Sociale Media Agency is a boutique digital marketing agency based in South Africa.
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Das Social-Media-Update der c't. Dreimal die Woche, so lang, wie es sein muss, wechselnde Gegenüber und alte Bekannte. Angefangen als täglicher Blick auf die Irrungen und Wirrungen der Übernahme von Twitter durch Elon Musk schauen wir heute dreimal wöchentlich auf die Welt der sozialen Netzwerke.
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Trends mit Teo: Heute wissen, was morgen kommt. Die spannendsten Tech- und Business Trends aus den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz, Social Media und der Creator Economy. Dazu gibt es regelmäßige Interviews mit Top-Experten aus der deutschen Digitalszene. Euer Host ist Dr. Teo Pham, Digitalexperte, LinkedIn TopVoice und Keynote Speaker.
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Each week the Buffer team answer your questions and explore marketing strategies and tactics to help you grow your business through social media and build a brand your customers love. Join our 25,000+ weekly listeners.
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Publishing weekly since 2012, this show helps marketers navigate the ever changing marketing jungle with expert interviews from leading marketing pros. Join Social Media Examiner’s founder Michael Stelzner as he helps you discover new strategies and actionable tips to improve your marketing. Show notes at
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Get expert opinions on the latest social media marketing news, from Social Media Examiner. This show shares only the news you need to know. You’ll gain quick insight that could provide you a competitive advantage. Watch the live show at
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Social Minds puts you in a room with marketing’s brightest minds. We interview the world’s biggest brands, break the latest social media headlines and translate social-first trends for the layman. Our promise to you? No buzzwords, jargon or fluff. Just real case studies, genuine experts and actionable insights. That’s why we’re the world’s favourite social media marketing podcast.
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Social Media Decoded is your go-to podcast for marketing, visibility, and monetization strategies to grow your business online. Hosted by marketing expert Michelle Thames, this show breaks down social media, content marketing, and business growth into actionable steps for entrepreneurs, creators, and brands. Tune in for expert insights, real-world strategies, and inspiring success stories to help you get visible, attract clients, and build a profitable brand. 🎙️✨ #SocialMediaDecoded
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Social Media and Politics is a podcast bringing you innovative, first-hand insights into how social media is changing the political game. Subscribe for interviews and analysis with politicians, academics, and leading digital strategists to get their take on how social media influences the ways we engage with politics and democracy. Social Media and Politics is hosted by Michael Bossetta, political scientist at Lund University. Check out the podcast's official website: https://socialmediaandp ...
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Learn what’s new at Ayrshare and enhancements to our Social Media API. We talk about new features, upcoming changes, and social API news. Ayrshare allows you to easily integrate Social Media APIs to manage all your users’ social accounts right from your product. Post, Auto Schedule, and Analytics. Great for SaaS, CMS, DAM, Agencies, and Apps.
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A business-minded look at digital and social media in sports, featuring interviews with pros and thought leaders in the space.
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Social Media Secrets with Rachel Pedersen - The Queen of Social Media
Rachel Pedersen: Social Media Strategist, Marketing Consultant, Viral Entre
Join Rachel Pedersen as she goes on a journey to help social media managers, digital marketers, and entrepreneurs to leverage social media to grow their businesses from 0-$100k per year and from $100k to $500k - all while leveraging the secrets of social media.
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Eat. Drink. Social. is a podcast about social media marketing in the food and beverage industry and the people behind the posts.
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The Ministry Minute is brought to you by Social Media Ministries and is based on the verse of the day! Listen each day for 60 seconds to hear a Bible verse and learn more about what it is saying to you.
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Social Media Ministries is a project created by Spencer Coffman that is committed to spreading the Word of God to every place possible. We are founded on the belief that social media is the place to reach more people in more places and are counting on you to help us fulfill our mission. ------------------------------------------ MISSION: To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. - ...
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Welcome to the Social Media Love podcast, where amazing things happen such as The Real Story Behind Her Business SHOW. I believe that women leaders currently have a historical advantage to take control of their influence thanks to digital platforms where gender, skin color and cultural background have no boundary. The only thing you need to have is an internet connexion…the rest is stuff you can learn to master, whether it’s technology or your fear to show up online. On The Real Story Behin ...
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Hosted by Brooke Sellas, CEO of B Squared Media and a leading voice in social care, this podcast explores the untapped power of using social media to create unforgettable customer experiences. Each week, Brooke dives into real-world strategies, industry trends, and actionable insights to help brands level up their CX game on social. You’ll hear candid interviews with top CX and DCX experts, learn from inspiring case studies, and get answers to your burning social care questions in the “Care ...
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Off The Grid is a podcast for small business owners who want to leave social media without losing all their clients. ✌️ Our host, Amelia Hruby PhD, shares stories, strategies & experiments for growing your business with radical generosity & energetic sovereignty. 🌐 Get the FREE Leaving Social Media Toolkit at
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Ever feel like social media is wasting your business's time? Well, let's fix that! The online marketing world is ever changing, so allow me to stay on top of these changes and how to respond to them for you. This show will give you your social media marketing news as well as your plan of action. We'll mostly focus on how to grow on Instagram, but also cover Facebook Ads, YouTube, TikTok, and any emerging social media platforms as well. To hear social media updates first, watch out for my Ins ...
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#Onlinegeister - Radio über Netzkultur, Social Media und PR.
Tristan Berlet & Christian Allner, M.A. sowie Gäste
MONATLICH ÜBER 1.000 PODCAST-DOWNLOADS UND ALLEIN IM RADIO-LIVESTREAM BIS ZU 59.000 HÖRER! Seit 2016 besprechen Tristan Berlet und Christian Allner mit ihren Gästen alles zu Netzkultur, Social Media und PR.
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Welcome to Simple Marketing Academy, where entrepreneurs & small business owners learn how to successfully market their businesses in a simple and inexpensive way, in order to reach more of their ideal customers & increase their sales!
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Social Media News Live: Discussing the latest social media tools, tips, and tactics with industry experts, innovators, creators, and storytellers
Jeff Sieh
Social Media News Live keeps you up-to-date on what's happening in the world of social media! We discuss the latest social media tools, tips, and tactics with industry experts, innovators, creators, and storytellers. We broadcast live so YOU can ask the questions that matter most to you and your business.
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If you are a freelance social media manager, you are in the right place! Join the two Lauras as they give you their honest views and advice on building a business in the social media sector. They'll share tips on marketing trends, growing your business and give you an insight into how they run theirs. Join the free Facebook group to continue the conversation at
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adsdiesdas, der Podcast genau für dich! Egal ob Marketing Manager, Unternehmensgründer oder Hobby Ads-Schalter! Wir reden hier über Ads, vom Werbeanzeigenmanager, bis hin zum neusten Trend im Performance Advertising. Lass dich in die Welt des Advertisings mitnehmen und höre Daniel, Julian und René dabei zu, wie sie manchmal unter sich und manchmal mit Gästen die neusten Themen bequatschen. Geballtes Expertenwissen in gemütlicher und ungezwungener Stimmung. Und wenn es mal nicht um Ads geht, ...
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Tropical Social Podcast | Social Media Management & Strategy
Shannon Segall, Social Media Manager + Mentor
Welcome to the Tropical Social Podcast! The podcast for social media managers who are looking to stand out online & live the laptop lifestyle. Join your host Shannon Segall every Tuesday for real conversations that will help you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship & pursue your version of living the laptop lifestyle. Whether you want to work online + live abroad, road-trip across the country, or simply be your own boss from the comfort of your home, The Tropical Social Podcast is ...
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"Church With No Walls" Podcast: Religion, Livestreaming and Social Media in a Post-Pandemic World
Ryan M. Dearbone
For the past few years, churches and other institutions of faith struggled with how to get their message out to the masses during a time when a worldwide pandemic raged. Many of them went to livestreaming and social media. This podcast follows what that experience was like for religious leaders, members of religious organizations, those who became "media ministers" and more. We also look at how media ministry is transforming the church now that the pandemic is over. Will the church as we kno ...
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Likes, Leads... Umsatz! Der Social Media Marketing Podcast für mehr Kunden und mehr Gewinn
Björn Tantau | Social Media Marketing Experte
Du bist selbständig, hast ein Unternehmen oder eine Agentur und willst dein Angebot mit Social Media wie am Fließband verkaufen - bist damit bisher aber immer wieder gescheitert? Dann wird dieser Podcast deine Probleme lösen! Social Media Marketing Experte Björn Tantau zeigt dir bewährte Strategien und profitable Methoden, mit denen du in Social Media planbar mehr Kunden gewinnst, so dass konstant 5-stellige Umsätze mit Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook und Co. für dich völlig normal werden. Bjö ...
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Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses - Small business marketing, Social media marketing, Social media strategy
Cheyanne Cleyman
Are you posting every day but hearing crickets? Wondering how your competitors are booking clients while you’re stuck refreshing your likes? Feeling like social media is a giant, time-sucking black hole? Hi, I’m Cheyanne Cleyman, and NO! You’re not crazy—social media can feel like a full-time job. But what if you could actually get clients without being glued to your phone 24/7? Welcome to Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses! The podcast for entrepreneurs, service providers, and smal ...
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Welcome to "The Social Media Takeaway," a marketing podcast hosted by Louise McDonnell, tailored for coaches, consultants, and online entrepreneurs eager to harness the power of social media for effective sales and lead generation. Each episode features Louise engaging in insightful conversations with a diverse lineup of guests, all of whom are distinguished experts in their respective fields. Dive deep with us into the ever-evolving world of social media as our guests unravel the best takea ...
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Der Online Business Podcast mit Caroline Preuss | Unternehmertum, Marketing & Social Media
Caroline Preuss
Egal ob E-Mail-Marketing, Funnels, Facebook-Ads, Instagram, Launches oder Social Media: In den Podcast-Folgen zeigt dir Caroline Preuss Schritt für Schritt, wie du dein eigenes Online-Unternehmen aufbaust. Gestartet 2016 als Bloggerin unterstützt Caroline mit ihrer Unternehmensberatung Preuss Consulting heute Selbstständige und UnternehmerInnen beim Aufbau ihres flexiblen Online-Unternehmens. Mit ihrem Team aus 11 Festangestellten und 10+ Freelancern hat sie bereits über 4.000+ KundInnen im ...
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Coffee Social | Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, & Entrepreneurship
Jonathan Howard and Mimi Langley
Hi! Welcome to Coffee Social! We’re spilling the beans on all things business, social media, and entrepreneurship. Your hosts Mimi Langley and Jonathan Howard will be leading candid conversations packed with their New York personalities, as they delve into social media marketing, YouTube and Instagram strategies, building confidence, and making money as solopreneurs. Join us for chats about the world of social audio (Clubhouse & LinkedIn), mastering content creation like a boss, nailing netw ...
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Social Media Church is a podcast for conversations with church leaders about social media, web strategy, and online trends. Hosted by Nils Smith and Nick Runyon.
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Online Marketing Tips, Tricks and Secrets from Gilmedia | Digital Marketing Agency | SEO | Google Ads | Social Media
Welcome to Gilmedia Podcasts - your go-to source for expert insights on digital marketing and website design! Join us as we uncover the tips, tricks, and secrets behind successful online marketing strategies. Whether you’re navigating SEO, mastering Google Ads, or building your brand on social media, we’ve got actionable advice to help you grow your business and crush your marketing goals. Each episode, the marketing pros at Gilmedia, a leading digital agency, share their expertise, industry ...
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Hallo und herzlich Willkommen bei "Social Media Tipps | Der Mutmach-Pocast"! Mein Name ist Delphine Rotheneder. Zusammen mit meinem Mann Michael leite ich die Social Media-Agentur In diesem Podcast nehmen wir euch mit in unseren Alltag als CEOSs, Social-Media Manager, Content Creator und Vortragende. Ihr bekommt praxisbezogen Tipps & Handlungsempfehlungen für euren eigenen Social Media-Auftritt und profitiert von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in der Betreuung unterschiedlichste ...
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Stop the Scroll: A social Media podcast with Heidi Schmidt - Social Media and Content Marketing Advice for small business owners and solopreneurs looking to win online
Social Media Strategist, Content Marketer and Agency Owner Heidi Schmidt
How do I grow my business on social media? What’s the best type of content to post on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn? How frequently do I post on social media and how do I even know if what I’m doing is working? Welcome to "Stop The Scroll” a podcast dedicated to helping business owners, entrepreneurs and creatives thrive online. Hosted by Heidi Schmidt, a social media strategist and owner of Heidi Schmidt Creative, a social media and content marketing agency. Heidi shares all the best tips ...
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Podcast Explains the latest trends, how to make trending videos, how to make money from trending videos on social media platforms.
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Real Estate Real Marketing mit Hans Schneider: Online-Marketing für Immobilienunternehmen | Immobilienmakler | Social Media | Meta, Google & Co.
Hans Schneider
Der Immobilien Marketing Podcast “Real Estate Real Marketing” von Hans Schneider ist ein Podcast für Immobilienunternehmer, Immobilienmakler, Immobiliendienstleister, Bauträger und alle die wissen wollen, wie Sie digitales Marketing richtig einsetzen, um mehr qualifizierte Verkaufs-Anfragen und/oder kaufkräftige Käufer-Anfragen zu erhalten. Gemeinsam mit Vertriebs-Experten Harald Müller sprechen die beiden über Strategien, Methoden & Taktiken, um sich online von anderen Maklern abzuheben und ...
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Dein Instagram läuft nicht? Du postest, aber nichts passiert? Dann machst du etwas Grundlegendes falsch - und das kostet dich jeden Tag Kunden und Umsatz. In dieser Folge erfährst du, warum deine Inhalte nicht funktionieren, wie du echte Follower gewinnst und welche Fehler du ab heute vermeiden musst. Ich zeige dir, welche Content Formate Instagram…
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In the sacred institution of marriage, the Lord commands His people to unite in holy matrimony with those who share the same faith and commitment to His Word. The Apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Corinthians, admonishes believers with a clear and solemn instruction: "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14). The yoke, a w…
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Ayrshare co-founders Geoff and Boris run through the new features at Ayrshare for the past month. TikTok Posting. Create a draft video post in the TikTok app. The draft video will be in the notification Inbox in the app, and the user can edit the video before publishing. TikTok Analytics. Additional TikTok analytics data fields were added, includin…
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Buffer Chat is Buffer's brand-new show — get a sneak peek of what to expect in this bonus episode. --- Bluesky wants to be a new home for creators, on their terms. 🦋 In this episode of Buffer Chat, host Kirsti Lang sits down with Rose Wang, COO of Bluesky, to explore the platform that’s shaking up social media as we know it. Rose breaks down how Bl…
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Today’s verse is Romans 3:24 “and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from Social Media Ministries.
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🧿 Visibility & the Joy/Grief of an Online Life — with Lisa Olivera
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1:00:26Today I’m joined by writer, therapist, and creative Lisa Olivera to talk about how her work and life have shifted as her Instagram platform's grown to over 400,000 followers. Together, we dive into: Two reasons Lisa joined Instagram + how it felt as her account grew The allure of online business + what we’re “supposed to do” when we have a big plat…
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Balancing AI & Human Touch: How to Automate CX Without Losing Trust with Lindsay Tramel - Jones
Discover why social care is the secret sauce to your brand's CX strategy. We're talking eye-popping stats, case studies that inspire, an actionable insights to transform how you engage with customers online. If you're ready to take your social care to the next level, read our report and let's turn conversations into unforgettable experiences -tog…
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Struggling with the ever-changing social media algorithm? Feeling like your content just isn’t getting seen? I get it! But instead of working against the algorithm, 2025 is all about leveraging a social media strategy that makes it work for you. In this episode, I’ll break down what recent algorithm updates mean for your content, how to use engagem…
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In this episode of The Social Media Takeaway, I sit down with Deirdre Sullivan, who turned her traditional flower school into an online sensation, amassing over 338,000 followers across Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. 🚀 We dive into: ✅ Better done than perfect - why perfection is overrated. ✅ The power of consistency - how showing up dail…
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How Kopparberg Used Meaning to Win Millennials Back from Fad Trends | Nancy Dales, Kopparberg
Last Summer, Kopparberg decided they needed to win back the favour of customers who’ve turned to trends like craft beer and chicken wine. To do so the brand made an unexpected but genius collaboration with Melanoma Fund, tapping into audiences’ interest in skincare and health at peak summer (Kopparberg’s time to shine). In this episode, Nancy Dales…
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Im Wechsel krude und widersprüchlich (mit Dennis Horn)
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1:08:30Am Aschermittwoch ist alles vorbei. Wirklich alles? Nicht ganz. Das Buch Doge bekommt ein neues Kapitel - und ersetzt Musk als Chef. Allerdings leider nur auf dem Papier. Gleichzeitig werden wir heute mehrfach philosophisch: Wie agil können Unternehmen in einer autoritären Umgebung noch arbeiten? Und wie reagieren CEOs auf einen autoritären Staat u…
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Struggling to sign clients during a slow season? Whether it’s summer vacations, the holiday slump, or shifts in the market, slow seasons happen—but that doesn’t mean your business has to suffer. Instead of waiting it out, let’s get proactive! In this episode, I’m breaking down 7 actionable ways to attract more social media clients, so you can stay …
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Listen to episode 290 of the Digital and Social Media Sports podcast, in which Neil chatted with Tom Halls, SVP of Social, SailGP. 86 minute duration. Listen on Apple, Spotify and YouTube Posted by Neil Horowitz Follow me on Twitter @njh287 Check out my LinkedIn articlesPor Neil Horowitz
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Today’s verse is Exodus 6:16 “These were the names of the sons of Levi according to their records: Gershon, Kohath and Merari. Levi lived 137 years.” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from Social Media Ministries.
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Du steckst fest im Online Marketing Hamsterrad, postest, launchst, schaltest Ads und trotzdem bleibt dein Umsatz ein Zufallstreffer? Dann hast du das eigentliche Problem noch nicht erkannt. In dieser Folge zeige ich dir, warum deine Strategie scheitert und wie du mit Skool endlich ein System aufbaust, das Kunden bringt, planbar und skalierbar. Kein…
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The great thing about being a social media manager is that you can work with whoever you want, wherever they are in the world. But, what if you really want to work with local businesses instead? In today’s episode, we’re sharing with you 12 different things you can try in order to attract companies in your area. And if you don’t want to work with l…
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Warum bringt dein Content vielleicht Likes, aber keine Verkäufe? Viele Unternehmen und Creator machen Content, der unterhält oder viral geht – aber am Ende keine Verkäufe generiert. Warum? Weil sie nicht strategisch genug vorgehen. In dieser Folge zeigen wir dir, wie du Content erstellst, der nicht nur Reichweite bringt, sondern auch echte Kunden ü…
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Discover how marketing automation boosts efficiency, engagement, and sales! Learn about brand-focused web experiences and marketing services and on-page SEO best practices to enhance your digital strategy. Tune in for expert insights and actionable tips!Por Gilmedia
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Sheri Otto is a brilliant marketer who specializes in demand generation, she’s worked with tech companies like HubSpot! Sheri’s Resources: Funnel Fix: Behavioral Science: Sheri’s website: Want to grow your business without the overwhelm? …
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Today’s verse is Matthew 7:14 “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from Social Media Ministries.
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We explore the latest Facebook updates with Jerry Potter featuring Allie Bloyd on the Social Media Marketing Talk Show. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Facebook Ads for eCommerce Tutorial: Facebook Ads for Services: ----- Hosted by Derek Videll Learn How to Run Profitable Facebook Ads Yourself: (free call) (program details) Build a Perfectly Trained AI Chatbot Yourself: https://pro-bo…
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Starting a business in 2025? Things have changed, and what worked years ago doesn’t necessarily work now. In this episode, marketing expert Michelle Thames breaks down the exact steps she would take if she were starting from zero today—no audience, no connections, no brand presence. You’ll learn: ✔️ The biggest mistakes new entrepreneurs make (and …
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How Yorkshire Tea Uses Northern Charm to Own its Category | Dom Dwight, Taylor’s of Harrogate
Yorkshire Tea is a well-loved social-first brand leading its category in market share – hard to believe when you consider it was once the underdog amongst its multinational competitors. So how did the brand flip the script? By leaning into what made them different: their Northern-ness. In this episode, Dom Dwight, strategy and innovation director a…
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If there is one social network we’re all ignoring, it’s LinkedIn. I’ve had so many people ask about the value of LinkedIn and well, if it’s done thoughtfully and strategically, there’s a LOT of opportunity there. Fun fact: LinkedIn has over a billion users and less than 1% of them post regularly so there’s opportunity for reach and engagement aboun…
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So erreichst du planbare Monatsumsätze in deinem Business Umsatzspitzen im Live-Launch und dann… Ebbe. Willkommen in der Umsatz-Achterbahn. Wenn du genug davon hast, dich von Monat zu Monat abmühen und Sorge zu haben, ob du deine Fixkosten tragen kannst, dann bleibt dran. Ich zeige dir drei Wege, wie du endlich planbare und stabile Einnahmen in dei…
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In this video, Jill shares her top 10 small business marketing tips, developed in her 15 years in the business. Need more help with your small business marketing? Get our FREE RESOURCES HERE: Jill W. Fox
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Today’s verse is Matthew 15:5-6 “But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from Social Media Ministrie…
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Doug Kaplan, President of Kaplan Strategies, discusses the utility of political polling for local, state, and national races. We discuss the value of polls when partisanship is high, the changing political communication landscape, and Florida as a Republican stronghold (for now).Por Michael Bossetta
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Today’s verse is James 1:13 “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from Social Media Ministries.
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We all know the best investment you can make in your business is yourself. Here is my undisputed second best investment that you can do today and reap immediate benefits from. It could be the difference of you inventing something before someone else does first... ----- Hosted by Derek Videll Learn How to Run Profitable Facebook Ads Yourself: https:…
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Today’s verse is John 8:45 “Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from Social Media Ministries.
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Fallen gelutschte Füße unter die Meinungsfreiheit?Triumph an der Abfindungsfront - mehr als zwei Jahre nach der Kündigung haben frühere Twittermitarbeiter:innen jetzt endlich ihr vertragliches zugesichertes Geld bekommen. Außerdem erwägt Instagram “Reels” zur eigenen App zu machen - und was ist denn da generell mit Instagram los? ➡️ Torginators “Ge…
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February 2025 was a very busy and productive month for Social Media Ministries. We are working hard to take ground and build the Kingdom here on Earth as it is in Heaven! Please continue to support Social Media Ministries by liking, sharing, and reposting our content to help reach more people with the Word of God. Our monthly accomplishments: - Con…
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In dieser Episode diskutieren wir den aktuellen Stand der sozialen Medien in Deutschland und im DACH-Raum, basierend auf der Infografik „Social Media Universum“. Wir reflektieren über die Auswirkungen des Digital Service Act der EU auf große Plattformen und analysieren die … Der Beitrag 📊 Social Media Universum 2025 | Nr. 105 erschien zuerst auf #O…
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Was bewegt das Netz? Warum sind Podcasts so populär? Welche neuen Features gibt es bei Social-Media-Plattformen? Worüber sprechen die User? Parallel zu jeder Folge Onlinegeister-Podcast stellen wir euch ganz individuell ein Info-Update der aktuellen Nachrichten und News als Briefing zusammen: unsere Hausmeistereien. Shownotes, Infografiken und mehr…
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Today’s verse is John 8:44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Today’s Ministry Minute features Spencer Coffman from …
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Send us a text Join Jonathan’s VIP Status Newsletter Get ready for a special episode of Coffee Social where we’re pressing pause on business talk and diving into something a little different! Both Jonathan and myself are taking you behind the scenes on his incredible trip to Spain—sharing all the unforg…
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Wondering how to make your social media efforts more profitable? Looking for ways to improve customer retention and acquisition through social platforms? To discover how to implement a social care strategy that enhances customer experience and drives business growth, I interview Brooke Sellas. Guest: Brooke Sellas | Show Notes: socialmediaexaminer.…
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