The Fathers of Mercy Sunday homilies recorded at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in South Union, Kentucky.
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In this homily, given by Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM at Our Lady of Wisdom on the University of Louisiana at Lafayette campus on February 24, 2017, Fr. Ricardo highlights the […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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In this homily, given at Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Church on the University of Louisiana at Lafayette campus on February 23, Fr. Joseph Aytona, CPM preaches about the importance […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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In this homily, given at Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Church on the University of Lousiana at Lafayette campus on February 22, 2017, the Feast of the Chair of St. […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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Why should you prepare now for the Fatima Centennial? Hostess Johnnette Benkovic of EWTN Radio’s “Women of Grace” welcomes Fr. Wade Menezes, CPM of the Fathers of Mercy to talk […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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In this homily, Fr. Ricardo Pineda encourages the faithful to find joy by reflecting often on the Catholic doctrine of the indwelling of the Trinity. This is the teaching that […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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Recently, Fr. Wade Menezes did a “Live” Radio Interview with Mater Dei Radio out of Portland, OR. Dina Marie Hale, Program Director, interviewed Fr. Wade during her show “In Person […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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In this talk, given to teenage boys and girls at the King of Mercy Conference held at the Fathers of Mercy Generalate in Auburn, KY on Saturday, November 19, 2016, […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM, preaches about the importance making reparation for our sins that have been forgiven and of praying for the holy souls in purgatory. This homily was given […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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In this homily, given at St. Helen Catholic Church in Glasgow, Kentucky, on the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time(Year C), Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM reflects on the Gospel of the […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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Esta homilia fue predicada por Padre Ricardo Pineda, CPM en La Iglesia de Santa Elena, en Glasgow, Kentucky, el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. En esta homilia, Padre Ricardo refleja […]Por The Fathers of Mercy
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