🆕 EP5 [快訊] (Part 3) 土壤微生物生態 - Community phylogenetics 01.2021
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Google Scholar - Community phylogenetics - 01.2021 (Part 3)
4-1 真菌α多樣性影響蘋果園土壤團聚體中細菌和真菌群落構建的隨機性 doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103878
Fungal alpha diversity influences stochasticity of bacterial and fungal community assemblies in soil aggregates in an apple orchard
4-2 真菌群落是枯木細菌群落組成重要的決定因素 doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.01017-20
Fungal communities are important determinants of bacterial community composition in deadwood
4-3 稻田土壤甲烷菌的共存模式與甲烷生成和群落構建密切關聯 doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-00978-8
Coexistence patterns of soil methanogens are closely tied to methane generation and community assembly in rice paddies
4-4 擾動會持續抑制草地土壤微生物群落的隨機擴散過程 doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01452
Disturbances consistently restrain the role of random migration in grassland soil microbial community assembly
演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源
編曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源, terrytyelee, C-Infamous
作曲: Julia Wu 吳卓源
製作: terrytyelee
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsY7Hb?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源
編曲: terrytyelee
作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源
製作: terrytyelee
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/2a5o75?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
撥接 Instrumental
演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源
編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰
作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源
製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/AsObER?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
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