Hello Singles! is a weekly podcast hosted by Pastors Derrick and Kim. The primary purpose of this podcast is to equip and prepare 'singles' towards a blessed marriage in Christ. In every episode we will answer frequently asked questions from singles, based on the Word of God. If you have a question, you can send it to us at: hellosinglespodcast@gmail.com
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GOODBYE HEARTBREAK, HELLO HEALING, Healing Broken Hearts, Empowering Women, Scriptural Healing, Find Your Love, Single Women, Christian Singles
Kandice A. Bateast, Heartbreak Coach, Author, Prayer Warrior
Do you feel heartbroken over a recent breakup? Did you think he was “the one”, but it turned out to be another failed relationship? Are you feeling like you’ll never find “the one” for you? Do you wish God would just bring the right man along so you can be happy? In this podcast I will share my journey of looking for love in all the wrong places to finally finding the true love I needed and how that led to me getting into the right position to be married. I had a lot of work to do in my sing ...
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Hey Sis! Are you struggling and frustrated with being single? Did you know that singleness is actually a gift? There are so many benefits that come with being a single Christian woman. You have the opportunity to do things now that you won’t have time to do as a married woman. Take advantage of these opportunities that have been gifted to you. Join…
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Hey Sis! Someone asked me how did I do it. How was I actually able to heal and move on after that devastating breakup? Well, today, I’m sharing how I overcame heartbreak and now have a life that I wouldn’t trade. There are some nuggets in here that you don’t want to miss. Be ready to listen and write down what you need. Let’s do this! ***My 40th bi…
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Hey Sis! Are you feeling a lot of hurt and pain after your breakup or divorce. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only been out of that relationship for a couple weeks or a couple of years. If you don’t process your thoughts and emotions, you’re going to find yourself stuck until you do. Join me today as we talk about what’s really happening in this seaso…
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Hey Sis! Your ex was not the end-all-be-all. That failed relationship was not your life. There’s more to your story than that. It’s time to embrace where you are. Your present season has so much to offer you. There’s so many opportunities available to you now. It’s time to look past the pain and prepare your mind for what God has next for you. I ho…
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Hey Sis! Are you having a hard time accepting that your relationship is over? This is a necessary step in the healing journey, but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. So let’s talk about how to embrace the end of this era. Are you ready? Let’s do it! ***Our first Sisterhood Connect event is happening March 11th at 6 PM CST. The theme is “Stronger Toge…
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Hey Sis! Loneliness has become an epidemic in our society. It’s even worse when you are going through a life changing event like a breakup or divorce. This season may feel isolating, but you can overcome the feelings of loneliness. Get a pen and paper and press play! ***Our first Sisterhood Connect event is happening March 11th at 6 PM CST. The the…
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Hey Sis! Healing alone is tough. Find a community of sisters to make your healing journey more fruitful. Let’s talk about the power of healing together. ***Our first Sisterhood Connect event is happening March 11th at 6 PM CST. The theme is “Stronger Together.” Join me for a little sister time, encouragement, and more. This event is 100% FREE. All …
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Hey Sis! I know this Valentine’s Day may make you feel lonely and miss your ex. I know it’s tough, which is why I want you to shift your perspective. Instead of focusing on love from other people, focus on love from God and loving yourself. Get ready to see yourself the way God sees you! ***We are having our very special Galentine’s Sale this week.…
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Hey Sis! Most people use the words alone and lonely interchangeably, but they are not the same. In fact, there are some very key differences that can have a major impact on how you view and get through this heart healing season, especially this Valentine’s Day. Let’s learn about these important differences, then you can see where you fall on the sp…
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Hey Sis! Last week we talked about dealing with your fears through faith. This week I want to talk about how to build your faith. Let’s face it, sometimes we may feel like our faith isn’t sufficient for the test we’re currently facing. And after a breakup or divorce, you may find it really hard to have faith at all. That’s why it’s important to alw…
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Hey Sis! Fear may not be the main emotion we pinpoint after a breakup, but for most women, it’s there. It creeps in and steals your peace and joy. It’s time to identify those fears and take your life back. Let’s do this! Resources and Services Grieving The Living Ecourse (On sale until January 31, 2025–no code needed) My YouVersion Bible Plans Good…
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Hey Sis! We’re still at the beginning of the year, and I would love to see this year be something different for you. A new heart is something I know you desire right now, and it is available to you. All you have to do is surrender your heart to God and let him do the rest. You’re going to need a notebook/journal and pen for this one. Let’s grow! Re…
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Hey Sis! You may be tired of dealing with loneliness, but you have to make sure you are actually ready to be in a relationship with someone else. A big part of preparing for future relationships is healing from the past ones. Join me for this episode to find out how healing helps prepare you for the relationship you desire. Resources and Services G…
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Hey Sis! After a difficult breakup, you need something to look forward to in order to move on. I have the perfect scripture and devotional reading for you. Join me for this episode for the encouragement you need! **The New Year Sale on my devotional, Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose is happening now! Get your copy by going to https://www.kandiceaba…
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Hey Sis! Prayer is a key component in our lives as Christian women. It’s how we communicate with God. Did you know there’s a way to give our prayers more power? We do this by praying the scriptures. We give God’s word back to Him, showing Him that we have faith in what He said. I know that it may be hard to find scriptures that you feel pertain to …
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Hey Sis! Being consistent is key no matter what goal you’re trying to achieve. But when it comes to healing your broken heart, it can make or break your future. Today, I’m sharing one of our sister’s testimony of how being consistent with 3 things helped her move on after a sudden devastating breakup. Join us for episode 200 as we get this New Year…
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Hey Sis! Grieving after a breakup is always hard, but it’s especially hard during the Christmas and New Year Holiday Season. This episode is all about helping you manage your grief in this difficult season with some simple dos and don’ts. Get your notebook and pen for this one. **Instead of going back to regular price, my online course Grieving The…
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Hey Sis! Some people choose numbing and avoidance instead of healing. While it’s not healthy, it’s understandable. Healing is hard work for almost everyone who needs it. However, there are benefits to healing, and I can’t wait to share them with you in this week’s episode. **Instead of going back to regular price, my online course Grieving The Livi…
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Hey Sis! In our last episodes, I gave you a ton of information about the first 4 stages of grief after a breakup. In today’s episode, I’ll be going over sages 5-7. Don’t worry sis! I believe you will overcome your grief and be healed. Now, grab your notebook and pen again, it’s time to go deep! **Today is the last day of the CYBER SALE (12/5/24). G…
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Hey Sis! Today’s episode is so informative. I am breaking down the first 4 stages of grief after a breakup. Whenever you lose someone or something that was extremely important to you, you’re going to grieve, whether you want to or not. And when it comes to healing your broken heart, it’s a crucial and important step. You don’t want to miss this epi…
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Hey Sis! Are you in an unexpected season right now? Truthfully, no season should be spent waiting for the next one. There’s always a way to enjoy the season that you’re in. So whether you are heartbroken or simply desiring a relationship, you can reframe your thoughts to find joy in this season while you heal and prepare for the next season. Get yo…
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Hey Sis! It’s almost Thanksgiving, and I’m sure a breakup wasn’t on the menu originally. But here you are doing your best to heal in the midst of this holiday season, and it may be hard to see the good in your life right now. Well, today we are going to talk about gratitude as a conduit for healing. It really is a key component in the healing proce…
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Hey Sis! Are you feeling frustrated in this season? Have you been able to trace the source of your frustration? When we try to control certain things in our lives that might be going on around us, it can disrupt our peace and have the opposite effect of what we were hoping for. In this episode we are going to identify some things that may be frustr…
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Hey Sis! It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to healing a broken heart, but there’s one thing that can be a game changer on this journey. Join me for today’s episode to find out how to start making real progress in this season. Resources and Services FREE End of Year Reflection Journal My YouVersion Bible Plans Goodbye Heartbreak He…
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Hey Sis! I can’t believe this year is almost over, but it’s not over yet. There is still time for you to get it together and finish strong this year. And even if you’re going strong already, take some time to start preparing for the new year. If you’re excited about what’s to come, you don’t want to miss the episode to help you get there. ***Don’t …
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Hey Sis! Is life not going according to your plan? Are you in a place where you are struggling to wait on God? I know how you feel. I have been there. And to be honest, I find myself there again. Waiting on God is not the easy option, but it is the best option. It may be time to let go of control and surrender to God. If you find yourself in this p…
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Hey Sis! Today is our 2 year anniversary of Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose: A 365-Day Devotional, and we are here to celebrate 🎉 When you’re going through something difficult, it’s hard to find everything you need in one place, especially as a Christian woman. Well, today, I’m going to share with you how you can use one specific resource to help …
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Hey Sis! This week we are celebrating our 2 year anniversary of Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose: A 365-Day Devotional, and today, I’m reading one of my devotions straight from the book. Know that even when we feel like we are surrounded by pain and sorrow, and it seems like there’s no way out, God is with us. He will fight for us, but we have to h…
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187. Feeling Unworthy of Love While Battling Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts with Sherrell Richmond
🚨🚨Trigger Warning🚨🚨 Today we are talking about the sensitive topic of suicide. September was suicide prevention month. And as a mental health professional, I think it’s important to highlight the topic. So if hearing about suicide triggers you in any way, please do not listen to this episode. If you or someone you know struggle with suicidal though…
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Hey Sis! Starting to read the Bible or even staying consistent with it can be tough. We have all struggled in this area. I believe one of the main reasons Bible reading can be so scary and intimidating is because it’s hard to know where to start. Well, I’m here to help with this because reading the Bible is one of the most important things we shoul…
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Hey Sis! Forgiveness is a crucial step in your healing journey. I know from experience that forgiving your ex is not the easiest thing to do, and a big part of the struggle is because of what we think that forgiveness represents. I’m here to tell you that unforgiveness will keep you stuck in bondage. So the sooner you can make the choice to forgive…
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184. Stay In Touch, Let Go, or Set Boundaries? How To Deal With Your Ex's Family and Mutual Friends After a Breakup
Your ex’s family and mutual friends may be difficult territory to navigate after a breakup. If you’re struggling in this area, you are not alone. Today, one of our sisters from the Goodbye Heartbreak Community emailed me about this topic, and she’s not the first one to bring it up. So get your journal and listen up while I talk about it! **My summe…
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Hey Sis! Do you feel like your life has been turned upside down since your breakup? I know it can be hard to establish a routine, a new normal after a breakup, especially when you’re still hurting. Try to remember that routines are extremely helpful when we feel like our lives are chaotic. Routines tend to bring a sense of peace, calm, and my favor…
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Hey Sis! The devil uses anything he can to get you off track. Stealing your peace is one of his main tactics to shift your attention from God to the cares of this world, and your breakup is a prime opportunity to do just that. It may feel like you have no control over anything that’s happening in your life, but that’s not true. You can’t change wha…
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Hey Sis! You may feel like you have been struggling with a broken heart for a long time. I know you want this season to be over. I get it. There’s always something to learn in and take from every season. I know things do not feel good to you right now, but know that it will not last forever. God is preparing you for something more. Make heartbreak …
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Hey Sis! The summer time is typically associated with fun trips, activities, and gatherings. However, this summer may look and feel a little different for you this year. I know you still want to enjoy your summer, but don’t neglect your healing process. And whatever you do, don’t leave yourself open to be taken advantage of. Learn how to protect yo…
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Hey Sis! The devil is using your breakup, your heartache, and your pain against you. He’s not the creator of anything, but he’s using what has already happened in your life to keep you stuck. He does not want you to be the woman God created you to be, filled with purpose and power. Today, we’re exposing the enemy, so he can’t manipulate you anymore…
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Hey Sis! We’re celebrating our 2 year podcast anniversary this week, so we have a special episode today. I wanted to talk to single women in general. There was one thing that made my single season really difficult, and that was discontentment. I want you to enjoy being single and thrive in this season. So grab a notebook and pen and press play! **W…
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Hey Sis! We’re celebrating our 2 year podcast anniversary this week, so I wanted to share what actually made me commit to the healing process. It’s much easier to run in and out of relationships than to actually sit with yourself, process your emotions, and patiently wait for God to bring healing to your broken heart. But truth be told, that’s what…
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Hey Sis! Moms deal with heartbreak too. It’s incredibly difficult to process pain and heal when you have little ones, but it’s not impossible. Today I’m sharing tips that I learned when I went through the separation with my husband while my kids were 1 and 3-years-old. If you are intentional with your time, a little time can help you reap a big rew…
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Hey Sis! You might be thinking you’re lonely in this season, and you can’t wait to get into another relationship and find the man that God has for you. But I have a question for you–are you ready for that? I’m sure you want the next man you get into a relationship with to be “the one,” which means you want him to be one of God’s sons. However, to t…
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Hey Sis! Are you feeling lonely? Are you trying to find a way to stop the pain after your breakup? Then, it’s a real possibility that you think hopping into another relationship is the right move for you. But I’m here to tell you that getting another man, or going back to the old one, is not really what you need right now. Join me in this episode t…
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Hey Sis! First, let me apologize for the inconsistency in the volume of this episode. I know that your self-esteem may have been impacted by your ex cheating on you. That’s the natural way we tend to respond when something like that happens. We look within and believe it was all our fault, or at least we could have done something to prevent it from…
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Hey Sis! You might think there’s no harm in holding onto hope that you and your ex will get back together. However, holding onto your ex will block you from moving forward in other areas of your life and prevent you from truly enjoying your life. If you’re having a hard time letting go of your ex, join me for this episode and find out exactly what …
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Hey Sis! We talk a lot about healing, but today, we’re switching gears. I know some of you may be ready to date, or at least, you plan to someday. And while dating has changed a lot since I was in the dating pool, there are some things that will never change. Whether you are ready to start right now or if it might be awhile, I have some dating tips…
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Hey Sis! Have you ever thought about how Jesus’ death and resurrection relates to your life and your current season of healing? As we prepare our hearts to celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday in different parts of the world, I challenge you to give more thought to what actually happened to Jesus that weekend and the eternal effects it has for u…
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Hey Sis! I’m sharing my thoughts one more time as I reflect over the past 2 decades of my life. I want you to be prepared to do better than I did when it came to the decisions I made and actually going through the healing process. Join me for a few minutes as we talk about the benefits of finding healing sooner. I am celebrating my 39th birthday wi…
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168. Trying To Get Back To Who You Were Before That Relationship? 1 Thing God Revealed To Me With Just 1 Year Left In My 30s
Hey Sis! It’s very likely that you have changed a lot since you first entered the relationship with your ex. Now that the relationship is over, you may be tempted to go back to the woman you were before that relationship began. However, something tells me you’re struggling with that, and I have a feeling that I know why. Join me for a little heart-…
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Hey Sis! After a breakup, I hear so many women talk about how they want to get closer to God or grow their relationship with God. Therefore, I thought I’d share my experience about going deeper in my relationship with God and how my desire for him grew after experiencing heartbreak. If I can do it, so can you. Listen to this reading from my devotio…
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Hey Sis! I know you have lots of questions since your breakup happened. There are lots of thoughts in your head right now. But if you’re not careful, these questions and thoughts will have a negative effect on your emotions, mental health, and self-worth. The thing is you may not even be aware that you’re asking yourself these questions and creatin…
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