USA Weightlifting coaches Greg Everett & Ursula Garza address audience questions on weightlifting technique, program design, competition and more.
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Episode 54
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1:04:32How to modulate intensity, volume and exercise selection within a week, how to count volume, and how to make the most out of training remotely with a coach.
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Episode 53
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1:05:31Looping bar path in the snatch, fear of heavy cleans, gym/team ethics and poaching, what to put in a training journal
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Episode 52
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1:06:50Proportions and how they influence potential as a lifter; choosing a weight class based on height; what to do if you power all of your snatches; bar rattling with contact and timing in the lifts.
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Episode 51
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1:03:50Where should the elbows be pointed (and how should the shoulders be positioned) in the start and pull of the snatch and clean; how do you warm up to text max snatch and clean & jerk; and what are the differences and uses for the 4 snatch balance variations.
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How much mobility do you really need for weightlifting, and is more a problem? Instability and lack of control snatching from the floor relative to hang; should you receive your lifts as low as possible? How to gain some weight for skinny people.
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Episode 49
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1:10:19How to fix the hips rising faster than the shoulders in the squat, why you slide backward in the push press and how to fix it, Ursula wants to know about Greg's rehab after shoulder dislocation and supra/labrum tear, and what the power position is and why it matters.
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Episode 48
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1:01:10Understanding the position at the top of the snatch and clean pull, and when and how weightlifting gear should be used.
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Episode 47
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1:07:52What to do when cues aren't working - do you need more technique work or more strength? And the obligatory discussion of the new weight classes.
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Redoing workouts and why you shouldn't, changing coaches, what to do if you're jumping forward in the snatch, how to train with very limited equipment, and how to get coaching help at a competition if you don't have a coach.
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Episode 45
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1:07:36Whether or not raising the heels for overhead squats because of limited ankle ROM is a good idea, how to correct awkward foot position in receiving the snatch or clean, and ideas on outfitting a garage gym.
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Episode 44
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1:00:15Why you may be hitting your pubic bone in the snatch and how to avoid it; the dilemmas of aging, adult responsibilities, pain and injuries and still trying to train and compete in weightlifting; and what to do to correct and/or prevent leg strength imbalances from the split jerk.
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Episode 43
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1:02:22All about cutting weight and rehydrating, and how to learn and practice counting attempts for Olympic weightlifting competition.
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A look at the new qualification procedure for the 2020 Olympics, a discussion of the power jerk and split jerk and how to balance training the two as well as determine which is appropriate for you, big gaps between strength and snatch weights, and how to get the back foot to stop spinning or sliding in the split jerk. Weightlifting Life podcast is …
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Episode 41
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1:08:01The purpose and methods of deloading weeks as well as GPP/hypertrophy and conditioning phases; how to get more explosive and aggressive if you tend to be more graceful instead; what to do if you're just repeating the same program for years and it seems like your coach may not be invested in you. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ,…
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Episode 40
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1:16:03Why the bar scrapes your shins in the first pull of the snatch or clean and how to fix it; What is the American Weightlifting Philosophy & Methodology? Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people get special rates on life insurance. Go to to support the show and…
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Episode 39
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1:09:48How to change coaches and/or teams the right way; Why it may not matter if your lift was power or nah; Should you be able to high-hang snatch more than you snatch from the floor? And priorities and adjustments to the starting position with long legs. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health consci…
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What to do if back squatting always causes pain because of rotation, how to make training alone better, whether or not athletes should be allow to cue their teammates. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people get special rates on life insurance. Go to to supp…
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Episode 37
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1:11:04A discussion of bar path and different extension positions in the snatch and how they affect the degree of arm bend in the pull under, and how to stay motivated and on track when dealing with injuries. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people get special rates on life insurance. G…
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Episode 36
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1:01:20How to make remote coaching work as well as possible, getting under the snatch faster, where to start corrections with multiple technical errors, and how to fix a premature shrug in the pull. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people get special rates on life insurance. Go to healt…
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Episode 35
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1:05:46A discussion of the upcoming 2017 World Championships and the details behind the absence of some countries and athletes; how to train an athlete who can perform reps at high percentages, but not maximal singles; and methods of recovery and what to do on rest days. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps…
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Where hypertrophy and higher rep training fits into a weightlifting program, technique falling apart as fatigue sets in at the end of a workout, fixing a short split as jerk weights increase, and physical training logs vs smart phone apps. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people …
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Episode 33
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1:04:20What to do about a lifter who creates trouble in the gym with his/her behavior, what's going on at the end of a training cycle when you're physically and emotionally busted and what to do about it, and how long the feet should stay flat during the second pull of the snatch and clean. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insuranc…
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Episode 32
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1:03:23How to work up to test1RM, how to determine the best starting position for the snatch with long legs, and the purpose of no-contact snatches.
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Episode 31
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1:09:05When lifters should begin training twice daily and how to structure that, how to calculate and prescribe training volume, including accessory work, how to coach the Olympic lifts to CrossFitters who use different technique in metCons than they would for the lifts in isolation.
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Whether or not it's OK to wear a belt in the snatch, how far out a coach should write training programs, and assessing new clients for their readiness for weightlifting. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people get special rates on life insurance. Go to to su…
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Whether or not it's a concern to use a wide, knees-inside-the-feet receiving position for the snatch; trouble with pushing the knees too far back in the pull; not being able to move the feet when pulling under heavy snatches; what role deadlifts play in weightlifting training. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance compa…
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Episode 28
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1:00:01Whether scapular winging is preventing a good overhead position and what to do about it, what could be causing wrist pain in cleans and what the proper clean rack position should look like, and what the uses for no hook, no feet and no contact snatches and cleans are. Weightlifting Life podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that h…
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Episode 27
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1:15:54How to program 2 days/week of weightlifting for CrossFitters, how say much a lifter should have in determining technique, how programming needs to be changed when moving up a weight class, and the importance and nature of self-talk. This podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates weightlifters and other health consc…
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Getting over Clarking snatches and cleans, how to fix the upper back collapsing in the clean, improving jerk timing to avoid pressouts, and how to program a back-off week. This podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates weightlifters and other health conscious people. Visit to learn more & get …
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Episode 25
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1:02:46Discussion of the IOC's decision to reduce the number of weightlifters in the Olympics and the doping problem, the best overhead stability exercises for the snatch and jerk, and how to fix the elbows rebending after receiving the snatch or jerk. This podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates weightlifters and other…
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Episode 24
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1:01:20Benefits, potential problems, and things to work on for wide-grip jerks; whether or not loud feet in the lifts is important and why; what it means if you have a weak power snatch relative to your snatch and what to do about it; the position of the final extension of the snatch and clean and how this influences the arm bend in the turnover; and ways…
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Episode 23
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1:09:42Rules of competition you may not know that can get you into trouble, going 2/6 or 6/6, and how best to fill time in competition. his podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates weightlifters and other health conscious people. Visit to learn more & get a free quote, or check out their life insura…
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Curling the wrists in the snatch and clean, what to do about flat feet, whether training should be done intuitively or according to a program, lower back vs.s leg strength and the body shifting to place the burden on one or the other, and whether the arms should be internally or externally rotated overhead in the snatch. This podcast is supported b…
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Double bouncing in the clean and how to avoid it, whether the feet should slide or stomp in the snatch and clean, post activation potentiation, and wrist pain in the overhead squat. This podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates weightlifters and other health conscious people. Visit to learn m…
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Episode 20
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1:02:40Whether or not the elbows need to be turned out in the start and pull of the snatch and clean and why, how to correct collapsing in heavy front squats, and knowing if you're getting adequate coaching, as well as the problems with under and over coaching.
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The utility of and need for the press and push press for weightlifters, combining CrossFit and weightlifting, and dealing with disparity in abilities like pulling and squatting. This podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates weightlifters and other health conscious people. Visit to learn more …
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Red flags to look for as a coach when bringing on new lifters, how to improve power and speed in the recovery of the clean, what to do when snatches turn into power snatches as weights increase, and whether or not to train the snatch and clean & jerk together in a single session.
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How to fix "Clarking" (bailing out partway through a lift), and how to decide on weight and rep selection when creating training programs.
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Episode 15
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1:06:37Whether or not you need to lift your feet in the third pull of the snatch and clean and distinguishing lifting the feet from jumping, what it means to be tight before a lift, scapular position in the starting position, and how to avoid hitting the public bone with the bar.
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Episode 14
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Episode 13
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Episode 12
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1:02:43A quick look at the 2016 American Open, a discussion of competition strategy and coaching, and hand care.
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Episode 11
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1:00:43Jumping backward in the snatch or clean, why it's happening, if it's a problem, and how to correct it; hip cleaning and why you shouldn't; how often beginners should snatch and clean & jerk; and how well-endowed women can avoid hitting their endowments with the bar in the snatch. Read the arm bend article here Watch the arm bend video here…
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Episode 10
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1:04:07Causes and solutions to the problem of the hips rising faster than the shoulders in the pull, whether the knees should be pushed out or pushed back in the pull, why weightlifting shoes are necessary, and how to balance being a coach and an athlete.
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Greg & Ursula discuss how to improve speed under the snatch and clean, programming suggestions for training with very limited time, and recovery methods.
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Greg & Ursula give advice for improving the speed of the drive in the jerk, as well as peripheral issues that may contribute such as timing and the ability to brake in the dip, how to stay over the bar correctly while maintaining balance in the pull, and the position of the torso during the third pull and what exactly is happening.…
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The issue of barbell contact with the hips in the snatch is tackled once more, and Greg & Ursula discuss the use and purposes of complexes, and mobility in the overhead squat.
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Episode 6
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1:01:13Questions this episode cover how to close the gap between the clean and front squat, proper balance in the pull and the problems with shifting excessively to the heels, and correcting a premature second pull in the snatch or clean.
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Episode 5
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1:10:23Greg & Ursula discuss issues regarding starting and running a weightlifting club and team, including how to attract the right kind of lifter, and how new coaches can learn and improve.
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