A podcast that addresses general/personal opinions regarding political, economic and social/cultural issues ranging from law, music, pop culture, etc
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A look at the concept of reparations and it’s meaning.
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A review on the ills of misogyny amongst men, the concept of feminism & double standards that arises while looking both ways.
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Cognitive reasoning, Conspiracy theories & Age differences.
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A look at the concept of switching sides in various allegiances from politics to cheating in relationships, believing people, Parenthood, etc.
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An overview regarding the concept of lies/deceit and the ethnic, idealistic & religious divide often embodied in politics/elections
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A look at the complexities of human nature with respect to human attraction and personal attributes weighing which of both trumps the other.
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A detailed but brief review of the week’s events and opinions about growth, change, looks and being better human beings& sharing love
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An opinion about the walls created in childhood and formative years and it’s importance as well as developing individualistic values as well
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A short detail of the events that occurred on Christmas Day 2018.
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A brief experience on the emotions and actions between both genders and it’s differences
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A conversation regarding the importance of age difference in a relationship/marriage and how much importance financial standing plays to it.
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A brief opinion on accountability and childhood experiences
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