show episodes

Hombre Plus

Renzo D'Angelo

¡Hey, amigo! Soy Renzo D'Angelo. Bienvenido a Hombre Plus: un pódcast para hombres que buscan desafiarse y alcanzar su máximo potencial. Con episodios cortos, accionables y críticos sobre identidad, mentalidad y masculinidad, hábitos y productividad personal, emprendimiento y negocios digitales, decodifico estrategias para fortalecer tu marca personal masculina. Únete a mí en esta aventura para volverte un hombre prémium.
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BoxeoTijuana Radio

Renzo Novara, Felipe León

BoxeoTijuana Radio les brinda todas las noticas del Boxeo de la ciudad de Tijuana, como tambien lo mejor del Boxeo Internacional. Así como tambien entrevistas exclusivas e invitados especiales que compartirán microfono con nosotros.
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Yojana Miraya Oscco and Renzo Aroni Sulca

Kuskalla: Juntos-Together is a tri-lingual podcast (Quechua-Spanish-English) brought to you by Kuskalla Abya Yala, a diasporic community organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Andean worldviews and Indigenous languages, such as Quechua, the most spoken Indigenous language in the Americas, with about 8 to 10 million speakers, some living in the diaspora. Your hosts, Yojana Miraya Oscco (@OsccoMiraya) and Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis) are Quechua scholars-activists who bring aca ...
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Franks Aldana

Este es un espacio donde el objetivo es inspirarte en tu primer emprendimiento. Aquí encontrarás tips, consejos, píldoras, historias y muchas cosas más, sobre Marketing digital, desarrollo personal y Negocios. Mi nombre es Franks Aldana y espero disfrutes de lo que hablaremos en este Podcast!
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Comediantes de todas las calañas se reúnen con Daniel Ugalde a rebotar sus ideas cómicas...o no tanto, para convertirlas en chistes que funcionan en el escenario... o en el basurero. También disponible en Si disfrutan el podcast y quieren apoyarlo pueden donar a o al sinpe móvil 8876-2133.
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Grupo de Estudios Históricos Sobre La Guerra (GEHiGue)

Grupo de Estudios Históricos sobre la Guerra (GEHiGue)

Canal de Podcast del Grupo de Estudios Históricos sobre la Guerra (GEHiGue), fundado el 16 de diciembre de 2013 en el Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana «Dr. Emilio Ravignani», unidad ejecutora UBA/CONICET, con el objetivo de impulsar la confluencia de investigadores interesados en el abordaje de la problemática bélica desde la perspectiva de la historia social y cultural de la guerra.
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show series 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to mis…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to mis…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant #community of #wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want …
  continue reading 🚨Get ready for an epic conversation as we bring you none other than Max Ramirez and Juan "The Voice of Gods". These two legends have insights, stories, and powerful perspectives you won’t want to miss. From behind-the-scenes moments to career highlights, they’re bringing it all to the table. So hit that like button, sub…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant #community of #wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want …
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⁠⁠ 📣 Join our vibrant #community of #wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't wan…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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En este episodio, damos la bienvenida a Yesenia Montes Ñaupa (@yesenia.montess), quechua-hablante ayacuchana, psicóloga de profesión y escritora de cuentos en quechua para niños y niñas. Yesenia nos guía por el mundo de la niñez a través de su iniciativa Puriq Cartonera (@puriqcartonera), una editorial que publica libros en quechua desde el 2021, q…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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En este episodio, Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis) entrevista a dos jóvenes cineastas kichwas ecuatorianos, quienes cuentan su trayectoria artística como cineastas indígenas y lo que implica hacer cine indígena en un contexto de represión cultural contra los pueblos indígenas y originarias. Joshi Espinoza es director de cine de la comunidad de Otav…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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PERROS Y PROMOS: MEMORIA, VIOLENCIA Y AFECTO EN EL PERÚ POSCONFLICTO (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2023) es la historia de diez soldados del Ejército peruano que lucharon contra la insurgencia de Sendero Luminoso (1980-1992). Estos soldados eran principalmente reclutas de origen andino, muchos quechua hablantes, pero no de Ayacucho, al menos has…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio del podcast Kuskalla. En esta ocasión les traemos una conversación de nuestro host Renzo Aroni Sulca con la socióloga boliviana y activista de ascendencia aymara Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui durante su visita reciente al campus de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, en Lima, donde dio una conferencia sobre las m…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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Imaynallam, allinllachu hermanos y hermanas. Bienvenidos a Kuskalla podcast. En esta oportunidad estamos en Andahuaylas, Apurímac en la casa del Tayta Lurdio Flores, más conocido como el Picaflor de Umamarca. También nos acompaña su hijo Liberato Kani y Lu Ramos, estudiante de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Tayta Lurdi…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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Nos encontramos en la comunidad campesina de Zurite, ubicado en la provincia de Anta, Cusco. En esta oportunidad conversamos con Tomás Ruiz López, quien es comunero activo de Zurite y director del colegio Cnel. Francisco Bolognesi de Ccolccabamba, Ancahuasi. Nos cuenta la historia de la comunidad de Zurite en el tiempo de los hacendados y las llama…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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Esta entrevista es realizada en el centro poblado de Huancabamba, provincia de Andahuaylas, Apurímac. La comunidad de Huancabamba es caracterizada por su organización comunal y su presencia activa en las últimas protestas nacionales e incluso muchos comuneros se desplazaron hasta la ciudad de Lima para reclamar sus derechos políticos. Llegué a la c…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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---------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Lucha HSP for more exciting action! - Subscribe to out these our store!--------------------------------------------- https://lucha-hsp-store.creator-s…
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---------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Lucha HSP for more exciting action! - Subscribe to out these our store!--------------------------------------------- https://lucha-hsp-store.creator-s…
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---------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Lucha HSP for more exciting action! - Subscribe to out these our store!--------------------------------------------- https://lucha-hsp-store.creator-s…
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