Experimental público
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Noticias científicas para todos los públicos, y entrevistas a científicos que nos contarán los últimos descubrimientos en su investigación. Presentado por los científicos Laura Martínez Maestro y David Ruiz Izuriaga. Ingeniería de sonido y edición por Carlos Bricio.
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Experimental Brewing

Denny Conn, Drew Beechum

Sit down with Denny Conn and Drew Beechum, authors of Experimental Homebrewing and Homebrewing All-Stars as they explore the world of beer and homebrew. Every episode tackles the science of brewing and the art of brewing. Listen and learn how to make and appreciate better beer and how to create even the craziest idea you have. We can’t promise that you’ll save the world, but we can promise mad science in the pursuit of great beer!
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ما جمعی از دانشجوهای دکتری پیوسته بیوتکنولوژی دانشگاه تهران هستیم و توی این گروه با دانش‌آموختگان‌ دانشکده‌ مصاحبه می‌کنیم. وبلاگ https://experimental-intvs.blogspot.com کانال تلگرام https://t.me/experi_mental
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Espaço Experimental

Espaço Experimental

O Espaço Experimental é uma atividade de ensino e projeto de extensão produzido pelos alunos do curso de Jornalismo da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Aqui você confere todas as nossas produções em radiojornalismo.
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Die Vorlesung bietet eine erste Einführung in die Kern- und Teilchenphysik. Themen sind unter anderem: Einführung in experimentelle Methoden des Fachs (Wechselwirkung von Teilchen mit Materie, Teilchendetektoren, Grundlagen der Dosimetrie) Kernphysik (Kernaufbau und Kernmodelle, radioaktive Strahlung, Kernzerfall und Kernspaltung) Teilchenphysik: Nukleonen, Hadronen und Starke Wechselwirkung (Formfaktoren, Quarks und Gluonen, Erzeugung und Zerfall von Hadronen) Teilchenphysik: Schwache Wechs ...
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LSU Experimental

LSU Communication across the Curriculum and LSU College of Science

Experimental is a podcast series that features Louisiana State University faculty and students sharing their passion for research and their personal stories of investigation. Listen and learn about exciting projects and the individuals posing the questions.
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La mission de ce laboratoire est d'analyser les bases cérébrales des fonctions cognitives, chez l'homme normal et chez certains patients neurologiques, en développant et en exploitant les méthodes modernes de la neuro-imagerie conjointement à l'utilisation de paradigmes expérimentaux issus de la psychologie cognitive. Stanislas Dehaene est ancien élève de l'École normale supérieure et docteur en psychologie cognitive. En septembre 2005, il a été nommé professeur au Collège de France, sur la ...
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Un Viaje Radio Experimental

Casa Intersticios - Espacio Terapéutico Alternativo

Un Viaje Radio Experimental Es el tejido de voces, palabras y sonidos que se encuentran para transitar en Un Viaje por las memorias, las historias, por la oralidad. Un Viaje por las literaturas, las artes, por la ancestralidad. Un Viaje por las culturas, los territorios, por la humanidad; con la firme intención de conocernos y así construir identidad tejiendo un diálogo intercultural.
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Experimental Living

Affirming Youth Ministries

Welcome to “Experimental Living,” a podcast by Affirming Youth Ministries, we are three youngsters that are exploring the intersectionality of youth, spirituality & queerness. We are experimenting with life and learning from the people in it. This is a playful time for us to have a conversation about whatever is coming to us that week!
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The Experimental Leader

Melanie Parish and Mel Rutherford

Are you a business owner, executive, leader, team leader, aspiring future leader, leadership junkie, a scientist, a design thinker, or simply the leader of your own life? If you are, then you are a leader, and as such, you should be experimenting! Welcome to The Experimental Leader, a podcast where we tackle the ways leaders are experimenting in their own work. Hosted by Melanie Parish and Dr. Mel Rutherford, we dive into the most interesting questions about leaders and get into real-life co ...
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GeekNights Experimental

Rym and Scott: The Front Row Crew

This is NOT GeekNights: this is an experimental feed FOR GeekNights. Here, you will find all of the audio experiments conducted by Rym and Scott, the hosts of GeekNights, that may one day be included in the show proper.
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Seja muito bem-vindo ao melhor (ou pior) programa futebolístico da sua rádio online! Aqui você ouvirá opiniões provavelmente não muito relevantes, teorias certamente falhas e muita besteira sendo dita! Além de muito futebol, é claro. Preparados? Então esqueça a classe e venha com a gente!
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VarandaCast Produção experimental dos alunos da Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes da PUC Minas Rádio Online PUC Minas

VarandaCast Produção experimental dos alunos da Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes da PUC Minas Rádio Online PUC Minas

O VarandaCast é um programa que abre as portas do universo e te convida para uma conversa descontraída entre amigos falando sobre os mais variados assuntos!
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It has been more than ten years since the first zand o matic bass guitar podcast, let's try something again but with a few extra comments! Once again the same crappy sound, only and only bass for my part, the same unfinished and unedited grooves as I recorded them on my looper(s), using my old basses, my plethora of effects, and just use some rythm sections I can find here or there. There may be some surprises regarding this podcast in the near future. Yeehaaa! Just another abstract way to l ...
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This episode explores the power of connection in leadership, emphasizing the importance of civility, respect, and understanding impact. Through real-life stories and practical strategies, it highlights how a coaching approach can simplify leadership by focusing on outcomes and relationships rather than conflict details. Discover how fostering curio…
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Наши музыкальные друзья!Добро пожаловать на "Ритмы времени" выпуск 20Каждый четверг мы погружаемся в мир электронной музыки, которая вдохновляет, заряжает энергией и помогает забыть о повседневных заботах.Присоединяйтесь к нам и позвольте музыке вести вас!Por AN:TI™
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¿Qué tienen en común un espía que participó en las Cortes de Cádiz, una de las primeras feministas modernas en España y documentos perdidos (y luego encontrados) en la Real Cárcel de La Habana? Descubre como el Atlántico acercó (y alejó) como nunca a España y sus colonias en el siglo XIX en el nuevo episodio de En Fase Experimental.…
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The Brew Is Out There! Way back in 2015 for an early episode of the main show, Drew sat down with one of his mentors – Bruce Brode. Bruce was a past club president, Grand Hydrometer (education officer), Brews Band Keyboardist, a BJCP Master Judge and helped write many of the early style guidelines. This past week, Bruce passed away just shy of his …
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¡La aventura continúa! Lentes Negros x Nacho HBK: Champion's Edition ya está aquí, y trae consigo todo lo que necesitas para llevar tu experiencia de juego al siguiente nivel. Esta nueva expansión te permite jugar como Silver Rod y usar sus combos y movimientos especiales, además de nuevos niveles de juego cooperativo en la creciente y misteriosa n…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France Psychologie cognitive expérimentale Année 2024-2025 Séminaire - Sommeil, replay et apprentissage - Isabelle Arnulf : Les états hybrides veille-sommeil : une fenêtre sur les fonctions cognitives du sommeil Intervenant(s) : Isabelle Arnulf Sorbonne Université Résumé Les rêves constituent un monde fascinant qui refl…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France - Année 2024 - 2025 Agir pour l'éducation 05 - La perception des graphiques : un nouvel exemple de recyclage neuronal - La grammaire des courbes et des graphiques Intervenant : Stanislas Dehaene Professeur du Collège de FrancePor Stanislas Dehaene
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Drew sits down in this episode with Brett Knapp of Common Space Brewery to talk their fundraising project – “We LA”. We’ve included a homebrew recipe for you to use. Denny and Drew also talk through the recent AHA Independence news. What do you want to happen with the AHA? Let us know! Episode Links: Escarpment Labs Yeast Costs: https://www.faceboo…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France Psychologie cognitive expérimentale Année 2024-2025 Séminaire - Sommeil, replay et apprentissage - Sidarta Ribeiro : Memory, Sleep and Dreams Intervenant(s) : Sidarta Ribeiro Brain Institute - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)Por Stanislas Dehaene
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France - Année 2024 - 2025 Agir pour l'éducation 04 - La perception des graphiques : un nouvel exemple de recyclage neuronal - La perception des tendances et des courbes Intervenant : Stanislas Dehaene Professeur du Collège de FrancePor Stanislas Dehaene
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01. Наследие Большевиков — Памяти хватит всем (Медленно и пространно)02. wemory — Last Day03. PERMSKY KRAY — Лучшие Моменты (The Best Moments)04. DJ EL FUNK TESTOSTERONA, TOKYOSLEEP — MONTAGEM WINTER ARC05. Tatuuma — For the Best06. C:/Eternal — Be present07. Anderdog & Dessin — Moonlit Shroud08. Kedr Livanskiy — Anna09. green ikigai — Gronn Edderk…
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The Brew Is Out There! For the Falcons Advent Calendar, Drew decided to do something other than beer and made a cordial inspired by the idea of a boiled/steamed Persimmon Pudding. Links Persimmon Pudding Cordial Recipe: https://www.experimentalbrew.com/2025/02/08/persimmon-pudding/ Drew’s Cordial Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France Psychologie cognitive expérimentale Année 2024-2025 Séminaire - Sommeil, replay et apprentissage - Stéphanie Mazza : Sleep on it! Le sommeil et la consolidation des apprentissages, de l'enfant à la personne âgée Intervenant(s) : Stéphanie Mazza Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon Résumé Un bon sommeil es…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France - Année 2024 - 2025 Agir pour l'éducation 03 - La perception des graphiques : un nouvel exemple de recyclage neuronal - Étapes cognitives de la perception, de la compréhension et du design des graphiques Intervenant : Stanislas Dehaene Professeur du Collège de France…
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You may have heard the hills around Drew caught on fire – well he’s back after that and a laptop collapse! Catch up with us. We have a few episodes waiting to go! (Picture of Mt. Wilson, which should be green and lush, but….) Episode Links: Your Thoughts on a national homebrewing Org?: https://brewersassociation.wufoo.com/forms/z1prrkcz1vagwld/ Min…
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Artists: AimoldaTitle: Inhabitants of the Nameless CityRelease Date: 01.02.2025Country: Moscow, RussiaTags: #deeptechno #dubtechno #deeptech #roughcraft #aimolda #techno #acid #house #djroughcraft #soulful⁠Безымянный город построила древняя раса рептилий, внешне похожих на помесь аллигатора, крокодила и тюленя. Эти существа передвигались ползком, п…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France Psychologie cognitive expérimentale Année 2024-2025 Séminaire - Sommeil, replay et apprentissage - Thomas Andrillon : Le sommeil en sentinelle : traitements cognitifs pendant le sommeil Intervenant(s) : Thomas Andrillon ICM Institut du Cerveau Résumé Le sommeil s'accompagne d'un état inerte qui n'empêche pas le c…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France - Année 2024 - 2025 Agir pour l'éducation 02 - La perception des graphiques : un nouvel exemple de recyclage neuronal - Étapes cognitives de la perception, de la compréhension et du design des graphiques Intervenant : Stanislas Dehaene Professeur du Collège de France…
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En un evento sin precedentes, dos universos se entremezclan y amenazan con chocar y causar gran destrucción interrumpiendo las vacaciones del dúo lentesnegreano, que debe unir fuerzas con el internauta videojueguil Nacho HBK para evitar el colapso. Streaming y podcast al mismo tiempo, un crossover de proporciones épicas que nadie pidió, pero que to…
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Stanislas Dehaene Collège de France - Année 2024 - 2025 Agir pour l'éducation 01 - La perception des graphiques : un nouvel exemple de recyclage neuronal - L'origine et l'évolution des graphiques Intervenant : Stanislas Dehaene Professeur du Collège de FrancePor Stanislas Dehaene
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In this episode of The Experimental Leader, we explore how leaders can balance empathy and accountability while supporting mental wellness in the workplace. We discuss practical strategies for creating a compassionate and resilient environment for teams, navigating mental health challenges, and leading with authenticity. Packed with actionable take…
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Наши музыкальные друзья!Добро пожаловать на "Ритмы времени" выпуск 13 Сегодня вас ждет время экспериментальных коктейлей.Каждый четверг мы погружаемся в мир электронной музыки, которая вдохновляет, заряжает энергией и помогает забыть о повседневных заботах.Присоединяйтесь к нам и позвольте музыке вести вас!…
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- Чувствуете энергию? Она поднимается из Земли. Смотрите! Деревья... Они дышат. Природа инстинктивно знает, как сохранять гармонию. Всё механически выполняет свою роль...Por Major S
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Экспериментальный эмбиент. Местами космос. Местами этно. Будет и живой инструмент. В целом школа Эно, Гэбриела и Резнора. Поражает притягательность звучания.crater @ EdivanichPor Edivanich
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Экспериментальный эмбиент. Местами космос. Местами этно. Будет и живой инструмент. В целом школа Эно, Гэбриела и Резнора. Поражает притягательность звучания.crater @ EdivanichPor Edivanich
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Экспериментальный эмбиент. Местами космос. Местами этно. Будет и живой инструмент. В целом школа Эно, Гэбриела и Резнора. Поражает притягательность звучания.crater @ EdivanichPor Edivanich
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Экспериментальный эмбиент. Местами космос. Местами этно. Будет и живой инструмент. В целом школа Эно, Гэбриела и Резнора. Поражает притягательность звучания. crater @ EdivanichPor Edivanich
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Экспериментальный эмбиент. Местами космос. Местами этно. Будет и живой инструмент. В целом школа Эно, Гэбриела и Резнора. Поражает притягательность звучания.crater @ EdivanichPor Edivanich
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Экспериментальный эмбиент. Местами космос. Местами этно. Будет и живой инструмент. В целом школа Эно, Гэбриела и Резнора. Поражает притягательность звучания.crater @ EdivanichPor Edivanich
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