Hayom Yom 29 Menachem Av - It is more cherished to serve G‑d by your own efforts
Manage episode 437560110 series 3320921
עֶס דאַרף זַיין עֲבוֹדָה בְּכֹחַ עַצְמוֹ
One must serve G‑d by his own efforts.
העֶכעֶר אִיז אַז מ'נעֶהמט פַאר'ן האַנט אוּן מ'פִירט
[A person’s service] is higher when he is led by the hand from Above,
טַייעֶרעֶר אִיז אַז עֶס אִיז בְּכֹחַ עַצְמוֹ
but it is more cherished when it is generated by his own efforts.
Text and Translation courtesy of Sichos in English
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501 episodios