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Matt speaks with Bart Wilson about what economists often overlook in their analysis—specifically, the role of morality, human cooperation, and language in shaping economic behaviour. Wilson argues that mainstream economics tends to focus too much on scarcity and efficiency while neglecting the deeper social and moral foundations that make trade and…
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In this episode of Teach Task Box Inspire, Lisa Hollady shares practical tips to help special education teachers end their day feeling organized. From tidying up to prepping materials and resetting data sheets, these strategies make the next school day smoother. With just 15–20 minutes of focused effort, teachers can leave stress-free and ready for…
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This week’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me episode is a space where guest host Agent Ivy grows a discussion with Courtenay Stallings (Laura’s Ghost), Emily Marinelli (Twin Peaks Tattoo Podcast) Lindsay Stamhuis (The Bicks/Bickering Peaks), and Hilary Flor (Full Blossom of the Evening). (editor's note: Do not miss this episode) Production by Mitch Pr…
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Last week we sat down with Dana Guernsey, co-founder and CEO of Voltus. There was A LOT to talk about in this one. As you’d expect we went deep on Dana’s backstory, the history of DR, new DER participation models, and where we think the future is headed. But also, Voltus just went through a settlement with FERC and this was Dana’s first podcast app…
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Episode 9-15 – Assistant Chief Jacob Johnson We are proud to have Asst. Chief Jacob Johnson from the Pearland Fire Department in Pearland TX. Jacob first joined us on “5-Alarm task Force,” when he was a Captain. And it was easy to see how dedicated he was, and still is, of course, to being the best firefighter and officer that he could be. In this …
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This week Ed is joined by none other than TM New Zealand series 2 legend, Urzila Carlson! The pair discuss episode 5 and Ed gets all the insider info about the softness of David Correos' beard, what Benoni thought of this episode, and what a gift card to Peaches & Cream has to do with buying a boat. You can catch Urzila on her newly-announced UK to…
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Send us a text In this episode of the A Tisket-Tasket Podcast, host Gina explores the rich history of the song 'Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two)'. Initially composed in 1892 by Harry Dacer, this Victorian-era tune became a cultural phenomenon. The episode delves into its unexpected journey from the music halls of Victorian England to becoming a g…
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Jenny and Jack are back with another vintage episode of Taskmaster! This week they're talking about Series 6, Episode 9 and they learn loads along the way - like why if you bring poo for a prize task it’s always going to be one point. They also imagine some punny potential scenarios from Tim Vine's secret task, and ponder questions from the listene…
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Igapühapäevases poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad EKRE juhtpoliitikud Martin Helme ja Mart Helme asjast. Esimese teemana tuleb juttu sellest, et EKRE töövõidu tulemusel jäid tuuleärimeestele plaanitud miljardid praegu seisma. EKRE kutsus, rahvas tuli – koos murdsime 2,6 miljardi euro suuruse korruptsiooniplaani! Teiseks küsitakse…
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Konservatiivses vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad EKRE poliitikud Evelin Poolamets ja Anti Poolamets värskematest uudistest Riigikogust, komisjonidest ja kuluaaridest. Saates küsitakse, kas eesti rahvarõivad ja transinimesed kuuluvad kokku, samuti jätkuvalt tuuleparkidest, samuti USA asepresidendi kriitikast Euroopa Liidule., Suure käsitööhuvilise…
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This week Ed is joined by TM NZ Series 1 star and Big Brother of Paul Williams - Guy Williams! Guy joins Ed from Australia and he shares a recent unpleasant encounter with a stranger. They also discuss who in Taskmaster is good at Football and why Guy was so shocked at his UK audience members. All of this plus a deep dice of S2 Ep 4! To find out wh…
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Alex Aragona speaks with Tim Thurley about gun policy in Canada, discussing the current state of firearm regulations, the shift away from a past political consensus, and whether recent legislative changes are effectively targeting crime. They explore the role of licensing, background checks, and storage laws, as well as the impact of smuggled firea…
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Send us a text In this episode, host Gina explores the legacy of Iona and Peter Opie, pioneers in the study of children’s folklore, and how contemporary scholars are bringing their groundbreaking work into the 21st century. We discuss how scholars like Julia Bishop, Andrew Burn, Rebekah Willett, and Jackie Marsh have expanded on the Opies’ research…
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In this episode of Teach, Task Box, Inspire, Lisa is breaking down the prompt hierarchy and why fading prompts is key to building student independence. It’s so easy to over-prompt without realizing it, and that can actually hold students back instead of helping them grow. Lisa walks through the seven levels of prompting, common mistakes we all make…
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It’s been a while since we’ve spoken directly to the people who put The People into Taskmaster: The People's Podcast, so this week Jenny and Jack hear from a fan who went to great lengths to win a competition during series 18. The trio chat bespoke dungarees, the Taskmaster Live Experience, and how she harnessed help from the Taskmaster community t…
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Poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjast Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna juhtpoliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Saate esimeses osas käsitlevad saatejuhid OSCE/ODHIR ekspertmissiooni seoses e-valimiste kontrolliga ning kirjeldavad trikke, millega siia saabunud spetsialiste üritas välisministeerium sohu juhtida. Järgmiseks teevad …
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Konservatiivses vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad Riigikogu liikmed Anti ja Evelin Poolamets taas tuulikutest, samuti OSCE ekspertmissiooni ekspertide esindajatega kohtumisest Riigikogu EKRE fraktsiooni ja Eesti konkurentsivõimest, millega on lood kehvad.Por Uued Uudised
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Paraphrasing the Log Lady, there are many stories in Twin Peaks. It is a story of many, but begins with one. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one. But Many is made up of a large number of Ones, and this episode is about the ones that were closest to the center around Laura Palmer, the ones who knew Laura Palmer better than …
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On the podcast this week Ed discusses all things TM NZ with podcaster, actor, musician and author - Matt Heath! Matt reveals why in retrospect he should have swatted up on the show before taking part and how pleased he was to be on a team with Urzila! Look out for Matt's book A Life Less Punishing Watch all of TM on Channel4.com For all your Taskma…
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Matt speaks with Ethan Nadelmann about vaping, e-cigarettes, and pouch nicotine alternatives to cigarettes within the broader context of health policy and the drug war. They discuss the misconceptions surrounding nicotine, harm reduction strategies, and how opposition to non-combustible nicotine mirrors past drug war policies. Ethan highlights inte…
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Send us a text Join Gina in this episode of the Tisket Tasket podcast as she delves into the fascinating history and deeper meanings of the nursery rhyme 'Cock a doodle doo.' Discover the song's origins, significant references in 1606 publications, and various adaptations throughout history, including its use in political satire. Learn about its sy…
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In this episode of Teach, Task Box, Inspire, Lisa Hollady breaks down what the Teach Task Box Inspire Membership is all about—giving special education teachers ready-to-use, differentiated task boxes to support their students. She invites listeners to share ideas for future task box themes and skills and announces an exciting new plan to feature re…
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Another week, another new hotel for Jenny and another vintage episode of Taskmaster for us all! This week Jenny presents a potential hack for task 1 and Jack presents a potential hack for cutting tomatoes. Plus Jenny talks about her experience with eating puffin, or what she can remember. And we also learn why Jenny giving Charlotte Ritchie a lift …
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Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Phil Martin who brings his healthcare leadership perspective to discuss how AI is reshaping aged care services. Learn from his journey in aged care innovation. Phil Martin is the Executive Director of Aged Care Services at MercyCare. He serves on the paramedicine consultative committee at Edith Cowan Universit…
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Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Marina Ritchie as she shares practical insights on how aged care organisations can successfully adopt AI. Discover real strategies that work on the ground. Marina Ritchie works as an AI Adoption Manager at ScrumCraft and serves as an AI trainer and advisor. She helps organisations navigate AI transformations, …
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Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Christopher Foster-McBride as he unpacks the critical balance between AI innovation and risk management in aged care settings. Learn why understanding AI risks matters for better care delivery. Christopher Foster-McBride is the CEO and Co-Founder of Digital Human Assistants, known as the 'AI Risk Guy'. He has …
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Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Elena Muller and Jenn West as they tackle the twin challenges of digital transformation and cybersecurity in aged care. Learn all about security in this essential discussion. Elena Muller is the Managing Director of Timemakers and National Account Manager of Person Centred Software Australia. She is also a dir…
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Lisa Barrett and George Gouzounis host Sharon Paulson as she reveals how to make digital transformation work in aged care. Get practical insights on using AI to improve operations and service delivery. Sharon Paulson is the Head of Digital Workplace Services at ECH, a leading provider of retirement living, wellness, and aged home care services. She…
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Iganädalases poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjast Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna juhtpoliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Saate esimeses osas kommenteeritakse USA süvariigi varirahakoti ehk USAIDi tegemiste paljastusi ja nende seotust Eestiga. Ameerika maksumaksja on ainuüksi Eestis rahastanud sadade miljonite eest globalistl…
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Lääne-Virumaalt Riigikokku valitud poliitikud Evelin ja Anti Poolamets räägivad esmalt sündmustest Vinni vallas, kuna Evelin on ka Vinni vallavolikogu esimees. Nimelt on tuulikuteteemaline vaidlus jõudnud sinnani, et vallavolikogu esimehele esitati umbusaldusavaldus, sest EKRE oli sealse tuulikupargi detailplaneeringu algatamise vastu. Lisaks räägi…
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This week Ed is joined by comedian, podcaster and TM NZ star Guy Montgomery! As well as discussing episode 2 of Guy's series the pair share some alternative podcast ideas and explain why the sun screen task was such a gift! For all your Taskmaster News visit Taskmaster.tv Guy's Stand up Special will be available on February 11th but to see a sneak …
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Alex speaks with Eric Schliesser about the "freedom to" vs. "freedom from" debate in political theory, using Serene Khader’s book Faux Feminism as a central reference. They explore the historical distinction between negative and positive liberty, the role of hierarchy in structuring freedom, and how liberalism’s focus on removing restrictions can s…
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