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South City C3 6PM The Book of Esther is unique in that it is the only book of the Bible that does not mention God directly. On its face, this is strange. But as the story progresses, God's unseen hand and His working behind the scenes appears to come into focus. The aim of this evening service series is to explore the message of the Book of Esther,…
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South City C3 6PM In this special 3x7 night, we heard from 3 members of our community who each shared a 7 minute message. Izi Coleman, Stuart Moorhouse, and Georgia Fretwell each explored a different aspect of who God is: God is Our Comforter, God is Merciful, and God is Peace.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 6PM In this message, Josh explores how the Holy Spirit is the source of all of the power we need to live as followers of Jesus, and how the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of discernment are tools that can help us to stay plugged into that power source.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 6PM In this message, Josh takes a look at the spiritual gifts of Faith, Healing, and Miracles, and explores how if we want to grow in these gifts, then we must grow in our trust of God’s ability to make the impossible possible.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 6PM In this message, John explores the serving gifts: mercy, hospitality, helps/service, administration, giving, and encouragement/leadership and how these gifts equip us to advance the cause of love in the world around us.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 6PM In tonight's message, Georgia Fretwell explores the fact that there is a healthy way to do prophecy and there is an unhealthy way to do prophecy, and oftentimes the best way to create a safe environment for us to grow in the prophetic gifts is to define healthy boundaries.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10AM In this message, Pastor John explores the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and takes a look at how Matthew 25 applies to all of us.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 6PM In this message, Josh Taylor explores the prophetic gifts, and how if we are willing to put aside fear and disappointment and step out in faith, then we can become messengers of love who give life-changing moments away to the people around us.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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A Healthy Prophetic Culture - John Thwaites
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1:58:34South City C3 10AM In this special message, John Thwaites explores what it looks like for us to have a healthy culture around prayer and the prophetic within our church.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 We are making a change to the way we distribute podcasts. Please subscribe to Anchor to find new St Martins C3 Church messages. Old podcasts will be stored on Podbean for now. Our messages will also be available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Breaker - just search for St Martins C3 Church. Thanks for listening!…
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South City C3 6PM In this message, Josh Taylor introduces a new series called "The Presents of God". The aim of the series is to invite you into greater experience of the spiritual gifts, to equip you to understand them, and to empower you to move in them. In this first message of the series, Josh explores the purpose of the spiritual gifts, and ho…
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South City C3 6PM In this message, Josh Taylor explores a sense that God is inviting us to receive new wine, and if we are willing to lay down our need to be comfortable, then God might just take us somewhere we’ve never been before.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10AM In this message, John Thwaites explores the Parable of the Way to Court and what Jesus was trying to communicate by sharing it.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In this message, Jonty King finishes off our resilient series with an encouragement to be aware of God's constant presence in our lives.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM Psalm 16:2 says, "apart from you I have no good thing." Listen, as Jonty explores how this phrase makes sense of all of our lives.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 Vision is something we all need, and because we know Christ and His purpose for our loves, our vision ought to be clearer and more compelling that that of the world.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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As we finish out this series, Joshua walks us through an overview timeline that covers what happens from the moment Jesus returns and explore what lay beyond it. Through it, we see the end of the story really is not the End of the World but rather the beginning of its greatest chapter yet.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 Overwork is a phenomenon that is reaching pandemic levels in our world. In this message, Jonty King shares the way Jesus encourages us to approach work and rest.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, John explores what happens after we die - both for the believer and the unbeliever.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10AM In this special Family Service message, Eleanor Croker explores how we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 How well we cope with what is going on around our lives depends more on what is goin on inside us. In this message, Warren Gouman shares about the daily renewal all Christ followers can receive.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM Being a Christian can be embarrassing. Not because of Jesus but because of other Christians and their wacky beliefs. Nowhere is this more evident than in what people say about end times. In this message, Warren explores what we can confidently know about Jesus' return. Includes an extended Q & A with the audience.…
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South City C3 10AM In this message, Pastor John asks the question, "Do you hear the rattling?"Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 As we begin this new sermon series, Ps. Warren shares that our relationship with God will empower us to be resilient in the face of all life's challenges.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10AM In this message, guest speaker Merekaraka Tawa shares about recognising the spiritual moment our nation is in and how we as the body of Christ can respond.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Jonty looks at how the discussion of end times can be scary but how a true understanding of it should prevent us from being afraid - not only then, but also now.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In our family service, we look at two kinds of clubs. One where obeying rules are the condition of entrance and another one where you are already in. Jonty asks the question, "which one is closest to Christianity?"Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM According to the Bible, the "End of the World" isn't really the end after all. Rather, it is the period of time in which this present age will transition into the age to come. Jesus, who once came to the earth as a suffering servant will return as a conquering King. This series will explore key questions related to the End Times and give a…
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St Martins C3 As we seek to bring God's Kingdom to our city, Warren Gouman shares a few things we need to keep in mind.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Jonty looks at the way we change in all of our lives and how we can make a lasting transformation in all of our lives.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In this message, Kathy King explores the intersection of mental health and spiritual health, whilst exploring Paul's journey to Rome in the book of Acts.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Josh Taylor explores how God will lead us into seasons of pruning. These times of trimming and loss can be hard, but they can also be a doorway into deeper love.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10am In this message, David Walker explores prophecies that have been fulfilled around God's purposes for Israel and encourages us to be ready for Jesus' return.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In this message, we look at the quality of relationships we should have with members of the church and how to achieve what was so important to Jesus.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Jonty looks at Jesus' words encouraging people out of the crowd. In Luke 14:25-35, Jesus encouraged people to count the cost and do what it takes to be counted amongst the disciples.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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A special announcement from Jonty King about the future of the City 6PM service hosted at South City C3.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10AM In this message, John takes a look at the story of the sons of Sceva and what we can learn from it about authority and prayer.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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In this message, guest speaker Grant Norsworthy helps us to understand the importance of singing in worship.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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In this message, John Thwaites explores our struggle of not coming to Jesus and how we can learn to approach him in every area of our life.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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South City C3 10AM In this message, John Thwaites challenges us with a story from the book of Acts that highlights the importance of not holding grudges and keeping our hearts free.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In this message, Warren Gouman shares about our role as a church: to encourage and equip you to fulfil God’s purposes for your life.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Rachel explores Luke 13:10-35 and looks at the way Jesus' actions and teaching grow the Kingdom and how he wants to do the same now.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In this message, we are exploring how the church needs to be good stewards and spreaders of the gospel God has given us.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Warren explores Luke 12:49-13:9 and sees the challenge from Jesus for us to make a return on the investment he has made in us.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 The only person in all of Scripture to give a name to God was a woman named Hagar. She lived a rough life but the name she gave God made a big difference to her. If we were to see God the same way it would have a lasting impact on us too.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM In this message, Joshua Taylor explores three parables that Jesus gave concerning His return and how He expects His followers to live in expectation of that return.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 In this message, Warren Gouman takes us through a challenging piece of scripture to show us that prayers prayed in faith will have power beyond what you can imagine.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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City 6PM If we try and live life with ungodly attitudes we will struggle. We will hate it and we might even give up because we think it is too hard. However, If we have a Christ-like perspective then we can endure and even enjoy all that will come about. In Luke 12-14, Jesus gets his followers ready with the right mindsets so they can face anything…
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In this message, Pastor John looks at the Church in the book of Acts and how God used them to do incredible things.Por C3 Church Christchurch
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St Martins C3 God primarily works through His relationship with us. For that relationship to be effective, He needs us to be, surrendered, responsive and in agreement with Him. In this message, Warren explores how prayers of surrender, attentiveness and agreement, will change you and change the world around you.…
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