Episode 2 - Art, Creativity & Evidently Coffee Too
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Today we update you on our life with coffee from the previous episode, introduce you to our artistic selves, and share some resources to help you on your journey with creativity.
Key Topics:
- When did we first consider ourselves artists? (4:25)
- Is there a time when we first realized we were creative? (11:05)
- As artists, what’s a resource we’d like to share? (13:40)
- What’s something that’s challenging us right now? (17:05)
List of resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles:
- Summer Moon Coffee, https://summermooncoffee.com
- Compassion International, http://www.compassion.com
- Paseo Pottery, Oklahoma City, 405.525.3017
- Art House Dallas, https://www.arthousedallas.com
- Hope*Writers, https://www.hopewriters.com
- Emily P. Freeman – The Next Right Thing Podcast, https://emilypfreeman.com
- Emotionally Health Spirituality, https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org
Follow us on Social Media:
- Coffee Time Conversations - https://www.instagram.com/coffeetime.conversations
- Rebecca - https://www.instagram.com/prince_beck
- Robert - https://www.instagram.com/robertprince
- Coffee Time Conversations - https://www.coffeetimeconversations.com
47 episodios