Host of the Faith Chapter Radio program. "Your faith in the real world."
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This podcast posts recorded sessions of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. You can join the group at I look forward to chatting with you!
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In this podcast, Dr Matthew Hoskin takes you through the history of Christian spirituality -- spiritual disciplines, liturgy, asceticism, mysticism, monks -- to talk about some of the important moments, figures, movement, texts, and teachings. We'll go through it all broadly chronologically, but with the freedom to move around a bit if other things come up.
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In this chapter, I turn from the age of Tertullian forward a century to the rise of the monastic movement and the world of St Antony the Great and the Desert Fathers of Egypt. What is it that makes a monk? What characterises the spirituality of the desert? What does singlemindedness look like? How are we meant to read the "Sayings" of the Desert Fa…
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In today's episode/"chapter", I discuss early Christian worship and the spaces where Christians met, keeping in mind the theological reality of the assembly of saints (ekklesia) as an encounter with heaven. I also plug my upcoming course "Early Christian Worship: Ritual and Space in the Ancient Church". Check out the ninth-century Church of Santa P…
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In this episode, I consider the character of Tertullian of Carthage (c. 155/60 - after 220). Accused of being a Montanist by later writers, Tertullian was the father of Latin Christianity, even referred to as "the Master" by St Cyprian. After considering his relationship to Montanism, I discuss some of my favourite passages from his treatise "On Pr…
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This week, I discuss the movement called Montanism, one of the roads not taken by the Great Church in the second century. How does the Holy Spirit speak in the church after the New Testament? What does it look like? How does one discern such affairs? Is this a taming of the church? What does prophecy do next? I also briefly plug my upcoming Davenan…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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Registration for "Constantine and the Conversion of the Roman Empire" closes on Friday. Sign up while you can! Enjoy me talking about Constantine's big, giant head in the meantime. Matthew Hoskin
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I recorded this a week and a half ago! In this video, I look at what the idea of the imperial Adventus/arrival at a city means, drawing on Ammianus Marcellinus' Res Gestae from c. 381, and then the theological use of the analogy by St Athanasius' On the Incarnation from the early 330s. Hopefully it will help you observe a blessed Advent this year! …
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I return to Constantine for this week's chapter since registration is still open for my upcoming course "Constantine and the Conversion of the Roman Empire," starting in January. This week, rather than attempting to assess his impact, I look at the man himself. What does his pietas look like? What does it mean for the emperor himself to be a Christ…
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In January I'll be teaching "Constantine and the Conversion of the Roman Empire" for Davenant Hall. In preparation for that, I share some musings about the ramifications of the "Constantinian settlement" for the church in Late Antiquity here today. To sign up for the course, follow this link:…
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This week, I talk about St Irenaeus of Lyon and his work Against the Heresies -- you can't leave the fertile second century without him! And you can't discuss him without Gnostics. Furthermore, you can't really do the history of ancient Christianity without Gnosticism, either. From these two and the differences between them, I launch into a discuss…
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In this week's episode, I look at the work of St Justin, Martyr and Philosopher (died c. 165) -- after a look at him in general, and his doctrine of the logos spermatikos as well as what he has to teach us about the doctrine of God, I look at his famous description of a church service of the 150s in chh. 65-67 of his Apology.…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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Episode 84: The Atonement - Discussion
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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In this chapter, I discuss how Christians throughout history have celebrated the Cross, focussing on the sign of the cross and the discovery of the True Cross by St Helena in 326. Ancient Sources Tertullian, De Corona “At every forward step and movement, at every going in and out, when we put on our clothes and shoes, when we bathe, when we sit at …
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In this chapter, I talk about the spirituality of the Bible in the second century, looking mostly at a passage from St. Irenaeus of Lyons and a couple from St. Justin Martyr. I also look more broadly at how the Apostolic Fathers use Scripture throughout their writings. This is, in part, a plug for my upcoming Ryle Seminary Course, Theology 1, which…
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In this week’s episode, we return to the topic of martyrdom – the spirituality of death. Our guide this time is not a martyr such as St Ignatius but a preacher: St Augustine of Hippo. With the help of his sermons, we probe a bit into what drives the martyr to his or her death, what makes a martyr, what the essence of the spirituality of martyrdom i…
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In this episode, I talk about why you should care about St Augustine of Hippo and learn a thing or two about the man. And if you find my pro-Augustine pitch good enough, you can register for my upcoming Davenant Hall course, "Augustine the Preacher" here:…
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In this chapter, I drive my car while talking about Martyrdom, including some historical circumstances, such how sporadic most persecution was in the Roman Empire. Then I highlight the spirituality of martyrdom through some aspects of St Ignatius of Antioch, and how martyrdom relates to being disciple.…
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In this second chapter of "Christian Spirituality," I introduce the group of authors known as the Apostolic Fathers and then discuss the Didache, a late first-century text, as indicative of early Christian spirituality. This means talking about morality, food sacrificed to idols, baptism, the Lord's prayer, the daily office, fasting, Holy Communion…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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In this first proper chapter in the history of Christian spirituality, I take a look at the spirituality of the Apostolic Age, considering primarily three aspects of devotion from Acts 2:42 – the Apsotles’ teaching, the breaking of bread, and prayer.Por Matthew Hoskin
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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Welcome to the first episode of my new podcast, "Christian Spirituality: Chapters in the History of the Faith." In this inaugural episode, I discuss what spirituality is -- specifically, what Christian spirituality is and looks like, and from there I look at what this podcast will be like. I'm Dr Matthew JJ Hoskin, Professor of Christian History at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from the live discussion of the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter podcast. Through our server you'll find discussions between Christians and non-Christians covering apologetics and counter-apologetics. Please join the discussion and offer your support (or critiques) for various different arguments for God's existence. You can find us at…
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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This clip is from a live discussion at the Reasonable Faith Virtual Chapter. Please click the link below to visit the chapter's server and join the discussion! (If the link does not work, please e-mail me at [email protected] for an invite)
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