Episode 6: Women's IP World Podcast - Season 2, Episode 6.
Manage episode 345933718 series 2908030
Founder & CEO
Advitam IP, LLC - Chicago, USA
Senior Partner
United Trademark & Patent Services - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Joining Michele Katz on this episode of the Women's IP World Podcast is Maria Khan, Senior Partner at United Trademark & Patent Services in Dubai. Maria talks about her background and how education allowed her to see and experience different cultures worldwide. Michele and Maria also discuss her article published in the Women's IP World Annual 2022 titled 'Working Women and the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Perspective from the Middle East.'
Maria raises extremely relevant points about how Covid-19 has forced us to look at our work/home life balance. She elaborates that this has always been a struggle for those with families. Finally, though, the Covid-19 pandemic has allowed us to see that flexibility in the workplace is something we should encourage and may become a long-lasting change.
Ms Maria Farrukh Irfan Khan graduated from Wellesley College with a major in Biochemistry and a minor in Spanish. She was a Commonwealth Scholar at the University of Cambridge, where she holds a BA/MA (Law Tripos). Maria was called to the Bar of England and Wales as a member of Lincoln's Inn and a recipient of the Hardwicke Award. Subsequently, she has worked in leading international law firms in London and New York.
Maria is a Senior Partner at United Trademark and Patent Services and spends most of her time at the firm's offices in the UAE. Her practice focuses on patent and trademark work with a particular interest in litigation and regional portfolio management for her clients. Maria has advised several multinational clients on their enforcement issues throughout the region, combining a holistic and multitiered approach to solve complex infringement issues.
Click here to read Maria's full article.
Click here to listen to the article in non-intrusive audio format.
Women's IP World website - www.womensipworld.com
Advitam IP, LLC website - www.advitamip.com
United Trademark & Patent Services – www.utmps.com
We have started the candidate research process for The Women's IP World Annual 2023. If you would like to be profiled or share your knowledge and experience of working in the industry, then please get in touch with us today at +44 (0)203 813 0457 or email us at [email protected]
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63 episodios