「人生の彩りかた」をテーマに様々なライフスタイルのゲストと対談します。対談の最後には彼らの想いを即興で歌にします♪毎週金曜日配信! ナビゲーター:どり プロデューサー:上坂実
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I created this podcast as a platform to talk about The SELF. I have learnt that you cannot master LIFE without a constant review of one's self . That's why i talk about ways in which we can encourage Self growth, Self awareness, Self love, Self improvement, Self empowerment and mental health alertness.. basically everything that affect our relationship with life...I encourage you to listen and l 📧 Email : lifeisanartpodcast@gmail.com Instagram https://www.instagram.com/life.is.an.art.podcast ...
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You are not failing you just need to re-access ,plan and get your life back together...it takes workFollow @life.is.an.art.podcast
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Comparison is the thief of joy and self confidence Your authentic self is what the world wants not some version of you.Here are 10 plus ways to stop comparing yourself.Follow and share with a friend
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Being young naive and in love made me stay for 5 years😭. This my guide to you on how to spot the traits Early on . Knowledge to help you navigate and heal and love yourself better feel free to leave a voice note a message of encouragement don't forget to follow and tell a friend...... 💕
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If you are getting in the way of your success plans then you are self sabotaging....this episode is for you
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Self confidence equate to self awareness and doing it afraid looking unafraidFollow: lifeisanartpodcast@gmail.comInstagram: lifeisanartpodcast-ke
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Being happy broke....Survival skills in your broke phase Tips to navigate broke life phaseNo shame in being broke follow @lifeisanartpodcast
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You are standing in your on way you are enough exactly where you need to be..
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Write down you vision and make it known... Vision board with hard work they can work don't forget to follow @ lifeisartpodcast
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Questions to ask your self before you set any new year resolution.... Follow on Instagram lifeisanartpodcast support on Paypal lifeisanartpodcast@gmail.com
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I made a vision board 80% was definitely a success Thank you for showing up for life is an art podcast.... Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year 💐💐💐
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Listen....Self love is more of empathy compassion and healing...not really having an expensive skin care routine or going for an expensive brunch have seen my Instagram@life.is.an.art.podcast
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You have the tools to be in control of your life and choose the direction you want to steer you life follow me on Instagram at life.is.an.art.podcast
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Thankful for this new age sharing some of the lessons I have learnt...with age comes wisdom mistakes lessons...and more
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Adulting honestly starts when officially move out and start being alone bills budgeting planning forming routines...here are some of the tips I have gathered from living alone. Follow on Instagram and leave a comment please on Spotify...
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What you consume mentally affects your way of thinking and mental health....tips on how to ensure you feed your brain with the best nutrients internally and externally...
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What happens when you don't have a choice.? Chances are you settle and you start surviving, Would you start another career right now are you willing to take over the consequences of your choices good or bad..? Let's talk on my Instagram @life.is.an.art.podcast
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Priorities on sleep , sleeping catches up with you... learn how to sleep better while adulting...creating time and having proper naps ...
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Donation or support PayPal-maggiekaranja060@gmail.com What do you do when you have 0 energy or no motivation to do anything. Tricks on having a productive lazy day. Check out my Instagram. Donation or support PayPal-maggiekaranja060@gmail.com
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Do you suffer from people pleasing disease?? You need Boundaries! Boundaries are simply puting a mark of what you can and can not tolerate. Start by saying No... Get your power back thank for listening happy Boundaries setting...😊
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40%of our daily lives is made up of habits ...habits are something we do automatically with less thinking ..let me take you through the ways you can form a healthy. Habit over time. Follow instagram life.is.an.art.podcast for daily inspo
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More knowledge more conversation more content follow me on Instagram....@life.is.an.art.podcast
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Pack a lightly pack whatever is necessary and what to leave behind don't carry baggage from 2020 that isn't adding value to you carry the lesson.... Let's carry our bags to the best of our ability follow @life.is.an.art.podcast
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Hey thank you for supporting and listening to life is an art podcast..... ⛄ 🎄
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Positivity and consistency is key Thank you for joining me in today's words of affirmation... Follow me on Instagram @life.is an.art.podcast
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I am calm and centered.... You become your words Day 1
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First guest!!! Author/blogger of my little diary on wordpress millennial talks on youtube she does Public relation above all my friend...Maryannah Kameri.. We talk on our individual self discovery the truth about and how it's an everyday day journey...Most outstanding thing is we discover how we've come to be who we are right now...Join us as we ta…
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If you question where you are in life and where you are suppose to be in life then this podcast is for learn how to trust yourself enough to trust in the process of life.
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Do you mind asking yourself What is your love language ? For self love instead of waiting for the right person that you will spend the rest of your life with strive to be the right person you would love to spend the rest of your life with.. The love languages are Acts of service,Words of affirmation, Quality time physical touch and receiving gifts…
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Unlearning is the process of discarding odd information or outdated As futurist and philosopher Alvin Toffler once wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who CANNOT read and write, but those who CANNOT LEARN, UNLEARN, AND RELEARN .” SHARE with a friend who you think this info might be helpful SUBSCRIBE ,Remember growth start f…
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Hi there..Being productive is as a result of commitment to excellence and intelligent planning this are some of applications on your phone to enhance productivity. 1.Google calendar ,keep,rescue ,daily expense ,notebook,Podcast apps , Samsung tracker and more. You can always reach me on my Email.maggiekaranja060@gmail.com Your life is AN ART…
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Healthy living starts from your thoughts You don't really need .Sugar is a drug and it's addictive. How it affects you. -SUGAR DAMAGES YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM -SUGAR CAN LEAD TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CANCER -SUGAR CAUSES PREMATURE AGING and etcs. Overall try a sugar free tea and slowly you will get there... Apologies for some cut of point due to some techn…
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'Stop living like the millionaire you are not"We all have some dumb move we've made in regards to money here are some of the common ways moves we make.Knowledge is power from the 8 point we can change our dumb moves to smart moves.... subscribe share comment..
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Most googled questions about money on how to save how to buy a house etc.lets establish a more organized way of spending what we earn ... Subscribe and share life is an art
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🎤Listen to understand how you can choose a podcast that will work for you daily why you need a podcast. Plus benefits.........Subscribe and Share life is an art... Thank you always
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SN2.Goin through Therapy as Medics during covid- 19 . Serenity prayer-four As of coping with stress
Mental health for a medic during covid Learn how to cope with stress and pressures . Using the serenity prayer and 4 A's Avoid Alter Accept Adapt. Subscribe to Life Is An Art if you want a free contact to a therapist or counselor email me on maggiekaranja060@gmail.com. thank you SUBSCRIBE
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Affirmation.means: Expressing affection through spoken affection, praise or appreciation. Acts of service: Actions, rather than words, are used to show and receive love. Start to day Subscribe to Life Is Art-kenyan podcast
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Tips of getting through quarantine ....remember Take caution maintain social distance above all we shall overcome
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Hey ,Thank you for joining remember subscribe. Today i am reminded that your good to the world comes back to you. be good always to people treat people with respect..
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Well choose what to consume..Advocate to using your time wisely to learn challenge yourself this are some of the hack you can use while commuting everyday to work school or any way
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Evaluation is always key before you make any major decisions and plan.in this episode you will learn things to keep in mind before noting down your resolutions.....spoiler **Honest
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With the right tools 2020..will work out for you.prepare your mindset to set your custom made goals..believe in yourself and affirm yourself....
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Self love is all about knowing what you deserve your worth dont settle for less it all begins with having an inner relationship with yourself ... SELF LOVE......is Part of LIFE IS AN ART part 2. Loading...........................
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Almost 60%of the most successfull people have routines that energizes and empower then and also keeps there mind creative throught there lives.Routine can elevate your spirts make you change your mindset ,Empower and help you feel organized to an extent that you can accomplish more..
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My story on change is your typical moving out story.. How i adapted and accomodated change.
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For Today try being honest with yourself completly journal everything then start working on the real self.
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Its a state of being fully aware and familiar with ones body.which allows one to notice various changes in our body as they work towards self growth ....:healthy mind body and soul
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Emotional awareness is the ability to recognise and make sense of not just your own emotions,
How aware of your emotions are you? It might sound a simple question, but emotions are not always as easy to describe as we’d like to think.Consider how often, if someone asks you how you feel, you say ‘fine’.
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Listen to inspiring words of a woman of many first who accomplished alot by showing her determination in making the world a better place..she reminds us of the humming bird who believed in its ability.....enjoy...Artify your life...
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Be an inspiration to others and slowly you will be to others.
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Knowing yourself makes you make more informed decision about youself.
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