中文說故事 / 台語說故事 / 睡眠音樂 / 讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠。 1.【睡前故事】 中文說故事 + 台語說故事 現在愈來愈多年輕人和小朋友不會說台語,小七想要為台語的傳承盡一份心力,用中文和台語來講經典故事。也有小七自己寫的故事。希望您會喜歡。 2.【睡眠音樂】 聽完睡前故事後, 聽合適的睡眠音樂或白噪音進入夢鄉。也有適合激發智力發展的莫扎特古典音樂,很適合親子聆聽,以及準媽媽做為胎教音樂。 祝您好夢,明天又是充滿希望,美好的一天,晚安! Here is a website about sleep, with sleep music and bedtime stories, good dreams, tomorrow is full of hope again, good day, good night! Bedtime Stories: Now that more and more young people and children cannot speak Taiwanese, Xiaoqi wants to contribute to the inheri ...
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我們,一起在人生幻夢當中,交織著無數的夢; 幻夢之中,又有著無數個夢與空,我們逡巡於夢與空之中。 大夢誰先覺?平生我自知。 草堂春睡足,窗外日遲遲。 ——《三國演義》 無論是在睡前, 或者在上班、下班的路上, 傾・聽・心・聲 在每個當下陪伴著你。 沒有高深莫測,沒有神秘宿命; 理性與感性相互交織, 僅以樂、以音,與您一同聆聽那源自靈魂深處的聲音。 聆聽、探究,並找回自己真心的力量—— 那麼,日日是好日,時時皆吉時。 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌹每週一上架|聲音療癒相關的科普內容 🌹每週三上架|水晶缽正念冥想祝福 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌙 特別聲明:傾・聽・心・聲(Healing Good Music)所製作之Podcast節目,不代表任何醫療立場,亦不鼓勵民眾於病痛之時不尋求正當醫療管道;此外,「聲音療癒」係自我的探索及身心釋放的輔助管道,不可完全取代醫療;如有相關需求,請務必尋求醫療管道,以免耽誤就醫。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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各位俊男美女们,大家好 ,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most s ...
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I come from China! Your can find some amazing songs here~ Or you can even make it like a Chinese language leaaring class! Thank you for a visit!
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當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看⮕ https://fstry.pse.is/73peps —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#83🌸好聽的古典音樂🌸Classical Music🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠 每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.first…
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當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看⮕ https://fstry.pse.is/73peps —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#82🌸小提琴音樂🌸Violin Music🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠 每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.m…
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找到自我天賦,讀懂自己,理解他人,為自己打開全新的人生章節。 我在「俊安不算命」跟你一起解析,你的生命數字 Podcast 收聽「俊安不算命」 https://fstry.pse.is/73pf7a —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#81🌸冬眠的小熊🌸Hibernating Bear Cub🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠 每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01…
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🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#80🌸小熊搖籃曲🌸Little Bear Lullaby🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠 每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn/comments ✦FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/little7.168 ✦YouTube:http://Youtube.com/@little7.7 ✦各類合作請洽:[email protected]…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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大家好,我是你们的好朋友,艺术家Pantasy 在我的《耳机男孩时刻》专辑版块中,你会遇到不同类型的音乐。无论是动感的运动,还是沉浸在知识学习的时刻;无论是开车在路上,还是行走在路上,我的音乐都是陪伴你,为你营造最合适的氛围。 我致力于用音乐来传播情感,激发灵感 戴上耳机,享受音乐 Support the showPor 潘特晰
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