Four likely lads talk the mysteries of the distant universe, conjuring the dark arts and fish sticks.
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HWS podcast
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"It's like the public access version of a radio program" If you listen to this, shoot me an email:
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HEY THERE 😁 I'm an RDN and CPT. THIS is your place for health, nutrition, and fitness. What's on YOUR mind?
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Podcast by ross and Ryan
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A personal take on my life with Parkinson's both before and after DBS surgery. Serving as a resource of awareness and action regarding Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders #parkinsons #dbs #parkinsonswarrior #keepmoving #takeitback Support this podcast:
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Lifelong Bionic fans John S. Drew and Paul K. Bisson take an in-depth look at the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman. It's a fun, lively, and informative discussion with fellow fans, including the web masters of popular Bionic fan sites, contributors to officially licensed Bionic merchandise, notable names in Geekdom, and authors of fantastic literature. They also interview the people involved in creating these two sci-fi classics, from actors to writers to producers. And they talk ...
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SEASON 3 - My Beautiful Cyborg: A love Story About Hearing - Most of 2019 was about podcasting, but Caroline was listening, not recording. Now the story continues with ongoing experience. The emotions are still big, with gratitude front and centre. Season three will also introduce new voices - audiologists, voice actors, broadcasters, and public speakers - we'll explore hearing from people who rely on it. The baby steps are over; join Caroline as she breaks into a run. And Andreas tries to k ...
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How To Unthaw From A Deep Freeze, or Several Ways I Trained My Brain And Body To React To Freezing During Parkinson’s “Off” Times
In this episode we discuss freezing during Parkinson's off times and some tricks of the trade I use to get out of them by creating a new construct by utilizing what I developed and adapted into what I call the Kovaks Method. #parkinsons #gaitfreezing #dbs #parkinsonsawareness This episode is also available as a blog post: https://mycyborglife.wordp…
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In this episode we discuss the relationship between gut health and brain health and the cooperation of our regular brain and nervous system and our second brain and Enteric nervous system towards gut and brains health. I also offer a few tip that worked for me which you can use to help take control of your body and improve your gut and brain functi…
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In this episode we discuss strategies to manage off times with Parkinson's medications and how to develop the proper regimen of medication. We also touch on my experience with Deep Brain Stimulation as a treatment option. #parkinsons #dbs #offtimes #psrkinsonsdisease #parkinsonsawareness--- Support this podcast:…
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s2e4 - Adam : A very tall musician talks about politics, roller derby, and youtube cookin'.
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1:08:22Just to be honest with you- I actually named this show back before the pandemic. Everything is a dystopia, and we’re all cyborgs, so I’m just shooting for the widest possible demographic. Today I talk to my friend Adam, who is a bass player and musician with the Mineapolis-based band The Right Here. They’re on Spotify and they have a website at The…
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Tacoma and the people eating shark game updates from Matt.
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Season 2 episode 2- New York times news has stuff to say.
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The title! Just read the title.
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January 28, 2018 was Caroline's last deaf day. Two years later - to the day - Caroline and Andreas catch up on the long podcast-free period (most of 2019): Caroline is listening to podcasts. A lot of them. Constantly. Caroline talks about her favourite podcasts, her favourite podcast and radio voices, what it's like to hear on vacation, a technical…
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A Thing of the Past
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1:28:04Cyborgs returns with an ALL-NEW episode review! Host, Paul K. Bisson invites longtime Bionic fan, Rod De Luca, Jr. back to the podcast to take a swing at the fourth episode of the Bionic Woman: "A Thing of the Past." Originally broadcast on February 18, 1976, and guest-starring the legendary Donald O'Connor ("Singing in the Rain") as an Ojai school…
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9 16 19
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9 13 19
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9 12 19
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We drive around and stuff.
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Tampa, Hudson, an airport.
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More detail
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A podcast called A Girlscout And A Cyborg
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In November 2018, Caroline and Andreas received a Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation "Courage Award," recognizing extraordinary efforts in approaching Caroline's hearing and loss, but also for their advocacy, awareness, and mentoring. The Courage Gala on April 12 was a memorable evening. The gala theme was "The Colours of Courage." There w…
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It's Celebration time. It's about time. In mid-February Caroline and Andreas traveled to Nashville to speak and take in Cochlear Celebration. It was all go go go and rush rush rush once they got back. One more big event with a talk, and another coming up at the end of May, the pair have had their hands full. Plus the mentoring, plus the day to day …
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April 17 - 26
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March 27 - march 31
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mar 14 2019
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Pope fiction, bad voice recognition
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Gary Gygax and Pulp Fiction
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spoilers about Captain Marvel
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Spielberg/ Netflix / Metallica
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Mr. Rogers is a grunge nice-core icon.
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looking at apartments
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Hey have you watched Terminator 2 or Sorry to Bother You by Boots Riley
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scammy craigslist landlord
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concussion continues
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go watch Better Things with Pamela Adlon. It's really good.
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green book wins best picture and confirms that the Academy is out of touch with reality. shoot me an email and I'll try to respond on here:
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concussion day 2
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terminator and concussion
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Feb 22nd 2019
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70. green book / driving miss daisy .
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The Martain, Snow Day, Minneapolis
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define cyborg
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66 Minneapolis
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65. the best ever last day of being 30s
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