Every week Gary discusses retirement planning, wealth management, and how to pay for long term care without going broke. Gary uses his 40 + years of experience to design plans for his clients that will ensure they never run out of money in retirement and have the long-term nursing care they need using insurance strategies. Gary uses the top coaches in the country to design his plans to be the best available. Find out more at: www.masterswealth.com
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In this episode Gary discusses the state of the economy and markets. He also talks about Keeping your investments safe.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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in this episode Gary discusses the tools he uses to keep your retirement savings safe.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses certainty in retirement.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses strategies to maximizing your income in retirement.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses that when he does a retirement plan for a couple, he's really making sure that the surviving spouse is taken care of.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses tradi ng the S%P 500 for the the S% ME 500.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode gary discusses the market, most common things people going into retirement need answers for, keeping money safe, and long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses stress testing your retirement plan.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses what Trump's second term could mean for us. He also discusses keeping money safe from the markets.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about 40-plus years of experience and what it's taught him. He also discusses creating money where there is none, and paying for health expenses in retirement.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses why experience is so important in a financial planner, risk of being in the market, and ways to pay for health and long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about taking control of your retirement.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the purpose of your money, along with keeping your money safe from market turmoil.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the things that can happen that affect your retirement plans.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses not running out of money and long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this 4th of July show Gary discusses getting a second opinion on your retirement plan and discusses long term care plans.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses taxes and long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the 5 things you need to take care of before retiring.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses creating money, inflation, lifetime income, and long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the effects of inflation on your retirement and paying for long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses why retirement planning is not something you should try on your own.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses worrying about outliving your money and paying for long term care. Also we welcome our newest station, WGUF in Naples Florida.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses how you have the key to your retirement success. Also he talks about his long term care plan.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the biggest mistakes retirees make.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary welcomes Don Graves, an authority on the uses of a reverse mortgage.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses 7 mistakes that retirees make, along with keeping your money safe and a plan to pay for long-term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses keeping your money safe, paying for retirement, and paying for long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the new year and what it may bring.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In tis episode Gary talks about Christmas, the passing of Charlie Munger, longevity risk, and paying for long term care.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about inflation continuing to be an issue, Tv entertainers who are not licensed financial pros, and a segment called, "For Ladies Only."Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the holiday season and gifting.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the effect of rising inflation on your retirement and a special segment, "For Ladies Only," on women's issues as a surviving spouse in retirement planning.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode, Gary discusses tax increase coming soon to help pay down the national debt, retirement accounts dropping in value, and keeping your money safe. For your complimentary chat with Gary about your plan, call 252-249- 0100.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses keeping your money safe in this volatile time in America and around the world and making you a 20-minute millionaire.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses how to avoid what he calls the "Triple Whammy," also safe money strategies for these turbulent times, and his "20-Minute Millionaire" technique.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about the state of the market, inflation, recession, and the 20-minute millionaire.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses inflation, the economy, keeping you money safe in an uncertain market, and his 20 minute millionaire strategy.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses inflation gong back up and what it means to you. Also strategies to keep your money safe in a volatile market, and his "20-Minute Millionaire" plan.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode gary talks about keeping your safe in this turbulent market and economy.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses dealing with rising interest rates and inflation in a financial plan.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about Labor Day and the probability of success of your retirement plan.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses how he can make you a millionaire and welcomes his 7-year old grandson, Jackson to the show to talk about money.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about the uses for insurance and how he can make you a millionaire.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talk about inflation, keeping your money safe, and the beneficiaries of your will or trust.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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It's Gary's birthday, but he's giving you the gift of not running out of money before you run out of time.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about keeping your money safe while minimizing taxes.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary talks about inflation and how it affects your income and wealth management, regrets, should you pay your mortgage off, and life insurance.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses making plan to ensure a surviving spouse is provided for.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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In this episode Gary discusses the consequences of dying too soon. Also what happens when you live too long.Por Gary Mastrodonato
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