The Decline of Western Civilization
Manage episode 445228364 series 3315342
Prominent scholars, among them the late Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, have been saying for some time that Western Civilization is foundering. Its foundation is cracking and it may be in decline. An inexorable decline? Only God knows. But there is much evidence to suggest this thesis is coming to pass. Western Civilization has rejected its Judeo-Christian moral consensus, the sacred canopy as it were, under with it was founded, functioned, and flourished since at least the Renaissance and Reformation. Add to this an parallel embrace of false beliefs and values that have produced what now could be called a culture of death - seen in abortion, population decline, sexualization of children, sexual libertinism among adults seeking personal significance, global debt, mass immigration, and more. No civilization has ever lasted forever. The future of the West is in God's hands, and ours if we choose to rebuild based upon a Christian understanding of the world and life. For more Christian commentary, check my website at and for more podcasts and videos see my YouTube channel @DrRexRogers.
#WesternCivilization #Truth #WesternCulture #JudeoChristianConsensus #moralrelativism
184 episodios