Florida Coast Church (PCA) - Pompano Beach, Florida - Praising, Learning, Loving
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In the conclusion of his case against humanity, Paul demonstrated that all are under sin, which is why all need the redemption that is only in Christ.Por Larry Trotter
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Salvation is not a matter of racial identity or religious privilege but of true righteous, which comes through the gospel.Por Larry Trotter
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Although God gave humanity up to our sins, he also gave up his Son for our sins.Por Larry Trotter
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The gospel is the power of salvation for all who believe because it reveals the righteousness of God that is by faith from first to last.Por Larry Trotter
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Paul began his letter to the Romans by explaining the gospel of God and its purpose to bring about the obedience of faith among the nations.Por Larry Trotter
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1 Samuel ends on a sad but hopeful note with Saul killed and David waiting in the wings, but even David and the rest of the kings of Judah were preparation for the ideal Messiah King.Por Larry Trotter
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The opposite results of David's and Saul's desperate measures hold lessons about how to live in the world while not being of the world.Por Larry Trotter
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Three incidents in the life of David illustrate the principle that believers should not pay evil for evil but overcome evil with good while trusting the Lord and letting his hand save.Por Larry Trotter
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God sent his unique Son in human flesh to be the propitiation for sins, Savior of the world, and life for all who believe.Por Larry Trotter
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God's continued rescuing of David from Saul show that God always reserves a remnant of his people and ultimately saves his anointed one from death.Por Larry Trotter
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While David used desperate and even deceptive means of escape, God provided for him because of his grace and faithfulness.Por Larry Trotter
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As David’s covenant with David held firm through difficult times, so God’s covenant with us keeps us throughout our lives.Por Larry Trotter
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Although the first anointed king tried to kill the second one, the Lord protected his anointed, as he always does.Por Larry Trotter
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One of the best known stories of the Old Testament is not only about David and Goliath but also about the Lord and the Champion to come.Por Larry Trotter
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After the Lord rejected Saul as king, he chose a man with a heart oriented toward the Lord.Por Larry Trotter
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In response to King Saul’s second major error and his excuse, Samuel famously declared that to obey is better than sacrifice.Por Larry Trotter
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Saul’s two acts of foolishness contrasted with his son’s two acts of faith, and they changed the course of history.Por Larry Trotter
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God's choice of Saul to be Israel's first king anticipated the eventual arrival of the coming King and also Christians' royal calling.Por Larry Trotter
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The Israelites’ demand for a king is a good reminder to us to trust in the Lord, the only one who can profit and deliver.Por Larry Trotter
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When the ark is captured, the Lord goes into exile for his people and fights their enemies. When his people repent, he gives them the victory.Por Larry Trotter
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The loss of the Ark from Israel anticipated the way of approaching God through Christ and also warns against faith that is merely outward conformity.Por Larry Trotter
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After a time of little communication with his people, God spoke again through his prophet Samuel, and he has spoken most clearly through his own Son.Por Larry Trotter
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The chief priest could not control his wicked sons, so God removed them all and raised up the one who could intercede between humans and himself.Por Larry Trotter
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After the dismal failures of Israel during the time of the judges, the restoration began with the birth of a son to a barren woman.Por Larry Trotter
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Disorderly members can wreck a church, but a firm and loving response by other members can save them and the church.Por Larry Trotter
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After relating terrible events that must happen before Christ’s coming, this text leaves believers with a simple message - Stand Firm!Por Larry Trotter
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The Thessalonian Christians show us what it looks like to live out God’s grace under persecution.Por Larry Trotter
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Although not exactly a parable, the judgment scene that concluded Jesus' public teaching in Matthew brings together important themes of his parables of the kingdom.Por Larry Trotter
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The Parable of the Banquet illustrates the various responses to the generous invitation of the King.Por Larry Trotter
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Two parables directed against the religious leaders indicated why they would lose their management of the kingdom, and why others would take their place.Por Larry Trotter
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The early church produced several creeds that continue to exercise great influence over what Christians believe about Jesus Christ to this day. (Here is an accompanying presentation.)Por Larry Trotter
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To be ready for Jesus' coming, we need to be doing what he has already told us to do.Por Larry Trotter
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Although we work for the growth of the kingdom, it grows mysteriously in ways that we cannot understand or control.Por Larry Trotter
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The parable of the workers in the vineyard reminds us that entering the kingdom of God is not about our work but God’s generosity.Por Larry Trotter
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Four short parables point to the surpassing value of the kingdom of God and the need to find it now.Por Larry Trotter
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Although the Kingdom of God started imperceptibly small, it will cover and fill the whole earth.Por Larry Trotter
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The parable often called the Wheat and the Tares gives hope that one day all will be made right.Por Larry Trotter
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This first parable from Matthew provides the key to understanding all the parables and to entering the kingdom of God.Por Larry Trotter
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Christians need to learn to speak with joy, listen with discernment, and grow in grace.Por Larry Trotter
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In a brief burst of practical instructions, we learn how to treat church leaders, other church numbers, and everyone else.Por Larry Trotter
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The Day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night but not for those who live in the light.Por Larry Trotter
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Although Christians will grieve the loss of loved ones, we have two solid reasons for hope.Por Larry Trotter
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No matter how long we have been Christians, we can always keep growing more and more in purity and love.Por Larry Trotter
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If we invest in making disciples, our lives become bound up with theirs to die and live together.Por Larry Trotter
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The Thessalonian believers followed the good example of their faithful ministers.Por Larry Trotter
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The church in Thessalonica not only followed worthy examples but also became one itself.Por Larry Trotter
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The same joy that the first disciples experienced upon seeing Jesus again is available to us.Por Larry Trotter
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These two psalms together provide a biblical view of the family.Por Larry Trotter
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Jesus announced that the hour had come for him to be glorified, but his glorification would begin with a cross.Por Larry Trotter
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In the triumphant conclusion of Exodus, God filled his dwelling and led his people, which he does today in a much greater way.Por Larry Trotter
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