How do you know when it’s time to make your next big career move? With International Women’s Day around the corner, we are excited to feature Avni Patel Thompson, Founder and CEO of Milo. Avni is building technology that directly supports the often overlooked emotional and logistical labor that falls on parents—especially women. Milo is an AI assistant designed to help families manage that invisible load more efficiently. In this episode, Avni shares her journey from studying chemistry to holding leadership roles at global brands like Adidas and Starbucks, to launching her own ventures. She discusses how she approaches career transitions, the importance of unpleasant experiences, and why she’s focused on making everyday life easier for parents. [01:26] Avni's University Days and Early Career [04:36] Non-Linear Career Paths [05:16] Pursuing Steep Learning Curves [11:51] Entrepreneurship and Safety Nets [15:22] Lived Experiences and Milo [19:55] Avni’s In Her Ellement Moment [20:03] Reflections Links: Avni Patel Thompson on LinkedIn Suchi Srinivasan on LinkedIn Kamila Rakhimova on LinkedIn Ipsos report on the future of parenting About In Her Ellement: In Her Ellement highlights the women and allies leading the charge in digital, business, and technology innovation. Through engaging conversations, the podcast explores their journeys—celebrating successes and acknowledging the balance between work and family. Most importantly, it asks: when was the moment you realized you hadn’t just arrived—you were truly in your element? About The Hosts: Suchi Srinivasan is an expert in AI and digital transformation. Originally from India, her career includes roles at trailblazing organizations like Bell Labs and Microsoft. In 2011, she co-founded the Cleanweb Hackathon, a global initiative driving IT-powered climate solutions with over 10,000 members across 25+ countries. She also advises Women in Cloud, aiming to create $1B in economic opportunities for women entrepreneurs by 2030. Kamila Rakhimova is a fintech leader whose journey took her from Tajikistan to the U.S., where she built a career on her own terms. Leveraging her English proficiency and international relations expertise, she discovered the power of microfinance and moved to the U.S., eventually leading Amazon's Alexa Fund to support underrepresented founders. Subscribe to In Her Ellement on your podcast app of choice to hear meaningful conversations with women in digital, business, and technology.…
The podcast designed to help financial advisors challenge the status quo, grow your firm, and not only put best practices to use, but create new best practices altogether. Hosted by Ana Trujillo Limón.
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Zelenaya Limonka
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In Na de Limonade praat journalist en podcastmaker Maarten Dallinga met groepjes ouders van puberkinderen over alcohol en andere drugs. Hoe gaan zij in de opvoeding met deze thema’s om? Ook deelt Ninette van Hasselt (hoofd van het programma alcohol- en drugspreventie bij het Trimbos-instituut) in iedere aflevering inzichten en tips. Achtergrondinformatie:
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Music that I love!
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Seamos sinceros: en los negocios, tarde o temprano nos encontramos con limones amargos. Problemas, fracasos, pérdidas importantes... Pero siempre hay algo que podemos hacer con ellos; como mínimo aprender. En este podcast entrevisto a personas valientes que llevan años exprimiendo esos limones. Gente que decidió arriesgarse a montar un negocio; Que se levanta cada día y desde el anonimato, hace lo posible para que su empresa funcione. Si tienes un negocio, comprendes de qué te hablo. Por eso ...
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Soy Maestro Numerologo Ricardo Limon, en este podcast les hablare de todo tipo de problemas y como desaserse de ellos. Gracias, y buena suerte.
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Arte, música, cultura, resenhas, criticas e análises apresentadas de forma simples para qualquer um!
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Podcast sobre cultura pop, apresentado por Olívia Pilar e Solaine Chioro. Transcrição dos episódios:ções
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Aquí y ahora, una nueva manera de activarse
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Esto es un espacio para hablar lo que nos salga del forro de nuestro conocimiento sin importar una ver... sión amarillista y ser lo más criollo posible para que no se pierda la decencia. Sin pelos en la lengua y sin chiripas en la cabeza!
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Lo que sea que te pase en la vida, ponle un poco de limón y sal y a disfrutar. Un podcast para conectar🙃
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Tomate una limonada conmigo, escucha mis narraciones y siéntate en tu cama o silla con relleno de dulce.
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Un podcast di Internazionale con Annalisa Camilli. Otto episodi settimanali a partire dal 16 giugno. La serie è stata scritta da Annalisa Camilli in collaborazione con Carlo Bachschmidt, Marzia Coronati e Anita Otto. L’audio è stato prodotto da Riccardo Fazi con l'aiuto di Amedeo Berta e Gianluca Agostini. La consulenza e il montaggio sono di Jonathan Zenti, le musiche sono di Adele Altro, il coordinamento editoriale di Chiara Nielsen, il copyediting di Pierfrancesco Romano, la voce dei tito ...
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Podcast de humor sobre minas gorditas (yo), ser adulto (mal) y la vida misma. Illustrator, Graphic Designer, Amateur Podcaster, Acid Person, Bad Adult.
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Nos dedicamos a la educación del mundo de bebidas, desde agua y café hasta destilados y vinos. ¡Compartimos el conocimiento y experiencias de expertos y pioneros para el mejor aprecio de lo que consumimos! Sígannos por IG: azúcar.y.limon & por FB y YouTube: Azucar y Limon Podcast ********* We are committed to educating on the world of beverages, from water and coffee to spirits and wine. We share the knowledge and experiences of experts and pioneers to enrich the appreciation of what we cons ...
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Un podcast antioxidante contra la crisis que estruja la industria de la música. Miguel Ángel García Garrido y Teresa Navajas de la agencia Charco le dan la palabra a los profesionales de la industria de la música, uno de los sectores más castigados por la pandemia global del coronavirus. Abordamos los principales problemas del sector, escuchando la opinión de los protagonistas, entablando un discurso entre generaciones, buscando opiniones de líderes y generando debate e ideas. Una coproducci ...
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Vender software de gestión a empresas es un reto enorme. ❌ Los clientes saben que tienen un problema, pero cambiar de sistema les da pereza. ❌ No quieren complicarse con una nueva herramienta. ❌ Y muchas veces prefieren quedarse con lo que ya conocen, aunque no sea eficiente. Entonces… ¿Cómo romper esa inercia y hacer que den el paso? En este episo…
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Las pymes en España enfrentan un gran desafío: digitalizarse y optimizar su gestión sin perder tiempo ni dinero. En este episodio, hablamos con Manuel Vicedo, socio fundador de Vendomia, una plataforma creada para ayudar a las pymes a agilizar su operativa. 📌 Tocamos temas clave como: ✅ Los mayores obstáculos de la digitalización en pymes ✅ Cómo us…
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¿Cómo diseñar la mejor estrategia digital para un negocio? En este episodio, analizo en profundidad el caso de Laboratorios Alilab, una empresa con dos líneas de negocio muy diferentes: análisis clínicos y análisis de alimentos. Muchas empresas cometen el error de aplicar estrategias genéricas sin considerar su tipo de negocio, su momento de crecim…
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Errores que pueden hundir tu negocio: historias de un laboratorio que ha visto de todo...
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1:14:12Si tienes un negocio de alimentación, este video es para ti. Si te gusta ir a probar restaurantes, también te gustará. En esta entrevista Yago Mateos me cuenta (sin pelos en la lengua) anécdotas reales y los retos de su sector y su empresa. Yago dirige un laboratorio de análisis de alimentos y análisis clínicos. Puedes conocer más sobre sus servici…
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¿Vendes al sector Industrial? Te dejo ideas de estrategias digitales para facturar más. 🔎 Descubre: ✅ Por qué los clientes que no te encuentran en Google o LinkedIn simplemente no existen para tu negocio. ✅ Cómo el SEO y la publicidad en Google pueden atraer clientes de forma efectiva. ✅ LinkedIn: ¿Branding o captación? Aprende a usarlo estratégica…
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¿Qué pasa cuando el liderazgo no se basa en la última tecnología, sino en la gestión real y humana?¿Imagina un negocio que funciona bien sin tener que estar siempre a la última marketing? En esta entrevista sin rodeos, Mari Carmen Beviá, comienza confesando algo que no me gusta. Luego me lo explica aunque no me convence del todo 😅 M. Carmen, CEO de…
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Da igual si tienes 1 o varias clínicas dentales. Tus clientes están online. ¿Estás hablando con ellos o solo les estás vendiendo? El 80% de las clínicas dentales siguen dependiendo del boca a boca... pero ¿Qué pasa cuando esa fuente de clientes se agota? En este video, te explico una estrategia digital completa para atraer y fidelizar pacientes con…
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¿Cuánto deberías invertir en marketing digital para que tu clínica o negocio crezca? En este episodio, hablo con Oscar Montoto, dueño de dos clínicas dentales, sobre su experiencia en el sector, la importancia de diferenciarse de la competencia y cómo ha usado el marketing digital para atraer pacientes y crecer. 🔹 ¿Cuánto invierte en marketing digi…
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El gran genio literario James Joyce decía: “Los errores son portales del descubrimiento” Este humilde podcast pretende ser ese portal de descubrimiento. Aquí invito a esos valientes empresarios y empresarias, invisibles a la prensa, a los medios, al éxito efímero, pero que durante años han llevado y llevan delante una empresa, un equipo, un proyect…
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En este episodio Bonus te cuento que estrategias de promoción y venta online recomendaría para el negocio de Promotores Artísticos. Las herramientas están ahí, basta con saber cuales usar, como y cuando. Una entrevista nueva cada semana. Para conocerme mejor échale un vistazo a mi web 👇 Para estar al día sígueme en 👇 Instagram: h…
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El negocio de la farándula contado por el promotor artístico de B.B. King, James Cotton y muchos más...
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez cómo es la mente que mueve la industria musical desde adentro? En esta entrevista, J. Testi Tajada –promotor artístico con 40 años de anécdotas, éxitos y vueltas inesperadas. Testi me cuenta, sin pelos en la lengua, cómo ha sobrevivido (y prosperado) en un mundo en constante cambio. Descubre relatos de conciertos legen…
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What makes a client relationship truly exceptional in today's financial world? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, chats with Larry and Denise Sprung from Mitlin Financial about crafting a world-class client experience. The Sprungs share the heartwarming story behind their firm's name and reveal how their approach goes beyond …
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What does it truly mean to provide a world-class client experience? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial at Carson Group, speaks with Sarah Cain, VP of Carson Coaching. Together, they unravel the art of moving beyond the basics of financial services to create interactions that clients rave about. Listen in as they explore how sm…
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Building genuine community and authentic connections is the cornerstone of success and fulfillment, especially for women in financial services. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial at Carson Group, speaks with Joanna Ehresman and Leah Alter, co-hosts of the WomenShare Podcast. Together, they explore the transformative power of c…
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Are your goals big enough to bring transformation, not just transactions, into your life? This week, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, sits down with executive business coach J.J. Peller to explore the power of setting ambitious goals. Join the conversation as they delve into why thinking beyond "realistic" goals can unlock your true potenti…
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Is your client experience helping you grow—or driving business away? Tammy Breitenbach, Executive Business Coach, joins Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, to explore how advisors can design standout client experiences that foster loyalty and growth. By combining human interaction, strategic service models, and technology, Tammy reveals how fi…
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Are you spending too much time on tasks that are holding you back from your potential? Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, and Executive Business Coach Jessica Colston, MS, PCC, team up in this episode to reveal how delegation and AI could transform the way advisors approach their work. Rather than simply assigning tasks, Ana and Jessica prese…
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Is traditional behavioral finance missing the mark? Brian Portnoy, CFA, founder of Shaping Wealth, joins Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, to introduce “Behavioral Finance 2.0,” a fresh take that goes beyond client-centric advice to a human-centric model. Rather than “fixing” biases, Brian emphasizes tapping into clients’ real motivations an…
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Ever wondered why clients resist making financial decisions during life's biggest changes? By focusing on change management and behavioral finance strategies. Erin Wood, Senior Vice President of Financial Planning at Carson Group, joins Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, to explore how financial advisors can support clients during major life …
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Why do clients resist sound financial advice, even when it’s in their best interest? It’s not about logic—it’s all about psychology. Behavioral scientist Dr. Wendy De La Rosa, Assistant Professor at The Wharton School, joins Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, to reveal the surprising factors behind client resistance and how financial advisors…
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Are you leveraging estate planning to strengthen your client relationships and grow your financial advisory practice? Learn how estate planning can deepen your client relationships and propel your advisory practice to new heights. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, speaks with Andres Mazabel, Head of Advisor Sales at Trust & …
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Are you prepared to bridge the gap between wealth management and longevity planning? Learn how Kena Pettijohn is paving the way to plan for a financially stable future for the aging population. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Editorial, dives into this month’s topic, estate planning and longevity planning, with Keena Pettijohn, CEO a…
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On a first date, it’s a good idea to avoid talking about money, religion, and politics. While avoiding money talk with a client is an impossibility, it’s still a good idea to keep religion and politics out of the conversation. This week on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, welcomes Megan Belt, Director of Public…
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Data shows that regardless of who is currently in office, the ebb and flow of the markets and economy continues to move to its own rhythm. Opinions and emotions go hand in hand and can often create biases when discussing financial plans with a client. This week on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, welcomes back …
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Eric Ludwig, PhD, CFP® and Chet Bennetts, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, RICP®: Using AI in Financial Services
How prepared are you for the changing landscape of financial advisory with AI tools at your disposal? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Eric Ludwig, PhD, CFP®, Asst. Prof. of Retirement Income, Director: Center for Retirement Income, RICP Program Director, The American College of Financial Serv…
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How can financial advisors best leverage AI to revolutionize their digital marketing efforts? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, welcomes Samantha Allen, Senior Vice President of Digital Marketing at Carson Group, to explore the intersection of digital marketing and the financial services industry. Samantha…
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Jessica Golson, CIPM & Erin Wood, CFP®, CRPC, FBS®: Empowering Women in Wealth – Unpacking the Trends in Investment
Want to learn how female entrepreneurs are reshaping the investment landscape? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Jessica Golson, CIPM, SVP, Investments and Trading at Carson Group, and Erin Wood, CFP®, CRPC, FBS®, SVP, Financial Planning and Advanced Solutions at Carson Group. They explore the …
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Women-led companies aren’t just a moral choice, they can be a smart financial investment. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Jake Bleicher, CFA, Portfolio Manager, about investing trends with a special focus on the Carson Women's CEO Fund. Jake shares his unique journey from pre-med to the finan…
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How do some financial advisors seem to effortlessly connect and succeed with their clients? This week we’re discussing the framework of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and how it can significantly impact your success as a financial advisor and enrich your personal life. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks…
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Embracing authenticity can transform your professional journey. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Dr. Ana María López Caldwell, Inclusive Leadership Consultant and Coach, about the pivotal role of authenticity, inclusion, and executive business coaching. They explore firsthand accounts of navig…
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What powers the future of financial advisory? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Jessica Flynn, Director of Account Strategy at, about how to better engage the next generation of stakeholders and clients. They navigate through the evolving landscape of financial services, expanding …
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Are you ready to dive into what it takes to attract and retain the next generation of professionals in the finance industry? In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Carson’s next-gen professionals, Jalen Blackmon, Associate, Partnership Developmentat Carson Group, Jabin Moore, Associate Private Clien…
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With studies showing that women often leave advisors if not feeling connected, wealth managers must understand the importance of building relationships with female clients. Tune in to the Framework Podcast episode featuring Debra Taylor, where we explore how intentional connections with women can lead to better client retention and satisfaction. In…
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Are organizations truly promoting inclusivity or making mistakes that harm underrepresented talent's mental health? Let's dive into the importance of sponsorship, safe spaces, and valuing diverse perspectives in creating a workplace where everyone feels valued. Today on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and JaQ …
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Today on Framework, we explore pathways for women in finance, mentorship, and the strength of having allies. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and guest co-host, JaQ Campbell, Founder and CEO of Alexander Legacy Private Wealth Management, speak with Sheryl Hickerson, Founder and Chief Engagement Officer at…
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This week on Framework, we address how sponsorship and inclusion can empower women in wealth management. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and co-host JaQ Campbell, Founder and CEO of Alexander Legacy Private Wealth Management, speak with Julie Ragatz, Ph.D., Vice President, Next Gen and Advisor Developmen…
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How can behavioral finance improve your investment strategies? Today on Framework, Jeremy Schwartz, Global Chief Investment Officer at WisdomTree Asset Management, joins Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, for a conversation about behavioral finance in investment strategies. Jeremy reflects on his path to becoming a CIO, inf…
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How can advisors create a positive emotional experience with finances and financial planning for their clients? This week on Framework, Mary Bell Carlson, Ph.D., CFP®, AFC®, President of Financial Behavior Keynote Group, joins our host, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, to explore behavioral finance in client-advisor relat…
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Welcome to the third episode of Framework’s special behavioral finance series. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, is joined by Daniel Crosby, Ph.D., Chief Behavioral Officer at Orion Advisor Solutions, for a glimpse into his experience with the behavioral finance industry and a discussion about the intersec…
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How can firm owners use behavioral finance theory to make better business decisions? Today on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Julie Ragatz, Ph.D., Vice President, NextGen and Advisor Development Programs at Carson Group, about the practical applications of behavioral finance theory in business and …
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When told to rework their financial plan by following the PERMA-V framework, 70% of people changed one of their top three goals. This week on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Samantha Lamas, Senior Behavioral Researcher at Morningstar, about the importance of aligning financial advice with clients' …
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Creating content can seem daunting, even for industry experts like yourself. But whether you’re preparing for a speaking event, writing a blog post, or recording your first podcast episode, what you have to share matters more than how you deliver it. In this episode, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speaks with Tamsen But…
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Are you looking to learn about effective consumer marketing in the financial industry? Today, we look behind the scenes with Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and Minna Shada, Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing. Minna talks about her marketing journey since 2013, her pivotal role in partner office marketing, and t…
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Elevate your financial advisory practice with strategic marketing – it's not just about attracting new clients, but about showcasing your knowledge, amplifying your visibility, and positioning yourself as a trusted advisor, building credibility. Today on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and Odaro Aisueni, Wealt…
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In deze special van 'Na de Limonade' praat journalist en podcastmaker Maarten Dallinga met vier ouders van pubers over alcohol in relatie tot carnaval. Voor welke uitdagingen kom je als ouder te staan en hoe ga je hier mee om? Ook krijg je tips van Ninette van Hasselt, Programmahoofd alcohol- en drugspreventie bij het Trimbos-instituut. Voor achter…
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Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing financial advisory. How will AI impact investors' portfolios? This week on Framework, Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and Odaro Aisueni, Wealth Planner, speak with Peter Lazaroff, Chief Investment Officer at Plancorp, LLC, about the impact of AI on financial planning, and the im…
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Welcome back to another episode of Framework! This week, our focus is on empowering women in the financial industry with mentorship and community. Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, and Odaro Aisueni, Wealth Planner, speak with Bridget Grimes, Co-Founder of Equita Financial Network, about her career journey in launching her…
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We’re finishing our Home Equity 5-part series with one of the most important conversations – multigenerational conversations about home equity. They are crucial for retirement planning, so let’s talk about them. In this episode, Jamie Hopkins, Managing Partner of Wealth Solutions, and Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, spea…
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Carson’s Home Equity 5-Part Series with Guests Steve Resch & Craig Lemoine, CFP®, Ph.D., MRFC
How can financial advisors leverage home equity and reverse mortgages in financial planning? In this episode, Jamie Hopkins, Managing Partner of Wealth Solutions, and Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, speak with Craig Lemoine, CFP®, Ph.D., MRFC, Director of Personal Financial Planning, and Steve Resch, Vice President of Re…
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Carson’s Home Equity 5-Part Series with Guests Barry Sacks, J.D., Ph.D., & Craig Lemoine, CFP®, Ph.D., MRFC
In this episode, Jamie Hopkins, Managing Partner of Wealth Solutions, and Ana Trujillo Limón, Director, Coaching and Advisor Content, are joined by Craig Lemoine, CFP®, Ph.D., MRFC, Director of Personal Financial Planning, to interview Dr. Barry Sacks, J.D., Ph.D., Principal at Law Office of Barry H. Sacks, about his research on retirement income a…
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