Spencerville Church is a community of people committed to sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, equipping our members for ministry, nurturing relationships with Him, and offering compassionate care to those in need.
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Summer Health: Capture Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow - Pastor Chad Stuart - June 24, 2023
Our minds are our greatest tool, yet they can be our greatest weakness if untrained and undisciplined. Are your thoughts “obedient to Christ,” as the Apostle Paul inquires in 2 Corinthians, chapter 10? Do you take time to “renew your mind” daily, as he suggests in Romans 12? This week, Pastor Chad returns to the pulpit for the first in a three-part…
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As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we're inclined to focus on being thankful. And while it's great to be thankful this season, we should be thankful year-round. Is that even possible? How can we position ourselves for being thankful no matter the season we're in? Listen in as Pastor Crystal E. Ward shares a message titled, "In Everything, Giv…
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This week we emphasize the integrated mission of our church and hospital network as we celebrate what God is doing through Adventist HealthCare. Terry Forde, President and CEO of the Adventist HealthCare network, shares our message titled “The Moment of Truth.”Por Spencerville Church
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It's Halloween week. It's likely that you've noticed an increase in images of ghouls and ghosts, even from cute little neighbor children who knock on our doors asking for candy dressed in Halloween attire. These things can make spiritual warfare seem playfully imaginary. However, as Christians, the Bible tells us that spiritual warfare is very real…
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As followers of Jesus, we are called to be a witness and make disciples. Join us for the final sermon in our series titled “Words Matter,” as Pastor Crystal E. Ward shares why the power of our witness is not based on the eloquence of our speech or our theological prowess but solely on the power of the Spirit.…
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God speaks to us through many avenues, including nature, prayer, relationships, experiences (both good and bad), dreams, and convictions. However, of all the ways God speaks to us, it is the pages of Holy Scripture that provide a revelation of Jesus. This week, Pastor Chad shares the third message in his "Words Matter" series, titled "The Words tha…
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Each of us is just a breath away from our words being life-building (from God) or life-destroying (from Satan). So what determines which words come out of our mouths (Proverbs 18:21)? Listen as Pastor Chad Stuart shares the second message in the Words Matter series titled "Speak on These Things."Por Spencerville Church
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Words Matter: Write in the Sand, Don't Drag Through the Mud - Pr. Chad Stuart - Oct. 8, 2022
The words we choose (along with where and when we use them) frame our understanding of the Gospel. Jesus never left sin unaddressed but always spoke to the person with love and compassion. As we begin a new four-part sermon series titled "Words Matter," we'll start by looking at the example set by Jesus in the New Testament book of John, chapter 8.…
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This week, we'll ponder how individuals like Steve Jobs, who dropped out of college, and Henry Ford, who possessed only a few years of education, achieved much more than the educated elite of their day? Is knowledge really power? Or is knowledge simply power that is acted upon? We invite you to join us in worship as we explore how the Bible clearly…
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The Bible is the most owned, yet least read, book in history. According to the American Bible Society, the average home in the United States has 4.4 Bibles, yet only 19% of Americans engage in scripture reading outside of the church setting. If this is the reality of our lives, can we sing with honesty, “The B.I.B.L.E.—Yes, that's the book for me?”…
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Jesus utilized the most unlikely strategy to establish his kingdom on earth. Instead of recruiting society's most powerful or privileged as the leaders of his Church, Jesus called average men to serve as equals within what was essentially a small group.Por Spencerville Church
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As we read through scripture, we're faced with the reality that we only have two options as humans—to let Jesus gather us into His arms, or to resist His gathering and be destroyed for eternity (as a result of our own choice). While that may seem harsh, consider God's heart, his pure motives of love, and know that He will literally do (and has done…
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What you see is not always what you get, right? Most of us know this. However, humanity is great at self-deception. Even what we see of ourselves is not always who we are. However, there is One who sees us and knows us intimately. What would happen if we invited God to search us? Will He be scared away by what He sees? No! But submitting ourselves …
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Last week, we looked at a story from Matthew 23, and gave examples of how a disoriented view of the gospel has a significant impact on how we witness. This week, we'll examine how a disoriented view of the gospel can impact the truths (doctrines) we do (and sometimes don't) live by.Por Spencerville Church
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How does it feel to have the door slammed in your face, both literally and metaphorically? Not good! How does it feel to be promised the imitation is as good as the real thing, only to discover it isn't? Again, not good! This is the story of Matthew 23:13-15. We invite you into worship as we attempt to understand the impact of Jesus' words on our d…
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This week, Pastor Chad begins a new five-part series that grew out of his visits to Spencerville Adventist Academy. He asked the students questions about their faith—what they wanted and needed to be addressed from the Spencerville pulpit. One word kept rising to the surface: hypocrisy. Oft misused, many people think hypocrisy is only a challenge f…
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God has an interesting way of teaching us powerful lessons. Sometimes they come from the unlikeliest of circumstances and from the unlikeliest of people. In this message, Pastor Crystal E. Ward explores Luke 23:39-43 to look at a powerful takeaway from the thief on the cross. Listen in and you may never see the infamous thief the same way again. Pa…
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At the cross, Jesus faced ridicule and rejection from those He came to save. What was it that prevented them from understanding and accepting Him? After all, Jesus himself was the most beautiful manifestation of the grace of God! Ironically, that which prevented others from accepting Jesus almost 2000 years ago is also what prevents many from accep…
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What would you be willing to give up to follow Jesus? Is it worth it? In Luke 14:25-33, Jesus says if any person comes to me and hates not his father or mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters and even their own life, they are not worthy to be my disciple. We invite you to join us this Sabbath as Pastor Crystal E. Ward shares why disciplesh…
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A sign on the side of the road reads, "Believe in God and be Saved." Could this statement be true, yet incomplete? The New Testament book of James (2:19) tells us even the demons believe in God—and tremble! So there must be more than just belief for the Christian. This Sabbath, Pastor Chad Stuart shares why belief in God falls short as a measuring …
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As we contemplate what God has given us (everything) we must consider the concept of grace. What is grace? It's been described as "unmerited favor." Something that prefigures a love so good, so pure, that there's nothing we can do to earn it. It's given freely. It's the best possible news, and this week, Pastor Matthew Piersanti tells us why.…
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What would you be willing to give up to follow Jesus? Is it worth it? In Luke 14:25-33, Jesus says if any person comes to me and hates not his father or mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters and even their own life, they are not worthy to be my disciple. We invite you to join us this Sabbath as Pastor Crystal E. Ward shares why disciplesh…
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Some of us have been blessed with great Dads and, unfortunately, some with Dads who aren't so great. No matter which category we find ourselves in, we're all in need of adoption by a perfect Father. Let's celebrate our good good Father and the eternal freedom from sin that His love affords! Worship along with us as Pastor Chad shares a message titl…
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The pursuit of happiness is often tied with the pursuit of riches and power in modern culture. Yet, the Bible presents a different message entirely regarding happiness which is uniquely tied to the mission of Jesus. Listen as Pastor Matthew Piersanti uncovers how happiness is best pursued from the perspective of Jesus.…
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School's out and summer is here! We're pleased to welcome back Pastor Kandace Zollman to the pulpit as she shares a message titled, "Common Sense, or God Sense?" Over the next few weeks, many from our pastoral team will be traveling to church meetings and taking some much-needed vacation time. We solicit your prayers and ask that you will also pray…
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When we hear a "bad take" on the internet, or see someone blow up an opposing political position, our tendency is to want to add fuel to the file—to pile on. But is this the right move even if the person is in the wrong? In a message from the short Old Testament book of Obadiah, Pastor Chad Stuart shares why it's not only beneficial, but Godly to h…
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Have you wondered how the Gospels were written with such care that they can speak broadly to many different people groups over many centuries? And yet, they also seem to address specific sub-groups to show them they're divinely seen? One Gospel book especially demonstrates Jesus's value of women, which is what we'll be looking at this week. Listen …
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If there's a single word that's become a mainstay in communication since the onset of the pandemic, it's the word "unprecedented." You don't have to look far to find many "unprecedented" problems in the world; issues of famine, war, environmental disasters, and yes, pandemics. But are these events really without precedent? Listen as Pastor Chad Stu…
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There are times, as followers of Christ, when we may experience an emptiness or a lack of purpose in our lives. In this week’s message, Pastor Matthew Piersanti looks at the creation story in Genesis 1. Can the creation narrative help us as we search for deeper meaning as disciples of Jesus?Por Spencerville Church
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In our sinful, less-than-perfect world, every person lives under a curse. We’re all trying, in a variety of ways, to overcome the effects of this curse—unsuccessfully—on our own. Jesus’ journey down the Emmaus road on resurrection day provides the answer to overcoming the curse. What is it? Listen as Pastor Chad shares the final message in our four…
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Jesus told His followers to take up their cross and follow Him. This week Pastor Chad reminds us that when we bend down to pick up our cross, to make sure we don’t pick up the wrong one. Listen to the message from April 9, 2022, as Pastor Chad continues his series on the Road to Easter with a message titled, "Via Dolorosa."…
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As Jesus walked the road to Jerusalem He sees the sin of the people He loves and the conscious choice that they're making to reject Him. Though He has every right to be angry, there is only love in His heartbreak as He weeps for the people of the city. The evidence with which we're presented is much the same as that of the people of Jerusalem. We'v…
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In the person of Jesus, we find an exemplary life leading to the sacrifice that made a way for our eternal salvation. Amazingly, He did both with the humility of a servant while holding the power of a King. There is no better example because the humble heart of Jesus IS the Gospel.Por Spencerville Church
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After constantly adjusting for several years due to the pandemic (as well as many other factors), many of us are running on empty. What has you feeling empty? Is it work? Family life? Personal factors? What will it take to get us recharged? Where can you find a sure source of power to draw from? Pastor Kandace Zollman will share a critically import…
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Join Pastor Matthew Piersanti as he takes a closer look at the older brother in the story of the prodigal son this Sabbath. Last week, Pastor Chad began this two-part series with a look at the younger brother, the so-called "prodigal," from a different and surprising point of view. This week, Pastor Matthew will follow up with a message looking at …
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Prodigals aren’t who you think they are. So who are they? Join Pastors Chad Stuart and Matthew Piersanti as they take a closer look at the two brothers in the story of the prodigal son over the next two Sabbaths. This week, Pastor Chad begins with a look at the younger brother, the so-called "prodigal," from a different and surprising point of view…
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It's tempting to think that the topic of stewardship is only about money. However, as we've seen over the past few weeks, the concept of stewardship applies to almost every aspect of our lives. We've examined the stewardship of time, the stewardship of talent, and this week, we'll close our three-part series with a message on the stewardship of fin…
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When the Bible speaks of talents, it's referring to anything in your life that can be used to share Jesus and His Gospel message. What are your talents? How are you using them? How would you like to use them? This week, Pastor Chad will remind us that sharing Jesus is less about the how and more about our willingness to share. Make sure to stay to …
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There are few phrases heard more often in casual conversation than "I don't have time!" But is it really true? After all, each of us receives 24 hours each day—and 168 hours a week should be more than enough if we know how to make good use of it. Do we? In this three-part series titled "Good Steward," Pastor Chad will look at the ways that Christia…
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What if a sentence written 2000 years ago was guaranteed to positively impact the relationships within our community? Would you read and apply it to your life? What if it served as a lens through which we could view the stories of the people we sit next to you in church, as well as the unseen faces of our virtual church community. Listen as Pastor …
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In Luke 8:44-47, a woman touches Jesus' garment, causing Him to stop. The woman doesn't go unnoticed by Jesus, in a place where he's pressed by people on every side. What can we, as the people of God, learn from this story? Is there something we can do today to make sure that people aren't going unnoticed in our midst? Pastor Chad returns to the pu…
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As we continue our look at the topic of discipleship, we'll examine a common practice that prevents us from following Jesus as true disciples. What is this practice, and how can it be a hindrance to others, stopping them from joining a community of faith? Listen as Pastor Matthew Piersanti leads our study from James 2 in a message titled "Faith Wit…
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Throughout 2022, we’ll be looking at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Rather than an in-depth study of a particular book of the Bible as we’ve done in previous years, our sermons this year will be divided into multiple series, with multiple themes—but which all come back to the topic of discipleship and what it means in the twenty-first cen…
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As we reflect on last year and look forward to the next, Pastor Matthew Piersanti examines a new source of hope available to each of us. Despite the difficulties we've faced or will face, we can have hope and assurance which cannot be taken. Where can we find this hope? How can we have such assurance?…
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What is the correct way to worship? There are obviously many styles and forms of worship, so is it possible to say that there's a single “right” way? Perhaps a better question would be: what is the evidence we’ve worshiped? How can we know conclusively that we’ve experienced the presence of God in our hearts, and not simply filled a pew during a ch…
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What does it mean to seek God with all of your heart? (Deuteronomy 4:29) Not simply to acknowledge His existence, but to earnestly seek Him? The journey of the wise men in the Biblical narrative of Jesus' birth gives us several clues on how we can best seek God. In this third message of our four-part Advent series, Costin Jordache examines the conc…
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This December, we're examining aspects of the phases of Advent; waiting, watching, seeking, and worshiping. This week, Pastor Kandace Zollman shares why simply waiting for Jesus’ return isn't enough, and what each of us should do instead.Por Spencerville Church
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As we begin the month of December, we're pleased to welcome Daniela Cruz to the pulpit. Daniela is a Spencerville Adventist Academy high-school student and a leader in our Spencerville Church Youth ministry. Daniela will share our message in the first of four weeks as we examine aspects of the phases of Advent; waiting, watching, seeking, and worsh…
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The Thanksgiving holiday has passed, but unlike the delicious food we partake of during the holidays, there's always room for more Thanksgiving in our lives. A daily attitude of gratitude lived out all year tells the people around us whether Jesus is the Lord of our lives as much or more than our words. So how can we bring honor and glory to the On…
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November 13 is Adventist HealthCare Sabbath at Spencerville Church. We greatly value the partnership between Adventist HealthCare, Spencerville Church, and Spencerville Adventist Academy. Listen and be blessed by a sermon from Adventist HealthCare CEO and network president, Terry Forde.Por Spencerville Church
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