Queremos hacer el concepto de SYSK (Stuff you should know) en español, semana a semana te explicamos temas cotidianos que deberías saber, como si tuvieras 5 años.
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“Whoever said that they don't enjoy reading didn't have the right book.” -Blair Waldorf (not really) Join Laura Matías, o Lala para los amigos, as she recommends, analyzes, fangirls, and rants about books from many different genres and flavors. If you need help developing a reading habit or you just can’t get enough of talking about books, you’re in the right place! New episodes every Friday!
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This is a bilingual (English/Spanish) podcast for intermediate to advanced speakers. My name is Cat and I am a native English speaker. I am still learning Spanish as it’s not my first language. On this podcast I will talk about language learning, life, love, health, exercise and more. I’m excited to help you improve your listening and understanding with interesting topics. Learning another language is powerful, but it takes time, patience and practice. Don’t give up! Este es un podcast bilin ...
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El diseño de packaging debería ser mucho más que vestir un producto. Bienvenido a BRANDERMAN, donde creemos que hay una mejor forma de diseñar packaging. Acompáñame en este viaje mientras intentamos descubrir lo que realmente se necesita para diseñar mejores envases. El buen diseño informa, seduce, crea una experiencia inmersiva, e incluso salva el planeta. Soy Hernán Braberman, director de diseño de la agencia tridimage, y te invito a conversar con expertos sobre el presente y futuro de las ...
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En nuestro 'podcast' encontrarás diferentes audios de nuestras clases, profes, entrevistas y muchísimas cosas más.
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"La comunicación efectiva es aquella en donde no solo el emisor y receptor comprenden un mensaje; sino que el emisor por medio de un mensaje logra un efecto en la vida del receptor" www.scichile.com
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La espiritualidad, es el deseo de tu alma de encontrarse a sí misma con su naturaleza original y la Magia, es su punto de partida. Si llegaste aquí no es casualidad, es que tu alma se está encontrando.
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Quieres ms de la vida ests buscando respuestas Snate te ensear cmo encontrarlas en tu interior Este libro cambi mi vida y creme tambin cambiar la tuya Una obra maestra de empoderamiento MEL ROBBINSautor de El poder de lossegundosLa Psicologa holstica proporciona un enfoque revolucionario para la sanacin personal que usa el empoderamiento del yo y genera un cambio definitivo hacia la paz interiorComo psicloga clnica la Dra Nicole LePera a menudo se senta frustrada por las limitaciones de su p ...
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Mentioned Links Becoming Something Podcast https://becomingsomething.com/ Espresso Epilogues Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2jwyrRLAevLE0Tq8q26y5B If you enjoyed, subscribe, comment, and review the show. Love to hear fromyou! My social media http://bio.site/confessions Dios te bendiga, Jesús te ama.…
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Can you teach your baby to be bilingual from the start, or will they get confused learning two languages simultaneously? ¿Puedes enseñar a tu bebé a ser bilingüe desde el principio, o se confundirá al aprender dos idiomas simultáneamente?Por Catherine M
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Some families in the United States practice Christmas differently from what you see in the movies. My family is one of them. An episode about different Christmas traditions in the United States. Algunas familias en Estados Unidos celebran la Navidad de forma distinta a como se ve en las películas. Mi familia es una de ellas. Un episodio sobre difer…
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Episodio 11: Enfermedades, agotamiento y tres historias inspiradoras sobre el aprendizaje de idiomas
En este episodio, explico por qué no he publicado un episodio en 6 semanas y comparto 3 historias inspiradoras de aprendizaje de idiomas para alentarte a seguir perseverando en tu aprendizaje. Estas historias son de 3 personas que lograron aprender un segundo idioma a pesar de la inseguridad, la vergüenza y las dificultades.…
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In this episode, I explain why I haven't released an episode in 6 weeks, and I share 3 inspirational language learning stories to encourage you to keep persevering in your language learning. These stories are of 3 individuals who accomplished learning a second language despite insecurity, embarrassment, and difficulties.…
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Looking for the perfect gift for the reader in your life (or in some cases, yourself)? En este episodio navideño, I´ve selected some of fantastic books to gift to your bookworm this Christmas. Whether they’re into fiction, non-fiction, whether they´re young or old-er, I´ve got you covered. Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! Mentioned Links The World …
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This episode has everything: book wrap-up, TBR, book haul, and bookish storytime. What isn’t there to love? In this episode of Laura Reads her Way Out, I share with you my adventures en la Feria Internacional del Libro, my NANOWRIMO experience, and what’s coming up next in the show. Mentioned Links Llama Llama Red Pajama Willow and Wonder Smeldis P…
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When reading a book, and you aren’t enjoying it, should you: a) soldier on and keep reading the book b) leave it for a more oportune time c) set the book on fire and roast some marshmallows Leave answers in comments, while I tell you about all the books I have Did Not Finished (at least the ones I recorded on Goodreads). Links Mentioned: The World …
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Better late than never. In this episode I do the End of the Year Book Tag and tag anyone who is interested in doing. Cause technically it’s still the end of the year, therefore still on time.End of the Year Book Tag QuestionsAre there any books you started this year that you need to finish?Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of …
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"Flor sin olor, no es completa esa flor." Parece que los personajes de la novela Pefume: Historia de un Asesino de Patrick Süskind se tomaron ese refrán muy apecho. In this episode, I review and analysis this gothic thriller, sobre un hombre con un sentido del olfato super desarrollado y los crímenes que comete para crear el perfume más poderoso de…
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(PDF) Treat Your Own Shoulder Android | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : gooread.fileunlimited.club/amsp24/B00UHZXPSCPor adalynktylepark
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PDF Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing: Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications Ipad | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : gooread.fileunlimited.club/amsp24/0803611668Por adalynktylepark
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PDF The Religious Objection to Vaccination: The Aborted Fetal Cell Debate (The Hidden Dangers of Vaccines (That Your Doctor Won't Tell You)) Android
PDF The Religious Objection to Vaccination: The Aborted Fetal Cell Debate (The Hidden Dangers of Vaccines (That Your Doctor Won't Tell You)) Android | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : gooread.fileunlimited.club/amsp24/B0CNWGKG84Por adalynktylepark
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¡Los amantes de los lenguajes sienten mucha curiosidad con este tema! ¿Puedes aprender dos idiomas a la vez? ¿Cuáles son los desafíos y cómo puede superarse? ¿O simplemente no es realista? ¡Escucha y aprende! Intro 🎶 Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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Langauge lovers are curious about this one! Can you effectively learn two languages at the same time? What are the challenges and how can those be overcome? Or is it just not realistic? Listen and learn! Intro 🎶 Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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How wonderful it is to live in a world with books and Octobers. In this episode of Laura Reads Her Way Out, we’re chatting about all two books I read this month! From childhood classics, cozy japanese fiction, and a very depressing book. Also, if you wanna hear about an accidentally long book haul, a slightly less ambitious TBR, and fun bookish new…
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Welcome to Laura Reads Her Way Out! Después de durar casi un año diciendo que volvería, ya estamos de vuelta (por fin). Thank you so much for your patience and suppport. This new epoch (not gonna use the word era, ya la quemamos) has a bunch of amazing changes that you´ll totally enjoy. In this episode we discuss… Life Updates Shout out to everyone…
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Queremos aprender un nuevo idioma para mejores oportunidades de trabajo, porque creemos que es genial, o queremos conectarnos más con una comunidad específica. Pero, ¿y si les dijera que aprender un idioma diferente ofrece mucho más que un mejor trabajo o una habilidad especial? En este episodio exploramos cómo aprender un idioma diferente abre tu …
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We want to learn a new language for better job opportunities, because we think it's cool, or we want to connect more with a specific community. But what if I told you that learning a different language offers so much more than just a better job or a special skill? In this episode we explore how learning a different language opens your mind, enhance…
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No es ningún secreto que muchos estudiantes de idiomas se enfrentan a la ansiedad por su pronunciación y acento cuando hablan otro idioma. Los acentos pueden estar vinculados a estereotipos negativos y hacer que no se tome en serio a las personas. En ese caso, ¿deberías quitarte de tu acento tanto como sea posible? Música 🎶 Roa Music Música de intr…
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It is no secret that many language learners face anxiety over their pronunciation and accent when speaking another language. Accents can be tied to negative stereotypes, and cause for people to not be taken seriously. In that case, should you get rid of your accent as much as possible? Intro Music 🎶 Roa Music…
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Ya que estamos en octubre, es el momento perfecto para hablar sobre la temporada favorita de los estadounidenses: el otoño. ¿Por qué esta es la temporada favorita de la mayoría de los estadounidenses? Desde la comida hasta el clima y la ropa, hay muchas razones, ¡así que hablemos! ¡Toma tu café con leche con especias de calabaza y tu pastel de manz…
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Since we're now in October, it's the perfect time to talk about Americans' favorite season - the fall. Why is this season favored by most Americans? From food, to weather, to clothing, there are many reasons, so let's discuss! Grab your pumpkin spice latte and apple cinnamon pastry and listen! Intro Music 🎶 Roa Music…
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¿Es el amor sentido lo mismo por todos, o el sentimiento difiere dependiendo de su idioma y tal vez incluso la cultura? No hay nada más emocionante que hablar de amor, ¡así que vamos a platicar de ello! Intro Music: Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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Is love felt the same by everyone, or does the sentiment differ depending on your language and maybe even culture? There is nothing more exciting than talking about love, so let's get into it! Intro Music: Roa MusicPor Catherine M
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¿Sabías que puedes mejorar tu aprendizaje de idiomas haciendo ejercicio y escuchando música? De hecho, ¡está respaldado por la ciencia! Escucha para aprender sobre este fascinante tema. Música por: ~~Roa Music~~ ▶YouTube / roamusic Por Catherine M
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Did you know you can improve your language learning by exercising and listening to music? In fact, it is supported by science! Listen to learn about this fascinating topic. Music by: ~~Roa Music~~ ▶YouTube / roamusicPor Catherine M
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James Pryor is Co-founder and Managing Partner of Touch, a leading agency in structural packaging innovation. At Touch, James and his team harness strategic insights to create sustainable, future-ready growth for some of the world’s most renowned brands. In this episode, James shares his perspective on why packaging is more than just a wrapper—it's…
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¿Es posible que tu personalidad cambie dependiendo del idioma que estés hablando? Algunas personas dicen que se sienten como una persona distinta cuando cambian de idioma. Pero, ¿por qué hablar otro idioma cambiaría quién eres?Por Catherine M
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Is it possible that your personality changes depending on the language you're speaking? Some people say they feel like a different person when they switch between languages. But why would speaking another language change who you are?Por Catherine M
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En el episodio 3: Cómo manejar las diferencias culturales, hablo sobre lo que sucede y cómo debemos reaccionar cuando sin querer ofendemos a alguien durante interacciones en nuestro segundo idioma. También analizo cómo podemos aprender sobre las diferencias culturales, aumentar nuestra competencia y comprensión, para que podamos tratar de evitar ca…
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In Episode 3: Managing Cultural Differences, I talk about what happens and how we should react when we accidentally offend someone during interactions speaking our second language. I also discuss how we can learn about cultural differences, increase our competency and understanding, so that we can try to avoid causing offense as much as possible.…
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Joana-Maria Bauchwitz is the visionary founder and CEO of Baries Design in Düsseldorf. Since 2009, Joana has been at the helm of a dynamic team of creative strategists, specializing in brand development focusing on beauty and FMCG products. In this episode, Joana takes us on her journey from aspiring world-famous artist to successful packaging desi…
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Este episodio es una conversación sobre el orgullo y el ego, y especialmente sobre cómo pueden interferir en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Comparto cuentas de mis propias experiencias, así como situaciones que he observado.Por Catherine M
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This episode is a discussion about pride & ego, and especially how it can interfere with language learning. I share stories from my own experiences as well as situations I have observed.Por Catherine M
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En este episodio me presento a los oyentes. Hablo sobre el título de mi podcast, por qué creé un podcast bilingüe y cómo comencé a aprender un segundo idioma.Por Catherine M
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In this episode, I am introducing myself to listeners. I talk about the name of my podcast, why I created a bilingual podcast, and how I started learning a second language.Por Catherine M
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Andrés Marantá es gerente de Diseño de Alpina, la empresa láctea líder en Colombia. Andrés lidera la estrategia de diseño y los aspectos visuales del packaging, la comunicación de marcas y nuevos lanzamientos en Alpina. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en agencias de publicidad como Leo Burnett, Lowe SSP3, Sancho BBDO, JWT y Ogilvy, él ha sido rec…
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Roland Gurney runs Treacle, a team specializing in agency positioning, differentiation, and messaging. Treacle has worked with various agencies worldwide, from independent boutiques to major network names, and is on a mission to help agencies stand out and attract clients. In this episode, Roland explores the intricacies of crafting distinctive and…
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Alex Bane is the Founder & Chief Business Officer at Taxi Studio, an independent design firm with locations in Bristol and London. Alex is at the helm of Taxi's growth and international reputation, with a keen understanding of the intricate challenges brands face across various countries and sectors. In this episode, Alex delves into how Taxi Studi…
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William Caruso is Senior Marketing Scientist at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute from Adelaide, Australia. In this episode, Will imparts valuable insights about the factors contributing to successful packaging redesigns. He shares his research findings on the impact of pack design consistency, the importance of familiarity in purchase decisions, and th…
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Para inaugurar la quinta temporada de BRANDERMAN, tuve el honor de ser entrevistado por Jesús Nuñez. Jesús es un empresario mexicano con enfoque en innovación alimentaria, negocios internacionales y tecnología. Se graduó con Mención Honorífica en la Licenciatura en Comercio Internacional con Especialidad en Agronegocios en el Tec de Monterrey. Curs…
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Charlotte Ellis Maldari is the founder of Kaffeen, an online platform dedicated to assisting design agencies in scaling their businesses. Kaffeen achieves this through accessible, cost-effective, and results-oriented resources. Since its establishment, Kaffeen has successfully aided over 900 agencies globally, furnishing them with tools for profici…
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Ale Ros es diseñador argentino referente del diseño de tapas de discos del rock, pop y electrónica en Latinoamérica. Realizó el arte de tapa de emblemáticos discos de rock y pop para Soda Stereo, Gustavo Cerati, Fito Paez, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Mercedes Sosa, Divididos, Vicentico, Miranda!, Juana Molina, Babasónicos y Damas Gratis, entre muchos ot…
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Ximena O’Reilly is Global head of design at Nestlé. Since her arrival at Nestlé in 2013, Ximena has spearheaded a design revolution, introducing innovative work methodologies, digital tools, and dynamic resource models. Together with her team, she ensures every department, regardless of its function, is equipped to drive brand-building activities, …
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Llegamos al episodio cincuenta del podcast BRANDERMAN, y para celebrarlo les traigo algo especial. Hoy los invitados son Adriana Cortese, Virginia Gines y Hernán Braberman, los tres socios fundadores de tridimage, y los anfitriones son Marco Sanguinetti y Pablo Bianchi. Marco Sanguinetti es Diseñador Industrial, Docente Especializado y Doctor en Di…
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Emmanuel Probst is Global Lead, Brand Thought-Leadership at Ipsos and adjunct professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. Emmanuel's background comprises over 17 years of market research and marketing experience with strong academic achievements. He is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author of "Brand Hacks" and "Assem…
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Sylvia Vitale Rotta is the Founder & CEO of Team Creatif Group, an international brand design agency, with branches in the four corners of the globe. Sylvia's journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Born in Tanzania to Italian parents and educated at the prestigious Royal Art School in London, she embarked on a path that would eventually lead he…
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Marcos Iorio es un mentor y curador brasileño de innovación, ESG y economía circular, director de Circoolar proyectos regenerativos. Marcos es especialista en conectar la alta tecnología, la responsabilidad socioambiental y el modelado de negocios. Es Vicerrector del Centro de Ciencia y Desarrollo – Circula – de la Fundación de Apoyo a la Investiga…
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John Glasgow & Jonathan Kenyon are co-Founders of Vault49. After meeting at the London College of Printing in the early 2000’s, John & Jonathan founded Vault49. Initially an internationally renowned street art partnership, Vault49 has evolved into a holistic 360 brand experience and packaging design agency and counts Guinness, Baileys, and PepsiCo …
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