All About Cunard cruise liners and cruising on their ships from a traveller and fan point of view, hosted by Gary Bembridge of and author of “Cruising with Cunard”. For more visit
Episode five of a six part series recorded live on board Cunard Queen Mary 2 World Voyage bringing my insights, observations, tips and advice about cruising and travelling on extended voyages. Covers travel from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Lankawi and Colombo. In this episode topics discussed includes: changing passenger mix and ambience, Singapore …
Episode four of a six part series recorded live on board Cunard Queen Mary 2 World Voyage bringing my insights, observations, tips and advice about cruising and travelling on extended voyages. Covers travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok and Singapore. In this episode topics discussed includes: experiences and thoughts from people doing the entir…
Episode three of a six part series recorded live on board Cunard Queen Mary 2 World Voyage bringing my insights, observations, tips and advice about cruising and travelling on extended voyages. Covers travel from Shanghai to Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh City. In this episode topics discussed includes: docking problems in Shanghai, visiting China and t…
Recorded on-board Cunard Queen Mary 2, during two legs of the World Voyage I bring you observations, insights, tips and advice about cruising on a long voyage. Subscribe to hear all six episodes. Visit for all the episodes and morePor Gary Bembridge
Recorded on-board Cunard Queen Mary 2, I interview the QM2 Hotel Manager and Executive Che about their background, role, most often asked questions and how Cunard is changingPor Gary Bembridge
Recorded on-board Cunard Queen Mary 2, I interview 2 of the Entertainment Directors about their background, role, most often asked questions and how Cunard is changingPor Gary Bembridge
How to get the best fare? Why has a Queen Victoria October cruise been cancelled? What is best way to ensure you disembark early? Is the QM2 getting shabby as she nears her 10th birthday?Por Gary Bembridge
Video tour of the interior of Cunard's Queen Elizabeth ship. Your host on tour is Mark Sanford @markjsanford, director and film man was me..Por Gary Bembridge