
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ELSE BYSKOV Knew She Had to Read It, She Just Had To & In 1995 Following Her Instinct Her Life Has Been Driven By The Content She Read – It Was A Powerful Time & Life Lesson Given The Outcome Which Still ...
Else Didn’t fully realise it at the time, but what she read she came to learn was a totally and completely unique perspective on a topic which has plagued even the most powerful minds since early last century even before that. What was more puzzling was the author was born into a poor family in Denmark, had a very limited education yet he had a pro…
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JEFF WITHERS Said At The Back of His Mind He Felt Something Was Missing From His Life But Then Got On With Living, Then An Intriguing Invitation Set Him On A New Life Path – Had He Not Trusted His Instinct ...
Some years ago, partners Maree Malouf and Jeff were enjoying a good lifestyle in their respective roles, but in the back of Jeff’s mind something was missing … though he never had a clue as to what. Unexpectedly Jeff and Maree were invited to be involved in an organisation that had, at its core, the i-Ching. As a trained psychologist and NLP Master…
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CAROL GRAHAM Knows Anyone Who Has Experienced Trauma Or Dealt With Insurmountable Odds & Challenges As She Has, That By Midlife You Have Gained Valuable Tools & Skills You Can Apply Moving Forward - You ...
Carol Graham says hers is a true story of beating insurmountable odds can seem stranger than fiction and that nothing about her story is conventional – yet it speaks to anyone who has ever experienced trauma. At 65, Carol wanted to fulfil her dream of sharing her story being an author, international speaker talk show host and survivor of major life…
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KELLY WILLIAMS Says Mid-life has become the most exciting time in her life so far, despite her radical shift from a cushy, easy existence to the hardworking world of a rancher, even to building a barbed ...
Kelly says In 2008 when the housing market imploded her husband’s livelihood as a general contractor went up in flames and suddenly she and her husband in their 50’s were facing some tough decisions. Her husband had always been involved with cattle part-time but never as a sole source of income. Faced with few options they decided to start raising …
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Patricia Mitchell says at the age of 24 she actually heard a voice say to her “Patricia you don’t have to be poor you can have wealth” despite being months late on rent. As years passed she talks how this power within her has allowed her to teach about creating wealth. During this podcast Patricia offers several practical tips how to identify steps…
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DAWN JAMES “Sometimes You Need A Heart Stopping Event to Get You To Realise You Are Not Really Living, You Are Merely Existing.” How Does A Former Finance IT Executive Go From Corporate Burnout To Costa ...
Dawn James worked 72 hours a week, and had a soaring career yet her family life, and relationships were crumbling around her. As a former Finance/I.T. exec she missed many family dinners, sporting events and school plays - memories she can never recapture. But a life-changing event brought her career to a screeching halt! After her wake-up call of …
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ROB PALMER Says Over 50’s Have Their Best Years of Life In Front of Them – There Are So Many Options To Select From And As A Digital Nomad, He’s Living Proof You Can Feel Healthier, Fitter And More Energetic ...
Rob Palmer’s life collapsed as a result of the financial meltdown of 2008-9 it cost him his home and marriage, so when his children left home, he decided to start a whole new life as a digital nomad. Prior to that in his early 50’s he was running an online marketing consultancy so it was easy to leverage his skills to create a location-independent …
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ANTHONY HAMILTON Discovered Your Mind Is A Time Machine, Which Allows Us To Revisit And Change Any Aspect of Our Personal Past. It Is Also The Key To Turning Our Dreams & Goals Into Our Actual, Physical ...
Anthony Hamilton at the age of ten had a dream, which affected him so much he spent over twenty years investigating how it could have happened. Over time, as various parts of the dream came true, Anthony developed a new model of the mind to explain and understand this dream. In 1980, he realized that the mind works as a time machine and began speak…
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STEPHEN MURRAY Suggests No Progress Was Ever Made By The Doubters On The Planet & Is Why Despite Spending His Entire Work Life Writing Computer Software, He Never Dreamt As a Mature Bachelor He Would Pen ...
Stephen said that’s exactly what happened and explains how writing charted his life on a new course, an amazingly incredible journey. Since his computer work world afforded him the opportunity to travel as he began semi-retirement, he decided to write a book on his extensive worldwide travels. His ‘tome’ wasn’t published but the path took him down …
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BRIAN CONNORS - Suggests By Being Open To New Ideas & Experiences You Never Know What Can Happen, the Surprising Doors That Might Open Or The Unexpected Benefits You Might Gain – Like He Did.
Brian Connors had been in GM roles for a range on multinational medical device companies across Australia and Asia for three decades, which exposed him to a wide range of products. But in between roles an opportunity popped up, a door opened and being open to new products Brian decided to start a side business with a unique product that prevents Sw…
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PATTY CIVALLERI Became An Unwitting Global Travel Author & Photographer Travelling To Deep Corners of the World In Search of Lost & Ancient Cultures. Sounds Wonderful & Easy – Think Again!
Dubbed the ‘Indiana Jones in High Heels’ Patty Civalleri journeyed with some of the best historical, archaeological, and scientific minds in the world. During 17 years on the Director’s Council of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, as writer/photographer Patty travelled to extraordinary places including the newly discovered Mayan caves in…
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MARVIN WILSON Suggests while most over 50’s have had successes and failures in life it’s not until you start a creative new venture that you realise how rejuvenating it is, how much younger you feel, which ...
Marvin says although he’s been a lifelong entrepreneur he never envisioned starting a new venture at 69 which he has done. Traveling as an R&R musician during the hippie era of the 60s and 70s, he owned a home improvement company then engaged in several MLMs, then began writing to now being a multi-published author and professional editor. With a d…
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ROSS KEATING Is A Firm Believer & Proof That “Age Is Only A Number And Not To Let A Number Hold You Back,” Or A Midlife Redundancy, Hold You Back From Creating A New Life & Business
Ross Keating experienced redundancy a few times in his corporate career, and that, in itself can hold you back from moving forward. But for Ross the saying “Age is only a number. Don’t let a number hold you back,” is a thought he lives by in fact, it has helped him move forward. At the age of 50, Ross and his family moved to Australia and he decide…
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DEBBIE RIVERS Said of Her Midlife It Was Time To Do What She Loved, Making a Difference Rather Than Nit Picking! It’s A Call For All ‘Midlifers’ To Do The Same – Do What You Love Doing It’s Never To Late ...
Debbie Rivers felt she worked in one of the most disliked occupations, auditing! A safe, well-paid government job and one that she didn’t like, plus she dreaded going to work as it sucked the life out of her. Despite being a seriously risk adverse person, at 53 she took a huge step, and left her security behind, to work in dating! Debbie said it wa…
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ANITA BENTATA Felt The Deep Desire To Rise Up To Change Her Story - To Somehow Help Survivors, The Community & Professionals In Prevention, Intervention & Healing From Domestic Violence & To Answer Why ...
ANITA BENTATA said nearing 50 she needed to change her life story from trauma, being alone and hard work, but didn’t yet know how. Childhood neglect and abuse had shaped Anita into a powerless young adult unable to protect her from being stalked in her teens. Years later, she escaped domestic violence with her two young children and entered therapy…
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DANIEL GOODENOUGH – We Are All On This Planet For A Reason, For A Purpose But Most People Have Not Discovered What That Is For Them, & Is Why Three Words Are So Important. Through A Purposeful Process ...
Daniel Goodenough is the author of the recently published book, “The Caravan of Remembering, A Road Map for Experiencing the Awakening of Your Life Mission”. Although fiction, the reader is taken on a mystical journey to finding a life of meaning and purpose that is right for you. As a child, Daniel was disturbed seeing people around him doing work…
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INGRID BAYER Knows What It’s Like To Experience Severe Workplace Bullying. Rocking Recipients To The Core This Emotionally Devastating Experience Can Stymy A Person’s Ability To Move Forward Unless You ...
Starting off on a fairly conventional career path Ingrid recognised to grow her career she needed to relocate from the country to Sydney. In her late 40s, she experienced terrible workplace bullying that rocked her to the core causing her to re-think her career choices, which at first was tough considering her experience. Wisely Ingrid reviewed her…
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