Sharing Connections introduces you to holistic teachers and practitioners where we discuss various topics and techniques to help build resiliency. Each week get to know our guests who are empowering caregivers and transforming Caregiving.
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Join me as I chat with Kieley Resnick Sorrow's Art facilitator. Learn how Kieley has used art to process her grief. For more information about Kieley more information about The Center for Conscious Caregivingwww.thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.orginfo@thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.org732-864-550…
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Join me as I chat with Bonney Parker about what our dreams could be telling us. For more informationwww.thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.org732-864-5508info@thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.orgPor Sharing Connections
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Join me as I chat with Kelly Roman about Mindful Caregiving. How being mindful helps your caregiving experiences and her upcoming workshop to learn some techniques. For more informationwww.thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.orginfo@thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.org732-864-5508Por Sharing Connections
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Join me as I chat with Emily A Bessemer DPT, CLT-LANA, RYTWomen's Health PT, Coach and Reiki Master about yoga and why it's not just what you see on social media. There is so much more to yoga and it is for everyone. For more information about Emily more information about the centerwww.thecenterforconsciouscaregivin…
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Do you think you are a good listener? Join Carol Strelic and I as we discuss the importance of listening and how it can transform your relationships.www.thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.org732-864-5508info@thecenterforconsciouscaregiving.orgPor Sharing Connections
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Listen as Founder and Director, Suzanne McMurray, explains the importance of resilience and combating caregiver disorders.Por Sharing Connections
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