Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.
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Cykl audycji o tym jak możemy przeciwdziałać zanieczyszczeniu powietrza i nadmiernemu hałasowi,
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Yr12 2018
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Una atmósfera donde podrás encontrar distintas herramientas, historias o mentes que te ayudarán a salir de tu círculo y encontrar tu espacio creativo.
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Conoce las causas, consecuencias y posibles soluciones de la contaminación atmosférica.
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Dark Ambient Atmospheres plays the absolute best dark ambient music, experimental music, and avant-garde sounds and nothing else. Listen anytime at
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Spin off de Atmósfera Cero. Un podcast íntegramente dedicado a repasar episodio a episodio, temporada a temporada la era moderna de la mítica serie de la BBC Dr.Who.
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Друзья, добро пожаловать на борт! Beyond The Atmosphere - виртуально-музыкальный вояж в мир иных реальностей, в мир невероятного атмосферно-прогрессивного звучания! Присоединяйтесь к полету!
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Basado en los programas de Atmósfera Radio 105, les compartimos nuestras entrevistas y momentos en cabina y sean parte de este gran proyecto. Por qué la Atmósfera es de Todos........ 105.
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Trabajo música 1 Cover art photo provided by Gaston Abascal on Unsplash:
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In this podcast, I read the 1000 or so words of science fiction I have written for the day. Um, that's about it.
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Alberta’s live music scene is full of excitement, offering something for every music lover. From intimate venues to large festivals, the variety of performances creates the perfect vibe for any occasion. Edmonton DJ's play a key role in the region’s nightlife crafting electrifying mixes that fuel the party atmosphere. Their expertise and energy keep every event unforgettable, ensuring the dance floor is never empty. Whether you're relaxin ...
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A podcast that amplifies stories and experiences related to air pollution and climate change from around the world.
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Relax with the Atmosphonic Podcast - a podcast containing ambient sound recordings to help you relax and sleep. Whether you like the sound of rain, machines humming, running water, or birds singing, Atmosphonic will give you the soundtrack to your relaxation. "If listening to human voices distracts you from getting some shut-eye, this might be the podcast for you." - STYLIST "As effective as a lullaby." - DAILY MAIL
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"Atmospheric Journeys" provides a bi-monthly impulse of the newest, oldest, most special in atmospheric electronic music, whether it's trance, progressive, techno or even a cheeky house tune. Running between 2 and 4 hours, the series is mixed live by Enhanced Progressive artist StanV, who has seen support on Armin van Buuren's A State of Trance as well as Above & Beyond's Group Therapy. "Atmospheric Journeys" always puts the melodic journey at the forefront.
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We Back! Welcome us...its The STAR, Bite Size, and Carter!!! Blast into STARs Atmosphere as we takes a Deep dive into the Hip-Hop culture, Trending topics, and the idea of an independent mindset. Join us every Tuesday you never know who’ll Join us in Orbit. STARs Atmosphere, a part of the Extragrind Podcast Network Support this podcast:
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En este episodio, descubrimos cómo Dolby Atmos está transformando la experiencia de escuchar música en Spotify. Hablamos sobre qué es esta innovadora tecnología de sonido envolvente, cómo funciona en la plataforma y qué necesitas para disfrutar de ella al máximo. Analizamos los beneficios, los dispositivos compatibles y las implicaciones de usar Dolby Atmos para tener una experiencia auditiva más inmersiva. Si eres un apasionado de la música y las nuevas tecnologías, ¡no puedes perderte este ...
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Nerd Atmosphere podcast is all things nerd when it comes to movies, hobbies, comics, shows, careers and anything you nerd out about! We’re gonna be talking about I’ll be hosting different people from all walks of life, what the geek out about. Chasing the vast knowledge of all things!!! Laughs, a couple beers and great ole time!!! Hosted by Robert Tagle. Support this podcast:
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A podcast for all but especially creatives about immersive storytelling using technologies such as Dolby Atmos to better immerse audiences. With host Dan Bucknell ,explore the many industries with a modern approach to creating immersion in the art forms we love today! From musical artists, filmmakers and storytellers all the way to audio engineers, Dolby Atmos professionals, Spatial Audio and other emerging technologies, we aim to inform and inspire you to craft powerful imagery, incredible ...
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En este podcast hablaré sobre libros. El nombre del podcast es el mismo que tiene mi club de lectura, que cree junto a unas amigas de twitter, así que ese será uno de los temas a tratar. Pero también recomendaré libros, hablaré de temas interesantes y haré reseñas y más cosas. Espero que os guste. Seguidme en twitter ya que subo muchas cosas relacionadas con libros y así podemos ser mutuals @aida_am13
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Vorrei avvicinare al mio mondo gli amanti della musica brasiliana e non solo. Per farlo ho raccolto pensieri, riflessioni ed emozioni ispirate alla poesia dei testi che ho interpretato nel mio nuovo Album "Sensorial". Sono testi bellissimi di immenso valore artistico e con la mia voce, i miei silenzi e i miei respiri li ascolterete in Italiano perché arrivino fin dentro il vostro cuore. Potrete così lasciarvi andare sulle note della mia interpretazione tra l'improvvisazione del jazz e la sed ...
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Welcome to Atmosphere of Grace, Our podcast aims to breathe fresh life into the sacred pages of the Bible. Delving deeply, we extract not just age-old wisdom but refreshing insights and actionable advice tailored for the world today. As we traverse each verse, we seamlessly blend its teachings with real-world scenarios, ensuring that every episode resonates with the challenges and triumphs you face daily. Journey with us, as we navigate the ebbs and flows of life, always anchored by God's un ...
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Welcome to Atmosphere of Prophecy, the podcast where we delve into the depths of Christian doctrine, self-improvement, and spirituality.In this podcast, we explore the teachings of the Bible and how they can be applied to our daily lives. We examine the ways in which we can cultivate an atmosphere of prophecy, where we are able to tap into the guidance of the Holy Spirit and receive insights and revelations about our lives and our purpose.Each episode features discussions on various topics s ...
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"Shifting the Atmosphere with Frederica," is a weekly podcast about the leadership journey. I talk to leaders from different levels of success and vocations and have them share the journey that brought them to where they are today and the lessons they learned along the way. My intention for the show is to provide listeners with different perspectives to help expand their consciousness, raise awareness and challenge the thought patterns that tend to get leaders stuck and unable to increase th ...
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DJ Viktor Krause - Atmosphere vol.39 05.02.25
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1:13:55…Por DJ Viktor Krause
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DJ Viktor Krause - Atmosphere vol.38 03.02.25
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1:10:32…Por DJ Viktor Krause
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Pošastno kičast Cybertruck
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1:41:25Seba, Saša in Ciril o pošastno kičasti predelavi Cybertrucka, novem Audiju A6, neverjetnih prizorih z zaledenelega jezera v Sankt Moritzu, ter o pomanjkanju estetske ustreznosti zadka najnovejše Kie. Ciril se je soočil z majhnim Volkswagnom prihodnosti, kot prvo uredništvo v Sloveniji smo testirali Teslo Y in na tnalo postavili tudi Alfa Romeo Juni…
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This Live Podcast Unites Expect From Atmospheric & Progressive BreaksPor NITROUS IGOR
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…Por Aufolima
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Peter Kavčič - 300 km/h na MotoGP dirkalniku
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2:10:53Peter Kavčič je motorist z dušo, glavo in srcem. V podcastu doživeto spregovori o trenutku, ko je na sosedovi koruzni njivi prvič odprl plin Yamahine kroske, o večkratni udeležbi Dakarskega relija v vlogi novinarja, komentiranju prenosov dirk MotoGP in občutkih pri polaganju peklensko hitrega BMW M 1000 RR. Kot enega novinarskih vrhuncev izpostavi …
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IN Project - Atmospheric Movement vol.110
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1:01:50…Por IN Project
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Alex Konigsberg - World DJ Day 2025
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1:09:24…Por Alex Konigsberg
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Доброго времени суток! ) Вот и наступила весна, долгожданная весна, самая прекрасная пора года. И в этот раз с началом весны я хочу представить атмосферный микс. И в конце микса вы услышите классику транса, очень красивые музыкальные работы. Желаю всем приятного прослушивания.Por Marco Bertek
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LEX - Breaks World (March 2025)
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1:13:11…Por LEX
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Перезалито в связи с блокировкой материала из-за незначительного превышения объема файлаPor Алексей Логачев
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Goldwander - CD vinyl LIVE (GR)
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2:14:55…Por Goldwander
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IN Project - Atmospheric Movement vol.109
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1:00:33…Por IN Project
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Dubai special
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1:24:48Sand mode on! Tokratna epizoda Atmosfercev je nekaj posebnega - ekspedicija v legendarno puščavo Empty Quarter (Rub’ al Khali), kamor smo se podali na povabilo Andreja in s podporo Forda. V tej uri in pol dolgi podcast pustolovščini se poglobimo v izkušnjo vožnje po največjem peščenem prostranstvu na svetu, kjer vsaka sipina piše svojo zgodbo, vete…
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Alberta’s live music scene is full of excitement, offering something for every music lover. From intimate venues to large festivals, the variety of performances creates the perfect vibe for any occasion. Edmonton DJ's play a key role in the region’s nightlife, crafting electrifying mixes that fuel the party atmosphere. Their expertise and energy ke…
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Alex Konigsberg - Sunset mix on Organic radio
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1:02:41…Por Alex Konigsberg
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Морское Радио (Tcha.Tcha lab, Sochi) #72
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1:09:49…Por Jean M.
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Personal Underground
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1:11:57Personal Underground — я давно не писал DJ-миксы, последний микс датирован декабрём 2016 года. Много времени ушло на создание собственных треков и работу в группе Deerror. Но настало время тряхнуть стариной и вернуться в игру.В этом миксе я постарался объединить всё самое любимое: прогрессивное звучание, ломаные ритмы, яркую электронную атмосферу и…
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Iz Porscheja na bolniško!
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1:19:19Ciril se je vrnil iz dirkališča v Španiji, kjer je vozil novega Porscheja GT3, zaradi katerega je odšel naravnost na bolniško, Saša je na vse pretege zagovarjal novega BMW M5, Seba je prepričan, da so pri Hyundaju mižali, ko so oblikovali Santafeja, vsi trije pa so pogrešali Jureta. Ura in pol debate o avtomobilih! Tudi o prenovljeni Tesli Y in dve…
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Атмосферный фоновый драмчик. Всё только на позитиве. Никаких ужасов ).#DJAtez #DnB #Техно #Breaks #Atez #ДнБ #Chillout #ChillDnBPor Atez
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IN Project - Atmospheric Movement vol.108
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1:01:05…Por IN Project
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Mark Jan Kirn - Zaupnik elite pri Rolls-Royce
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3:06:4826-letni Mark Jan Kirn je skrbnik ključnih kupcev najbolj prestižne avtomobilske znamke na svetu. Avtomobilska strast ga je pripeljala k Rolls-Royce, znanje in iskrenost pa sta njegov mobilnik napolnila s stiki milijarderjev. Atmosferski podcast je prepojil z neverjetnimi anekdotami iz zakulisja, med drugim pa je razkril tudi, da denar ne more kupi…
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Pencil Drawing
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1:00:09Immerse yourself in the intimate and rhythmic sound of a pencil gliding across paper. This hour-long ambient soundscape captures every subtle stroke and scribble, creating a meditative experience that brings to life the artistry of drawing. The soft scratch of graphite against paper provides a calming, almost hypnotic backdrop, perfect for relaxati…
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1:01:50…Por Aufolima
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The Electric Heater
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1:00:08Settle in for a cozy winter evening with the soothing hum of an electric heater. This hour-long ambient soundscape captures the gentle, constant warmth of the heater's low whir, reminiscent of soft white noise. Its steady rhythm creates a comforting backdrop, perfect for relaxation, focus, or winding down after a chilly day. Let the tranquil sound …
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Alex Konigsberg - NY & BD Dj set 01.01.2025
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1:05:34…Por Alex Konigsberg
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Vrhunci leta 2024
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1:49:43Atmosferci vlečemo črto pod kilometri in njutometri vsebinsko razkošnega leta 2024. Med drugim smo izbrali tudi predstavitev in zvok leta, pozabili pa nismo niti na "kiks" in "zadetek" zadnjih dvanajstih mesecev. Kdo ugane, kateri testi avto bi Jure zapeljal v svojo garažo? In s čim je Seba presenetil oba brata? Ciril je skoraj potočil solzo ... . …
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Для одиночекPor -phoenixxx-
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Constantine - Atmospheric - 2024 Vol.1 (Continuous DJ Mix)
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1:24:01Дорогие друзья уже совсем немного времени осталось до наступления нового 2025 года, и я подвожу окончательные итоги года. Представляю вам очередную компиляцию Atmospheric, в ней сочетаются динамичный breakbeat and progressive house все самое лучшее которое я собрал за этот год.Поздравляю всех вас с Наступающим новым годом всего нам самого наилучшег…
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Walking in the Snow
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1:00:13Step into a serene winter wonderland with this hour-long ambient soundscape. Experience the crisp crunch of snow beneath sturdy boots as you embark on a brisk walk through a frosty landscape. Each footstep resonates with a satisfying texture, capturing the gentle rhythm of a solitary journey through the quiet, snow-covered expanse. Perfect for rela…
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LEX - Breaks World (December 2024)
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1:03:25…Por LEX
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…Por IN Project
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С наступающим новым годом, друзья!Этот предновогодний выпуск Realtime хотелось бы посвятить одному известному проекту Way Out West. Английский дуэт электронной музыки, состоящий из Джоди Вистернофф и Ника Уоррена.Материал данного микса исключительно на виниле!REALTIME - серия миксов от резидентов Decessio Sound System в стилях Atmospheric Breaks, I…
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W audycji "Oczyszczamy atmosferę" Adam Ejnik, pasjonat przyrody i nagradzany dziennikarz, opowiada o wpływie zanieczyszczonego powietrza na ptaki. Wyjaśnia, że ptaki są bardziej wrażliwe na smog ze względu na specyfikę swojego układu oddechowego. Zanieczyszczone powietrze uszkadza ich pióra, utrudniając loty, a brak owadów w takich miejscach zmusza…
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Space Surf by Dj VadimUs 23.12.2024
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1:03:44…Por Dj VadimUs
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La entrevista - NUNI ART - Pinta tú mundo
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1:00:42En entrevista exclusiva desde El Refugio les compartimos la información para la próxima exposición de NUNI ARTPINTA tu mundo, el mundo no es como lo pintan Es como lo pintas tú Disfruta de esta plática con excelentes y talentosos amigos - Antonio Repetto, Edgar Mizrahi, Margarita Melo, Monik Foyo y Pepe Gracmor.No se pierdan este gran evento Invita…
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Gościem programu "Oczyszczamy atmosferę" był Łukasz Karabowicz z Lasów Miejskich Warszawa, który opowiedział o powstającym Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej przy Lesie Młocińskim w Warszawie. Centrum to będzie unikalnym miejscem edukacyjnym, promującym świadomość ekologiczną i związki między miastem, lasem oraz rzeką. Oferować będzie zajęcia teoretyczn…
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DJ Viktor Krause - Atmosphere vol.37 27.11.24
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1:05:39…Por DJ Viktor Krause
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Поздравляю всех с наступающим Новым Годом. Желаю чтоб в Новом Году все ваши мечты осуществились .Постараюсь радовать вас своими миксами и дальше .С уважением - Ауфолима.Happy New Year to everyone. I wish that all your dreams come true in the New Year. I will try to please you with my mixes in the future. Sincerely, Aufolima.…
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…Por Jean M.
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Ep8: "Visual Effects & Storytelling within Filmmaking" with Justin Melson
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1:03:01This weeks guest is Justin Melson, a visionary artist who has seamlessly blended his early work in visual effects with his evolving storytelling style. Starting out in the world of VFX, Justin honed his craft creating stunning visuals before stepping behind the camera to direct and produce his own films. We explore his early experiences on projects…
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Audycja „Oczyszczamy atmosferę” poruszyła temat wpływu złej jakości powietrza na zdrowie człowieka. Gościem programu była dr Joanna Jonek-Lewandowska, lekarz rodzinny, która omówiła szkodliwe działanie pyłów zawieszonych PM2,5 i PM10. Wskazała, że mniejsze cząsteczki PM2,5 przenikają głębiej do układu oddechowego, uszkadzając pęcherzyki płucne, co …
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Ivica Kostelić - Treniral sem trikrat več kot drugi!
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1:56:47Eden najbolj karizmatičnih Hrvatov, nekdaj serijski zmagovalec in lovec FIS točk, Ivica Kostelić, je podcast prepojil s silnim navorom življenskih modrosti, ki jih predaja tudi na svoje štiri otroke. V dveh urah pogovora smo pri 190 utripih srca na minuto drveli po znamenitem Streifu, rezali valove severnega Atlantika in ugotovili, da se da s hlodi…
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DJ Maslennikov - Alchemy
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1:00:52…Por DJ Maslennikov
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Virgil Hill - Land of our Dreams #450
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2:03:01Всем привет друзья ! Приглашаю окунуться в мой Юбилейный 2-ух часовой атмосферный микс, где собрал для вас старые и новые треки. Спасибо всем за поддержку и настрой ! Приятного прослушивания ! Enjoy ;)Por Virgil Hill
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Serenity #1
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1:01:41Tears From The Moon /mixed by DJ SPRY ART/ | Tracklist -> |Por DJ SPRY ART
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