Easy Email Marketing with Yael Keon is the go to podcast for all things email marketing & automation. You'll discover how to grow your list full of quality subscribers, how to serve that list with open-worthy emails and how to convert those subscribers into buyers. All in a feel-good, service led way. We'll also explore email automation, segmenting and just what is the right email software for you - whether you have an e-commerce, services or digital products business. All so you can get it ...
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It’s lit
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El podcast narrado por Oswaldo Urban comentaremos un texto que identifica las funciones de los hemisferios del cerebro Cover art photo provided by Scott Webb on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@scottwebb
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Priatelia, kamaráti, kolegovia a zaujímaví ľudia z bezprostredného okolia Yaela a sveta mladých ľudí. Talkshow Friendzone vysiela Dobré rádio v premiére každý pracovný piatok po sedemnástej hodine, v repríze v nedeľu po 11.00 hod. a dostupná je aj ako podcast na všetkých obľúbených platformách.
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بودكاست نسوي موجه لنساء وفي موسمه الأول سوف نسلط الضوء على النساء الجزائريات سنستمع لقصص نجاحكن وآلامكن سنستمع أيضا إلى إنشغلاتكن وإهتماماتكن... سنحاور ضيوفا على العمل والبيت، الدين، التربية ونكشف عن مواضيع لم يشاء الحديث فيها سواء كنت أم زوجة بنت إبنة معلمة طالبة رسامة كاتبة مطلقة أرملة شاعرة سياسية طبيبة مهندسة رحالة.... أنت من تصنعين العالم عزيزتي 🌏☝️ فكوني فحلة💪
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Ever poured your heart into writing brilliant email content only to be met with... crickets? No clicks, no conversions, just tumbleweeds rolling through your metrics? You're not alone. In this episode, I introduce a deceptively simple yet powerful approach that could transform your email marketing results: The Sandwich Strategy. You’ll learn: Why t…
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A big announcement this week with the doors opening of The Email Experience VIP Edition! Inside this episode, I’m giving you a glimpse into the behind the scenes thought process when it comes to creating a new offer. This includes a bit of trip down memory lane about the different offers I have had, lessons learnt, mistakes made and why I feel like…
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Have you seen those ads for the latest and greatest all-in-one business sales system that will magically do everything for you and have you swimming on conversions? Yeah me too. And every time it makes me roll my eyes because it is nothing new. In 90% of cases they don’t actually do anything that you don’t already have the ability to do with softwa…
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Are you finding it hard to find the WHY behind your emails? You've been told you need to send them on the regular yet you struggle to see the point - not only unless you "sell" in every email but you don't want to do that. The answer? Ensuring every email has an intention. In this episode I'm sharing the one question you need to ask before you writ…
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Email marketing is not going anywhere in 2025. In fact, it is only getting more powerful and impactful than ever. Here’s quick stats drop: 88% of people check their emails every day Half of marketers see email marketing as their most impactful channel People are 3 times more likely to make purchases from email marketing than social media 50% of peo…
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This episode is your annual reminder of those checks & balances you should be doing with your email marketing! Now I know this isn’t the most exciting of tasks but the number one piece of feedback I hear about email marketing is that small business owners just don’t have enough time to do it. But what if instead of just throwing spaghetti at the wa…
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Welcome to the annual email marketing software update roundup for 2024. Unlike previous years with major deliverability changes, this year has been more about feature improvements and platform refinements. In this episode, I'm diving deep into the updates across key email marketing platforms, giving you the insider view on what's changed and what m…
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If your inbox and text messages haven’t alerted you to the fact yet - Black Friday promos are already upon us even though it is still technically days away. Hopefully you have your promotions all in place by now but in this podcast episode, I thought I’d have a bit of (nerdy) fun and share some extra boosters you can layer into your promotions. Thi…
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After 10 years in business, I’ve used (and seen) a lot of software and apps meant to make online business easier. Many overpromise and underdeliver. Or many are just not exactly right for you. But there are definitely some standouts. Over the past 12 months, I’ve been working to simplify my business tech stack and in this episode I’m going to share…
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Feeling like you’re constantly repeating yourself when promoting your services? Worried about fatiguing your subscribers with endless sales pitches? This episode is here to help you break that cycle with a simple, strategic way to invite clients to work with you—without the overwhelm or feeling salesy. I’m sharing my go-to approach that I use quart…
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The best way to increase your email marketing sales is not just about adding more emails or more automations. Instead the secret is to increase the relevance of your emails and your offers to your subscribers. It makes sense right? The more relevant an offer or the email content is to me, the more likely I will read it and take action on it. The ch…
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When it comes to email marketing, working with ecommerce businesses is one of my favourite things to do as it is remarkable how just a few small changes can have such a big impact on the bottom line. And in this episode you’ll see exactly how this is possible. I’m joined by the prolific founder of The Salty Fox and my wonderful long term client, Ha…
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It’s no secret that bundles are becoming an increasingly popular strategy for growing your email list, but are they right for your business? I’m diving into the ins and outs of bundle events, why they can be so effective, and how to get the most out of this collaborative approach to list growth. You’ve probably seen bundles floating around or perha…
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It’s the time of year when list building should be a big focus. We're at the start of September, which means things are ramping up. As we transition out of winter sports here in Australia or you are emerging from summer holidays in the northern hemisphere, we are beginning to get stuck back into work. Then add Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christ…
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Feeling stuck with your email marketing? Whether it's tech troubles, not knowing what to send, time constraints, or mindset issues, these hurdles can halt your progress. In this episode, I break down the four most common sticking points and share practical solutions to help you move forward. You’ll Learn: Why tech doesn’t need to be the enemy How t…
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The process of planning and creating automations can be incredibly daunting for some. Not only are the tech and integrations to worry about. But you need to write a tonne of emails as well. Or you may find you have started with the best of intentions but as your business has grown and you have added more and more automations it’s become overwhelmin…
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Panelák, Ordinácia v ružovej záhrade, mnohé divadelné aj filmové diela. Karin Haydu patrí medzi obľúbené a talentované slovenské herečky, no vyznačuje sa aj niekoľkými superschopnosťami. Doštudovať vysokú školu ako čerstvá matka, to nedokáže každá žena. Najmä v tom prípade, ak sa venuje materstvu, herectvu a štúdiu naraz. Spríjemni si leto ďalším r…
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Wanting to increase the numbers and types of emails you are sending but are concerned about the number of emails your subscribers may get? A preferences centre might just be the solution you need! In this episode, I’m breaking down how a preferences centre can help transform your email strategy and keep your subscribers happy. You’ll learn: How a p…
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Producent Manny Mijares: Svet je plný hviezdičiek, ktoré rýchlo zhasnú. Skutočné hviezdy rastú roky
Jeho meno je vo svete šoubiznisu veľmi dobre známe. Spolupracoval s mnohými hviezdami pop music a v súčasnosti jednu budúcu hviezdu formuje priamo na Slovensku. Producent Manny Mijares v lete pricestoval z USA na Slovensko, aby nám prezradil tie najzaujímavejšie tajomstvá z kuchyne speváckych ikon. Našu krajinu si nevybral náhodne, medzi jeho zvere…
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It’s the end of financial year here in Australia and the time we all step back to look at the key numbers in our businesses. And your email marketing numbers should definitely be included in your analysis. No, I’m not talking about your opens, clicks, unsubscribes and bounces here. Instead we want to know exactly how much revenue email marketing ha…
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In the last 2 years since my last behind the scenes episode, a lot has changed in my business and therefore the way I have used email marketing has too. Now with dozens of different offers with The Email Marketing Superstore, selling more frequently is crucial to my business growth. But, of course, I don’t want to be sending a mass sales email ever…
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Talentovaná, úspešná a skromná. Mama dvoch nádherných detí, partnerka, skvelá herečka aj speváčka. V rámci svojej doterajšej kariéry stihla dosiahnuť mnohé veľké úspechy. Slovensko reprezentovala na Eurovízii, vyhrala tanečnú súťaž Let´s Dance, hviezdi v televíznych seriáloch a najnovšie sa opäť vrátila k milovanej hudbe. Ako sama vraví, hip hop je…
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Tomáš Striž: Nadprirodzené javy sa dejú okolo mňa neustále. Vrcholom bolo hrajúce rádio vytiahnuté z elektriky
Kým sa jeho rovesníci venovali zábave a randeniu, Tomáš začal pracovať v rodinnom biznise. Je štvrtou generáciou v pohrebnej službe. Odprevádzanie zosnulých na druhý svet sa stalo neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho života a zároveň našiel spôsob, ako stratu milovanej osoby pozostalým uľahčiť. Vyrába jedinečné šperky, ktoré im budú blízkeho navždy pripomí…
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“Selling is a Service” <<< That’s all well and good to say but when it comes to crunch time during that promotion or sale, simply repeating that statement to yourself is not going to cut it. It’s kind of like saying willpower is the way to develop habits - simply just not enough. The question then comes up - what can I do when I am feeling those se…
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Reality show TV Markíza, v ktorej sa krásne ženy uchádzajú o priazeň lepšie situovaného podnikateľa, sa na Slovensku stala fenoménom. Čísla sledovanosti lámali rekordy a televízia ohlásila už ďalšiu sériu. Ako svoje účinkovanie v šou vníma po vypadnutí Aneta? Prečo nebola spokojná s rande na plantáži a ako by volala Radka, ak by medzi nimi preskoči…
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Por Dobré rádio
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Let’s take a little step back and look at the big picture of email marketing and how to get started. Even if you do have some of your email marketing setup please don’t disregard this episode, as you may find you have missed a crucial step. Or perhaps you’ve done the first 5 but are missing out on the true potential of email marketing by stopping w…
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Patril medzi najkontroverznejšie postavy reality show Love Island. Už počas nej sa však zároveň javil ako skromný chalan, ktorého vášňou je hudba. Vie, že sláva je dočasná, a tak sa po návrate do reality zamestnal v kreatívnom štúdiu.Por Dobré rádio
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Getting those first email subscribers can be daunting. Not only do you have that worry about why would anyone sign up to my email list but you also have some tech setup to deal with. Inside this episode, you’ll learn: How to create a compelling reason for someone to sign up to your list (even if you don’t have a lead magnet) Where and how to add fo…
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Pôvodne chcel byť hercom, no absolvoval štúdium žurnalistiky a už roky sa spolupodieľa na bezchybnom vysielaní Telerána. V poslednom období však v sebe náhodou objavil vášeň pre koncertnú fotografiu a jeho kariéra má raketový štart. Už dnes spolupracuje s viacerými zvučnými menami slovenskej hudby aj instagramovej scény. Spoznajte ďalšieho zaujímav…
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ANNOUNCEMENT - The new FREE course Get Started with Email Marketing is here. With almost 2 hours of video trainings, divided into bite sized chunks you’ll be ready to take action today. Understand what email marketing really is (Hint: It isn’t just newsletters) Get the 8 steps to implementing your email marketing strategy Have your burning question…
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Najúprimnejšia spoveď v slovenskom éteri! Po návrate z liečenia odhodil Yael všetky obavy, predsudky a ochotne svojim priateľom zodpovedal zvedavé otázky týkajúce sa jeho liečby a boja so závislosťou. Svoju trinástu komnatu otvoril počas rozhovoru s Reném Rendym, ktorý sa neplánovane zhostil úlohy moderátora. Pozor! Súčasťou epizódy je i jedno nádh…
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Email newsletters are dead. And, no, I that doesn’t mean I am burning my business to the ground. Because email marketing does not equal email newsletters. Email newsletters were the way people were using email marketing 20 years ago. A few things have changed since then… No one would have expected social media not to have changed in the last 5 minu…
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Don’t think you are a good writer? Then this podcast episode is for you! The truth is anyone can be a good writer. It just takes time, practice and a little guidance. The good news? Email is the perfect place to practice your writing as it isn’t so “public”. It is with your trusted audience so you can use this space to get better and better. So ple…
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Want a quick tip that with save you your sanity when using your email marketing software? Listen in! I see it all the time. Someone starts with a shiny new email marketing software and at the beginning it’s clean and easy. You have only one or two forms, lists or groups and a couple of automations. But then you add another lead magnet. Or you want …
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Yes, we all want “pretty” emails. But what is more important - having your subscribers be able to engage with the email easily and take the action you want them to take or pretty? No brainer that it’s option A as the purpose of email marketing is to communicate something important with your leads, clients and customers. So we need to think of this …
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Here we are - 100 episodes and almost 3 years into The Easy Email Marketing podcast! Reaching this milestone has given me a moment to pause and reflect on my business journey so far and I felt really led to speak on some of the lessons I have learnt along the way. Inside this episode I discuss: My business journey so far and the mistakes I have mad…
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Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you will have heard something about Google and Yahoo’s Email Authentication Changes which came into effect this month (Feb 2024). This has sent the internet in a frenzy with people going into panic over what needs to happen. And some creators really haven’t helped with this. Well first I’m here to reassure yo…
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Overwhelmed by the idea of creating content for your business? Then listen in! In this episode I am joined by Jenny De Lacy of Talking Digital who is known for her content expertise which is why she was the perfect person to bring on board to help you breakthrough some of your content blocks. Inside this episode we discuss: How we overestimate what…
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Stop wishing & hoping that whatever email list size you have will result in magically achieving your sales goals this year. Because it’s not magic. It’s actually just maths. In this episode, I’m sharing with you how to calculate exactly how many subscribers you need to reach your big, hairy, audacious goals this year. And your realistic ones here. …
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Happy new year and welcome to another year of the Easy Email Marketing podcast. Hopefully you have already identified email marketing as one of your core business strategies that you continue to pay attention to each and every year - not just as a once off. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t have a lot of things you want to achieve this year. So …
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As we are barrelling into Christmas, school holidays and trying to get everything wrapped up while still battling school concerts, Christmas parties and the last minute shopping, you may be dreaming of that moment when you can finally put your feet up with a glass of wine and take a breathe. But what about your business? How can you take that time …
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A must listen, this episode goes through all you need to know about the email marketing software and tech updates that have happened over 2023 and some important changes coming in early 2024. From minor campaign edit capabilities to major pricing & plan structure changes, I have you covered. First is the most important part where I explain some big…
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Ingrid Hupková: Drogy nepotrebujete. Jednoduchým spôsobom môžete dodať telu dopamín aj bez nich
Je to už pár dní, čo sa bulvárne médiá priživujú na odvážnom kroku Matúša Yaela Kolárovského. Obľúbený slovenský spevák, herec, model a hlas Dobrého rádia sa v polovici novembra na sociálnych sieťach zveril svojim fanúšikom s tajomstvom, ktoré ho ťažilo. V minulosti mal skúsenosť s užívaním liekov, no dnes so závislosťou úspešne bojuje a svoje osob…
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There’s a lot you can do with email marketing. But I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again - you should not attempt to do everything at once. Email marketing is all about layers and strategic priorities but it can be confusing as to where you should focus your attention next. Inside this episode, I share my recommended order of operations aka what …
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It’s the side of email marketing that everyone seems to forget yet it can provide the best customer service, sales conversions AND make your life a heck of a lot easier through automating or eliminating your admin. It’s the emails you said after you have made the sake - aka The Post Purchase Experience. Inside this episode, I’m sharing the 4 differ…
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Content marketing is one of the BEST strategies you can use to grow your email list - not to mention having something to send. Not only does it provide a catch-free way of learning about you, your business but it also gives you an easy way for your business to be discovered. In this episode, you’ll learn: How content marketing can help you grow you…
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Por Dobré rádio
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Whether you call it a webinar, a training, a masterclass or a workshop - you always have the goal of getting as many people as possible signing up and watching. And email marketing of course plays a huge role in this. Not only do you use it to invite existing subscribers but you have confirmation emails, reminder emails and replay emails to send. M…
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If you are in business you know that understanding your target market is crucial to your success. After all, you need to deliver what your audience wants to have them buy from you. But so many of the target market training out there either focus on building customer avatars and completing epic worksheets. Or going full tilt into surveys or intervie…
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