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Podcast de mistério tendo na sua primeira temporada a Operação Prato como foco, que gerou vítimas reais e pânico generalizado. Aproveitando a nova onda ufológica inspirada pelos últimos acontecimentos políticos nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, ele investiga a verdade por trás dos acontecimentos para além das teorias conspiratórias. Com seriedade e em uma mistura do gênero true crime com o sobrenatural/misterioso.
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E aí, minha gente! Eu sou a Alana Anijar, psicologa, especialista em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental é esse é meu podcast Psicologia na Prática. Aqui, você vai encontrar semanalmente conteúdos práticos, simples e acessíveis para que possa aplicar os conceitos da Psicologia no seu dia-a-dia. Saúde mental, autoestima, autoconhecimento, inteligência emocional e muito mais! Me siga nas redes sociais para mais conteúdos @alanaanijar. Gestão e produção: @clavclavclav
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Aktiv Prat

Niklas og Baas

KJØPT BILLETTER TIL LIVESHOWET HER: ⁠ Niklas og Baas utforsker det skumle konseptet dating (ved å faktisk dra på dates), løser lytternes problemer og byr på masse helt middels god underholdning.
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In Kan'ker over praten spreek ik (oud) kankerpatiënten en professionals over hun ervaringen met kanker. Heftige gesprekken met een vleugje lichtheid en een beetje humor erbij om je inzicht te geven in de wereld van kanker.
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Rockonteurs is a podcast all about the real stories behind real music. Presented by Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp, who wrote and performed megahits like ‘Gold’ and ‘True’, and Guy Pratt, a bass player who shaped songs for the likes of Madonna and Pink Floyd, you’ll hear exclusive stories of life on the road, in the studio and what really happened behind the scenes from artists who wrote, performed and produced the some of the biggest classic rock and pop tracks of all time. Guests include Sir B ...
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Mindless Prattle

Jordon and Ripley

The Podcast from the minds of Jordon and Ripley where they talk about the random thoughts and events of their life. Join in each week for the crazy conversations and laughs about nothing in particular.
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O podcast da Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, a FEA, da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Aqui, vamos conversar sobre os alimentos de uma forma acessível e abrangente, misturando conhecimentos de diversas áreas científicas, sem ser muito técnico, para que você e outros curiosos sobre o assunto da alimentação possam matar a fome de informação.
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Pratidin Ek Kavita

Nayi Dhara Radio

कवितायेँ जहाँ जी चाहे वहाँ रहती हैं- कभी नीले आसमान में, कभी बंद खिड़कियों वाली संकरी गली में, कभी पंछियों के रंगीन परों पर उड़ती हैं कविताएँ, तो कभी सड़क के पत्थरों के बीच यूँ ही उग आती हैं। कविता के अलग अलग रूपों को समर्पित है, हमारी पॉडकास्ट शृंखला - प्रतिदिन एक कविता। कीजिये एक नई कविता के साथ अपने हर दिन की शुरुआत।
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Waar voel jij je thuis? Het is een vraag waarop het antwoord een plaats, een mens, een ding maar ook een geur of een uitzicht kan zijn. Zoveel mensen, zoveel verschillende antwoorden. En zijn die BV’s thuis dezelfde als wij ze kennen? Of scheelt er een introverte huismus in die luidruchtige entertainer die wij kennen? Een handige harry in die erudiete prof? Een grapjurk in die ernstige kunstenaar? Anja komt het allemaal te weten in 'Als de muren konden praten'.
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Hello, I am Stephen, and I prattle! Potentially, infinitely so...[some have said]... On the show I chat about EVERYTHING that intrigues me, such as life, the world, people as well as memories, things personal to me, things I like and all directly into your ears! Along the way I am occasionally joined by some interesting guests who share their stories and 'Prattle!' along with me. The podcast is completely Unscripted & Unedited and ideal for a casual listen to take you away from daily life or ...
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Join Chad Prather for ”Chad Prather Show,” where humor meets the heat of today’s burning issues. Each week, Chad brings his signature Southern charm and witty perspective to the table, engaging with a diverse lineup of guests. From political pundits to cultural influencers, and from grassroots activists to celebrities, this podcast is a melting pot of opinions and insights. Expect lively debates, unexpected laughs, and an in-depth look at the topics that are setting social media on fire. Whe ...
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Prato Cheio

O Joio e O Trigo

Podcast investigativo sobre alimentação, saúde e poder. Este é um projeto de O Joio e O Trigo, veículo independente de jornalismo.
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Gli approfondimenti del dr. Enrico Gamba sono dedicati a tutti coloro che hanno voglia di migliorare la propria vita con semplici esercizi e attività. Il dr. Gamba è psicologo clinico, psicoterapeuta, ipnoterapeuta e formatore. Per info e approfondimenti visita
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Praten over . .

Praten over . .

In de Podcast Praten over . . bespreken we thema’s waar we liever zwijgen, omdat ze ons kwetsbaar of ongemakkelijk maken. Doel: een plek waar ongemakkelijke waarheden inspirerende inzichten worden. Waar we onze persoonlijke ervaringen delen, van elkaar leren en samen de taboes doorbreken die ons tegenhouden in worden wie we zijn.
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Viviane Bellini

Refletir sobre a importância dos cuidados para um envelhecimento saudável em busca de uma longevidade ativa e maturidade libertadora utilizando como base histórias reais.
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Pratap Mohanty

Welcome to the Pratap Mohanty podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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"Em Pratos Limpos" traz à mesa uma abordagem descontraída para desmistificar ideias pré-concebidas sobre a alimentação de base vegetal. Junta-te a nós para uma conversa leve, informativa e deliciosamente esclarecedora.
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show series
Kjøp billetter til LIVESHOWET 25. Januar her: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Vi har vår tredje gjest på podcasten, Anthony Elorm, som jobber som modell! Vi snakker om hvordan modellbransjen er, hvordan han møtte dama si og alt anna vanlig tull. Hva synes våre bukseløse egentlig om smykker på gutter?…
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Esta é a Parte II do episódio feito pelos nossos ouvintes! Selecionamos mais uma série de perguntas que recebemos dos participantes da Unicamp de Portas Abertas - UPA de 2024 para serem respondidas pelos professores da Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos. Desde inovações tecnológicas como carne cultivada em laboratório até a lenda dos frangos com …
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La rinascita dopo un sogno infranto rappresenta uno dei percorsi più profondi e trasformativi dell'esperienza umana. Nel momento in cui i nostri desideri più intensi si infrangono contro la roccia della realtà, ci troviamo in uno spazio liminale - sospesi tra ciò che avremmo potuto essere e ciò che saremo.Il processo di guarigione inizia con l'acce…
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सीखो | श्रीनाथ सिंह फूलों से नित हँसना सीखो, भौंरों से नित गाना। तरु की झुकी डालियों से नित, सीखो शीश झुकाना! सीख हवा के झोकों से लो, हिलना, जगत हिलाना! दूध और पानी से सीखो, मिलना और मिलाना! सूरज की किरणों से सीखो, जगना और जगाना! लता और पेड़ों से सीखो, सबको गले लगाना! वर्षा की बूँदों से सीखो, सबसे प्रेम बढ़ाना! मेहँदी से सीखो सब ही पर, अपना रंग चढ़…
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Send us a text Ever pondered whether you'd choose to go completely bald or let your hair grow wild forever? Join me for a lively ride as I wrap up Series 5 of Infinite Prattle with an unscripted Q&A extravaganza. The episode is packed with whimsical musings, including a cherished memory from the 2006 Download Festival where showers were a distant d…
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Tv kok Sofie Dumont woont in een minimalistisch huis met veel ramen die uitkijken op de prachtige natuur van Pepingen. De keuken is het terrein van Sofie, met aan de muur in neonletters het grote opschrift ‘lekker’. Sofie komt uit een gezin van gescheiden ouders. De opvoeding bij haar moeder en vader kon niet meer verschillen. Aan Anja vertelt ze o…
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अपाहिज व्यथा | दुष्यंत कुमार ‎ अपाहिज व्यथा को सहन कर रहा हूँ, तुम्हारी कहन थी, कहन कर रहा हूँ । ये दरवाज़ा खोलो तो खुलता नहीं है, इसे तोड़ने का जतन कर रहा हूँ । अँधेरे में कुछ ज़िन्दगी होम कर दी, उजाले में अब ये हवन कर रहा हूँ । वे सम्बन्ध अब तक बहस में टँगे हैं, जिन्हें रात-दिन स्मरण कर रहा हूँ । तुम्हारी थकन ने मुझे तोड़ डाला, तुम्हें क्या पता क…
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Dr. Prather says that, "if you really want to lose weight properly and in a healthy way, you have to deal with the Endocrine System and Hormones—otherwise, it's just a waste of time." In this episode, you'll discover: —Why the body first tries to burn muscle instead of fat when someone starts to lose weight. —How Estrogen-dominance (in both men and…
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Il rapporto con il nostro passato è come un delicato gioco di specchi, dove il riflesso che vediamo spesso dice più del nostro presente che della nostra storia. Quando ci troviamo costantemente a rivisitare vecchi ricordi, non stiamo davvero elaborando il passato - stiamo creando un loop emotivo che ci tiene ancorati. Questo continuo rimuginare si …
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Dirk Koetter joins the show as our NFL playoff correspondent (Timberstone Golf Course donating $5,000 to The Horseshoe Collective (NIL) - we break down all four playoff games (with mentions of Kellen Moore, Ashton Jeanty and Maddux Madsen), Kellen completes his interview with the Cowboys, recent CFP title games have been blowouts and recent Super B…
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Former Boise State/NFL coach Dirk Koetter joins Prater & The Ballgame to preview all four of this weekend's NFL divisional playoff games - sponsored by Timberstone Golf Course ($5,000 donation) to benefit Boise State and The Horseshoe Collective (NIL). Koetter also touches on Kellen Moore and the timing of job interviews/coaching in the playoffs. S…
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धूल | हेमंत देवलेकर धीरे-धीरे साथ छोड़ने लगते हैं लोग तब उन बेसहारा और यतीम होती चीज़ों को धूल अपनी पनाह में लेती है। धूल से ज़्यादा करुण और कोई नहीं संसार का सबसे संजीदा अनाथालय धूल चलाती है काश हम कभी धूल बन पाते यूं तो मिट्टी के छिलके से ज़्यादा हस्ती उसकी क्या पर उसके छूने से चीज़ें इतिहास होने लगती हैं। समय के साथ गाढ़ी होते जाना - धूल को प्रेम की त…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: This week was quite historic for private sector space flight, or “capitalism in space,” and space writer and historian Bob Zimmerman joins us to touch on the highlights. Texas is playing a huge role in this new industry. Zimmerman’s website is Our …
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Boise State reporter B.J. Rains ( joins Prater and Mallory for a two-part conversation: The impact of football's 16 new players who have early enrolled on campus, and basketball's monster Mountain West game at New Mexico on Friday night. See for privacy information.…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share a one-on-one interview with true freshman basketball player Julian Bowie. The Pocatello High graduate is shooting 70 percent (7-of-10) from 3-point range his past two games. See for privacy informa…
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What's the best way for Boise State to honor football icons Ashton Jeanty, Kellen Moore and Randy Trautman inside Albertsons Stadium - and should something happen for the 2025 season, Moore will interview with the Cowboys on Friday - is Coach Prime his only real competition, Bob (Bronco Focus) has four big questions going into football's offseason,…
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Davis Koetter, who played 23 games at Boise State in the 2021-22 seasons, joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about his post-playing coaching job at Texas (working with tight ends), what it's like to work for Steve Sarkisian and Pete Kwiatkowski, and his quick preview of the CFP title game. See for privacy informatio…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share the four biggest questions he has going into football's 2025 offseason. No. 1: Replacing Ashton Jeanty/organizing the running back room. See for privacy information.…
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दोनों जहान तेरी मोहब्बत में हार के | फ़ैज़ अहमद फ़ैज़ दोनों जहान तेरी मोहब्बत में हार के वो जा रहा है कोई शब-ए-ग़म गुज़ार के वीराँ है मय-कदा ख़ुम-ओ-साग़र उदास हैं तुम क्या गए कि रूठ गए दिन बहार के इक फ़ुर्सत-ए-गुनाह मिली वो भी चार दिन देखे हैं हम ने हौसले पर्वरदिगार के दुनिया ने तेरी याद से बेगाना कर दिया तुझ से भी दिल-फ़रेब हैं ग़म रोज़गार के भूले…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Are local TV stations being completely honest with you when they gin up anger and tell you the local cable, or satellite, or internet TV provider is “dropping” their channel? No, they are not telling you the whole truth and are in many cases spinning the issue opposite of tru…
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Jordan Tigani is the cofounder and CEO of MotherDuck, a data warehouse platform based on open source database DuckDB. They've raised $100M in funding from amazing investors like Andreessen Horowitz, Felicis, Madrona, and Altimeter. He was previously the CPO at SingleStore and spent 11 years at Google before that. He has a degree in electrical engin…
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A partir de 23 de janeiro, estreia uma nova série dentro do nosso podcast. Além dos nossos episódios de toda terça, a partir da semana que vem às quintas também teremos conteúdos novos. A cada episódio do 'Entendendo a mente de', Alana Anijar embarca em conversas profundas sobre autoconhecimento, saúde mental e terapia com pessoas super especiais. …
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Boise State legend Kellen Moore denied a spot in the College Football Hall of Fame for the fourth straight year, what's keeping Moore from the Hall of Fame (G5 competition?) and why did Graham Harrell make it this year (Mike Leach?), another sad moment to consider Wednesday - Ashton Jeanty moved away from Boise to begin his NFL career, Bob (Bronco …
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Longtime NFL reporter Ryan O'Halloran, now with The Buffalo News, joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about former Boise State/current Bills wide receiver Khalil Shakir - and his role in Sunday's NFL playoff game against Baltimore. O'Halloran also talks about Shakir's future in Buffalo - and what kind of money he could expect in a new contr…
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बेरोज़गार हम / शांति सुमन पिता किसान अनपढ़ माँ बेरोज़गार हैं हम जाने राम कहाँ से होगी घर की चिन्ता कम आँगन की तुलसी-सी बढ़ती घर में बहन कुमारी आसमान में चिड़िया-सी उड़ती इच्छा सुकुमारी छोटा भाई दिल्ली जाने का भरता है दम । पटवन के पैसे होते तो बिकती नहीं ज़मीन और तकाज़े मुखिया के ले जाते सुख को छीन पतले होते मेड़ों पर आँखें जाती है थम । जहाँ-तहाँ फटन…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share what basketball's 96-55 victory over Wyoming on Tuesday night means for the future: Road games at New Mexico (Friday) and Colorado State (Wednesday). See for privacy information.…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: New Speaker of the House, Dustin BurrowCrat, delays House Rules vote until 22 January - the longest delay since the first illegitimate speaker, Joe Straus, came into office the first time. Good or bad? Time will tell but the biggest problem we have faced each session is the H…
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Il viaggio verso una sana autostima dopo esperienze relazionali difficili è come ricostruire un giardino dopo una tempesta. Non si tratta solo di rimuovere i detriti, ma di preparare nuovamente il terreno per far fiorire qualcosa di bello e duraturo. La nostra autostima è come una pianta delicata che ha bisogno di nutrimento costante. Dopo relazion…
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Big week for former Boise State star Kellen Moore - Eagles' OC is interviewing for head coaching positions with Saints and Jaguars, he's on the radar to take over in Dallas, he's coaching Sunday in the NFL playoffs and could land in the College Football Hall of Fame on Wednesday, Bob previews basketball's next three games in Bronco Focus (Wyoming a…
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तुमसे मिलकर | गौरव तिवारी नदी अकेली होती है, पर उतनी नहीं जितनी अकेली हो जाती है सागर से मिलने के बाद। धरा अत्यधिक अकेली होती है क्षितिज पर, क्योंकि वहाँ मान लिया जाता है उसका मिलन नभ से। भँवरा भी तब तक नहीं होता तन्हा जब तक आकर्षित नहीं होता किसी फूल से। गलत है यह धारणा कि प्रेम कर देता है मनुष्य को पूरा मैं और भी अकेला हो गया हूँ, तुमसे मिलकर।…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The 89th Texas Legislature was gaveled into session today. Governor Abbott attended the opening of the Senate and said he wants action on bail reform and school choice. In the House, Lubbock’s Dustin Burrows, leader of the BurrowCrat Coalition, was elected Speaker of the Hous…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to preview basketball's next three games: home against Wyoming, at New Mexico and at Colorado State. That makes the Tuesday night game against Wyoming a must win - before hitting the road to play two of the top teams in the Mounta…
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Neste episódio, vamos fazer um verdadeiro detox mental e falar sobre como as distorções cognitivas – aquelas formas de pensar distorcidas e automáticas – podem afetar nossa maneira de ver o mundo, influenciar nossas escolhas e gerar sofrimento desnecessário. Se você gostou, compartilhe este episódio com mais pessoas. Me acompanhe também no Instagra…
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Cowboys are looking for a new head coach - Kellen Moore shoots to the top of the potential candidate list, is it a good job for the former Boise State star, one Dallas insider says Moore should be a candidate and should get the job, former BSU quarterback Jaylon Henderson on what it's like to play for new QB coach Zak Hill, how are we feeling about…
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Former Boise State quarterback Jaylon Henderson (2018-19), now playing pro football in Germany, joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about new QB coach Zak Hill. Hill returns to Boise State where he coached Henderson, Brett Rypien and Hank Bachmeier from 2016-19 - his new QB is current starter Maddux Madsen. See for p…
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Donovan Lewis, with SportsRadio 96.7/1310 The Ticket in Dallas, joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about the Cowboys and their vacant head coaching position. Owner Jerry Jones moved on from Mike McCarthy on Monday - could Kellen Moore be next? See for privacy information.…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The 89th Texas Legislature comes into being tomorrow and the first order of business in the Texas House of Representatives, or should we say investment partners, is to elect a Speaker of the House. Lt. Governor Patrick, and it now seems Newt Gingrich’s group, allege that the …
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his Monday interview with basketball coach Leon Rice. The Broncos lost at Utah State 81-79 on Saturday night - they host Wyoming on Tuesday night. See for privacy information.…
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एक दुआ | कैफ़ी आज़मी अब और क्या तेरा बीमार बाप देगा तुझे बस एक दुआ कि ख़ुदा तुझको कामयाब करे वो टाँक दे तेरे आँचल में चाँद और तारे तू अपने वास्ते जिस को भी इंतख़ाब करेPor Nayi Dhara Radio
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Il concetto del Karma, spesso interpretato superficialmente come una semplice legge di causa-effetto, nasconde una profonda comprensione della natura interconnessa dell'esperienza umana e del cambiamento personale. Quando modifichiamo consapevolmente il nostro comportamento, inneschiamo una serie di trasformazioni che si estendono ben oltre le nost…
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