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Chemigate Podcast

Chemigate Oy

Astu biopolymeerien ihmeelliseen maailmaan Chemigaten Podcastissa. Tiedät, miksi monen teollisuuden alan tulevaisuus on tärkkelyksessä ja polysakkarideissa. Oppainasi toimivat Tom Schauman ja Maisa Kantola Chemigatelta
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Chatting with Chemeketa is the show where we talk about EVERYTHING related to college. Whether you are someone considering coming to Chemeketa, a current student, an alum, a member of the community, or part of our local business and industry, we’ve got you covered.
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Predigten ermutigen, ermahnen und führen näher zu Jesus. Mit diesem Podcast-Angebot stellen wir Ihnen unsere Predigten zum Nachhören zur Verfügung. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, um Jesus kennenzulernen, im Glauben zu wachsen und auch um Neues zu entdecken. Die Predigten der Adventgemeinde Chemnitz sind Ihre Möglichkeit, neue, inspirierende Gedanken zu hören. Gern freuen wir uns auch über Ihre Rückmeldung. Schreiben Sie uns unter Unser Internetangebot finden ...
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Le Chemin

Sebastiao Diallo

Le Chemin, c’est ton rendez-vous du dimanche avec Sebastiao Diallo. Ici, on parle de business, de stratégies concrètes et des leçons tirées du quotidien. C’est un espace pour apprendre, éviter les erreurs, et progresser ensemble, un pas à la fois. Que tu sois entrepreneur, curieux ou en quête d’inspiration, Le Chemin t’accompagne dans ton parcours.
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Chemistry is everywhere, and involves everything. But how did chemistry get to be what it is? I'm Steve Cohen, a chemist and writer, bringing you The History of Chemistry. This podcast explores the development of chemistry from prehistoric times to the present, including the people and societies who made chemistry what it is today. The History of Chemistry is for you, whether you hated chemistry in high school, or got a PhD in inorganic chemistry. We'll explore how chemistry affected art, mu ...
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Clinical Chemistry Podcast

Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine

This free monthly podcast is offered by Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today's clinical laboratory.
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Chemist Confessions

Chemist Confessions Inc.

Skincare chemists Gloria & Victoria’s weekly conversation on all things skincare science. The podcast covers notable skincare news, decoding outrageous claims, demystifying the overwhelming product landscapes, and answering your burning skincare questions. Tune in if you might need help building a skincare routine, finding a serum that’ll ACTUALLY deliver, or just want to have a few laughs on some of the crazy things you see in skincare.
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Safer Chemicals Podcast

European Chemicals Agency

Whether you work with chemicals, have an interest in how chemicals affect us and the environment or work as a journalist or decision-maker in the field of manufactured chemicals, the Safer Chemicals Podcast is for you. We give you the latest updates on how chemicals are being regulated in the EU and what harmful chemicals are being phased out. Listen to expert views on chemical safety in the EU and join the scientific discussion on key topics including microplastics, glyphosate, endocrine di ...
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DJ CHEMODANOV — популярный, опытный и востребованный ди-джей., за свою карьеру успел выступить в лучших нижегородских клубах. Является ex-участником фестиваля электронной EDM музыки "River Dance" (г.Нижний Новгород). К 2013 году выступил на одной сцене с такими известными музыкантами и продюсерами как: Dennis the Menace, Ian Osborn, Ruslan Mays, Dino Dallas. Кроме того, DJ CHEMODANOV занимается музыкальным оформлением праздников: свадеб, корпоративов, частных мероприятий и детских...
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Tech guru and veteran CNBC and Bloomberg journalist Eric Chemi takes on modern business and what it takes to break through from a journalist’s perspective. It’s all about being assertive (!!) in a way that wins friends and nurtures relationships – what we at Bospar have branded “Politely Pushy”. From CEOs, founders and investors, to IT experts, luminaries, and other interesting sorts, Eric delivers straight talk in a relaxed “let’s have coffee” conversation that’s interesting, fast-paced, an ...
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Chemie kennt keine Liga

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

"Chemie kennt keine Liga" ist der Podcast der Mitteldeutschen Zeitung über den Halleschen FC. Alle zwei Wochen sprechen die MZ-Sportreporter mit Host Julius Lukas über Siege und Niederlagen des HFC, über Top-Transfers und Flop-Transfers, über Fußballkultur auf und abseits des Rasens - ganz egal, in welcher Klasse der HFC gerade spielt. Denn: Chemie kennt keine Liga."
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We're going to be talking about everything photo related (building successful and sustaining businesses, how-tos, getting started the right way, dos and don'ts, gear, etc), the wedding industry, work-life balance, and so much more! We'll also have guest speakers from our very own community!
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Musica che passione

Ameria Radio

Con domenica 12 gennaio parte una nuova trasmissione in circa 9-10 puntate con proposte musicali (puro ascolto) di vario genere: dalle musiche di vecchi film (western e non western), alla musica radiofonica italiana degli anni 30, a una selezione non esaustiva ma ampia dei sempreverdi e famosissimi capolavori antichi e moderni della musica classica, anche arditamente mescolati. Il tutto con un solo scopo: ascoltare per rilassarsi!
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Comici Che Consigliano Comici

Daniele Fabbri Tommaso Faoro

Hai voglia di un film divertente ma non sai cosa guardare? Vuoi scoprire comici nuovi o conoscere le chicche nascoste dei tuoi comici preferiti? Vuoi scovare perle divertentI sul web da condividere coi tuoi amici? Daniele Fabbri e Tommaso Faoro sono qui per te! COMICI CHE CONSIGLIANO COMICI, un podcast INCREDIBILMENTE solo in audio!
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Cultural Chemistry


Cultural Chemistry: Transforming Intercultural Love Love knows no borders, but relationships across cultures come with unique challenges. Cultural Chemistry helps disconnected interracial and intercultural couples strengthen their bond through personal growth, emotional intelligence, and wellness. Hosted by Joshua and Jayda, this podcast dives into real conversations, expert insights, and practical strategies to help you navigate cultural differences, communicate better, and build lasting in ...
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ChemTalk ( is a brand-new non-profit, whose mission is to make chemistry more fun, easier to learn, and more accessible to people around the world - in the safest manner possible and also to be perceived in a more positive way. On our podcast, we interview chemists, scientists, and educators from across the globe who show the many career paths that involve chemistry, and how a love for chemistry can manifest itself in many unique ways.
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A podcast that looks into the psychosocial elements that contribute to conspiracy theories and political extremism. Hosted by social worker and conspiracy theory researcher Nelson Perez.
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Welcome to Let’s Talk with Coach Che Marville, the personal growth podcast that inspires you to rewrite your story, embrace mindset transformation, and create a life aligned with your desires. Hosted by Coach Che, a leader in mindfulness practices and midlife empowerment, this podcast offers actionable tools and strategies to help you: Break free from limiting beliefs. Build confidence and resilience. Navigate life transitions with purpose. Perfect for midlife women or anyone seeking clarity ...
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Adesso ci trovate a questo indirizzo: Oppure su Spotify qui: Seguici anche su Youtube - Per donazioni - Per abbonamenti -
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Welcome to REVISE, the ultimate podcast for those ready to ace their Chemistry GCSE exams! Are you feeling the exam pressure building up like a stack of unread textbooks? Fear not! Join us as we transform daunting topics into digestible, engaging, and easy-to-follow episodes. To see all of Seneca Learning's available content, visit our website
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Chemistry For Your Life

Melissa and Jam, Bleav

A podcast that helps you understand the fascinating chemistry hidden in your everyday life. Have you ever wondered why onions make you cry? Or how soap gets your hands clean? What really is margarine, or why do trees change colors in the fall? Melissa is a chemist, and to answer these questions she started a podcast, called Chemistry for your life! In each episode Melissa explains the chemistry behind one of life’s mysteries to Jam, who is definitely not a chemist, but she explains it in a w ...
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Chemins de Vie @

Thru the Bible French

La série Chemins de Vie est une étude biblique systématique des ?critures et fait partie du ministère international Thru the Bible. A l'origine, cette série de programmes fut développée par le Dr; J. Vernon McGee. Ensuite elle a été adaptée et traduite dans plus de 100 langues et dialectes. Les émissions, d'une durée de 30 minutes, permettent à l'auditeur de parcourir toute la Bible. Ces mêmes programmes sont maintenant disponibles sur Internet. Nous sommes heureux de savoir que vous avez pr ...
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The New Chemist's Podcast

Mr. David Joshua Ferguson, MRSB MRSC

Welcome to the podcast, where curiosity meets innovation and discovery knows no boundaries. Join us as we engage with world-renowned thought leaders, including Chancellor Gary May, Dr. Robert Langer, Greg Zuckerman (The Wall Street Journal), Kyle Woumn (Forbes 30 Under 30), and many more. Through in-depth conversations, we explore the transformative power of science, leadership, and purpose. From groundbreaking research to life-changing innovation, our guests share compelling narratives of r ...
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Welcome to The Chemical Show™, where Chemical Means Business, the #1 business podcast in the global chemical industry. If you're looking for insights from business leaders of mid-market to Fortune 50 chemical and industrial companies, this is the place to be. Featuring interviews with industry executives, you’ll hear about the key trends impacting chemicals and plastics today: growth, sustainability, innovation, business transformation, digitalization, supply chain, talent, strategic marketi ...
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Chemstory est une série balado créée par des hommes gais, bisexuels, queers et des personnes non-binaires qui souhaitent partager leurs expériences en lien avec le chemsex*. Chaque épisode est produit par une personne différente de la communauté à qui nous avons donné carte blanche pour qu’elles puissent s’exprimer librement et partager son histoire à sa façon. Les propos exprimés dans ce balado relèvent d’expériences et d’opinions personnelles. Comme chaque épisode est produit indépendammen ...
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"Una persona con una nuova idea è considerata un folle finché l'idea non ha successo" così diceva Mark Twain. Le idee sono il vero motore della storia, capaci di cambiare radicalmente le nostre abitudini, i nostri sogni e i nostri limiti. Allora viaggiamo nel tempo per ricostruire le origni e i percorsi delle idee che hanno portato una rivoluzione nella nostra cultura. "CHE IDEA! Colpi di genio e altre avventure" è un podcast originale One Podcast, nato per raccontare una ad una le idee più ...
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The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast

The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast

Thank you for listening to the Chemical Sensitivity Podcast! Amplifying voices of people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and research about the illness. Brought to you by journalist and communication studies researcher, Aaron Goodman, Ph.D. Generously supported by the Marilyn Brachman Hoffman Foundation. DISCLAIMER: THIS PROJECT DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material from this project are for informat ...
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Chemie ist die Wissenschaft der Transformation. Was aber, wenn sich diese Wissenschaft selbst grundlegend transformieren, wenn Chemiker:innen ihr Forschungs- und Industriefeld neu definieren? Was, wenn das Transformationsziel nicht offen ist, sondern sich an Nachhaltigkeitszielen orientiert? Wie verändert die Chemiewende unsere Kultur und Gesellschaft? Im Synthesizer Podcast beleuchten wir mit Expert:innen die Hintergründe und Herausforderungen dieser Transformation der Transformationswissen ...
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show series
Anche il Belgio ha ora il suo campionato nazionale di pizza: si tratta della Belgium Pizza League, gara che ha visto la sua prima edizione nel 2024, e che si è svolta di recente per la terza volta in Vallonia, nel sud del paese. Ho avuto il piacere e l'onore di essere giudice di questa competizione assieme ad altri giurati di eccezione, e l'occasio…
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Oggi facciamo la spesa di frutta, verdura e cereali. Una quantità di materie prime sempre a disposizione, comode, per tutti i gusti. Ma com’era il mondo quando la terra non era usata per coltivare? E come si è trasformato dopo? L’agricoltura ha trasformato per sempre l’uso del tempo e dello spazio, motore di ogni altra innovazione. È ufficialmente …
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Just Shoot Me Podcast... Where we drink whiskey and talk photography Season 2.5 Episode 2 Pre WPPI plans, new Nikon lenes and more We're going to be talking about everything photo related (building successful and sustaining businesses, how-tos, getting started the right way, dos and don'ts, gear, etc), the wedding industry, work-life balance, and s…
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LINK DELLA PUNTATA Whatsapp CCCC BLUES BROTHERS il film PETER GUNN SOPRANO Mashup CODICE SCONTO CCCC fino al 31 marzo Daniele Fabbri Tommaso Faoro
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In this episode, Traci and Dave discuss how learning objectives fit into instructional system design. Learning objectives should be measurable, not subject to interpretation, and directly testable. Unlike vague goals like "understand distillation," effective objectives specify demonstrable skills.Por chemicalprocessing
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Hoy toca el podcast más loco de la historia. Y es que, vamos a hablar de un iPhone que pesa casi 200 kilos y mide 2 metros. O, por ejemplo, de un robot humanoide pequeñísimo. El más pequeño del mundo. Este hombrecito mecánico mide poco más de 5 cm. Pero hay más locuras. Comentaremos como hicieron una sesión de fotos en el fondo del mar. A 50 metros…
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Uusi vuosi, uudet kujeet. Chemigaten dream team – Maisa, Tuire ja Tom – on amerikan malliin So Back! Alkuvuosi on ollut vauhdikas. The Bridge-lehtikin on tulossa, joten perheille on luvassa tekemistä pääsiäiseksi. Vieraat edustavat tällä kertaa Suomen tulevaisuutta. Lotta Martin, Frida Laine, My Nygård ja Kevin Hede Åbo Akademin Kemistklubbenilta k…
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Question and Response 65 Melissa and Jam delve into a variety of interesting chemistry-related questions sourced from Reddit. They explore why farts stop smelling over time, the non-oily nature of Castile soap, why cookies and candies remain safe to eat at room temperature, and the mechanics behind rice cookers. They also discuss how opening a bott…
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In this episode, we are discussing alkali metals. Alkali metals, found in Group 1 of the periodic table, are characterized by having one electron in their outermost shell, making them highly reactive as they readily lose this electron. This shared electron configuration leads to similar chemical behaviours. When these metals react with water, they …
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In this episode of Cultural Chemistry, Josh and Jayda dive into the number one reason relationships fall apart—lack of true commitment. They break down the difference between thinking you're committed and actually committing to go through life's hardships with your partner. Through personal experiences, including a wedding cancellation due to cold …
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Meta, la empresa de Facebook, Instagram y WhatsApp, sigue buscando nuestros personales. Algunos piensan que quiere ayudarte a relacionarte mejor con tus amigos, tus familiares o con desconocidos. Pero, no. Nosotros sólo somos un mina llena con nuestros datos personales que hay que explotar. La última ocurrencia de esta empresa: que puedas compartir…
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In this episode, we will discuss halogens. Halogens, also known as Group 7 elements, possess seven outer electrons which makes them highly reactive as they readily gain one electron to achieve a stable full outer shell. In their elemental state, halogens exist as diatomic molecules. They commonly form salts when reacting with metals by accepting an…
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In 2025, the chemists want to tackle both the science and practical application of skincare. Following the pore care deep dive, the chemists review five toner pad products so you don’t have to. We discuss our thoughts on the texture and use experience from both the oily skin and dry skin perspective.…
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Te contamos lo mejor y lo peor de unos auriculares de diadema y sin cables. Son de la marca Bose y tienen un precio alto. A cambio, están entre los mejores. Son los Bose QuietComfort. Bose QC. Esta marca americana suele ofrecer una experiencia de sonido buena. No confundir este modelo concreto con los Headphones Ultra, tienen un precio de 240 euros…
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„Derby lässt grün-weißes Band Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte; Bratwurst-, Bier- und Pyrodüfte Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land. Chemie-Fans träumen schon, Wollen balde kommen. – Horch, von fern ein leises Megafon! Derby, ja du bist’s! Dich hab ich vernommen!” Frei nach Eduard Mörike (Fuß-ball-gott!) gehen wir in die erste Derbywoche des Jahres 2025: …
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Join Victoria Meyer as she unravels the dynamic journey of growth and transformation at Pilot Chemical with Christian MacIver, the company's President and COO. With a background in engineering and a penchant for problem-solving, Christian shares her passion for bringing innovation to the specialty chemicals market. She discusses the strategic initi…
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In this episode, we dive into the highlights of ECHA's Risk Assessment and Socio-Economic Analysis committees' meetings. First, we explore the ongoing discussions on restricting PFAs, including new sectors like transport and energy. We discuss the challenges of assessing complex sectors, stakeholder engagement, and addressing information gaps on al…
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This episode provides a fundamental distinction between metals and non-metals based on their position in the periodic table and outer electron configurations. It highlights that metals, located on the left, tend to lose electrons to form positive ions, while non-metals, on the right, typically gain or share electrons. We further outline key physica…
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Hablamos de una inteligencia artificial entrenada especialmente para interpretar los gestos y así ser capaz de traducir las emociones y sentimientos de los… ¡¡¡¡ Animales !!! Todo por el bienestar animal. Aunque esto tiene una contradicción importante. Y es que, después de preocuparnos tanto, luego cogemos a estos animales que tan bien cuidamos par…
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Here we talk about how chemists historically have viewed the way life began: as chemicals self-organizing. The earliest serious chemical views began in the 1870s, with synthesis of proteins. Ideas through the decades included warm ponds, auto-catalytic enzymes, genes (whatever they were), a primitive reducing atmosphere, lightning bolts, and DNA or…
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In dieser Episode wird eine alte Geschichte zwischen Hiskia, dem König von Juda und Sanherib, dem assyrischen König beleuchtet. Hiskia tat, was dem Herrn gefiel und wurde dennoch in einen Krieg mit Sanherib verwickelt. Übersetzt in unsere heutige Zeit können solche Auseinandersetzungen zum Beispiel Angriffe von Vorgesetzten oder Arbeitskollegen sei…
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I’ve never seen a piece of equipment that didn’t do what it was supposed to. That doesn’t mean it did what its user thought it could do. In solids processing, we often struggle with a piece of equipment because it was a poor selection or installed improperly. There are eight specific steps to ensure your equipment choices accurately represent your …
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It's our 2-year anniversary episode of Chatting with Chemeketa! Join Jessica Howard and Les Wielgos as they celebrate this milestone and welcome two incredible guests who are making a difference in student success. Ana Angel Chora shares her inspiring journey from ESOL student to student services specialist, highlighting how Chemeketa’s English for…
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Clay Boswell, Chemical Week’s Americas markets lead, and Mark Thomas, Chemical Week’s European markets lead, join the magazine’s editor-in-chief Rob Westervelt for a discussion on the state of the petrochemical industry ahead of the World Petrochemical Conference hosted by S&P Global Commodity Insights and held in Houston from March 17-21. Topics i…
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Muchos dicen que Internet ha muerto. Y no. La conexión no ha dejado de funcionar. El problema es que los humanos ya no somos los únicos que navegamos. Los robots se han metido a tope en Internet. Fijaos, la mitad del tráfico que se mueve no es de personas. Son robots entrando y saliendo. Además, las grandes plataformas y las redes sociales están ap…
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#207 Melissa and Jam explore why gasoline doesn't freeze in extremely low temperatures while water and other substances do. They delve into the concepts of intermolecular forces, polarity, and how impurities can affect the freezing and melting points of substances. The discussion includes a comparison of the behavior of different substances at vary…
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In this episode I speak with Jason Snape. Jason is a Research Professor in sustainable healthcare and environmental sustainability at the University of York and prior to that was Global Head of Environment at AstraZeneca. Our discussion covers: Jason's career journey to date His move into academia and future research goals Sustainable healthcare in…
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