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Colli'r Plot gyda Bethan Gwanas, Dafydd Llewelyn, Siân Northey a Manon Steffan Ros. Pedwar awdur sy'n bustachu efo plotiau yn gyson ac yn aml yn ei cholli hi. Fe fydd yna lot o chwerthin, chydig o bethau dadleuol ac ambell i sgwrs ddwys.
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Lottie & Studio Bummens

Stellt euch vor, ihr betretet ein Haus und hinter jeder Tür wartet eine Geschichte auf euch. Geschichten über das Leben, den Tod und alles dazwischen. Mal tragisch, mal komisch, mal laut, mal leise. Eines haben all diese Geschichten aber gemeinsam: Sie sind wirklich passiert! Und damit herzlich willkommen im “PLOT HOUSE”, dem neuen True Story Podcast von Lottie. Alle zwei Wochen öffnet sie die Türen und lädt bekannte Persönlichkeiten ein, die mit ihr die unglaublichsten Geschichten von True ...
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The PloughCast


How can we live well together? What gives life purpose? What about technology, education, faith, capitalism, work, family? Is another life possible? Plough editor Peter Mommsen and senior editor Susannah Black Roberts dig deeper into perspectives from a wide variety of writers and thinkers appearing in the pages of Plough.
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Plouf et Pseudo

Plouf et Pseudo

Au rythme d'un jeu par épisode, Monsieur Plouf et Pseudoless reviennent sur une poignée de softs triés sur le volet. Le twitter de l'émission: Encore plus de contenu à voir sur leurs chaînes YouTube respectives : Mr Plouf - Pseudoless - Bonne écoute!
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Mark Sevi, a professional scriptwriter, with a motley crew of professional filmmakers, students and oddballs, talks about show business with an emphasis on writing and scriptwriting techniques and tips.
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A podcast that delivers history stories with plot twists. David Nix, a writer of historical fiction, brings biweekly historical tales that twist and turn like a good mystery novel. Whether offering new stories or new insights, this podcast drags you down the rabbit holes of history in search of the magical surprise. Find me at
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Welcome to the wild woman podcast, on this podcast I bring to surface the conversations we have in private about the outdoor community. My hope is that by sharing these challenging topics, I can break the ice, promote positive change, and empower people to be more informed, aware, and intentional with their actions. I’m an adventure life coach, and whitewater kayak instructor based out of Asheville, NC. I specialize in empowering outdoor athletes and enthusiasts to overcome the mental side o ...
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Family Plot

Family Plot Podcast

An odd dad and his 11 year old daughter exploring the strange and unusual in a peculiar world. Discussions will be kept PG-13. Hosted by Dean Boese and Krysta Williams. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Plongée dans les océans

Sakina-Dorothée Ayata

"Plongée dans les océans", la chronique hebdomadaire qui vous transporte dans la faune et flore marine présentée par Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, maîtresse de conférences en écologie marine à Sorbonne Université.
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Popcorn & Plot Holes

Popcorn & Plot Holes

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!
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The Plot With A Twist

Burning Hallows Productions

Roe, Allorah, and Shaye are three vivacious 30s-to-40s bibliomaniac friends of the feminine variety who love nothing more than a good book, a great cocktail, and chatting all literary things savvy, smutty, and sassy in the fantasy, romance, YA, and thriller genres!
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Plotcasters is a podcast about the craft of writing fiction. Season One episodes include lessons on plot structure, specifically the Three-Act Structure and Sticky Note Plotting.
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Plötzlich Bäcker

Lutz Geißler

Der Brot-Podcast von Lutz Geißler. Deutschlands bekanntester Brotblogger im Austausch mit wechselnden Gesprächspartnern aus der Hobby- und Profibäckerszene. Die Themen sind so vielfältig wie das Brotbacken selbst. Der Podcast beantwortet Leser- und Hörerfragen, gibt Einblicke in die professionelle Brotbäckerei, hört den am Brot beteiligten Menschen und Institutionen auf die Finger oder widmet sich einfachen und komplexen Fachfragen. Ein Zeitzeugnis der Brot- und Backthemen, die Lutz Geißler ...
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Lume Plotters

Marton and Ralf

Watch talk, banter, speculation, news, and information coming from an international duo based in the UAE. Well beyond the Rolex hype (but might contain traces of it), we explore the wonders of horology. Join us on our journey! Give us a follow, and feel free to reach out to us on Instagram: @lumeplotters Or… leave us an audio comment using the link below, and we may just play it in an upcoming episode:
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The Costume Plot

Sarah Timm, Jojo Siu

A podcast about costume design and the performing arts from professional costume designers Jojo Siu and Sarah Timm! Join Jojo and Sarah as they analyze the costumes from your favorite film, TV, and theatre, and offer an inside look at the art and craft of costume design. Plus, look forward to bonus episodes where Jojo and Sarah interview industry professionals and find out why they chose their specific field in the arts. New episodes every other Friday.
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Listen here to learn about seasonal hints and tips for your allotment or garden from us at Ashbourne Road and District Allotments Derby. We can be a tad outrageous, rude and even a bit naughty, but growing your own flowers, fruit and vegetables from seed should be fun and definitely memorable! We will teach you all you want (and need to know) coming directly from off the plot including chitting and as well as chatting to other unsuspecting folk from around site and beyond. The Plotcast is an ...
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Johann Wilhelm Wolf war Germanist und Schriftsteller, sein Schwager Wilhelm von Ploennies war Leutnant, Militärschriftsteller und Übersetzer. Gemeinsam ließen sie sich auf Streifzügen durch den Odenwald von den Menschen, die sie trafen und von den Soldaten der Kompanie des Ludwig Ploennies Sagen, Märchen und Mythen erzählen, die sie aufschrieben und veröffentlichten. (Summary by seito)
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show series
We have so MUCH rich muchness in this episode. A veritable souffle of things to learn and family banter! Lexi stops by to tell us she feeels sponsored. Gotta love our 7 year old. Arthur lets us know about his upcoming trip to Planet Comicon in his corner and we talk about being without water as the trailer court we live in ;upgrades' their pipes. A…
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Am 13. September 1987 verschaffen sich zwei junge Schrottsammler Zutritt zu einem verlassenen Gebäudekomplex im Zentrum der brasilianischen Stadt Goiânia. Wie immer suchen sie nach wertvollen Gegenständen zum Weiterverkauf, vor allem Altmetall. Doch diesmal stoßen sie auf einen scheinbaren Glücksfund: In einem leeren Raum steht ein massiver Apparat…
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Join Julia and Elaine for another engaging episode of the Potty Plotters Plotcast! In this lively instalment, they dive into the world of gardening with a focus on the quirky and creative ways to grow your own produce. The episode kicks off with an amusing discussion about Julia's posh phone voice and leads into a heartfelt message from listener Fi…
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The Highs and Lows of Scythe and Sparrow - A Deep Dive into Brynne Weaver's Ruinous Love Trilogy In this episode of The Plot With A Twist, hosts Roe, Allorah, and Shaye explore the closing chapter of Brynne Weaver's Ruinous Love Trilogy with Scythe and Sparrow. Join them as they discuss the characters, including Fionn Kane and Rose, analyse the plo…
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So, after we talk briefly about AI taking over the world (naturally, this is the cutting edge conversation you come here for), we jump into the different case materials used in watchmaking today. Further, we discuss whether updated and new watch materials are ruining the essence of watchmaking. We wrap up by quickly discussing if making impulse pur…
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Hello all of you amazing people. Thank you for tuning into this episode of Plot Spackle. Today the guys are talking about "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: the Secret of the Ooze" Eric reminds us that mutagen is known in the State of California to cause cancer. Richard becomes a spokesman for the mob. And John wants to know where the turtles are! S…
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This week, Whit and her BFF Ashley "do" the beach! But don't worry, this isn't a "Debbie Does Dallas" situation. Whit claims that she hasn't been to the beach for between 19-20 years and since she was between 100-114 lbs (can never get a straight figure from her). Will Whit crumble under the pressure of having a bikini body? Or will she "rock her c…
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This episode has been a long time coming! We are excited to do our first music video episode. Each of us picked 2 iconic videos, and we had a great time discussing the looks! Follow along with the visual analysis via these links! Formation by Beyoncé Instagram, Pinterest Telephone by Lady Gaga & Beyoncé Instagram, Pinterest Toxic by Britney Spears …
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A big thank you and welcome to new Patrons: Steve and Carolyn. Join Keri and Matthew this week as they seek out Freddie's latest compilation CD, discover a positive podcast to rival TCS and pick out the perfect hamper for you all. On our protest placards this week: Close to The Bone : Freddie sends The Cider Shed switchboard into meltdown. Tractor …
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The fundamental lesson of the incarnation is that embodiment in general is the carrier of meaning a meaning for death or life, and that His embodiment is the fullness of meaning, life, extended universally. If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider donating to support our work. Become a Patron!Por Paul Axton
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Vous n'y croyiez plus ? Eux non plus ! Après une bien trop longue absence, Plombiers et Champignons revient pour un nouvel épisode ! Guillaume et Antistar reviennent sur l'actu Mario de ces dernières années, puis se délectent de Bowser's Fury, le magnifique jeu bonus de Super Mario 3D World Switch ! Et enfin, ils reviennent en long, en large et (su…
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(Trigger warning - talk about injuries at the beginning, rated PG-13) Apply for the Worn to Wild Program Join the Group Chat Experience (free for now!) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Download the Own Your Shit Resource⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (also free) ---- Are you generally a conservative paddler who's maybe even a bit risk averse? This episode was made with you in mind. Kelse…
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Nueva entrega del pódcast Plata o Plomo: El Mundo en Series, de Ana Pastor y Fernando Berlín. Series, actualidad y política se dan cita cada viernes en Newtral y La Cafetera. En este capítulo recomendamos Su majestad, una comedia sobre la monarquía y la juventud, dirigida por Diego San José y Borja Cobeaga. La serie, disponible en Amazon Prime pres…
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So in the 17th Century, in Rome, Giulia Tofana led a group of women who made devotional oils, cosmetic liquids and of course, poison. This poison was a famed untraceable and undetectable poison for it's time and it was dubbed Aqua Tofana. 4 doses they said, could put any man in his grave. It was a way for women, who could not get a divorce to get o…
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Find the 9 Points Rating System here: Find our review of Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite here: Find our review of the other alien movie mentioned in the podcast, Arrival:…
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Exploring the Allure of Mafia Romance Join hosts Roe, Allorah, and Shaye on The Plot With A Twist as they delve deep into the niche, yet fascinating, world of Mafia Romance. This episode covers a broad range of topics including celebrated authors, essential characteristics of what constitutes a great Mafia romance, and personal favourites. Tune in …
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Today we delve into the tiers of watchmaking. Following a recent video from Teddy Baldassarre, we examine what true watchmaking is. What does a watchmaker have to actually do to be considered a real “manufacture”? Can they buy movements, crystals, and springs, or should they be creating everything themselves? Let’s find out! Give us a follow, and f…
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One of the wealthiest men in human history set out on a medieval journey whose logistics are nearly too astonishing to be believed. How he used his wealth stands in stark contrast to the havoc wreaked by the uber rich of today. This episode tells the story of Mansa Musa, perhaps the richest man who ever lived.…
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In this week’s episode we’re exploring the tenuous grip that Whitney has on reality. And of course, the best example of that loose grip is her “relationship“ with her “best friend,” Buddy. Though Whitney may want us to believe that she has crossed the “flesh hold“ with Buddy, and that all kinds of sexual tension remains, we are dubious. Tune in and…
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In Part 2 of this 2 part conversation, Jon, Matt, and Paul, discuss the possible meanings and impact of David Bentley Hart's recent confession and discuss various alternative interpretations. If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider donating to support our work. Become a Patron!Por Paul Axton
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Hey there folks. A big thank you and welcome to new Patrons : Daniel and Catherine. This week we delve into Ambridge's premier toilet store, the cold war and a little bit of local radio. Flat Out : Brad tosses his pancake prize away. Look at Estate of Her! : Natasha gets nasty in the house market. Anti Vacs : Brain and Lilian smash it up at The Gil…
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Personhood is definitive of God and humanity, meaning the relational, the infinite, and the universal, are inherent to truth, rather than the foundational, the propositional, the doctrinal, or the institutional, which reduce to the impersonal. Personal truth and knowledge overcomes the reductionistic, finite, and limited systems of this world. If y…
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Apply for the Worn to Wild Program Join the Group Chat Experience (free for now!) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Download the Own Your Shit Resource⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (also free) ---- This episode is a blurb from my Wet Wild and Worth It Challenge hosted in the group chat experience. Imagine, you're in a 5 day challenge with me posting 2-5 short audio clips per day. That's …
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For decades, Stanley Hauerwas has been provoking Christians with his insistence that if they would only follow their Master, it would impact all areas of life, from the personal to the societal. In his new book, *Jesus Changes Everything*, his timely and prophetic voice speaks to another generation of followers of Jesus tired of religion as usual. …
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SCRIPTWRITING TALK AND MORE! Welcome To Plotpoints Podcast! Mark Sevi and Guests Show Notes March 07, 2025 Episode #304 This is Plotpoints Podcast! GO HERE FOR INFO ON SCRIPTWRITING CLASSES and SEMINARS SHAMELESS PROMOS: Final Draft – Articles by Mark Sevi for Final Draft A Scriptwriting Manual for All Writers! On AMAZON SHOW DET…
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Find the 9 Points Rating System here: Find our Captain America Brave New World Review here: In this episode, the hosts discuss the film 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier,' exploring its themes, character development, and the im…
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In this episode we cover the life of actress, comedienne and producer, Lucille Ball. We talk about her life, her time with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, her time as the queen of Television and the legacy she left behind. We talk her marriage to Desi and her second husband Gary Morton. We talk her time as the head of Desilu studios, shows she discovered and …
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+++ Triggerwarnung: Diese Folge enthält Darstellungen von Gewalt und Blut. Bitte achte gut auf dich und pausiere oder überspringe die Folge, falls du merkst, dass es zu viel wird. +++ Nur die Narben auf seiner Stirn lassen erahnen, dass Frank Donald Goodish einen außergewöhnlichen Beruf hat: Im Ring ist er als Bruiser Brody bekannt – ein ungestümer…
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Join Elaine and Julia for another entertaining episode of the Potty Plotters Plotcast! In this lively installment, they shares their amusing confessions about recording in the great outdoors, with the sounds of nature providing an unexpected backdrop. As they dive into listener questions, they discuss innovative ways to grow carrots in potato bags …
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Deep Dive into Quicksilver by Callie Hart: A Spoiler-Free and Spoilery Discussion Join hosts Roe, Allorah, and Shaye on The Plot With A Twist, where they discuss the dark fantasy romance novel Quicksilver by Callie Hart. This episode delves into an overview of the book, covers unique aspects its complex magic system, character development, and incl…
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So today we take a stab at deciphering the many stages of the watch hobby. Whether you call it a hobby, an obsession, hoarding, or simply just collecting, in the end it’s all the same. We all collectively go through the ebbs and flows of horology. Do you agree with us? Let us know in our instagram comments! Give us a follow, and feel free to reach …
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