S3E2 - Choosing Us and Mutual Flourishing
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On this episode, we are joined by Pastor Gail Song Bantum and Dr. Brian Bantum to discuss their new book Choosing Us: Marriage and Mutual Flourishing in a world of Difference. We ask them about death and love, confession and change, and how to read the stars.
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About the Bantums
Gail Song Bantum is lead pastor at Quest Church and has created four mentoring groups nationally for women of color leaders. A nationally known speaker on topics of justice, leadership, and mentoring, she has spoken at Why Christian?, Evolving Faith, Christian Community Development Association, and the Proctor Children's Defense Fund Conference, among others.
Brian Bantum (PhD, Duke University) writes and speaks on the intersections of identity, race, and gender. He is the Neal F. and Ila A. Fisher Professor of Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, a contributing editor for the Christian Century, and the author of The Death of Race: Building a New Christianity in a Racial World and Redeeming Mulatto: A Theology of Christian Hybridity.
41 episodios