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The 'Yiddish Voice' Podcast

Yiddish Voice ייִדיש קול

Podcast of The Yiddish Voice, a weekly hour-long Yiddish-language radio show heard in the Boston area Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 PM, on WUNR 1600 AM/Brookline, MA (USA) and live-streamed via yiddishvoice.com ״דאָס ייִדישע קול״ איז אַ וועכנטלעכע ראַדיאָ פּראָגראַם אויף ייִדיש און אַ פּאָדקאַסט אויך. אגבֿ, ייִדיש שרײַבט מען אויך יידיש אָדער אידיש. הערט זיך צו און האָט הנאה!
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A show just for Yiddish learners. Short episodes with simple Yiddish to help you build your listening skills and vocabulary. Every episode comes with a transcript and vocab list. Prost = plain, common, simple , for the masses! We are also on Youtube ———— Produced in Naarm (so-called melbourne) on the lands of the Wurundjeri People. * Proste Yiddish is a fully volunteer project - expect some unprofessionalism ;) *
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Yiddish in Sydney

Plus61JMedia and the Jewish Museum of Australia

2020 has signalled a new dawn for Yiddish. Hit Netflix series Unorthodox has beamed the language into millions of loungerooms for the first time. Video conferencing platforms have connected Yiddish speakers – from beginners to advanced –living in lockdown. A Yiddish translation of Harry Potter sold out in days.But in Sydney – the city that hosted Australia’s first ever Yiddish theatrical performances and was once home to the much-loved Yiddish Entertainment Group – the language has been on a ...
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show series
This week, greetings for Rosh Hashona from friends, participants, and sponsors of The Yiddish Voice / דאָס ייִדישע קול, combined with an exciting new interviews with Rabbi Moshe Waldoks and Holocaust survivor Henry Slucki. אַ גוט, געבענטשט יאָר אַלע אונדזערע צוהערערלשנה טובֿה Highlights: Interview with Rabbi Moshe Waldoks, whose biographical one-ma…
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Novelist Ben Gonshor joins "The Shmooze" to talk about his debut novel, "The Book of Izzy." The book’s main character, Izzy, is a writer at wit’s end in life and on the verge of a complete breakdown with his career in wedding planning. Following an encounter with a mysterious bird seemingly visible only to him, he agrees to take on the leading role…
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This week, interviews with Perl Teitelbaum and Hy Wolfe. We spoke with them in person at 2024 Yugntruf Yidish-Vokh in Copake, NY, on Aug. 21, 2024. Paula (Perl) Teitelbaum is a Yiddish language at Arbeter Ring, Yivo Institute, and elsewhere. She talked about a new technique she's been using for teaching Yiddish by watching films. A Yiddish singer w…
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Writer Joan Leegant joined "The Shmooze" to talk about her latest book, "Displaced Persons," a collection of rich, multilayered short stories, half set in Israel, half among Jewish families in the States. The fictional stories explore exile, belonging, and what it means to call a place home.Episode 378August 22, 2024Amherst, MA…
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Episode 10 // Season 5 צװײ געסט װאָס רעדן װעגן הײַנטצײַטיקע ייִדיש קולטור! בלומע רעדט װעגן קװיר ייִדישקײט און שמא רעדט װעגן קװיר הײװי־מעטאַל. גװאַלדיק! A bumper episode with two guests talking about contemporary Yiddish culture! I have a little rant about the importance of speaking Yiddish, even when your Yiddish isn’t perfect, and how grateful I a…
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Rokhl Kafrissen—journalist, teacher, playwright, and 2022 winner of the prestigious Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish prize—sits down with "The Shmooze" this week to talk about her upcoming Yiddish Book Center online course “Sacred Time and Liminal Space: Ashkenazi Folk Magic at the Threshold.” Rokhl talks about the unique Eastern European women’…
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Episode 9 // Season 5 מיר רעדן װעגן די סאָװעטישע ייִדן װאָס מען האָט דערהרגעט דעם 12טן אױגוסט 1952. און איך לײען אַ ביסל פֿון אַ ליד פֿון פּרץ מאַרקיש. An episode in honour of the 12th of August, when people remember the Soviet Jews murdered by Stalin's regime on this date in 1952. Why is this night referred to as “The night of the murdered poets”?…
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This week, an interview with Dovid Braun, talking about the Yivo Bard Zumer-Program and a few related matters. Dovid serves as Academic Director for the summer program, which recently concluded, and year-round as Yivo's Academic Director for Yiddish. And we hear from our archive (1995) Miriam Libenson on Tisha B'Ov , which falls this year on the ni…
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Translator and adapter Weaver sits down with "The Shmooze" to talk about the drama group Theater Between Addresses and its upcoming immersive, staged reading of Sholem Asch’s "Shabbtai Tsvi," which Weaver translated and adapted. Never before performed in its entirety, the play shows the meteoric rise and tragic fall of Shabbtai Tsvi, the 17th-centu…
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This week, Arieh Hecht, a patient advocate in Los Angeles, talks about his life as a child of Holocaust survivors originally from Transylvania (Hungary during WWII) and his work as a patient advocate. We spoke with Arieh in person in Los Angeles on July 4, 2024. We begin with a report from the Yivo-Bard Zumer-Program by Nokhem Lerner, who's been a …
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Episode 8 // Season 5 מיר הערן פֿון צװײ געסט װעגן אַרומפֿאָרן. מאַרני האָט רעקאָרדירט אַ קלאַנג־טור און מלך רעדט װעגן פֿאָרן אױף ייִדיש סוף־װאָך. Today’s episode is all about travel. Our social-media maven Marnie, leads us on a wonderful audio tour of Yellowstone and Yiddish student Melekh describes his trip to Yiddish Sof-Vokh UK. Transcript Find …
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This week on "The Shmooze" we visit with Rebecca (Rivke) Margolis, author of "The Yiddish Supernatural on Screen: Dybbuks, Demons and Haunted Jewish Pasts." In conversation we talk about how the book traces the transformation of the figure of the dybbuk—a soul of the dead possessing the living—from folklore to 1930s Polish Yiddish cinema to global …
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Episode 7 // Season 5 אַ ליטעראַרישער עפּיזאָד. אונדזער גאַסט לאָרענץ רעדט װעגן אַ נײַ בוך און איך רעד װעגן באַשעװיסען. A literary special - our guest Lorenz talks about an English book, “When the Angels Left the Old Country” by Sasha Lamb (2022) and I talk about the sometimes controversial Yiddish literary figure, Isaac Bashevis Singer. Transcript…
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Avia Moore and Sebastian Schulman join "The Shmooze" for a lively conversation about all things Klezakanda. As Avia shares, KlezKanada “fosters a community where the vibrant living tradition of Yiddish culture and Jewish music continues to thrive.” This year’s lineup includes workshops on Yiddish song, dance, and language learning as well as a tran…
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Highlights: Mark ("Marek") Gaysinskiy reports from the Yivo-Bard Zumer-Program; Pnina Sharf, a resident of Los Angeles and a Holocaust survivor from Poland, talks about her life experiences; from Boston's Yiddish past: a performance by the late Cantor Gregor Shelkan, performing a song about what will happen when Meshiekh (the Messiah) comes (record…
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Episode 6 // Season 5 אונדזער גאַסט הײַנט איז אַנדרײ און ער רעדט װעגן ביראָבידזשאַן - אַ סאָװעטישע ייִדישלאַנד? און איך רעד װעגן שפּאַצירן און װאָס איך האָב געזען לעצטנס אין אַ פֿאָרשטאָט נישט װײַט פֿון מײַן הײם. Our guest this week is Andrey @andreymilo, a Moscow-born Yiddish student who tells us a little about the history of Birobidzhan, a very i…
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Highlights: A report from the Yivo-Bard Yiddish Summer Program by student Tara Neuwirth, who has attended several times beginning in 1983. This year's Zumer-program kicked off last week and seems off to a good start. We spoke to Tara by phone on July 10, 2024. We hope to hear more from other students and teachers from this and other Yiddish summer …
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Episode 5 // Season 5 די מאַמע רעדט װעגן װען זי איז אָנגעקומען אין אױסטראַליע און געגאַנען אין שול אַרײַן. און איך רעדט װעגן מײַנע טײַערע חבֿרטע אַני, און װי זי האָט געבױט איר אײגענע הױז. My mum is back and this time she talks about when she arrived in Australia and was sent straight off to school. And I talk about my dear friend Annie and how she …
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Episode 4 // Season 5 אין דעם עפּיזאָד רעדט יוסף לאַנדאַו װעגן פּרוּװן צו דערציען זײַן קינד מיט ייִדיש און איך רעד אַ ביסל װעגן ייִדישפּאָפּ. Joseph Landau is our guest, and he talks about raising his son with Yiddish, even though it’s not his own first language. And following our recent star moment in the Forverts article about free Yiddish learni…
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Meet Itel Landau (maiden family name: Brettler), a Holocaust survivor originally from Vișeu de Sus (Felsővisó in Hungarian, אויבערווישעווע in Yiddish), a shtetl in Transylvania (prewar Romania, Hungary during WWII, now Romania), discussing her life — before, during, and after the Holocaust. Itel was born into a Hassidic family, the Brettlers, who s…
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Episode 3 // Season 5 מינע־ליפֿשע רעדט װעגן אַ פּאָר פֿאַרװײַלערישע ביכער און איך רעד װעגן אַ װיכטיקן פֿיגור פֿון געשיכטע - אַ מענטש װאָס איז געװען אַ גרױסער מאַכער אין די אוניאָנס. This episode our guest is Meena-Lifshe Viswanath who tells us about a few Yiddish page-turners - fiction in some surprising genres. And in our Mysterious Person I descr…
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Episode 2 // Season 5 אונדזער ערשטע טעלעװיזיע רעצענזיע! פּראָסטע ייִדיש איז איצט אַ פּאָפּ־קולטור פּראָגראַם! און איך רעד װעגן די ייִדישע טראַדיציע פֿון געבורטסטעג.. אָדער נישט? In this episode - our first television review - Jorie Slodki reviews a new Netflix animated series. Proste Yiddish is now a pop-culture podcast! And I talk a little about b…
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Filmaker Elan Golod visits with "The Shmooze" to talk about his documentary "Nathan-ism." The film tells the story of Nathan Hilu, the son of Syrian Jewish immigrants to New York who received a life-changing assignment from the U.S. Army: to guard the top Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg trials. This experience fueled a lifetime of artistic insp…
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Episode 1 // Season 5 תּמרה מיקנער איז צוריק! זי רעדט װעגן דעם ייִדישן טעאַטער אין לאָנדאָן און איך רעד װעגן די אַלע אַקטיװיטעטן אױף ייִדיש סוף־װאָך אױסטראַליע. This week’s special guest is Tamara Micner who returns to talk about Yiddish theatre and some recent happenings in London. I’ve just returned from Yiddish Sof-Vokh Australia so we play a ga…
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Kimberly Lazzeri joins "The Shmooze" to talk about the recently released "Yiddish Folksong Project Anthology." Kimberly shares the story behind this collection of Robert De Cormier’s folksong arrangements, which had been in a storage closet for over forty years. This is the first-ever publication of De Cormier’s arrangements of Yiddish folksongs an…
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