Originally taught on Youtube on February 2, 2021. Discussion questions 1. Read Galatians 3:21-29. Why was the Law given? 2. What is the goal? 3. Whose are we? 4. What does Baptism do? 5. What do you wear when you put on Christ? 6. Are there still differences among people? 7. Whose offspring are you? Taught by Dr. Kevin Armbrust. Presented by Crucial Productions - Teaching you Christianity so you can pass it on. Learn more at https://www.crucialproductions.org Support Crucial Productions - https://www.crucialproductions.org/give Got questions? Email them to questions@crucialproductions.org Subscribe to the podcastYoutube - http://bit.ly/CruxTubePandora - https://bit.ly/CruxPandAmazon Music - http://bit.ly/CruxAmziHeartRadio - https://bit.ly/CruxHeartiTunes - http://bit.ly/CruxTunesSpotify - http://bit.ly/CruxSpotStitcher - http://bit.ly/CruxStitchGoogle Play Music - http://bit.ly/CruxPlayOr just open up your favorite podcast app and search for “Crucial Productions” Socialize with us!Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/CrucialProductions/Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheGrokmoot/Twitter - https://twitter.com/cruxproductionsInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/crux.productions…