Ankeny Free Church Series Podcast. New Gospel-centered content and teaching from God's Word uploaded weekly!
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🎙️We are called to serve the Lord in difficult situations, but the pressure can look different depending on where it comes from. Here's how we face these pressures faithfully. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Each of us must choose - to Rejoice in the Gospel or to Reject it. What will you choose? 📖 Listen to this powerful message from Acts 13:13-52 with Pastor J.D. Abell. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: to the ends of the earth "The Gospel is Sent to Save the Blind" | Acts 13:1-12 | Pastor J.D. Abell https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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God's sovereign expansion of the Gospel is not hindered by kings, public sentiment, or even violence. This passage teaches us some lessons about pride, persecution, and prayer. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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God miraculously forms His church using ordinary ingredients. And the people started calling the believers - Christians https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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📖 Who gets to tell you who you can eat with? The Lord does. This week we will look at opposition to the Gospel from religious people. Listen now! Acts: to the ends of the earth "Table Fellowship" | Acts 11:1-18 with Pastor Todd Hessel https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: To the ends of the earth "Ordering from the entire menu" | Pastor Todd Hessel | February 9, 2025
The Gospel going to everyone is no small thing. But it is a key thing. Listen now to this message from our series in the book of Acts - With Pastor Todd Hessel // Acts 10:1-48 https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: To the ends of the earth "Jesus working through people" | Pastor Todd Hessel | Acts 9:32-43
The Lord is not simply at work in a few but in many people. No small parts exist in the drama of Christ's unfolding Gospel expansion. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: to the ends of the earth "The unlikely and unembraced disciple" Acts 9:19b-31 | Pastor Todd Hessel
Jesus said that he would show Saul how much he must suffer for His name. Now we see what that looks like for him and what that can look like for us. Listen now! https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: To the ends of the earth "Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) | Pastor Todd Hessel.
Can our circumstances keep us from God? See how God sends Philip to give surprising insight to an unlikely convert. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Jesus can completely change your life. Which way are you heading? Watch or listen now to this week's message from the book of Acts. "This is the Way". https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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What does it mean to be great? In Acts 8:4-25, we see the greatness of the Gospel collide with worldly greatness. Acts: to the ends of the earth: Philip and the Magician Acts 8:4-25 with Pastor Todd Hessel. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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There is a difference between simply knowing Christ, and truly abiding in Him. What does this difference look like? Are you abiding in Christ? Let's explore what Jesus says. Watch or listen now to this week's message from speaker Jonah Vos "True Connection: Abiding in Christ" (John 15:1-11)…
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Christmas is about seeing the war and following Jesus as our way to peace. Watch or listen now to A Not-So-Silent Night (Zechariah’s Song) - The Benedictus - Luke 1:68-79 with Pastor Todd Hessel. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Our beautiful nativity scenes don't capture the shame that would have been surrounding Christ's birth. Yet Mary didn't see the shame, but the Lord who was turning the tables on the world. Listen now to this week's message "Mary's Song: The Magnificat" with Pastor Todd Hessel…
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Sometimes following Jesus means losing your life. Acts 7 helps us to see how, when we are surrounded by rejection, we are to stand in the grace of God. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: To the ends of the earth: The complaint of the widow // Act 6:1-7 // Speaker:Hunter Thorpe
Acts: To the ends of the earth: The complaint of the widow // Act 6:1-7 // Speaker:Hunter Thorpe https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: To the ends of the earth "When the wheels fall off the wagon" // Acts 6:8-15 // Bob Bressert
Acts: To the ends of the earth "When the wheels fall off the wagon" // Acts 6:8-15 // Bob Bressert https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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A commitment to the Gospel means a commitment to God above all things. This week, we will see that commitment tested in ways we still face today. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts: To the ends of the earth "The Spirit of God forming the people of God" | Pastor Todd Hessel | November 10, 2024
The church shares and cares for one another. Listen to how the Spirit empowers us to become the people of God. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Contrary to what you hear, politics do not reign supreme. Jesus does. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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There is no name to trust in other than Jesus! Hope, power, and truth are all on the side of Jesus, not in those who scramble to keep the status quo. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts Series: "Time of refreshing" | Message: Todd Hessel | Oct. 20, 2024 https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Through the ages, Christians have given themselves to some basic practices for a fruitful spiritual life. We must reject cheap substitutes and devote ourselves to the right things. Watch or listen now to this week’s message now. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts " The gospel preached" | Pastor Todd Hessel | 09.29.2024 https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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The Holy Spirit moves us to speak to everyone, everywhere. Find out what this means for you, for others, and how we understand the heart of our Lord. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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As the followers of Jesus were left wondering what would happen next, they devoted themselves to things that would nurture them for the upcoming season. Instead of being ruled by fear, we can practically turn to the Lord in the seasons of uncertainty and waiting. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts "You will be my witnesses" | Pastor Todd Hessel | 09.08.2024 https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Acts "To the ends of the earth" | Pastor Todd Hessel | 09.01.2024 https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Prayers That Transform| "The Prayer of Nehemiah" | August 8, 2024 | Chris Mavity & Todd Hessel
Prayers That Transform| "The Prayer of Nehemiah" | August 8, 2024 | Chris Mavity & Todd Hessel https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Why I Believe: "Creation" | JD Abell | Ankeny Free Church https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Prayers That Transform: "Suffering & Prayer" | Curtis Carroll https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Why I Believe: The Afterlife | Pastor J.D. Abell | Ankeny Free Church https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Why I Believe: The Bible | Pastor J.D. Abell | Ankeny Free Church https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Prayers That Transform | "The Prayer For Love" | July 14, 2024 | Pastor Todd Hessel https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Why I Believe: The Resurrection https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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We are to pray for power! But why do we need the power of God? The answer may surprise you. Watch or listen now to Prayers That Transform: "The Prayer For Power" Ephesians 3:14-21 with Pastor Todd. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Prayers That Transform: "That All May Know" 2 Kings 19:14-19 | June 30, 2024 | Pastor Todd Hessel
Are we praying for God's will or just wanting to escape pain? Learn how to better see what God is doing and to pray accordingly. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Where do we find wisdom to navigate our lives - personal growth, politics, social issues? Daniel sought the Lord because the Lord knows what is in the darkness. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Prayers That Transform| "Seeking the Sovereign God." | June 16, 2024 | Pastor Todd Hessel https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Prayers That Transform| "The Prayer the Lord Taught Us." | June 2, 2024 | Pastor Todd Hessel
How should I pray? Jesus answers this question directly and simply. But, as you might expect, there is a depth and richness in the prayer Jesus taught us. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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The Christian life is not a solo act; we need each other! https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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1 Peter: Set Apart | "Before I Close" | 1 Peter 5:6-11 | Pastor J.D. Abell https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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As the Lord shepherds our lives in tumultuous times, He gives the church shepherds to guide and care for the flock. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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1 Peter: Set Apart | "Suffering and the Christian" | 1 Peter 4:1-19 | Pastor J.D. Abell | 05.05.24
1 Peter: Set Apart | "Suffering and the Christian" | 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Pastor J.D. Abell https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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📖 Jesus changes everything - including how we are to think. 1 Peter 4:1-11 shows us three areas of change that bring about transformation in our lives. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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1 Peter: Set Apart | "The reason for our hope" | 4.21.24 | Pastor Todd Hessel https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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We all want to experience the Lord's blessing. Sometimes that blessing comes at the end of pain. If we want to experience God's goodness, the journey is often difficult. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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Who are you following? Jesus, right?!? That can be hard in the world we live in. Our passage today gives us some practical help as to what that looks like. https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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BIG Questions: "Why does the Resurrection matter?" | Easter Sunday 2024 | Pastor Todd Hessel https://www.ankenyfree.churchPor Ankeny Free Church
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