Daniel and Avery talk about different topics ranging from political, social, theological, philosophical, etc. Each from their (usually) differing perspectives, but always maintaining the teachings of the Catholic Church. New episodes every Monday!
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This one's pretty straight forward, we talk about Ash Wednesday, Lent, and their significance.Por CCC - Casual Catholic Convos
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Ep 22 - Livin' on a Prayer by CCC - Casual Catholic ConvosPor CCC - Casual Catholic Convos
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WE. ARE. BACK! We are so sorry for disappearing for a while, but don't worry. We are back and ready to give y'all some great content!We shouldn't disappear again, but if we do...we'll let y'all know what's going on.For now, enjoy what has happened in our lives while we've been on hiatus and why sedevacantism is bad.…
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Happy Thanksgiving from Avery and Daniel! We hope you enjoy the holiday and time spent off from work or school, and hopefully the time with your family as well. We hope to be back to our regular schedule soon! For the time being, please be patient with us as we try to pass this semester.Por CCC - Casual Catholic Convos
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Ep 19 - Cut Off Your Arm & Pluck Out Your Eye Cause We're Talkin' About Porn! (with a special guest)
This episode is probably best for those who are 18+ unless you're younger and struggle with what we're talking about.We'll be praying for all you who struggle with pornography addictions or know someone who does.This week we sat down with a good friend of ours to talk about porn and why it sucks. We hope you enjoy and learn something!By the way: Be…
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