Mugisongs - Podcast - (02) Please from the album Enjoy!
Manage episode 172004614 series 1367531
Mugison - Podcast - Please from the album Enjoy!Here is my second podcast, some kind of behind the scene show about the first song on my new album. Below you can find the lyrics, who played what, videos and links to people I mention in the podcast.Óskar Guðjónsson: SaxophoneRósa Guðrún Sveinsdóttir: SaxophoneDavíð Þór Jónsson: Farfisa & BassPétur Ben: GuitarMagnús Tryggvason Eliassen: DrumsGuðni Finnsson: BassGuðmundur Pétursson: Guitar SoloMugison: Singing, Guitar & Analog Rytmwords:PleaseThrow me a boneThrow me a ballLet’s come undoneI’m up against the wallI’m all bent down On my kneeKissing assBegging, pleaseTired of reading Into your donkey codeSarcastic alibisFunny jokesI’m all bent down On my kneeKissing assBegging,pleaseGot nothing left to lose.. I think I might be losing it! There are 99 of usonly 1 of youStill you control the shotsAnd we paint them blueI'm all bent down On my kneeKissing assBegging pleaseControl me with fearControl with disgustI don't wanna be hereI’m bustI'm all bent down On my kneeKissing assBegging please
6 episodios