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Aprende Más Inglés

Daniel Welsch

Bienvenido al mejor podcast para aprender inglés. Vocabulario, gramática, pronunciación, phrasal verbs, expresiones que puedes usar a la hora de hablar y mucho más. ¿Quieres aprender inglés con un profesor nativo? Soy Daniel Welsch, de Estados Unidos. Hace tiempo que vivo en Barcelona, España, así que este podcast sobre el inglés es en español. ¡Disfruta!
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Inglês do Zero

Inglês do Zero

O Inglês do Zero Podcast é destinado às pessoas que têm dificuldade em encontrar bons materiais online para aprender inglês sozinhos. Aqui você encontrará o passo a passo do estudo auto-didata de um jeito descontraído e com uma metodologia que te ajudará a aprender definitivamente o idioma. Apresentação: Jader Lelis (Teacher Jay).
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A weekly podcast about the popular Niantic game, Ingress Prime hosted by Agent PkmnTrainerJ. Ingress Insights aims to give players the latest Ingress news, updates and rumours as well as interviews with Ingress Agents. We cover the latest Anomaly news, Ingress updates and Wayfarer changes that may impact Ingress players. You can contact us over at with any questions or chat with us on Instagram/Threads at @ingress.insights
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Inglorious Bards


Untold adventures still await you! Listen to the Inglorious Bards battle strange beasts, thwart evil plans, solve mysterious mysteries, and do something with vegetables that will make your grandpa cry. ... I'm talking about chopping onions. The Inglorious Bards!
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Ingrid & Maria


De svenska journalisterna Ingrid Carlqvist & Maria Celander med Nyhetsveckan och Nyhetshelgen, dagsaktuella händelser, nyhetsanalyser och spännande intervjuer.
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Fale Inglês Naturalmente

Wave Imersão Linguística

Episódios voltados para ajudar você a alcançar a liberdade linguística falando inglês naturalmente através de dicas práticas e conversações reais. Acesse para mais conteúdo.
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Aprimore o seu inglês diáriamente com estes mini-podcasts de 5 minutos com o professor Tim Barrett de Aprenda inglês do dia a dia, expressões, phrasal verbs, preposições, collocations e muito mais!
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Discovering the Bible's answers is the focus of Living on the Edge, the broadcast ministry of Chip Ingram. Each weekday, Chip will take you to God's Word for biblical guidance on topics like being a follower of Jesus, strengthening your marriage, understanding love and sex, raising moral children, and overcoming painful emotions. Chip also shares honestly from his own experiences. Visit us online at
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Inglorious Globastards - PODCAST

Alberto Forchielli & Fabio Scacciavillani

"Inglorious Globastards" è un progetto che nasce da un idea di Fabio Scacciavillani e Alberto Forchielli. Attraverso i loro video ci raccontano la verità, sparata a bruciapelo e senza filtri, su diverse tematiche di carattere economico e geopolitico, che riguardano l'Italia, l'Europa ed il mondo nella sua complessità. Perchè? Perchè un informazione manipolata produce una nazione infetta e conduce al disastro economico.
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Philip De Giorgio

Ingredienserna är en podcast om livet genom mat. Det bjuds in gäster, gör recensioner, restaurangtips, avslöja våra smultronställen. Vi kommer snacka hemmamatlagning, veckans råvara, köksprylar, fördrinken, fråga kocken, chili con carne, skolans mandelfisk, Eton Mess, birria tacos, Gidden, Pripps blå, långpanna, rött och vitt, perfekt stekt köttbit, glas mjölk och kanelbullar. Helt enkelt ett hela havet stormar inuti ett kök. I podden hörs den italienska falukorven Philip De Giorgio, krögare ...
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Tja, es gibt so viel zu sagen, was einfach nur mal so raus muss. Schließlich hört hier zu Hause sowieso keiner zu, deshalb vielleicht überall anders. Hier und da lade ich mir auch mal einen Gast ein und wir analysieren zusammen. Lustig, nachdenklich, verrückt, ehrlich, unverfälscht, direkt... noch mehr Adjektive würden übertrieben wirken. Viel Spaß beim Hören.
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Ben Birchall & Emily Naismith

Want to feast on funny food facts and fables? Or slurp up strange and spicy stories from supermarkets and society? Bite into Australia’s funnest food podcast, Ingredipedia. Each episode, competitive hosts Emily Naismith (Broadsheet, frankie magazine) and Ben Birchall (3RRR FM’s Breakfasters, Smith Journal) try to serve the most interesting stories about a specific ingredient (say, Tim Tams or chillies) in a bid for your affection. You get to vote for who was the most interesting on Instagram ...
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Ingria Talks

Технопарк Санкт-Петербурга

Бизнес-инкубатор «Ингрия» запускает подкаст Ingria Talks, где гостями будут основатели стартапов, менторы, представители индустрии – все, кому есть что рассказать полезного для отечественного инновационного сообщества
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Soms lijkt een verhaal ook een beetje jouw verhaal. Dan geeft dat verhaal je misschien erkenning, herkenning, troost of tips. Op het platform InTalk vertellen mensen over uitdagingen, tegenslag of verlies in hun leven. Hoe gingen zij hiermee om? InTalk is gemaakt in opdracht van Mindfit en in samenwerking met Zorgverkenners. Heb je zelf een verhaal dat je graag wil delen? Mail dan naar
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¡Aprende inglés desde un nivel inicial con los podcasts de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel A1 Beginner. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online:
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Managing love intelligently involves understanding your emotional, spiritual, and sexual needs, your boundaries, your deal-breakers, your fantasies, and everything else that allows you to optimize your success in letting the right one into your heart, life, and home. For advertising opportunities, email
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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Take your professional English to the next level by listening to this podcast! You will hear me chatting with native speaking coaches who have YEARS of experience helping Spanish speaking clients develop their English as a business communication tool! So, jump in and enjoy it!
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Treksperts Podcast Network

Legendary Treksperts MARK A. ALTMAN (showrunner of Pandora, author of the bestselling The Fifty-Year Mission, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer of Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Director's Edition) & ASHLEY E. MILLER (screenwriter; Thor, X-Men: First Class, showrunner, Netflix's DOTA: Dragon's Blood) examine 58 years of STAR TREK every Thursday along with celebrity guests in the podcast awarded "Best Star Trek Podcast 2021" by Trek Movie. #Trekucation Be ...
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In this podcast, I share my personal journey of coping with grief following the loss of my daughter and father. I discuss the challenges I've faced and the strategies I've implemented to stay motivated each day. Join me as I explore the importance of self-compassion, finding support, and embracing life's moments, no matter how difficult they may be. Together, we can navigate the complexities of grief and inspire one another to find hope and healing.
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Mejora tu inglés y tu conocimiento del mundo angloparlante gracias a fascinantes historias de la vida real, narradas en un inglés fácil de entender y con comentarios en español para ayudarte con el contexto. Creado por Duolingo, la mejor manera de aprender un idioma. Presentado por Diana Gameros en colaboración con Adonde Media.
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THINK aloud is a podcast by ING Global Research hosted by Senior Editor Rebecca Byrne. Subscribe to hear expert analysis on the global economy, monetary policy, and financial markets, that you won't find anywhere else.
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Imagine being pregnant with purpose, carrying the seed of God's glory within you. This podcast is a sacred space where we nurture that seed, and let it grow into a life that honors Jesus. Join me on this transformative journey as we delve into the heart of Christ, exploring what it means to be HolyBirthed - to be born of God, and to bring His light to the world. Each episode is a step forward in our spiritual growth, a reminder of our identity in Him, and a call to empower others. Subscribe ...
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¡Practica tu inglés con los podcasts de nivel B1 de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel B1 Intermediate. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online:
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From the creators of the hit INGLORIOUS TREKSPERTS podcast comes TREKSPERTS BRIEFING ROOM with hosts LISA KLINK (writer, Star Trek: Voyager) and PETER HOLMSTROM (author, The Center Seat) bringing you a series of in-depth curated audio commentaries of STAR TREK episodes and movies featuring leading Treksperts along with special guests from in front of and behind the camera including stars, writers, producers and notable fans. Social: @trekspertsBR, @inglorioustrek, @inglorioustreksperts treks ...
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Blik op de beurs podcast van ING

Blik op de beurs podcast van ING

In Blik op de beurs praten we je bij over beursnieuws, bedrijfscijfers, duurzaam beleggen, aandelen, obligaties en meer. Samen met beleggingsexperts van het ING Investment Office kijken we terug en vooruit op de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen voor beleggers.
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Discovering the Bible's answers is the focus of Living on the Edge, the broadcast ministry of Chip Ingram. Each weekday, Chip will take you to God's Word for biblical guidance on topics like being a follower of Jesus, strengthening your marriage, understanding love and sex, raising moral children, and overcoming painful emotions. Chip also shares honestly from his own experiences. Visit us online at
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show series
Er gebeurt van alles en de stemming is onrustig op de beurzen. Hoogste tijd dus voor rust en duiding door Simon Wiersma van het ING Investment Office. Wat betekenen de acties voor Trump voor de markten? Hoe reageert Europa? Wat doet het ING Investment Office? En wat kun jij als (aspirant) belegger doen? Luister nu de nieuwste aflevering!Dagelijkse …
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Taking accountability in your love life allows you to grow, gain wisdom, break out of stuck patterns, become more assertive, and live a happier life. For 35 years, Steven Ing, MFT, has been a Marriage and Family Therapist with a specialty in forensic work. He is a contributing writer to Psychology Today and the author of two books on sexuality: We'…
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What is it, exactly, that Jesus really wants from you? Join Chip as he begins this series with the answer to that question. Main Points Taking Jesus seriously means we take His Word seriously! W.D.J.S. --John 13:34-35 What is the New Commandment? When was the New Commandment given? Why was the New Commandment given? How seriously did the early Chur…
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Send us a text Have you ever felt like you don’t have what it takes to serve God? I know I have. In this episode, I share my personal struggle with feeling unworthy to serve God ,until the Holy Spirit spoke a truth that changed everything. Serving God isn’t about our abilities, qualifications, or perfection. It only takes Jesus. If you’ve ever ques…
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Learn the secrets to buying investment properties with little or no down payments in Inglewood. This class is Module 25 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the loans you use to invest in real estate with little or no down payment? What are the real estate investing strategies you c…
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about how the world would be if English were not the international language. Have you ever thought about it? English has played a really important role in bridging the gaps between peoples, nations, cultures, and businesses, but what if instead of learning English we’d have to learn another language? Well, let’s…
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Do you long to be loved - to have a group of people that cares deeply for you? Chip shares how to connect deeply with others and how they can connect deeply with you. Main Points Dr. Larry Crabb: “Imagine what could happen if God were to place within his people intangible nutrients that had the power to both prevent and reverse soul disease and the…
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Politiker och journalister är förbluffade över den låga försvarsviljan i Västeuropa. Men vad hade de förväntat sig när de först säger åt svenska folket att Sverige inte är vårt och sedan fyller landet med invandrare som inte har någon medfödd lojalitet med vårt land? Swish: 123 587 22 54 (Tryckfrihetssällskapet) BG: 831-4742 Besök vår sajt: https:/…
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THIS VOYAGE, the Treksperts, MARK A. ALTMAN (author, The Fifty Year Mission, writer/producer, Pandora, Agent X, The Librarians, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer, Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and ASHLEY E. MILLER (showrunner; DOTA: Dragon's Blood, writer, X-Men: First Class, Thor) remember ROBERTO ORCI who sad…
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Haremos una fotografía aérea de todo el idioma Inglés para establecer los 3 grandes bloques que lo forman. Posteriormente trazaremos el "mapa" que deberemos seguir siempre para no perdernos y nos fabricaremos una brújula que nos permitirá encontrar nuestras coordenadas de una forma sencilla.
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Chip continues his message on how to develop authentic relationships. Main Points Why are there so many people desperately hurting and in need of love, and so many others who are so willing and wanting to give love, yet so few who actually get loved? What's the missing link? 6 Key Words: You are memebers of one another. Thesis: To fulfill Jesus’ co…
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Superkocken har varit iväg och ätit sig igenom Tokyo, så vi bjöd in stjärnkrögaren och sushikungen från Sushi Sho, Carl Ishizaki. Vi djupdyker i Tokyos restaurangliv, snackar sushi och suspekta grillade grisdetaljer. Dessutom lär vi oss koka ris, hur man gör perfekt fried rice och hur du ska fritera både din tonkatsu. Sen blir det såklart ramen, te…
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Il governo cinese dopo la tradizionale conferenza di marzo durante la quale il Partito Comunista fissa le linee guida di politica economica ha annunciato ulteriori stimoli fiscali, promettendo maggiori sforzi per sostenere i consumi e attutire l'impatto dell'escalation della guerra commerciale con gli Stati Uniti su un'economia che Pechino è determ…
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Dopo l'imboscata di Trump alla Casa Bianca contro Zelensky, cosa voglia Trump dagli ucraini è chiaro: la resa incondizionata al regime mafioso di Putin, lo sfruttamento delle risorse minerarie e nessuna garanzia di sicurezza. Cosa voglia dagli europei è altrettanto chiaro: staccarsi dalla NATO e alzare barriere commerciali per avvantaggiare le impr…
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Welcome to Episode 154 of the TRANSFORMA TU INGLÉS PROFESIONAL podcast! I'm your host Daniel Smith. Today we have an amazing show lined up for you and by the end of it you will learn: The complexities of "to" and when and where you need to use it The grammar structure that is required with "must" Why the verb "discuss" cannot be connected with "abo…
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Are you lonely? Do you go places, perhaps even church, and feel like you just don’t fit in? In this message, Chip shares how you can begin to develop authentic, Godly relationships that can last a lifetime. Main Points Why are there so many people desperately hurting and in need of love, and so many others who are so willing and wanting to give lov…
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*Send us a question for Ask A Pasterd in an upcoming episodeLeave us a voicemail here: Get Pasterds Merch @ Meaningless Apparel: PASTERDS LINKS: Pasterds Website: Pasterds Twitter: Michael Twitter: www.twitter.c…
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En este episodio de @ingrAvidos valoramos lo vivido con GABRIEL DE MIGUEL en la KANGAS MOUNTAIN al tiempo que charlamos con su nuevo recordman Juanjo Somohano. #review de zapatillas con el testeo de la #KBOIX de #nnormal y la nueva KJERAG BRUT de la firma de Kilian Jornet. Gabi nos cuenta sus impresiones tras haberlas probado. El propio Gabi abre e…
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Y entró Canales... El propio Gabi abre el melón de la polémica creada por el corredor élite de #trailrunning de KAILAS, José Ángel Fernández Canales sobre las carreras de romerías con mochilas y bastones... El corredor andaluz corrió la #classic de #transgrancanaria con un cinturón y sin mochila ni palos. Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobr…
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A vueltas con el sorteo de #ZegamaAizkorri Nadie se cree que al pobre Nano le tocó el dorsal de manera limpia... Ni siquiera en #Zegama Ojito que en la tertulia también se toca esa frase que ha retumbado en el mundo del #atletismo la pasada semana "Verdeliss se vende mejor que el atletismo" "Estefanía Unzu llega al gran público por su récord en una…
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Cada semana SALOMON abre los micrófonos de ingrAvidos a todos los oyentes para analizar la actualidad del #trailrunning Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇 🔊 Escucha #ingrAvidos todos los martes (1…
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Nuevo #trailquiz by @COROSGlobal Adivina qué corredor se esconde tras estas declaraciones divididas en cuatro pistas y gana un equipo de merchandising de COROS 👉 Gana premios todas las semanas con COROS Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 8…
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Atracamos a Juanjo Somohano tras su victoria en la Kangas Mountain con récord de la prueba, pese a no poder entrenar por el trabajo... ¿Genética? ¿Súper clase? Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇 🔊…
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Cada semana reto STRAVA con ASICS PENYAGOLOSA TRAILS. Apúntate al evento en nuestro club en STRAVA (ASICS INGRAVIDOS TEAM) y gana premios todas las semanas gracias a ASICS y a PENYAGOLOSA TRAILS. Únete a nuestro equipo de ASICS STRAVA TEAM 🏃‍♂️⛰💥 Strava: Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros t…
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#review de zapatillas con el testeo de la #KBOIX de #nnormal y la nueva KJERAG BRUT de la firma de Kilian Jornet. Gabi nos cuenta sus impresiones tras haberlas probado en carreras de #trailrunning Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇 https://www.whatsapp.c…
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Arrancamos el programa destacando la KANGAS MOUNTAIN del pasado fin de semana y anunciamos el inicio de la temporada de retos en STRAVA, con ASICS PENYAGOLOSA TRAILS. Atentos al programa y a nuestro club de STRAVA. Además, damos los premios de las últimas semanas. Únete a nuestro equipo de ASICS STRAVA TEAM 🏃‍♂️⛰💥 Strava:…
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There’s one thing that Jesus told us we could do to let the whole world know we belong to Him. Chip reveals what that one thing is and how to activate it in your life today. Main Points Taking Jesus seriously means we take His Word seriously! W.D.J.S. --John 13:34-35 What is the New Commandment? When was the New Commandment given? Why was the New C…
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I tre år har president Zelensky åkt runt och tiggt pengar från politiker som fjäskande öst miljarder över honom. Men i fredags tog det slut – åtminstone för USAs räkning. Efter att ha brutit mot alla uppföranderegler blev Zelensky utkastad ur Vita huset. Swish: 123 587 22 54 (Tryckfrihetssällskapet) BG: 831-4742 Besök vår sajt: https://www.ingridoc…
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Imagina la siguiente situación… Anoche estabas viendo una película con tus amigos. En un momento, uno de ellos preguntó: ¿Qué había pasado antes de que encontraran el tesoro?’… ¡pero esa parte aún no había sucedido en la película, así que spoileó el final! Aprender a usar el pasado perfecto con palabras de pregunta no solo te ayuda a entender mejor…
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THIS VOYAGE, the Decksperts MARK A. ALTMAN (author, The Fifty Year Mission, writer/producer, Pandora, Agent X, The Librarians, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer, Star Trek: The Motion Picture), ASHLEY E. MILLER (showrunner; DOTA: Dragon's Blood, writer, X-Men: First Class, Thor) and STEVEN MELCHING (The Clone Wa…
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What is it, exactly, that Jesus really wants from you? Join Chip as he begins this series with the answer to that question. Main Points Taking Jesus seriously means we take His Word seriously! W.D.J.S. --John 13:34-35 What is the New Commandment? When was the New Commandment given? Why was the New Commandment given? How seriously did the early Chur…
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File this under ‘cursed’. Sorry in advance x [2:34] Beef fizz [8:04] Slow cooker recipe from hell Follow us on Instagram (@ingredipedia) and TikTok (@ingredipedia) to see visuals of our weird and snacky food pursuits. See for privacy information.Por Ben Birchall & Emily Naismith
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Back in episode 163 we spoke about our favourite UK bands and artists and vocabulary such as ‘ground-breaking’, ‘lead the way’, ‘cutting edge’, ‘to innovate’, ‘trend-setting’ and trailblazing’. In today’s podcast, we compare our favourite and most influential American music bands and artists and you’ll learn expressions for giving opinions in Engli…
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Join PkmnTrainerJ in the latest +Alpha, Ingress and Wayfarer news for the +Alpha Anomaly Season. What awaits at the end of the 2025 seasons? This is the 84th episode of Ingress Insights, as well as Season 3 - Episode 9, and was recorded on 1st March 2025 and released on 2nd March 2025. Show Notes ⁠Devra Bogdanovich 2019 medal now available⁠ ⁠Toast …
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Imagine you are going about your day when suddenly, your phone rings. It is your doctor, and the news is staggering—a life-threatening diagnosis that changes everything in an instant. How would you respond? In this powerful program, Chip delves into James chapter 5, uncovering what Scripture reveals about physical healing. More importantly, he shar…
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Welcome to the +Alpha Anomaly Season This is a bonus episode, explaining what a Common Kinetic Capsule is, as well as what a Rare Kinetic Capsule is. Social Media ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Buy an Ingress Insights mug, t-shirt or pin⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Threads⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ BlueSky⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠…
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THIS WEEK ON THE 4:30 MOVIE, listen up, little ducks, t's a SPECIAL ENCORE PRESENTATION of GENE HACKMAN WEEK as we pay tribute to a Hollywood legend with a fantasy theme week of classic Gene Hackman performances and the greatest criminal mind of our time. Get ready to pick your toes as we celebrate the life of a true master of his craft. Once again…
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LINK PRA REALIZAR SUA MATRÍCULA NA TURMA 19 ㅤㅤ 📌 SE TORNE APOIADOR DOS NOSSOS PROJETOS⁠⁠ ㅤㅤㅤㅤNeste capítulo de O Pequeno Príncipe, uma flor diferente surge no pequeno planeta. Ao contrário das outras, ela fala e tem uma personalidade única. Vaidosa e sensível, a flor encanta o príncipe,…
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Learn the secrets to eliminating or, at least, mitigating the risks when investing in real estate in Inglewood. This class is Module 24 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: How to think about risks in terms of severity and likelihood and which are the most devastating? For each risk: what is…
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