When a young Eva Kollisch arrives as a refugee in New York in 1940, she finds a community among socialists who share her values and idealism. She soon discovers ‘the cause’ isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Little does she know this is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to activism and her determination to create radical change in ways that include belonging, love and one's full self. In addition to Eva Kollisch’s memoirs Girl in Movement (2000) and The Ground Under My Feet (2014), LBI’s collections include an oral history interview with Eva conducted in 2014 and the papers of Eva’s mother, poet Margarete Kolllisch, which document Eva’s childhood experience on the Kindertransport. Learn more at www.lbi.org/kollisch . Exile is a production of the Leo Baeck Institute , New York | Berlin and Antica Productions . It’s narrated by Mandy Patinkin. Executive Producers include Katrina Onstad, Stuart Coxe, and Bernie Blum. Senior Producer is Debbie Pacheco. Associate Producers are Hailey Choi and Emily Morantz. Research and translation by Isabella Kempf. Sound design and audio mix by Philip Wilson, with help from Cameron McIver. Theme music by Oliver Wickham. Voice acting by Natalia Bushnik. Special thanks to the Kollisch family for the use of Eva’s two memoirs, “Girl in Movement” and “The Ground Under My Feet”, the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College and their “Voices of Feminism Oral History Project”, and Soundtrack New York.…
Podcasts que vale la pena escuchar
This English language podcast provides listeners with an insight into the Japanese language, way of life, history, society, trends and more. The content is selected from Hiragana Times, a bilingual magazine in Japanese and English aimed at non-Japanese that has been published since 1986. 「ひらがなタイムズ ポッドキャスト」は、日本の生活、歴史、社会、トレンドや日本語学習についての情報を英語でリスナーに提供します。 内容は1986年から発行されている外国人向けの日英バイリンガル雑誌「ひらがなタイムズ」から抜粋。日本人にとっても日本の情報を英語でどのように説明するのか語彙力アップに役立ちます。
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[Hiragana Times Podcast] [This episode] What is the Beauty of the “Wabi-Sabi” Aesthetic? 「わびさび」の美しさとは何か #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[Hiragana Times Podcast] [This episode] Kanji Created by Japanese People 日本人がつくった漢字 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[Hiragana Times Podcast] [This episode] Bowing Plays an Important Role in Japanese Life 日常生活で大きな役割を果たすおじぎ #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[Hiragana Times Podcast] [This episode] Fad for Figurines Spawned by Otaku Culture オタクが育てたフィギュア文化 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Features of Japanese Hot Springs 日本の温泉の特徴 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Racism and Japan 人種差別と日本 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Japanese Temperament 日本人の気質 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Story Behind the Creation of Japanese Mythology 日本の神話がつくられた背景 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Are Japanese Women Treated Badly? 日本人女性は虐げられているか? Magazine subscription is here! #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan
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[This episode] Japanese Religious Outlook 日本人の宗教観 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Manga vs Japanese Literature まんが VS 日本の文学 Magazine subscription is here! #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan
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[This episode] Japanese Anglicized due to Globalization グローバリゼーションで英語化する日本語 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Real Story Behind the Infamous Dog-Loving Shogun 悪名高い犬将軍の本心 Magazine subscription is here! #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan
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[This episode] Super Idle Horse created by Social Conditions 世相が作り出したスーパー・アイドル・ホース #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Yakuza and Ninkyou(Sense of Chivalry) ヤクザと任侠 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Dogs Left Behind at Antarctic Base タロとジロ-南極の基地に残された犬たち #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Behind the Closed Doors of the Shogun’s Harem 男子禁制「大奥」の扉の向こうは? #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Mothers’ Grassroots Movement Moved the Great Nations 大国を動かした母親たちの草の根運動 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Charismatic Prime Minister Who Believed that People Are Motivated by Money 人は金で動くと信じたカリスマ総理大臣 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] 「象が欲しい」 - インドの首相を感激させて子どもたち “We Want an Elephant!”– The Children Who Impressed India’s Prime Minister #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Japanese and Adultery 日本人と不倫 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Bond between People of Palau and Japanese Soldiers パラオの人々と日本兵の絆 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Japanese Spirit Hidden in Washoku 和食に秘められた日本人の心 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] A Gifted Singer Who Was Always Ranked at The Top トップの座に君臨し続けた天才歌手 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] What is so Special About the Jomon Civilization? 世界が注目する縄文文化とは? #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] “Mr. Baseball”– The Legendary Uniform #3 伝説の背番号3-「ミスターベースボール」 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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When was the Nation of Japan Actually Founded? 日本の建国の日はいつなのか #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Flying Fish of Fujiyama – Symbol of Postwar Renewal 戦後復興のシンボル - フジヤマのトビウオ #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Who is Worshiped at Shrines? 神社には誰が祭られているのか #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] A God of Manga Who Illustrated The Importance of Life 命の大切さを描いた「まんがの神様」 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Japanese Tea Becoming Fashionable Around the World 世界ではやりはじめた日本茶 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The German Known as The Father of Japanese Football 「日本サッカーの父」として知られるドイツ人 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Do Weapons Protect You, or Destroy You? 武器は身を守るの か、滅ぼすのか #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Singer Who Sang a Song Symbolizing Postwar Japan 戦後の日本を象徴する曲を歌った歌手 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Stronger a Sumo Wrestler, the More Dignity Required of Him 強い力士ほど品格が求められる #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Coach of The Oriental Witches Captivated Japanese 日本人をとりこにした「東洋の魔女」の監督 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Are There Any Rules for Abbreviated Words? 省略語に法則はあるのですか #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Charming Voice That Captured the Hearts of American Soldiers アメリカ兵をとりこにした魅惑の声 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Untold Story of Bushido on the Battlefield 語られなかった戦場の武士道 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Strongest Sumo Champion in History with 69 Consecutive Victories 69連勝した史上最強の横綱 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Why is Sake So Tasty? 日本酒はなぜおいしいのか #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Japanese Woman Who Became the “Mother of Orphans” in Korea 韓国で「孤児の母」となった日本人 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] What Did Real Ninja Do? 実際の忍者は何をしたのか #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Emperor of Japanese Film Highly Respected Around the World 世界で絶賛された日本映画界の天皇 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Young People’s Revolution Led to the Modernization of Japan 日本を近代化へ導いた若者たちの革命 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] “The Medal of Friendship” Born from Intense Competition 熱戦から生まれた「友情のメダル」 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] Cherry Blossoms are Not Only Beautiful 桜の花はきれいなだけではない #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] The Best Selling Novelist Who Had Insight into Society's Evils and Essence of Human-beings 社会悪と人間の本質を洞察したベストセラー作家 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] “Death Poems” Convey Final Thoughts 最期の想いを伝える「辞世の句」 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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[This episode] An Entrepreneur Who Turned His Hobby Into a Job Making People Happy 仕事を趣味にして、人を幸せにした実業家 #podcast #JapanHistroy #JapaneseHistroy #LearnJapanese #Japan Magazine subscription is here!
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