Two Columns: Congress cares more about Israel than the American People: the war against Christopher Columbus S3E8
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Two Columns: Congress cares more about Israel than the American People: the war against Christopher Columbus
Season 3, Episode 8, October 13, 2021
Columnist and author Ray Hanania looks at two issues. The first is the battle to pass a $3.5 billion budget to address the needs of the American infrastructure and the social welfare needs of the American people. That bill has been bogged down in bitter internal Democratic and partisan Republican versus Democrat debate. But as it became clear that the package would not be approved as quickly as President Biden had hoped, Biden and the Democrats decided to put the interests of Israel's government ahead of the interests of the American people and removed a part of the stalled budget plan to give Israel $1 billion in American taxpayer money to pay for the "Iron Dome."
Although the Congress could not rally together to pass the important spending plan for the American people, they were able to separate Israel's bills from the bigger bill and vote on it separately. 424 members of Congress voted for that bill to help a foreign country, although they can't come together to help the American people. Nine members of Congress voted against the bill and two others voted present, noting voting for or against it.
It shows you Congress and the Senate care more about the interests of Israel than the interests of the American people.
In the second segment, Ray Hanania talks about the campaign by a minority (not n a racial sense but in a quantitative sense) of fanatic extremists to tear down the statues of Christopher Columbus who discovered America in 1492. The extremists start their hypocritical false narrative of history from that date claiming that Columbus was a racist terrorist who brutalized the indigenous people of North America when he arrived. In truth, they don't talk about the brutality and racism of the so-called indigenous populations that arrived in North America before Columbus and savaged the real indigenous people who were living here, destroying their culture and enslaving their people.
Among the worst and most brutal Native American tribes that swept in during their invasion and "discovery" of North America were the Comanches who savaged and murdered hundreds of thousands of peaceful people who were living in North America. They enslaved them and stole their lands, only to see those lands taken by the settlers who followed the discover by Columbus.
Other examples that expose the hypocrisy of the anti-Columbus fanatics is the Aztecs.
The difference is that after Columbus, the world's greatest Democracy was formed, America. And in today's America, the remnants of the Native Americans who savaged the plaines long before Columbus arrived have equal rights and benefit from this Democracy that followed in Columbus' wake.
To read Ray Hanania's column on Columbus, Click here.
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Listen to Ray Hanania's discussions with John Kass on Kass' podcast "The Chicago Way" by clicking here.
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