To provide an avenue for discussion on the following topics: youth-in-agriculture endeavors; ways on how youth can be engaged and involved in agriculture; projects/programs/policies that affect youth in agriculture. Tune in to also hear stories from the youth working in the industry!
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YPARD Philippines members, Earwin Belen and Jose Diego Roxas, share with us ways on how to grow food for our households during the COVID-19 crisis. This was recorded live on April 1, 2020 from the livestreamed web discussion. You can watch the livestream video here:…
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YPARD Philippines has five key areas to promote youth engagement in agriculture: Academe, Research, Extension, Policy, and Agribusiness. Today we talk about youth in agricultural research with two amazing young researchers - Albert Caraan and Abet Lachicha.
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YPARD Philippines: Podcast launch
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