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Inner Sight Radio

Lucis Trust

Inner Sight broadcasts talks on philosophical and spiritual topics essential to everyday life. Founded by Alice Bailey in 1922, Lucis Trust is a nonprofit, nonsectarian and nonpolitical organization that promotes right human relations, goodwill and the oneness of humanity. To learn more about our work visit
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2020年4月から2021年8月に渡ってお送りしてきましたSIGHT RADIOですが、No.107の配信をもって終了させていただきます。これまで聞いていただきありがとうございます。また新しい形、新しい企画での挑戦ができればと考えています。聞いていただいたリスナー、そしてお忙しいなか出演してくださったゲスト、皆さんに感謝します。 ------ ロッキングオン社代表で本格派総合誌『SIGHT』を責任編集する渋谷陽一と、小説からラップまで幅広く活動するクリエイターいとうせいこうがタッグを組み、日本の政治・社会の深層を徹底追求!多彩なゲストを招いての本気のトークを展開。
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If you are a person who's life has been directly affected by physical sight loss, then this is the podcast for you! Whether you are the VIP (Visually Impaired Person) or a Sighted Supporter, LASLR is the place to find encouragement and information on discovering life after sight loss. Join hosts Derek and April as they share their experiences and insights from the last 17+ years of living life with visual impairment. This is more than just how to be is discovering life!
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show series
There are so many questions about what you should do after losing your sight. But, what about the things you don't have to do? In today's episode, we'll discuss a few of those things and why it's important to keep them in mind as you move forward. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast in your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify…
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There are many misconceptions out there about being a blind or visually impaired person. And, before losing my sight, I'm sure I believed a few of them. So, on today's episode, we're busting 5 myths about being blind or visually impaired! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast in your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Over…
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We talk about emotions a lot around here. So, today, we thought we'd discuss some personal stories from our own lives that reflect various emotions that we face on a regular basis. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast in your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Overcast. And, consider giving us a rating and review! Got Que…
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If you ask someone what they miss after losing their sight, many times they say something big like not being able to drive. But, there are a lot of little things that you miss as well. Today, we'll share a few of those things from both the sighted and visually impaired perspective. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast in your favorite podcast a…
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Easter is just around the corner which means many people will be gathering together for a big, family meal. But, after losing your sight, these can seem a lot more overwhelming. So, today, we've got some tips on how to make things go a little more smoothly so you can enjoy time with family! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast in your favorite …
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Facing sight loss is hard for many reasons not least of which is the loss of independence. We all just want to be independent. But, is it possible to swing the other way and become too dependent on those around us? On today's episode, we'll try to help you answer that question and what to do about it. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast in you…
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Alright folks...settle in for a longer one this week because... IT'S EPISODE #100! Plus, we've got two special guests to help us discuss the topic for today. Our son and daughter join us to answer some questions about what it has been like to have a VIP for a parent. We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who listens to the podcast. Doing…
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This week we discuss how certain emotions can manifest themselves in your life after losing your sight. While we might think we know exactly why a person is acting a certain way, it's important to dig a little deeper and truly understand the why behind the behavior. Emotions We Cover:Fear - 1:30 Anger - 5:12 Sorrow - 8:56 Loneliness - 11:54 Don't f…
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This week we take a few moments to respond to some of your comments and questions! We cover topics such as: -Being a Blind Youtube Creator-How I (Derek) Read Books-Utilizing the Apple Ecosystem-Having an Affect on Those Around You-And More! If you want us to respond to a question you have, feel free to email me or find me on Instagram! Don't forget…
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On the podcast we talk a lot about VIP specific things, such as adapting to environments, tools to use and so forth. But, there's another side that we don't always focus on. And, that is the sighted supporter. This week, we take a few minutes to discuss the journey of the sighted supporter. We ask April some questions about her life as a sighted su…
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詫摩佳代さん(国際政治学者・東京都立大学法学部教授) 日本も被害者になりうるという“安全保障”としての感染症対策が必要。 WHOは保健協力の世界政府ではない。 (3月25日収録・収録時間33分18秒)
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No.86 3.11から10年、いとうせいこう『福島モノローグ』を語る。 いとうせいこうさん(作家・クリエーター) 被災された方たちに話を聞き続け、自分の言葉を一文字も出さずにモノローグというかたちで伝えたかった。 (3月19日収録・収録時間26分3秒)
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No.79 哲学者が危機感をもつ「コロナ」と「言葉」の関係 古田徹也さん(倫理学・哲学者、東京大学准教授) 「濃厚接触」「自粛要請」「新しい生活様式」といった言葉が権威をもち、権力をもってしまう危うさがある。 (2月4日収録・収録時間33分7秒)
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森田洋之さん(医師・医療経済ジャーナリスト) コロナ病床は全体のわずか数パーセント。日本の病院は8割方が民間で、統制がとれないことが大きな課題。 (2月4日収録・収録時間39分13秒)
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ゲスト:保坂展人さん(世田谷区長) 国の責任はワクチンを自治体に届けるまで。あとの責任は自治体というならば、現場は大混乱する。 (2月4日収録・収録時間29分16秒)
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渡邊裕子さん(ニューヨーク在住ビジネス・コンサルタント) 4年前の後悔が投票所に何時間も並ぶパッション(情熱)を生んだ。いま、アメリカには「癒し」が必要。 (12月4日収録・収録時間36分52秒)
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井手英策さん(経済学者、慶応義塾大学教授) 発展途上国の一歩手前という日本経済の現状で、政府を小さくすれば経済は成長できるという幻想はもうやめてほしい。 (11月17日収録・収録時間21分59秒)
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ゲスト:竹下誠二郎さん(静岡県立大学経営情報学部 学部長・教授) トランプが燃やしてきたいくつもの橋をかけ直し、アメリカが世界のリーダーに戻ることが大切。 (11月17日収録・収録時間22分55秒)
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ゲスト:竹下誠二郎さん(静岡県立大学経営情報学部 学部長・教授) バイデンかトランプではない。民主主義に対する危機から、トランプかアメリカか?の選挙になった。 (11月17日収録・収録時間30分13秒)
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