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Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
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In this new series, Helen Lewis and Armando Iannucci investigate which political buzzwords are strong and stable and which are a crock of covfefe. Each week Helen and Armando will crack open the political phrasebook and attempt to decode the doublespeak. Why does everything now have to be 'turbo-charged'? What's the difference between a 'pledge' and a 'mission'? Why has my local MP been 'weaponised' and should I be worried? You'll be treated to a crash course in the dark arts of political la ...
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Follow Jesus Together. Learn More |
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Listen anytime to messages from LMC Pastors and other guest speakers!
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Messages by Pastor Seyi Oluwasola and Ministers of The City of Refuge, Melbourne
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Messages from Christian Believers Meeting
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Messages from the Sunday morning service at Family Church in West Palm Beach, FL.
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Messages from Waters Edge - New Episodes every Monday!
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A podcast from University Christian Church in Fort Worth, TX. Visit our website at
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Messages from Westgate Chapel, Edmonds, WA
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Weekly messages from our worship service.
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Keep up or catch up with the messages from Christ's Church of Deer Park
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Messages from St. Andrew Lutheran Church of Middleton, Wisconsin.
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This podcast publishes our weekly Sunday message.
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Messages from Sundays at Redland Hills Church in Wetumpka, AL
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This is a weekly podcast of the Wednesday Night Bible Study at Calvary Chapel of Roswell, NM with Pastor Jim Suttle.
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Hosts Andrew and Vieves talk TV commercials with their listeners, the Ad Council, in this weekly podcast. As the slogan says, they've got "hot takes on commercial breaks." Find them at
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Messages from our Sunday morning worship services.
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Weekly messages from Steve Bateman and the other pastors at First Bible Church, Decatur-Madison
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Sunday Morning Messages from Christ's Center Church - Junction City, OR
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Catch Heritage of Faith's Sunday Morning Messages here and build your faith all week!
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With Jesus, like Jesus, more every day. Gain insight into life and scripture: listen to the weekly sermons from Vancouver Church.
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Weekly conversations with great preachers.
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The Market Your Message Show is hosted by a professional blogger, Jonathan Milligan, who loves helping messengers (bloggers, writers, speakers, and coaches) rise above the noise so they can get paid for what they know! The podcast covers topics like web traffic, SEO, email list building, platform building, growing an audience, marketing funnels, making money blogging, creating online courses, launching membership sites, creating great content, and more!
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Church of the Nativity message podcasts
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Messages from the weekend services at Northlands Church
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These are the preaching messages of M1 Church, (Mansfield First Assembly of God), in Mansfield Ohio.
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商業合作 《18禁》#爆笑 #專業 誰說不能外出優雅,床上麻辣?性,自己愛最大! 地方人妻 VS. 性學家 VS. 帥T好朋友 / 保守 VS. 豪放 對於性,一個害羞靦腆,一個身經百戰,一個勇敢愛 對於性,一個觀念很大眾,一個是看盡性愛百態的性諮詢師,一個對性意猶未盡 S、M 、帥T好朋友,以健康又爆笑的角度聊性 愛要盡興、也要盡性! S:高 賽 夫 人 美國ACS性學家 世界華人性學會常務理事 台灣多間大學講師 婦產科性諮詢師 M:就 只 是 地 方 人 妻 帥 T 好朋友: 負責帶食物餵肥大家順便負責搞笑的帥 T
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Fellowship Church Messages
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Taking the message of Christ across the globe.
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Weekly messages from Worship Center's services.
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Sunday Messages from First Baptist Church - Columbus, TX 1700 Milam St. Columbus, TX 78934 USA
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Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
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In diesem Podcast erzählen die Mitglieder der Message on stage Academy von ihren Herzensthemen. Ganz bunt gemischt und herrlich locker.Lass dich inspirieren und lern unsere Experten der Academy kennen.
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Nothing changes the atmosphere quite like a miracle, but God seldom does miracles alone—He loves to partner with His children to do what man alone cannot do.
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Saturday, February 1, 2025 Day 28 of 28 Days of Prayer From Acts 4:23-31Por Redland Hills Church
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Send us a text Want access to the book? go to Mastering the Art of Selling: Understanding & Appealing to Four Types of Buyers In this enlightening episode, we dive into the wisdom of David Ogilvy and explore his timeless lessons on understanding and appealing to four distinct buyer types. We start by revisiting Ogilvy's icon…
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Por Paris Shewey
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Show Notes:Superbowl halftime show[USA Today]([Who is doing the Super Bowl halftime show 2025? Predicting Kendrick Lamar's setlist](…
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Comedy writer Armando Iannucci and journalist Helen Lewis decode the utterly baffling world of political language. This week, Trump has truly settled back into the White House, but is it different this time around? Helen and Armando take a look at how this unique politician uses language to get his way. We also look at Trump Derangement Syndrome - …
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2025年1月26日主日礼拝 メッセージ 「何を信じるのか」浜崎 英一師 聖書箇所 暗唱聖句 「ですから、だれでもキリストのうちにあるなら、その人は新しく造られた者です。古いものは過ぎ去って、見よ、すべてが新しくなりました。これらのことはすべて、神から出ています。」 Ⅱコリント5:17~18 ダウンロード メッセージ このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちらPor OVMC
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John Piper | When the people of God gladly sing of his riches together, the saints mature, Satan retreats, and the word of Christ goes forth.Por John Piper
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#482 Letter Done
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Andrew and Vieves look at commercials putting the grand epistolary tradition to work selling everything from sneakers to skin care. Plus, it’s a banner day for Andrew when one Ad Councilor discovers that he was right about something, and tooth-forward soccer legend Jürgen Klopp loves a foamy beer.Here are links to the ads we talked about in this we…
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Join us this week as we continue our thru the Bible, verse by verse study. In tonight's study, we see in 1 Thessalonians 4 how Paul tells the Thessalonians how they can/should grow...more and more. To grow in love, in holiness, in love, in quietness and in hope. In our Thru the Bible study, we are journeying through the Bible, at a pace of around a…
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Sunday Message recorded 26 January 2025 by Senior Pastor Victor Morrison First Baptist Church - Columbus, TX, USA 1700 Milam St. Columbus, TX, USA 78934Por David
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Preacher: Kate Bauer Date: 1/26/25 Series: Rhythms of Renewal Key Scriptures: Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy be…
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We have a generation of people with identity confusion and many who are broken-hearted. The Lord is building His church to be the answer to the questions and confusion of their hearts. Believers are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We are a people strategically placed in the right place so that through us, the truth of God’s word c…
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Por Fellowship Bible Church Tulsa
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Nous commençons une nouvelle série, où nous traversons les grands en-têtes du Credo de Nicée, à l’occasion des 1700 ans du premier Grand Concile Œcuménique. La série est lancée alors que nous considérons comment tout change lorsque nous nous soumettons à l’autorité du Père, et que nous recevons son affection bienveillante dans nos vies.…
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Pastor Jose launches the "Follow Jesus" series looking at following and belonging to Jesus!
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Por Church of the Nativity
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The Advanrage || First Things First Conference Morning Service || Pastor Justin Bridges || 01.26.25
Join our Sunday Morning Service with our Senior Pastor, Justin Bridges, as he ministers a Word in season for us today! www.heritageoffaith.comPor Heritage of Faith Christian Center
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Por uccftw
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Message from Tyler Hannel on 'Spaces' recorded at Northlands Church on January 26, 2025Por Tyler Hannel
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Por Family Church
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Por John Rosensteel
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“Life is not fair” is a common theme in the present day but how can it be fair? We live in a fallen world around fallen people. But there is One who can make sense of it all because He is sovereign. He has the power to orchestrate the events of our life even in a fallen world. This is clearly seen in the life of Joseph as his prison experience led …
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Follow Jesus
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God will not be propped up by human strength, but through Christ’s grace and obedience to His Word, we are made holy, upheld, and blessed to carry His presence in our lives.
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Por Pastor Mark
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Of all the good things you can do, and you can do plenty, what could be better than pointing someone to Jesus? That good thing could have eternal results. That good thing was also the special role God gave to John the Baptist and the special role God gives to us, too. Today, the Spirit will not only teach us about John the Baptist, but he will enco…
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Por Steve Bateman
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Por (Jeff Spry)
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Stewardship isn't about waiting for the perfect moment—it's about taking a step with what God has entrusted to you before the opportunity slips away. The third servant in Matthew 25 missed his chance because he mischaracterized the master, allowed fear to paralyze him, and ultimately wasted what he was given. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back. …
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Are you content with who you are? Are you content with your physical body? Though our bodies are broken by sin, they remain a significant part of who we are, designed by God and redeemed through Christ. It is possible to learn to be content with our bodies even though we “groan inwardly” while we “wait eagerly” for the redemption of our bodies.…
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Por Tim Kubow
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Janell Wallis:01/26/2025Por Janell Wallis
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1/26/25 - John 19:18 - "The Cross" (Rev. Justin L. Hunter)Por Rev. Justin L. Hunter
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6-Matthew 4;12-25 "A Great Light Dawning" by BerkeleyUBFPor BerkeleyUBF
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Join us for a study of Malachi 3:13-15 God unpacks that God’s people are speaking harsh words against Him. Join us to understand what this is and what it looks like in our world. May we learn to use our tongues for good and God’s glory. On Sunday mornings we are doing a verse by verse study of Malachi and we invite you to journey through this amazi…
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John Piper | Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.Por John Piper
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Category: Messages, 2025, January 2025 Verses: 1 John 4:19, Revelation 2:2-5Por (James Chan)
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Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3, 17:1-8, Acts 3:11-26 True Story Do you ever hear someone tell a story and wonder if it’s really true? We all have. Sometimes it’s just too far-fetched or out there to believe. Sometimes God's Story of salvation can sound a bit like that too. Join us over the next 9 weeks as we dive into God's story and how it connects to …
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In dieser Folge darf ich die C-laus Claus Webersdorfer interviewen. Wir gehen der Frage nach, wie man herausfindet, was denn die persönlichen Werte sind und warum dies absolut wichtig ist. Und auch das Thema Vision darf viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, denn die Vision ist wie ein Leitstern unseres täglichen Tuns im Business. Hör unbedingt rein un…
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Do You Want to Make Better Decisions in 2025? Struggling to make choices that truly benefit your life? Worried about making the wrong decision? Whether you're trying to improve your finances, your diet, or learn a new skill, you have to make intentional decisions. Yet, with so many choices to make every day, sticking to the plan can feel overwhelmi…
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