The Getting Real with Hilary Show is a weekly show where ordinary heroes tell their extraordinary stories of how they have triumphed over unexpected challenges. The show is fun, entertaining, and inspires audiences to get real, get connected, and create a life they love. Our mission is to inspire greatness in our audience, so they can free themselves from the mundane and live the life they are meant to live. How We Do This: We bring together powerful guests who have overcome unexpected chall ...
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Title: S2EP61, From Difficult Childhood to Creating Essence, Joy, Wisdom and Love, Freedom from the Limitations of the Past with Laura Basha "The Inward Outlook" is Laura Basha's first book. Conscious Choice as a Daily Practice. It is not for the faint of heart. It is for people who are looking for something else. You might not even know you are lo…
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Title: S2EP60, He Was Given 3 Months To Live - 20 Years Later He is Training Shamans with Ray Crist Ray Crist was a very successful fashion and advertising photographer, living in Greece. His work appeared on covers of Vogue and billboards across Europe. He was working 80 hours a week, at the top of his game, and living his dream. After 20 years of…
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S2EP59, Setting The Tone For Each Day, Morning Fuel by Rebecca Faye Smith Galli How would you like to stretch your mind before starting each day? What if you just don't want to get up? What if you are having a bad day? What if you just want to quit? Becky Galli has answered all the questions in her inspiring, encouraging and thought-provoking new b…
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Title: S2EP58, Finding The Way To Forgive, Debut Novel, Something Better with Diane Parrish What a delightful conversation with fellow Westporter, Diane Parrish who launched her first book this week. Her novel, Something Better, is a book you can't put down. I read it a few months ago and I am still thinking about it. And that says something becaus…
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Title: S2EP53, Finding the Strength to Power Through and Live Fully in This Life She Didn't Choose with Becky Galli I can not stop crying. I am so moved by my conversation with Becky Galli. "Some would say life has not been kind to me," she says in the introduction of her second book, "morning fuel." At age 20, I lost my seventeen year old brother.…
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Title: S2EP52, The Wisdom of the Willows by Nancy Chadwick Nancy Chadwick always wanted to write mini-stories about characters. She went into advertising, but never was able to achieve her goal. She got a job in banking which also did not fulfill her dream. After getting married, her husband told her to take the summer off from her unsatisfying job…
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Title: S2EP51, There's No Stigma In Wanting To Feel Better with Kristin Bruce Kristin Bruce works with kids. She helps them be happy. She works with them to get to the other side of their unhappiness, anxiety and depression without drugs. She wrote a book, "Starting From Scratch: A Guide to Feeling Good!" which outlines her program. Kristin grew up…
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S2EP44, Dream Big, Work Hard and Never Quit with Nazi Refugee and Successful Marketing Executive Barbara Sommer Feigin I read Barbara's book, “My American Dream” twice. I couldn't get her parents’ harrowing escape from Nazi Germany out of my mind. What her father did to make it happen is truly heroic. At a time when it was nearly impossible to leav…
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S2 EP50 | Leveraging Her Experience to Help Women with Kathy Sullivan "Moms Eat First" is the title of Kathy Sullivan's book. Do women EVER put themselves first? Well, maybe after some self-reflection and transformation. If you find yourself eating the leftovers while standing, this book is for you. Kathy uses her own experience, work experience, a…
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S2EP49, Fear Is A Collective Mindset, How To Escape It, Thought Snob with Paula Swope What does Thought Snob mean? Well, you'll have to watch my interview with Paula Swope to find out. She wrote the book. She was raised to think she was nothing. She spent up until age 28, feeling like she was nothing, bitter, wanting revenge and full of hate. She w…
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Title: S2 EP48 | Perception is Reality - How Is Yours? with David Booth with Deborah Shames From the entertainment business, two directors, a spokesman and an actor now train, coach and are keynote speakers. Their workshops, weekly tips, and books create effective speakers in up to 2 days. Don't believe it? I didn't either until I heard their stori…
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Title: S2 EP46 | Saving the Number One Female Valet Service in Los Angeles with Gillian Harris Did you know there were female valet services? I did not, but I certainly received an education today during my fast-paced, exciting, and whirlwind interview today with Gillian Harris. Gillian started out in the radio business as a reporter, then spent ye…
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Guest, Roger Friedman, The Equal Opportunity CriticPor (Author)
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Title: S2 EP57 | From Parisian Pop Star to America's Got Talent - Inspiring at Age 83 - Ildy Lee Ildy Lee was a poor Hungarian refugee living in Paris when her parents gave her her first guitar. She learned to play it herself, entered a contest, and became a teen pop star sensation in Paris. Ildy is a singer/songwriter who believes it's never too l…
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Title: S2 EP58 | Everybody Is More Complex Than a Diagnosis with Marcia Naomi Berger I didn't know what to expect when I read the Bipolar Therapist, by Marcia Naomi Berger. But here's what I do know. I couldn't put it down. Marcia's courageous storytelling gives you insights insights into what it is like to have manic episodes, be treated different…
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S2EP58, Making the World A Little Brighter with Suzanne Maggio I felt like I walked El Camino myself. I couldn't put down Suzanne Maggio's book, Estrellas, Moments of Illumination Along El Camino De Santiago. As she walked, I walked. When she got blisters, I got blisters. When she got the message, "you are the light," I got it too. Suzanne experien…
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Title: S2 EP48, A New Realm for Entertaining, Cooking, and Enjoying Life with Debbie Wilson Berment Today's interview was a blast. We celebrated my birthday by drinking wine, and talking about Debbie's passion for life, entertaining, and community. I learned a new appreciation for each of the five senses: how to taste the food and really savor it, …
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Title: S2 EP47 | Looking and Finding Legends In Amazing Places with Thomas Tarantino Not only does Thomas Tarantino find the best partners, but Barbara Scott and Tom find legends all over the world. Their book, Looking for Legends, will take you all over the world in the most incredible way. Tom and Barbara met at Princeton in the 1960's and then r…
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S2 EP43 | How Do We Respond to Trauma with Stephen Rowley Today's conversation covered many topics including Steven's memoir, his search for his birth mother, trauma, Jungian psychology and the Willows, where 30,000 babies were born during the 40's and 50's mainly for adoptions. We covered how our culture has changed since those shameful days when …
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Title: S2 EP46 | Appreciating and Valuing the Differences Between Men and Women with Bonita Banducci Imagine if you were understood and valued by the opposite sex. And, that your competencies, gifts and talents were known, appreciated and used to their highest value. That is the work that Bonita Banducci has been doing for many years. She has resea…
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